
I'll make this one easier


Pre-school children were asked the following question:

"In which direction is the bus pictured below traveling?"

Explain your answer.

right - because (Most) pre-schoolers use their right hands so would naturally point that way (( ?? ))
AND - there is more space for the bus to move to the right -
right - because (Most) pre-schoolers use their right hands so would naturally point that way (( ?? ))
AND - there is more space for the bus to move to the right -

grandma.....nice try and very observant...but that was not the consensus of the pre-schoolers. Try again :)
Where's the door? must be traveling to the left.


Very good Frixxxx

The pre-schoolers all answered "left."

When asked, "Why do you think the bus is traveling in the left direction?"

they answered:

"Because you can't see the door."

The problem I immediately saw with the picture was no door....but also there was no stop sign. But that is an adult's perspective. :D
I think it is just a defective bus and should be reported to the NTSB. :p Your board Frixxxx
I've always was a bug this is one of my favorites..

Can I really sting or am I just a big pain in your ASH..?

What's my common name?

All good I let this keep going? or do I eventually throw you the correct answer?..Just wondering how long I should let you guys go on with this..HINT: look closely at a particular physical attribute that will give it's name away..

Gumby so far was close, but as you can see the Emerald Ash Borer is a beetle in it's adult stage..

It is a wood borer parasitic wasp of somekind. I think this one actually will kill the Emerald Ash borer. Horntail?