TSP Jail

thanks friends,

buster, birchtree, and jpcavin in on the new ones, that's one thru five taken now.

batter up.

so it started when i got me a new puter with fancy graphic software, and then scrappy gave me this free rope belt and nasa said it looks good on me.

so i thought i'm make them a shiny new card cause they're my friends and nice to me a lot. then a bunch of other friends showed up and visited me in jail and it really made the day, so they get one too.

no idea what it may look like yet, i wiped my old system clean, so it won't be like the last ones. something will come to me sometime, maybe like a gift certificate for a free ice cream cone or something, yes we have a fast food restaurant out here, just so long as you're not in a hurry.

nnuut, fab1, and steel magnolia are in.

steady you get one too.

just be patient, patients. i haven't invented them yet, plus the printer must be a union shop because they don't even answer the phone lately, all up at a big party in wisconsin or illinois or something i guess.