Tsunami's Account Talk

My hope is we have a nice rally into the Q4 and that the foreclosure real estate crisis continues into the middle of 2011. I'm interested in some property and lower pricing is always better. Let the Government convert all the foreclosure housing to Section 8 housing for all I care. They made their beds and now they can sleep in those beds.
I just wish the folks that authorized all the liar loans in the first place had to eat their loss instead of pushing it onto the back of taxpayers.
Does anyone else think the Fed discussions about disbanding Freddie & Fannie and starting a new housing mort. program is a backhanded way to monitize about 8 trillion in us debt and further to flood the markets with reduced value dollars? I.E. Cause a huge market rally right into the midterm elections.
PS. Sorry for tagging onto yout thread, couldn't figure out how to start a new discussion

I'd be surprised if the democrats don't try to ram through something to buy votes before the election. I've heard ideas floated of having everyone's mortgage who's underwater sliced down so that they're magically no longer underwater, or having all Fannie and Freddie loans refinanced down to 4.5% or whatever with no fees or paperwork to fill out. Seems like the bank lobbiests would fight such things since it reduces their future income streams. I think people are so fed up with all the government debt though, that no matter what they try in the form of QE the markets would tank, the opposite of what they hope to accomplish. Maybe they can all just stay on recess until November, take care of the tax hike issue after that, then go back on recess for 2 years.
I'm afraid they would lose as many votes as they gained by cutting only the underwater loans. However if they sold off all the fannie and freddie paper for whatever they could get and then used tax money to pay the difference between book value and real value it would be a politically safe way to slide yet another bailout package to the banks. The banks get the property back at true value (After selling it to fan/fre for 100 cents on the dollar) which washes their books clean and the only loser is the poor smuck that goes to work everyday and pays his taxes. (and they don't vote Dem anyway) so its a win/win for the gov't and the bank.
They can always make the tax issue retroactive - or even reduce the levels lower.
just hold the unemployment rate level at 9.5% and they are all toast. We need gridlock for the economy to survive - enough socialist policy already. Well we could let the NINAs off the hook and provide them free section 8 housing on the condition they remain pregnancy free for as long as they live there - that would work. We all have to make a sacrifice.
Heh, actually women have a higher employment rate than men right now, are you sure they are the ones on the dole?
I'm referencing NINAs (no income no assets) - the minority at risk population that couldn't afford a chicken coup but ended up in four bedroom homes. Let'em stay providing they remain pregnancy free. The illegitimates cause more problems than they are worth. The only people that benefit are the corrections officers that work our prisons. This way we solve several socionomic problems at once. This may sound harsh - but reality of crime and murder is harsh.
at one point I heard someone mention that PMI is on the vast majority of the more recent loans, but discussion surrounding PMI liability between the loan value and real value has been suspiciously absent.
Government policy already restricts the Negro American male - if there is a male in the household there will be no welfare benefits. Thus policy encourages the trend toward illegitimacy as a mechanism for the Negro American female for economic survival instead of working - thus 75% rate of illegitimacy in the minority at risk class. And as a society we all pay the price for this immoral policy. But they love to be bused to the polls to vote.
I'll stay out of this conversation, but did want to make one point. Having been married to a grade A wonderful black (and yes, highly skilled and working) woman for the better part of two decades, I can tell you that blacks don't much care for the term "negro". That went out with the 60's....kinda like some people on this message board. :D It's OK for us white folks to use the term "black", really, it is.
A case of the broke leading the broke. The UK and Japan are about the only remaining buyers of U.S. treasuries. This includes private investor purchases as well though...

China is looking to greener pastures to invest in: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-...s-as-central-bank-switches-from-u-s-debt.html

The Fed doesn't want us to know the M3 money supply figures any more and doesn't report them, but John William's of Shadowstats.com does. His comments on the current chart below:

"The signal for a downturn or an intensified downturn is generated when annual growth in real M3 first turns negative in a given cycle; the signal is not dependent on the depth of the downturn or its duration. The current downturn signal was generated in December 2009. The broad economy tends to follow in downturn or intensification roughly six to nine months after the signal."

Hmm, 6 to 9 months...that would be about, NOW. This points to deflation if the Fed can't throw money out the window fast enough.


Jumped back out today when it didn't go the expected direction, ouch. I refuse to let it snowball into what happened to me in May when I lost over 13%.

The "death spiral" is underway, it will soon spread from the PIIGS to eastern Europe, and beyond....

People are terrified of bonds, but the money soon to be pouring out of stocks will have to go somewhere, paying off debt, to bonds, the dollar, some to gold....buried coffee cans...and beer!
Jumped back out today when it didn't go the expected direction, ouch. I refuse to let it snowball into what happened to me in May when I lost over 13%.

The "death spiral" is underway, it will soon spread from the PIIGS to eastern Europe, and beyond....

People are terrified of bonds, but the money soon to be pouring out of stocks will have to go somewhere, paying off debt, to bonds, the dollar, some to gold....buried coffee cans...and beer!

x2 and don't look back... it will be a sorry couple of months to come.