It took me a week to find the time in my busy retirement schedule :smile: to read this, but boy am I glad I did:
Making Optimal Social Security Claiming Decisions by Daniel Amerman
What an eye opener regarding social security and Medicare Part B. I'd urge anyone not already collecting SS to take the time to read that from start to finish. Looks like my plan to hold out as long as i can before collecting SS has just changed and I'll more likely be collecting at age 62 a few years from now. And regarding Medicare Part B, I've been on the fence, but now I'm falling off the fence toward the side of not applying for it. If I do decide to take Part B, then it would be prudent to start collecting SS at age 65 if I haven't already started by then. That's because of the huge premium increases you're likely to face during the period you're not covered by the hold harmless provision. The average 7.7% annual Medicare Part B premium increase makes it a slam dunk not to wait to age 70 unless you're pretty certain you'll live well into your 90's.
Anyway, a very good read, as is the other free stuff by Daniel Amerman on his website.
P.S. - Ravensfan...moving to Florida next month, so no state taxes for us.