The Patio

Re: The Patio - and widows 8

Speaking of kickin back and enjoying the simple things...

Well boys and girls, I had my first full deluxe version pedicure...and it was AWESOME!..I had this cute little Vietnamese girl work them puppies over and boy did she...I mean; toenails clipped and polished (electric green), all the calluses shaved off and the feet rubbed out with some sea salt, mint and pumice stones and don't let me forget the hotwater foot bath and message...Man, I thought I was walking on a new pair of feet when it was all done...I can't wait for my toenails to grow back so I can get ANOTHER TREATMENT..

Men, if you never treated yourself to some pampering, this is it!

now i've never had a pedicure, i ain't letting anybody play with my feet, and i ain't touching their's neither. but you almost made that sound fun.

i do remember one time as a kid, in sunday school this big bully made fun of how i clipped my fingernails. c'mon man, there's plenty of things to make fun of me about, but my fingernails? really? the girl i liked at the time still walked home from church with me after that, but she was hesitant to take my hand that day. maybe it had something to do with the fact that our moms were walking a few yards behind us. it has always bugged me, remains in the back of my mind, like a burr under the saddle.

i'll admit it, i've often though of getting a manicure, never done it, but now i just might. way to stand, man. bold.
Screw the manicure..that's why we have teeth..

But a pedicure is the bomb...I understand if you have ticklish feet, that would be a problem..At times I had to say hold up a second, but it passes and total bliss sets back in...I promise, you won't regret it...More and more dudes are doing it, because it is healthy for better foot circulation and those pressure points on your feet that affects your whole nervous system are put to ease..
Re: The Patio - and widows 8

i'm not really sure if po would be ok with freaks on his patio, but that's too bad because he left it unattended.

i ain't getting a pedicure."i'm going to get 'my pedi'" is what the gals at work call it when they take leave at 3:00 pm and come back into work smiling the next morning. so there must be something to it, just not my game.

what are you supposed to do when, uhhh, 'that' happens? just put the newspaper on your lap and pretend you're done reading for a few minutes?

but hey, to each their own.

why electric green? was it on sale?
Re: The Patio - and widows 8

Good for you, haole boy. Nothing unmanly about having your tootsie's pampered. Did they serve wine or champagne with your pedi? Just an added bonus when your chillin' in that massage chair ... it really is a very relaxing experience.
Huh? I never expect a word of approval from you...and no alcohol for me, I don't touch the stuff...But, I did have a couple individual serving size of Perrier..
has this happened to you?

i went to little ceasars pizza for a hot and ready meal deal with breadsticks and soda. it always costs $11.83 with tax. i am familiar with the number because it always costs exactly $11.83 so i'm sure the cashier is familiar with that number too. i give him a $20 bill, 3 quarters and a dime. $20.85. i am expecting a five, 4 ones, and two pennies to put in the dish by the register back in change.

first, he looks at me funny like 'where's your debit card', then he types a bunch of numbers in on the screen. looking all inconvenienced. then he hands me back 2 fives and a nickle and says, get this, he says 'there you go, $9.03'.

wtf? now i can understand giving me back $10.05 if you can't do simple math in your head. and i can understand getting frustrated having to manually enter numbers on a touch screen instead of swiping a card to arrive at $9.03 change. what makes absolutely no sense to me is that he handed me ten oh five and said nine oh three. now if he can't do math in his head how did he arrive at saying nine oh three? and if the compter says nine oh three is the correct answer then why give me ten oh five? wtf?

so i said 'this is not $9.03, it's $10.05'. the cashier said 'i know' and got me my pizza. i felt like i was in outer space. so i pulled a $1 bill out of my wallet and gave it back to him and tossed the nickle in the change dish and told him i never keep incorrect change because that free unearned dollar karma will come back and bite me on the ass tomorrow when i magically lose my wallet with $100 in it and all my credit cards, both of them. he just looked at me like i was some stupid jerk.

i firmly believe our society is doomed. you can have the greatest most profitable capitalist idea since sliced pizza, and still go bankrupt because the idiot at the counter won't listen to the compter and insists on giving away 10% of gross sales back in change for reasons only god and no child left behind knows.
I seen the problem right off the bat...The kid probably didn't have his iphone or whatever in his right hand texting that he got a new zit and gazing at it for an app to figure your change, or also didn't have an earbud set growing out of his brain dead ears..lose those two items and today's society, yes including most adults, can't function...SAD indeed.
He needs guidance, have him learn this It's Right as Rain!:cool:

Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered… not yelled.
Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles.
When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway.
Don’t judge folks by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life… Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.
Don ‘t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t bothering you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin’.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.
If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around..
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.
Most times, it just gets down to common sense.
Re: The Patio - and widows 8

i'm not really sure if po would be ok with freaks on his patio, but that's too bad because he left it unattended.

What's that smell. Familiar from somewhere. Arrrgh, patchouli oil! It's not my patio, it's our patio, all are welcome. I may project "my patio" to "our patio" from time to time but all are welcome to do so.

i ain't getting a pedicure."i'm going to get 'my pedi'" is what the gals at work call it when they take leave at 3:00 pm and come back into work smiling the next morning. so there must be something to it, just not my game.

what are you supposed to do when, uhhh, 'that' happens? just put the newspaper on your lap and pretend you're done reading for a few minutes?

