Active member
...... today was another milestone in my retirement...I applied for "early" Social Security benefits today !!! :smile: They say that's part of the "3-legged stool" of Fed retirement...FERS pension, TSP, and Social Security. I crunched the numbers, and decided NOT to wait...not sure the budget could take the hit of the FERS SS Supplement going away in a few months...
Interesting that my SS, at age 62, will be ~ $795/month MORE than my FERS Supplement was...a nice raise !!!(emphasis added)
Thanks for the update SL!
Especially interesting is the increase in SS over Supplement. They always said that the Supplement would be lower than the amount of SS at 62.....but almost $800 more a month! Wow, that is significant.
But mostly, I am just jealous that you were able to retire before 62, and get the Supplement!
Congratulations (again) and enjoy the trip! :arms: