The Patio

Re: The Patio - and widows 8

Glad everyone is ok! Why do they call them minor burns? There is no such thing. I know! Get well soon!
Re: The Patio - and widows 8

Glad everyone is ok! Why do they call them minor burns? There is no such thing. I know! Get well soon!
Thanks...Scout and Alevin

It's funny...While my arm was baking, I really didn't feel the pain too much..I kept hosing off my whole body to stay cool at the same time as I was hosing off my roof, I should have realized I was cooking when the steam was coming off my clothes...I had several quarter size blisters that I kept moist with aloe and burn cream..All I have left now are some red no worse the wear.
Re: The Patio - and widows 8

Damn, hotstuff! That is unbelievable! I was engaged to a fireman once and the stories he would tell me about fighting fires and the rescues they performed were amazing. He would say the intensity of the heat was so bad sometimes, he felt even in his protective gear that he was burning up. I can only imagine what you felt without the protective gear.

So glad you and the babies are safe and relatively unharmed. Use some aloe vera on the burns... it really does ease the pain some.
Jeeze Buster! Good move getting the pussies to safety and the vehicles. Maybe you stuck around too long spraying the roof. Who am I to say. Glad you had minimal damage. To you and the property.

Are the neighbors OK?

My SO has one of those portable swamp coolers on the patio but so far has remembered to shut it off and I try to keep it filled with water.

You just never know about anything in this life.

Wow, I'm glad you were there to save your cats & house, with that heat, it wouldn't have taken much to spread. Two house fires in the same neighborghood seems odd, I wonder if there is an appliance/electrical problem.
Wow, I'm glad you were there to save your cats & house, with that heat, it wouldn't have taken much to spread. Two house fires in the same neighborghood seems odd, I wonder if there is an appliance/electrical problem.

If you are talking about my neighborhood, it's an old one, eclectic mix of architectural styles which I like, mix of rentals and decades-long elderly homeowners, which has its its own interesting problems. fire in the ratty rental next door started with faulty wiring in the attic. the rental itself made out of old army ammo boxes believe it or not, created a duplex out of them-no insulation in the walls or ceiling. can see the texture of the ammo boxes through the wall and ceiling paint inside.

The decent stickbuilt 1940s house across the street with the 95yo neighbor had old furnace in the basement with fan that sent heat up through a grate in the livingroom floor. very much like the house my own grandmother lived in for about 70 years. The fan motor seized up and caught fire-maybe due to lack of maintenance-she was a longtime widow. My own house has no furnace, built in the mid50s. every house has its own maintenance needs. rural fire districts have their own interesting characteristics as well, as I discovered after buying this place.
I thought I remembered a home repairs thread here somewhere. Where we complain about repairs and swap knowledge and tell people to call a professional. I cannot seem to find it.

I thought I remembered a home repairs thread here somewhere. Where we complain about repairs and swap knowledge and tell people to call a professional. I cannot seem to find it.


I thought your thread was the home repair thread? You use to post about home repairs and I believe gave some good tips.

Who needs to hire a professional when slave boy is available. ;) :laugh:
I thought your thread was the home repair thread? You use to post about home repairs and I believe gave some good tips.

Who needs to hire a professional when slave boy is available.

You may be right, both about home repairs and slave boy. There should be a home repairs thread under misc.

When slave boy or girl starts to decline as to abilities then the remaining abilities have to be focused on producing income until no longer practicable.

To the point, ice maker stopped working. I never use it and did not know it was problematic. Now it has the missing polar ice cap ice encasing it and only melting will ever free the parts without damage. This of course will require turning off appliance full of food. Then investigating. Probably a leaking hose or cracked ice maker.

Solution is to replace the appliance. It is 16 years old. Probably only has another 20 years left if ice maker is repaired. Plus it is no longer the preferred color.

It was on the list of things to replace before retirement. Just happening a couple years early.

On another subject, didn’t someone on the MB mention a prescription drug working as a sleep aid? Drop off when hitting the pillow and awake refreshed and good to go in eight hours? No reason for asking.

