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"...things are almost back to normal in KW." The water is long gone and the power is on, but that is where normal ends. Many businesses are still closed and supplies are tight. Everywhere I go I see people's furnishings and appliances lining the streets -- if you own an appliance store or a furniture store the storm will have a silver lining for you. Thousands of cars were totalled by seawater including mine. I signed the title and paid $50 to have it hauled away. It died a hydrologic death, succumbed to the weather appropriately enough.
"Hello, vehicle registration."
"Yes, I'd like to register my car as a vessel."
"I beg your pardon!"
"It was afloat during the storm. Unregistered, it was a navigation hazard and thuslegitimate salvage. So I want to register it as aprecaution against the next time."
"I see. Well, is it a power boat or a sailboat?"
"Unfortunately the motor is inoperable while at sea, so let's say sail."
"Number of masts?"
"Sail area?"
"Not much of a sailboat is it."
"It only goes to sea during hurricane conditions, so you don't want a lot of sail area."