Weekly Account Tally Talk

Time for a change......

The tally is losing it's purpose. We have so many people following Ebb that the tally is no longer a reflection of the individual. I thought that you were not suppose to post your moves if your following a system, either paid or free! I could be wrong. I think we need to change who is included in the tally. It should be for people who makes moves based on their analysis, not someone else's.

My 2 cents.
You are NOT supposed to post your moves if you are following a TSP Talk pay service that charges a fee. The only TSP Talk Pay service at this time is RevShark!:cool:
Time for a change......

The tally is losing it's purpose. We have so many people following Ebb that the tally is no longer a reflection of the individual. I thought that you were not suppose to post your moves if your following a system, either paid or free! I could be wrong. I think we need to change who is included in the tally. It should be for people who makes moves based on their analysis, not someone else's.

My 2 cents.
There are still plenty of Members that don't follow EBB or the others. Some may happen to make the same IFTs and it is just happenstance. I make my own decisions!:suspicious:
Time for a change......

The tally is losing it's purpose. We have so many people following Ebb that the tally is no longer a reflection of the individual. I thought that you were not suppose to post your moves if your following a system, either paid or free! I could be wrong. I think we need to change who is included in the tally. It should be for people who makes moves based on their analysis, not someone else's.

My 2 cents.
Also, even Ebbnflow, admittedly, doesn't follow his own system 100% of the time. Some of these subtleties are seemingly insignificant, but I think everybody personalizes his/her account to some extent and wants to know how (s)he, personally, is doing vs. everyone else. I don't think this is a bad thing as long as these systems are currently non-propriatery.
There are still plenty of Members that don't follow EBB or the others. Some may happen to make the same IFTs and it is just happenstance. I make my own decisions!:suspicious:

Oh I agree for the most part. Though if you look, you will see members that post exactly like Ebb. Just look at the people(who post) who were upset with Ebb's late move last Monday!
Also, even Ebbnflow, admittedly, doesn't follow his own system 100% of the time. Some of these subtleties are seemingly insignificant, but I think everybody personalizes his/her account to some extent and wants to know how (s)he, personally, is doing vs. everyone else. I don't think this is a bad thing as long as these systems are currently non-propriatery.

Agree. Though the members that are following Ebb 100% need not post. IMHO
Time for a change......

The tally is losing it's purpose. We have so many people following Ebb that the tally is no longer a reflection of the individual. I thought that you were not suppose to post your moves if your following a system, either paid or free! I could be wrong. I think we need to change who is included in the tally. It should be for people who makes moves based on their analysis, not someone else's.

My 2 cents.
I agree as well. The rules (#6) state that members shouldn't use the autotracker if they are following a service...

But even members who do use the other services like to have their accounts tracked, particulary if they are not following the system move by move. We may have to make some changes for these members where we track their return and display it maybe weekly, but don't post the transactions. They would also not be eligible for the monthly prizes but we may have to think of something else to make it worthwhile for them to continue to participate on the board.
I agree as well. The rules (#6) state that members shouldn't use the autotracker if they are following a service...

But even members who do use the other services like to have their accounts tracked, particulary if they are not following the system move by move. We may have to make some changes for these members where we track their return and display it maybe weekly, but don't post the transactions. They would also not be eligible for the monthly prizes but we may have to think of something else to make it worthwhile for them to continue to participate on the board.

Although it will not matter to me, personally, I don't see this rule as "enforceable" to the extent of defining a "trading system". (What about the sentimental survey?) Plus, if a member pays for services such as the timing new letter and Rev Shark's input, it seems unfair to me to make that person ineligible for tracking services. I haven't followed any specific trading system so far, ( obviously evident by my returns) but have used all those systems as tools in deciding what my moves have been, and will continue to do so, whether that is judged as "following a system", or not.
Although it will not matter to me, personally, I don't see this rule as "enforceable" to the extent of defining a "trading system". (What about the sentimental survey?) Plus, if a member pays for services such as the timing new letter and Rev Shark's input, it seems unfair to me to make that person ineligible for tracking services. I haven't followed any specific trading system so far, ( obviously evident by my returns) but have used all those systems as tools in deciding what my moves have been, and will continue to do so, whether that is judged as "following a system", or not.
I we are saying the same thing. Any system or service. Not only for disclosure reasons, but because of being rewarded for someone else's work. If someone took several services into consideration and decided what to do based on the combined info, that's OK. But to follow a service verbatim, or close to it, would go against what the monthly competition is all about. The rule is:

6. You should not use the Automated Tracker if you are following TSP Timing Newsletter, TSP Trader System, or any other allocation service. The TSP return competition is for those using their own strategy as a means to inform, educate, and share their trading approaches with others. We track our services' returns separately
I might follow Ebb this week, this month, and next month I might follow my own nose, or someone else.