You may be right, both about home repairs and slave boy. There should be a home repairs thread under misc.

When slave boy or girl starts to decline as to abilities then the remaining abilities have to be focused on producing income until no longer practicable.

To the point, ice maker stopped working. I never use it and did not know it was problematic. Now it has the missing polar ice cap ice encasing it and only melting will ever free the parts without damage. This of course will require turning off appliance full of food. Then investigating. Probably a leaking hose or cracked ice maker.

Solution is to replace the appliance. It is 16 years old. Probably only has another 20 years left if ice maker is repaired. Plus it is no longer the preferred color.

It was on the list of things to replace before retirement. Just happening a couple years early.

On another subject, didn’t someone on the MB mention a prescription drug working as a sleep aid? Drop off when hitting the pillow and awake refreshed and good to go in eight hours? No reason for asking.


You might be in luck with that new fridge purchase. There might be a Sears closing its doors in your neighborhood and deals could be made on a Kenmore.

I take an over the counter sleep aid called diphenhydramine; it's the same drug in Tylenol PM, only without the acetaminophen.
It helps me to have a continuous nights sleep.
Re: The Patio - and widows 8

Thanks but I believe this was a leftover pain med. No reason for asking remember.

To deflect, a coworker told me of a new libido enhancement drug from south of the border. It is called Midixadril. Bwaahaha.

Happy Saturday everyone. I am still thinking a home repairs thread somewhere would be good. But where? Under Miscellaneous Stuff?
Question of the day. How do you go about teaching someone the correct way to open a cheap sliding screen door is NOT to lift up on the handle and push out?
It’s getting to the time of year screen doors are useful here and I had forgotten that the most used one has a broken roller/bracket. Looking for parts on the interweb finds none. No brand name on the door. Likely “whatever was cheapest by the boxcar load” at the time the builder was ordering stuff. I called a couple places that fix these things and was told “bring it in and we’ll look at it but it will probably be cheaper to replace it”. They may be right, replacements range from $60 to probably $thousands.
Looking more closely at the situation I realized the other sliding screen never gets used and opens the opposite way. So I swapped them and the door will get tested later tonight when it cools off. The problem is that the rollers cannot be adjusted high enough to prevent the door being pulled off the track. Perhaps I can find something to put in the top channel to prevent this.
An amusing (to me) side note is that the late dog learned to open this door without knocking it off track by grabbing the sunscreen gently with her claws and sliding it open. This only worked when it wasn’t latched and I never could teach her to close it after going in or out.
The new fridge is purring away nicely. The installer told SO it would pay for itself in no time due to reduced energy costs. Energy guide sticker shows $25 per year savings. No time during my time.
Whatever SO seems happy, new fridge is black to match other new appliances and offset dark gray corian counters nicely. No comments about replacing counter tops recently as granite is no longer stylish. The new way to go is slate or soapstone. I say formica.
No hope of getting a cheap Kenmore as no models were available that met the criteria. I have no complaints, only comments. An 18 pack of Nattie Lite is too long for the depth of the fridge. Guess I will have to adapt. The top shelf is too low for a 3 liter wine bottle. Not my concern.
Aloha PO! Happy Saturday to you too.

I think we should use this thread as our "Fix it" thread. More stories are posted here about home improvements. In fact, just today I took off my sliding screens from their tracks because they were sticking and the tracks are dirty. When you would slide the screen door fast to open, it sent a screaching high pitch to my ear that gave me chicken skin. Time for some attention.

I always go to YouTube for tutorials on home improvement tasks and this one video might help you. �� I think she might be Russian.����

How to clean Sliding Door or Window tracks - YouTube
Yeah, OK this is the fix it thread. Nice you tube link but the issue here is not cleaning but worn out components and replacement. This stuff I am working with is just old and cheap. It has been cleaned and given TLC for years. Even the Dog was gentle with it to a point.

If your door was screeching when you opened it that indicates it is contacting the lower channel and the rollers need adjustment or perhaps the upper channel but whatever if you remove it, clean the rollers. Your link doesn't say a word about screen doors. Just saying. Happy repairing/replacing.
