OK, well, here's a couple reasons:
1. For gold the key moving average is the 150dma. GLD tends to either bounce off of it and move higher in bull markets, or bang it's head against it and fall lower in bear markets. See chart #03 here: //
www.TTheory.com Public Chart List // - Terrence Laundry - Public ChartList - StockCharts.com Also note that recently GLD managed to move above the 150dma. It's on very shaky ground now though trying to hold that. If it succeeds then it's heading higher in wave C of an A-B-C pattern to continue the rally that started with the new year, but if Goldman Sachs and friends get their way and knock gold down below $1100 then that lower low should occur around June/July and provide an even stronger springboard for a rally.
2. Elliott waves. I can't find any free chart at the moment to show, so just have to say that a paid subscription I follow currently projects a wave C up soon that should begin at the same time the S&P 500 rolls over, which should be soon after it tops 1900 I believe, in the next week or so. Until the S&P rolls over and follows other index's that have already topped (small caps, QQQ) and until the theory proves correct gold breaks the other way and shoots above the March highs and there's the bullish crossover of the moving averages
GLD - SharpCharts Workbench - StockCharts.com there could still be another low for metals. Many gurus and gold bugs think gold will rocket to new highs, e.g., Peter Schiff's $5000 prediction, but I think another whiff of deflation and the next stock market crash coming in a couple years will prevent that until the 2020's when inflation finally gets going....and the demographic "pig in the python" of the massive retiring baby boomer generation finally works through the system and allows the economy to start growing normally again after about 2022.
3. Just look at commodities in general this year.
$CRB - SharpCharts Workbench - StockCharts.com This is shaping up to be a year when commodities and bonds are the winners until the panic low hits, it's risk off until stocks bottom, and I think that will happen in the Fall, a very normal/typical midterm election year....sell in May and go away in 2014, 2018, 2022, etc.
4. Miners are very leveraged to the price of gold so a well-time positioned in JNUG could really pay off, but getting the time right is tough.