It's my perogative.

I like to be in the tally so I know my % increase, but I won't squeal too bad if you take me out.

It's no biggie.

I might follow Ebb this week, this month, and next month I might follow my own nose, or someone else.
You would not then be following someone else 100%. I haven't looked to see if anyone is following someone else 100% and don't think I'm going to waste time going and looking. I think it is enough to mention it every now and again.
I have been thinking about the "following a service" rule. It requires a clear definition of what constitutes following somebody, or a service. I have been recording everybody's IFT and for some time the majority of members have been following the EbbChart to some extent. But only a handful follows it precisely. Most use it as a guide in choosing to be in the market, or out of the market. Some go 50%, 75%, or 80% into the EbbChart’s recommended fund, with the remainder left in G, or F fund. Some members also allocated some to other equity funds (C and S).

Following a service doesn't have to be 100%. The question is it a "Paid" or "Free" service?
i.e., IF EbbCharts were a paid service and I followed him 50% of the time using his strategy of when "in" and when "out" would I be giving away free, a service others were paying for?
This is not always a black and white issue! If I follow EbbCharts-Paid. I should refrain from any talk of his strategy and I should not be included in any system that disclosed his gains.
A coin only has two sides!

I interpret following as a transfer of 50% or more of assets into, and out of, only the recommended fund, for six or more moves. When going to safety, either G or F fund serves the same purpose so using either would constitute following the service to safety. If a member moved into other equity funds as well, then that is not following. For example, if one followed the EbbChart into I fund (70%), but also went into S fund (30%) then this is not following. This is my first attempt at defining what is following a service. It’s another matter to enforce.

If we use this definition of “following a service”, wither paid or free, quite a few members would be removed from the Automated Tracker and WebTracker. The present rule does mention TSP Trader which is not a paid service. I don't recall how/when that was added. The rule does not mention EbbChart. I interpret this rule for a paid service so I have not brought up the issue. The EbbChart is not a paid service, but will likely be so in the future.
Agree! It's not easy to define!
We should not try and micro manage it!
The rule should be "Thou shalt not steal!" Dang, heard that somewhere before??...:D
You are NOT supposed to post your moves if you are following a TSP Talk pay service that charges a fee. The only TSP Talk Pay service at this time is RevShark!:cool:

I we are saying the same thing. Any system or service. Not only for disclosure reasons, but because of being rewarded for someone else's work. If someone took several services into consideration and decided what to do based on the combined info, that's OK. But to follow a service verbatim, or close to it, would go against what the monthly competition is all about. The rule is:

6. You should not use the Automated Tracker if you are following TSP Timing Newsletter, TSP Trader System, or any other allocation service. The TSP return competition is for those using their own strategy as a means to inform, educate, and share their trading approaches with others. We track our services' returns separately
I seem to be WRONG about that!!! See, I don't know everything.:o
This discussion is getting really complicated, but it does appear that it would be difficult to allow even partial following of a paid system to be tracked AND discussed without disclosing proprietary information. We are in a golden era right now, so to speak. with so many "systems" at everyone's disposal for free. I'm afraid that much will be lost if these systems become proprietary, but I still feel that those systems ought to be fairly compensated for the work of their respective "owners." Along the lines of earlier discussions about making TSPTalk a paid site, might it be possible to include fair, ?proportionate compensation to all sanctioned "systems" from an overall TSPTalk fee. That way everyone on the site (or a separate paid section of the site) could continue to talk about why they personally chose a particular fund and/or allocation IN RELATION TO all the various systems being tracked. Otherwise, the value of the MB will be greatly diminished as everyone breaks off into their own proprietary MBs and no one following any paid service, even just as another aid in making their own decisions, will be able to discuss the logic behind their moves without potentially divulging somebody else's paid service.