The Patio

Re: The Patio - and widows 8

Hey I bought a Kodak printer just before they died, it still works, but for how long?
About that work laserjet. One of the cleanup crew turned it in to a GS-12. Paperwork was with it. Property manager says it is missing and GS-12 says the turn in never happened. WB person that gave it to GS-12 says he did and GS-12 gave it to contractor. Contractor want's to speak to representative before commenting. This is gonna get interesting. One other laserjet turned in to same GS-12 is "missing". Note to self and others, never give property to anyone without signed receipt. GS-12 will never get fired or have to produce missing laser printers. GS-15 will continue to look for new job. SES will continue to ignore GS-15 not managing people. Bureaucracy is alive and well.
Do they have any Bar-B-Ques to turn in? I'll take them and WIPE the cooking grate before I use them!:toung:
Ahh. Seem to have gotten some of the work things resolved. I don't really care about the "non moveble property" as I won't have to account for it when I get out of here. The other paperwork has been saved in a place the .gov can't get to it, I think.

Enjoyed my "in lieu of" holiday yesterday, went to the store, didn't turn on a computer, went to bed early. Didn't smoke after I got home or drink any beer. What does that prove? I have no idea except that I do that fairly often. Ding goes off: have a cigarette. Why, I don't want one. Have a beer. Why, I don't want one. Habits.

During the night a big storm came through. I slept through it. Wife moved stuff out of the rain and wind. Big dust storm but only the edge here. Lot's of rain, making up for 112 days without rain.

While at the store, I looked for ground turkey. None. Got ground beef patties. Forgot to get buns. Got a loaf of bread, good enough. Bought some Samuel Adams Boston Lager. Only lager still brewed by a US company (I think). What better for the fourth of July since it has a drawing of Paul Revere shown on the label.

Today, the actual debateable birthday of of our country I figured would be an easy day except for cleaning up wind damage and clogged pool filters. Well, IE11 stopped working for some reason, the pool pump has a leak somewhere I haven't found. Not looking too hard. For either problem.

Enjoy the holiday.

Worked for the Government for over 36 years, they couldn't track a 3 legged dog in the snow!
Worked for the Government for over 36 years, they couldn't track a 3 legged dog in the snow!
That is true nnuut but they can track a 20 year old piece of equipment that cost $25,000 then and is worth $25.00 now and make sure someone is responsible for it. At the acquisition price of course.
Using our property application software, I find the acquisition cost to have been entered as $0.00. Now I am supposed to find the original purchase order from the 1990s? What do all these GS-13s do?
I love working for the .gov most of the time because I love what I do. When I find I have to research a purchase order for a system that was in place and working when I was hired, I wonder why we have all these GS-11-15s around that are supposed to be on top of that. No wonder the bureaucracy is being looked at.
Hey PO, wait until you do a ROS and find out that this "lost" piece of equipment is a 7-year old printer purchased for $2,000 and go through interview after interview only to be told it was never received. Then contacting the company and being faxed the shipping doc (15 minute phone call to fax) with the guy who signed it who is now retired. Go to that building for a "last effort". Then wander around this 50 yo office building to find that there is a "false storage wall" in a corner to make two offices. Open the wall and find nine printers, still in boxes, that never got used because the office revamp was delayed 2 years and then forgotten. Printers didn't have drivers after Windows 98. $18K wasted.
Been meaning to say something here but been busy and not sure it is worth it. Yeah it is worth it if only to just let any who replied know how it worked out. Some problems are resolved. Property was found. Computers are upgraded to Win7 and some remote equipment cannot be accessed. Many tickets and exception requests submitted. Most exception requests “lost” or trouble tickets closed for no apparent reason. Life as usual here at work.
Do not ever forget fellow feds, make a printed copy and if possible a .pdf copy or everything. Archie those emails to some place that is not a .gov server.
Will OPS win? Will IT win? Will any SES or GS-15 make a decision? No. OPS will state IT is supporting it and the problem is maintenance never submitted a request. The soap opera goes on and every manager changes places every 30-60 days so they can advance. A signature from an acting is as good as a signature from some person off the street.
I am trying to update a spread sheet from a “hurry up get her done” project before I go on leave. Day to day issues are intruding on that. I will succeed!
Please do not take me wrong, I do like my job and own the system I support. Submitting the proper form to be able to continue to do the JOB and then having it suddenly “lost” or cancelled is wearing at me. Having a new manager every 30-60 days is wearing at me.
Yes. I am whining. Maybe more in my account thread.

Brothers and sisters I need some help here. I have been tasked with installing a protective cover on a Kindle device. This would be pretty much the same as installing it on any tablet type device. I cannot get all the bubbles out of it and that is not acceptable. What am i doing wrong?
Brothers and sisters I need some help here. I have been tasked with installing a protective cover on a Kindle device. This would be pretty much the same as installing it on any tablet type device. I cannot get all the bubbles out of it and that is not acceptable. What am i doing wrong?

:)Thanks JP but it didn't fix all the bubbles. They are mostly around the edges so maybe it's not clean enough. It was a two pack so I am taking burros advice and will let the six year old do it when we get there.
Re: The Patio - and widows 8

Speaking of kickin back and enjoying the simple things...

Well boys and girls, I had my first full deluxe version pedicure...and it was AWESOME!..I had this cute little Vietnamese girl work them puppies over and boy did she...I mean; toenails clipped and polished (electric green), all the calluses shaved off and the feet rubbed out with some sea salt, mint and pumice stones and don't let me forget the hotwater foot bath and message...Man, I thought I was walking on a new pair of feet when it was all done...I can't wait for my toenails to grow back so I can get ANOTHER TREATMENT..

Men, if you never treated yourself to some pampering, this is it!