
Insect trivia....No it has nothing to do with blood sucking ticks or fleas..we have enough of those in DC..

According to early entomology...How did the Earwig get it's name?

Earwig - "Back 'n the day" term for a bug burrowing in a powdered wig; wig goes on the English grape, bug goes from wig into the ear attached to the English grape. BINGO - THE EARWIG!
Nice antidote.....but NOPE:)

HINT:..It does, believe it or not, have something to do with the Human Ear..
I like Wikipedia's note:
The name may be related to the old wives' tale that earwigs burrowed into the brains of humans through the ear and laid their eggs there.
...just the sentence alone explains a lot for parts of the nation up near the Potomac....
...that is w/o even looking at the old wives tale theory!:embarrest:
I like Wikipedia's note:
...just the sentence alone explains a lot for parts of the nation up near the Potomac....
...that is w/o even looking at the old wives tale theory!:embarrest:

Although maybe true in one sense:laugh:..but still not quite the answer I'm waiting for..
EEEWwww, I hated Night Gallery! Disliked Twilight Zone almost as bad. And of all the bugs in the world-I most detest earwigs. It's visceral. Nasty things!:nuts::sick:
Let me be Clear..(said in the voice of the almighty BHO)

The Earwig does not burrow into anyone's or anything's ear and is quite harmless (contrary to popular belief)...but it got it's name for a very specific reason..

Still waiting.:)
I'm gonna play this like a poker hand... play the player(Buster), not the hand.

I'll bet it means "butt pincher" in some other language ... :D
Insect trivia....No it has nothing to do with blood sucking ticks or fleas..we have enough of those in DC..

According to early entomology...How did the Earwig get it's name?


In parting, I would like to finish some unfinished business...

The name EARWIG comes from the fact that its hind wing closely resembles the shape of the HUMAN EAR..



well, i'm honored. but please, no mr. or captital B, plain ole burro is fine, or you can just call me ***. well can't say that on this board, but there's no rules against thinking it. yet.

i'll see what i can come up with.
Witchita, pronounced 'we cheat ya' if you've ever had to pay the toll on the good roads to get through there.

i yield the floor.

wide open here folks, next question?