Active member
I see from another thread that you're retired Army...did you go to Ordnance School at APG ? That was my first hire, as a civilian...loved the Proving Grounds, and Maryland, but the Chemical Guys down in Edgewood kinda gave me the creeps...
So...what's new on my retirement front ? Well, like all, I had to make decisions about all the open season crap...
- heath care...staying with FEHB self-only Blue Cross Basic for me, while the Wife stays with the County self-only Maryland Blue Cross (CareFirst) from the School Board. You'll have to dig deep back in this thread to see my discussion about retirement and heath care,
, but my fear of the County dropping retiree health coverage seems to have been misguided...I think Obamacare may have had a lot to do with that !
Her coverage still gets paid down here in Florida, with our Doctors, meds, etc...premiums for her and my self-only is more expensive than if she picked me up on the County's "self plus one" (which I was on for a long time !), and she's gotten a 1 month "holiday" from premiums due to good claims for the last few years <sigh>
OTOH, Nnut posted a link that the Feds will finally offer a "self plus one" plan...I'll crunch the numbers on next year's go-around !!!
- TSP withdrawals : So it's open season to change my monthly withdrawal amount from my TSP account. This is the year that was the turning point for us...rolled most of my TSP over in 2012, and set up a monthly withdrawal amount on the rest, based on what I thought I'd need, without penalty, until I turned 59 1/2, when I'd be eligible for penalty-free IRA withdrawals...also, we started drawing the Wife's SS this year, at age 62...The "Plan" worked out perfect, if I do say so myself !!! We're in the black on expenses for 2014, and I've crossed that 59 1/2 threshold, so we can spend from both the Wife's and my IRA as we see fit, without tax penalty !!! I decided to just keep my TSP withdrawal the same for 2015 ; made a few extra months profit from my original calcs, but if we need more, we can tap either IRA now...
The Wife's Maryland and Florida pensions, and her SS, get Fed pension and SS supplement are still fixed...good that inflation is NOT eating us alive !!!
So "Life is good" in retirement...starting to learn how to spend it better, to do the things we always saved to do !!!
One thing that concerns me a little : Seeing a lot of posts lately, worrying about not hitting your max TSP contributions in the last pay period or two...
My advice : Don't sweat it...just make the correction next year !!! If you are 20 years from retirement, then it makes a difference ! If you are in the catch-up phase, making extra contributions, and close to retirement ??? Then a couple of hundred bucks in tax savings, or TSP earnings, is really NOT gonna make a difference !!! It's the "tail is wagging the dog" !!! You reach a point where anything you do doesn't really make a difference in the "Big Picture" me, a $100 or 2 a month doesn't make much difference ! Heck...I can manipulate that just by adjusting my beer consumption !!!
Just sayin'...
I see from another thread that you're retired Army...did you go to Ordnance School at APG ? That was my first hire, as a civilian...loved the Proving Grounds, and Maryland, but the Chemical Guys down in Edgewood kinda gave me the creeps...

So...what's new on my retirement front ? Well, like all, I had to make decisions about all the open season crap...
- heath care...staying with FEHB self-only Blue Cross Basic for me, while the Wife stays with the County self-only Maryland Blue Cross (CareFirst) from the School Board. You'll have to dig deep back in this thread to see my discussion about retirement and heath care,

Her coverage still gets paid down here in Florida, with our Doctors, meds, etc...premiums for her and my self-only is more expensive than if she picked me up on the County's "self plus one" (which I was on for a long time !), and she's gotten a 1 month "holiday" from premiums due to good claims for the last few years <sigh>
OTOH, Nnut posted a link that the Feds will finally offer a "self plus one" plan...I'll crunch the numbers on next year's go-around !!!
- TSP withdrawals : So it's open season to change my monthly withdrawal amount from my TSP account. This is the year that was the turning point for us...rolled most of my TSP over in 2012, and set up a monthly withdrawal amount on the rest, based on what I thought I'd need, without penalty, until I turned 59 1/2, when I'd be eligible for penalty-free IRA withdrawals...also, we started drawing the Wife's SS this year, at age 62...The "Plan" worked out perfect, if I do say so myself !!! We're in the black on expenses for 2014, and I've crossed that 59 1/2 threshold, so we can spend from both the Wife's and my IRA as we see fit, without tax penalty !!! I decided to just keep my TSP withdrawal the same for 2015 ; made a few extra months profit from my original calcs, but if we need more, we can tap either IRA now...
The Wife's Maryland and Florida pensions, and her SS, get Fed pension and SS supplement are still fixed...good that inflation is NOT eating us alive !!!
So "Life is good" in retirement...starting to learn how to spend it better, to do the things we always saved to do !!!
One thing that concerns me a little : Seeing a lot of posts lately, worrying about not hitting your max TSP contributions in the last pay period or two...
My advice : Don't sweat it...just make the correction next year !!! If you are 20 years from retirement, then it makes a difference ! If you are in the catch-up phase, making extra contributions, and close to retirement ??? Then a couple of hundred bucks in tax savings, or TSP earnings, is really NOT gonna make a difference !!! It's the "tail is wagging the dog" !!! You reach a point where anything you do doesn't really make a difference in the "Big Picture" me, a $100 or 2 a month doesn't make much difference ! Heck...I can manipulate that just by adjusting my beer consumption !!!

Just sayin'...