Back in the days when I used to know of peers who had services such as this done (usually a sauna/steam bath followed by a massage) if "that" happened they would be offered a "special" for some extra amount of remuneration. I have no idea how this may work now in this country.

but hey, to each their own.

why electric green? was it on sale?

Any color is OK and if you are worried about appearances in public just wear socks under the sandals. I have often thought of getting a pedicure just to see the reaction to what has become of some of my toe nails trapped in those ill fitting boots all these years.

I have mowed the lawn and vacuumed of the rocks and patio with the reversed leaf blower. Then I threw the two plastic chairs in the pool so I can clean them while taking my "Arizona shower". Hosing off the patio is not practical as the water will not drain away because the soil is so wet after the last two week's rain.

Strange place my patio is located.

Re: The Patio - and widows 8

What's that smell. Familiar from somewhere. Arrrgh, patchouli oil! It's not my patio, it's our patio, all are welcome. I may project "my patio" to "our patio" from time to time but all are welcome to do so.

Back in the days when I used to know of peers who had services such as this done (usually a sauna/steam bath followed by a massage) if "that" happened they would be offered a "special" for some extra amount of remuneration. I have no idea how this may work now in this country.

Any color is OK and if you are worried about appearances in public just wear socks under the sandals. I have often thought of getting a pedicure just to see the reaction to what has become of some of my toe nails trapped in those ill fitting boots all these years.

I have mowed the lawn and vacuumed of the rocks and patio with the reversed leaf blower. Then I threw the two plastic chairs in the pool so I can clean them while taking my "Arizona shower". Hosing off the patio is not practical as the water will not drain away because the soil is so wet after the last two week's rain.

Strange place my patio is located.


i like your chair maintainence technique. that's what i'm going to tell the cop next time. 'i was just cleaning the chairs officer, that's why there's all that stuff floating in the pool. yeah, and the tables too, they were dirty. i slipped, that's how the window got broken. i don't know where all those bottles came from, probably a beer store? sir.'
i like your chair maintainence technique. that's what i'm going to tell the cop next time. 'i was just cleaning the chairs officer, that's why there's all that stuff floating in the pool. yeah, and the tables too, they were dirty. i slipped, that's how the window got broken. i don't know where all those bottles came from, probably a beer store? sir.'
Due to about another inch of rain today I cannot clean the patio to other's standards. The chair and plastic table washing method has been in place for years. Some have told me "eeewhhh you are destroying your pool" while I maintain the same crap on the furniture fell in the pool. A little more dirt in 18k gallons of water won't matter. If you object, don't go in.

That leads to another thing about the pool. The SO bought a pool service a while back. Funny they find expensive things wrong that I don't. The present thing is after a rain they pump out the water to get to that magic line in the middle of the tiles. That makes the yard wetter, the lawn grow more and uses more municipal water later when it evaporates. They maintain that I am destroying the pool and offer to dig it up and rebuild it. SO thinks that might be a good idea. Magic tile ring does have calcium on it. Oh NO!

Back to the reason for posting something on the patio tonight. While passing through the room where the TV is I stopped to watch the news SO had on. It was NBC and stories I saw were that the Japanese government needs legislation to stop earthquakes and the federal or state government needs legislation to stop storms from making power poles fall over and the local utility needs to tell customers when power will be restored to the minute. Then the news moved on to someone crying about a loved one hurt in “the war” without specifying which war and it turns out this was an advertisement about donating to an entity I have never heard of that I did not look up. Even SO had had enough and turned to CBS.

Isn’t network news great for a place to get news.

Time to go to bed. Got to go to work and support whatever I support besides SO when I work.

One other question floating around in my head. I have been told that the increase in the water depth in the pool is NOT a good indication of the amount of rain you got due to run off. Correct me if I am wrong but the pool deck, at least mine, slopes away from the pool. So if the level of water in the pool is over an inch higher than it was before the storm why is that not a accurate indication of the amount of rain that fell?
A pool is the ultimate RAIN GAUGE! If you remove the furniture from the water it should level off.:laugh:
I googled this...A very simple explaination to determine how much water should be in your pool after a good rain...BTW, you're in Phoenix right?

