Re: The Patio and Win8
I am thinking possibly “The Patio – and Windows 8” should be spilt apart so those struggling with Win8 can filter out the patio stuff. We are all here to help. The patio is open to any subject, just thinking about simplifying things for new Win8/8.1 users who may be a little frustrated.
Maybe that should be "ready to smash the computer to bits and drive to Redmond WA"
Mod nnuut?
I have been using Win8.1 for about 10 months now. Some observations are posted in that time frame. FWIW a new computer was needed and it was either Win7 or 8. I already disliked 7 from work so moved on to a new experience. This is a lap top FWTW.
Windows 8 is not for the weakminded. It is awesome at looking a LOT like the tablets and "pretty". However, my concerns on this version are:
1. Having a Microsoft account to make the most of windows. This is like calling Ford everyday to use your car. Where you're going and what you're doing. I also recommend not using a password here with any other accounts you may have.
2. Too much emphasis on style. I prefer functionaility versus "pretty"!
3. My PC is not a tablet.
4. NEW OS. I have yet to buy the hype of malware. I have been at this tooooo long to trust the "most secure" comments I see in reviews.
There are good things, shutdown and boot speed is phenomenal. 1/2 of Windows 7. I like the monitor options and video seems to play better on my 3D Hi Res monitors. Anyway....good luck, if you like it use it.....
I did get it to boot up to the desktop (which you have to create) and stop insisting I log in to MSN, Skype, Facebook, Amazon and whatever else it was asking for.
At least I don’t think it is logging me in to MSN. When I go there it makes me log in to see “the good stuff” and my mail account.
Upgrading to 8.1 helped. That is what I bought but I still needed to download the upgrade. Once I figured that out things got better. I can still get to the pretty start screen if I want to pretend I am living in someone’s basement and using someone else’s wi-fi.
Installing Office and Visio 13 unpinned things from my desktop task bar but I worked through it. Installing Outlook 13 had its challenges but it seems to be more under my control than MSMail and I am forced to use it at work now.
Shutdown, boot and wakeup speed is fast. I often find myself putting it back to sleep accidentally when waking it up. I wonder sometimes if it is really off when shut off but it does not seem to deplete the battery when off.
I too am somewhat skeptical of the vulnerability hype. We all take our chances on the interwebthingie.
I upgraded to Win 8.1 and use IE 11 and it works well for me, it's just learning how to navigate. You can do it! I have a 64 bit Puter, no problem.
I agree with nnuut. Except I use Chrome as a browser since I got used to it during one of IEs many don’t work periods. IE11 seems to work fine. I just use Chrome out of habit. If you have experience cursing at Win7, you are ready for Win8.1. Just make sure you do upgrade to 8.1 and create a desk top.