A Flurry Of Paperwork !
Well, I was gone for the last week, doing a "retirement cruise"...spent some time seeing some Family, and hooking up with some great Friends from long ago, drinking too much, eating too much, and getting caught up with Friends and Family...I kinda like this retirement gig !
Now on to the boring retirement details...to summarize, for those who don't want to read this entire thread : I retired FERS on 30 Apr, with 30 years, meeting the MRA (56), and multiple Fed agencies, with a break in service...
My Navy retirement counselor had told me, I'd get my "retirement package" the week of 11 May. Of course, we were gone this week, but upon returning today, I had 4 different documents in the pile of mail our pet/house sitter had collected !
Two of the 4 documents were from OPM...one had my claim number, and 1 had my password to access their web site for retiree payments.
The 3rd document was a hard copy of my final LES from the DFAS accounting weenies...I'd already downloaded a copy of this from the Navy's web site (see previous post), and it included my lump sum payment for my annual leave.
The big package was the one the Navy counselor told me was coming

It included :
- Certified summary of Fed service
- Computation of high-3 salary
- Benefit estimate (including reduction for survivor benefit, deductions for health and Fed tax (I never carried the life insurance), addition for annuity supplement (but no detail on how that was calculated !)
- Navy-specific info on what happens next (OPM actions, TSP withdrawal information, customer satisfaction survey, Retiree ID card procedure)
- and a copy of my final SF-50 !
I have to admit...my brain is mush tonight, so I haven't gone through the numbers closely, but everything looks real close to the numbers I crunched before
I'll take a closer squinty-eye at all the material over the next few days, and see how things shake out vs. what I was expecting...of course, I haven't received the first cash deposit of my defined pension yet (early June ?), so I have no way of knowing yet what $$ number OPM will come up with for my "interim" or final pension check...
Stay tuned !