Tsunami's Account Talk

This just can't go on much longer can it?....Japan is going to have stop buying our debt now, who's left to support this other than the Fed? :sick: They must be talking the end game strategy by now, but I wonder when it will be unleashed.



I wonder what they said when the national debt hit 2 trillion, 4 trillion, 8 trillion? Now we're at 14.5 trillion and rising...getting to the point, actually way past the point, of no return on this.
McCain said that Democrat would be a big spender on social programs as well as a taxer. Now we know the truth.
Everything you've heard, compiled into one lump of info.
It's good.

I read this piece on Inside Job a couple weeks ago:
Financialization and Our Increasingly Unstable Economy by Cullen Roche at Pragmatic Capitalism: "I finally got around to seeing the movie Inside Job, the story behind the credit crisis and winner of the Academy Award for best documentary. It’s very good and I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen it. It will certainly infuriate you. The movie doesn’t place nearly enough blame on homeowners, but all in all it does an excellent job of showing how Wall Street and government have become overrun by deregulation and sheer greed."

As a brief article I think it makes a good companion read to the movie. I haven't seen the movie yet, but it's in my Netflix cueue.

... note shameless subliminal plug for my NFLX stock. ;)
Yes, and it's either done already or we've finished the A down part and are now in B up per the green path on this chart:
Today's rise above 1294 eliminated the bearish counts I've been seeing, leaving the bears scrambling to cover their shorts. And with the dollar falling to new multi-year lows this morning, it's party time for pretty much everything now, up up and away....until the Fed takes away the punch bowl anyway, then I still think we're heading down hard, real hard.

I've mentioned Martin Armstrong's business cycles before and how he's been predicting with his 8.6 year cycles since the late 80's that 6/13/11 would be an important turn date....so for a long time I've been looking and expecting someone to come up with a pattern that predicts a top on or near 6/13/11....well whataya know, this week Parker posted a chart on Terry Laundry's site that predicts a top of 6/13/11. The reason is simple symmetry...there was 571 trading days from the October 2007 to the 3/9/09 low, and if you count 571 trading days from the 3/9/09 low...guess where that ends?.... 6/13/11. Hmmm.
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Not trying to dis any opinions, but to the unsophisticated listener, these gurus seem to move their dates of impending doom, as they need to. And easily, without anyone saying "...but you said....". Even Meredith is finding positive things to say. How do you discern which have credibility that warrants believing their projected dates of "an event"?

Now if a Mayan suddenly pops up in December 2012.....
The gurus are usually wrong, but sometimes these guys can be eerily right....Martin Armstrong supposedly predicted the 1987 crash to the day. Here's his latest regarding the upcoming 6/13/11 turn date which he wrote a week before he was finally released from prison this month:
http://www.martinarmstrong.org/files/how and when 03-01-2011.pdf

http://www.martinarmstrong.org/files/release 03-08-2011.pdf

And a paper relating to his 1986 prediction that a global sovereign debt crisis would appear in 2011:
http://www.martinarmstrong.org/files/princeton economics correspondence 1985.pdf
An extremely bullish day today and the technical indicators point to a continued strong run higher here (e.g., positive MACD crossovers from a very low level today, the RSI is just now only pushing through 50 so has a long way to run higher) as shorts scramble to cover

It's nice to be 100% in and feeling completely comfortable with it for once....around late May or early June is when I'll start getting jittery again...
It's nice to be 100% in and feeling completely comfortable with it for once....around late May or early June is when I'll start getting jittery again...

I'll never make it that long being "all in" :D. My sticky pants would be soiled before then.
Sticky pants help scared folks hold their positions - sometimes time in the market is more rewarding than timing the market.