"An inch of rain is just what it sounds like - one inch of water. If you had a sraight-sided cylinder, then there would be one inch of water in the bottom. Since a one-inch rainfall is a lot and pretty unusual, most of the time we are interested in amounts less than an inch. Rain gauges are usually designed with the collecting part at the top (where the rain enters) having a larger cross section than the straight-sided measuring part at the bottom. Picture a wide funnel feeding into a narrower cylinder. As an example, consider a rain guage with a collecting area at the top of 2 square inches funnelling down to a measuring part of only one square inch. In this case, every one inch of water in the bottom would represent 1/2 inch collected at the top:
2 sq in top collection area x 1/2 in of rain = 1 sq in of measuring part area x 1 in of water in the bottom.
The ratio of the amount of rain to the height of the water in the bottom is the same as the ratio of the measuring part (bottom) area to the collection (top) area. Because the amount of water standing in the measuring part is related to the actual rain amount by this ratio, the calibration marks on the measuring part have to be "stretched" by the same ratio to convert from the height of water in the bottom to the actual rainfall collected by the larger collection (top) part.
The reason this is done is that it allows us to accurately measure smaller, more common amounts of rain. If we had to measure directly, we could never measure rainfalls like 0.05 inches. However, if our collection part area/measuring partarea ratio is 20:1, that 0.05 inches will result in one inch of water (0.05 inches x ratio of 20 = 1 inch) standing in the bottom measuring part - an easily measured amount."
The much larger size of my pool gives you an average amount of rain over the entire surface, the side walls are vertical and the pool surface is flat and level. The concrete around the pool angles down, the slope makes standing water move away from the pool and doesn't effect the amount of water entering the pool. Just like a 5 or 10 gallon bucket sitting on a level surface the height of the rain measured on the inside of the buckets gives you the actual amount if rain that fell in the bucket, with a 1" rain gauge you only sample how much rain fell in the 1" diameter opening. I can tell you how much rain fell into my pool not an average for rain guages scattered all over the state but only in my pool, and it's easy to measure that amount if I check it just when it starts raining and measure up from there. Most storms down here are fast moving thunderstorms and someone down the street may get none and I get 1/4 " or more. I have rain gauge in the backyard and if there's wind it is way off. Archimedes:D
Re: The Patio - and widows 8

Maybe we should call Arcihemedes Methusalah instead but that would be mixing cultures and history and not be PC.

I have always thought my pool was a good rain gauge. I too have one in the back yard but it stopped reporting a while back and I haven't investigated why. It is a tipping bucket gauge tho the bucket is about 1cm or so. Wind will keep water from entering it or make more water enter it.

Buster, you are so right about how it works. Even with the tipping "bucket" thing. There are so many good people here on this MB.

AZ is right. I lost track of wether you moved to NM or are still in OK.

I spent a large part of the day sitting on my patio due to being home with a "bug" of some kind. I do hope it is nothing serious. During this time I found that the pool service did not pump all the excess water out, only back flushed a little. Just so they could say they did. I have been told back flushing should not be scheduled by time but by pressure on the gauge. Whatever, the gound is still very wet here after (pool gauge) 1.3 inches of rain added on to the last two weeks rain.

I also took time to send a file to my boss about what I did this year. He may know but this is the way they do it. Better than some past times when I was told to write the eval. I was just in touch with someone who hasn't seen their supervisor for over a year and never met the supervisor's supervisor in nine years. I guess it could be worse for me. Or maybe better.

SO just saw the cell phone bill for the trip and want's me to dispute it. OK, just spent two hours on a chat and was told to call a 800 number where after waiting one hour I was told they will call me back tomorrow. No opinion on charges, just following orders.

Nice out here this evening, 80s, lower humidity. Maybe summer is over.

Looking at a reply elswhere I found this in the pasted reply."í*½í¹€ í*½í¸‚" Not sure what that means. i prime times blah blah with euros thrown in. Maybe the euro sign is supposed to be sigma and it is some statistic thing. Curious.

Off to bed real early so no matter how I feel tomorrow I will report to work well rested.

I almost forgot an important thing. The most important thing regarding underwear is to keep everything contained, together and comfortable. This can avoid uncomfortable squirming when confronted with managers you don't now.

100% cotton is important too lest when your eyeballs, ears and limbs get burnt off in an unfortunate arc incident they can try to reconstruct what was in the shorts. Plus management will feel better since you were following protocols. So I think the pcmm is out.

Re: The Patio - and widows 8

"Looking at a reply elswhere I found this in the pasted reply."í*½í¹€ í*½í¸‚" Not sure what that means. i prime times blah blah with euros thrown in. Maybe the euro sign is supposed to be sigma and it is some statistic thing. Curious."

I was trying to attach some smiley face emoji's to the post and that's what popped up. No need to try and decipher a code. :cheesy:
The desert around you should be coming into full bloom soon..try and take pictures at the peak if you can and share here..should be most spectacular this year..

Still in OKC
Things are getting a little testy around the MB, esp in the political forums.

Thanks Buster for changing the title. I always forget that. If the desert suddenly blooms I will try to get some photos.

I decided that I will sit here and enjoy 75 degrees and low humidity, contemplate the end of the work week and drink some fizzy beverages. No real quiet just now as the bird population is all upset and I hear a hawk screeching. Not sure what is going on but probably just nature cleaning up things. Hawks have been around at the work area too, lots of pigeon parts in the parking lot.

Drama in home ownership includes <deleted due to no use complaining here>.

Time to think about the future. Which means contemplating what to do after retiring in 3.2 years and maybe opening a new checking account somewhere for deposits there is no joint ownership of. Plus what to do with the money from those two old IRAs that I brought closer to home. Maybe a USAA self directed investment account? Anyone deal with NFCU? I like credit unions but am thinking of moving some funds away from where the joint funds are.

Time to go to bed and get up and enjoy a cuppa on my patio.
