Stoplight's Retirement Story (FERS, Gap in Service, Military Buy-Back)

Not all agencies have great HR personnel for retirement, I have witnessed our retirement unit erode over the last few years. I too requested the retirement estimation which took 4 weeks to deliver. The FERS annuity is exactly the same as the automated self-query an employee can figure themselves. The estimation has written OPF not reviewed? I am questioning the FERS supplement, I have figured the estimation myself and also on a calculation tool on the internet and the HR person's estimate was $150 lower than my estimation! I have called and emailed the HR person wanting to know how this was calculated and still no answer. I am a FERS transfer from 1999, really regret that transfer but it will all work out. I have been watching this deal play that congress is pushing for the Part-time program for feds eligible to retire and starting to think it doesnt look that bad. Work two 10 days for the same pay same, might not be a bad idea!


Well, I can't complain about my HR experience so far...although it's weird...I've had to deal with people in 3 different States, depending on what I was looking for ! All of them have been helpful !

The estimate in 4 weeks isn't bad...they tell us 30 days, but when I first spoke with the person doing the calculation, she warned me that it probably would be longer than that...she said "We're getting SLAMMED with retirements !" I did get it within the 30 days, anyway.

Of course, there's no way of knowing how accurate the estimate is until the checks start hitting the bank ! The basic annuity is pretty easy to figure, once you have your high-3 figured out. In my case, the supplement estimate was higher than I had calculated.

The part-time deal is interesting, but I think I'm ready to go do something else :)

Retirement Benefit Estimate

I haven't seen this mentioned much, so I'll throw this out there. My Agency (Navy) has a service where you give them a proposed retirement date or dates, and they send you a pretty detailed estimate of your monthly retirement benefits as of those date(s). The estimate is based on info in your OPF, and includes your basic pension, with deductions you specify (survivor benefit, etc) as well as estimated deductions for your health care benefits and taxes.

In my case, it also included a correct calculation of my "high-3" (which occurred several years ago), and an estimate of the annuity supplement (which I'm eligible for). I was surprised at the level of detail provided...a great planning tool, and the folks were very helpful in answering any questions you might have on the estimate.

I don't know if ALL Agencies provide the same service, but if yours does, and you're nearing retirement, take advantage of it !


Glad you brought this up. NASA has this benifit and I have used it since 2009 to get an idea what retirement dates would look like. We could pick up to 3 dates at one time and I think you could utilize this at least twice a year.

Missing Paperwork

She asked me for 2 things that were missing...first, was a copy of my marriage license ! Now, I have no idea where this was coming from...there’s a question and answer block on the -3107 that asks you some questions about your current and previous marriages, but I didn’t see anything about submitting a license.

Second, she needed something to prove I had bought back my military service. I thought that was curious, because the Navy did have my service computation date correct, which included the buy-back, as well as the adjustment for my gap in service. If I had worked for the Navy my entire career, it would be shown on my Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). However, as a guy who had come from another Agency, where I had made the deposit, they wanted proof !
I forgot to send my marraige license when I FAXed my package to NSSC. I was tolsd they needed it for my Federal Life Insurance.
Last year there was a retirement review you had to sign up for and folks came up from NSSC to go over all your paperwork. I was asked if I paid back my military time because the HR person didn't have it in my folder. Fortunately I had the letter with me me and it got corrected on the spot.

RE: the license...yes, I did get remarried while I was a Fed. I guess they're really concerned about an ex-wife's claim against your retirement benefits. I DO have a Separation Agreement from my ex, where she gave up any future claims, but they didn't ask for that. Now, THAT paperwork IS locked up ! :D

The counselor mentioned that the license was something "OPM will want..." when they get the package.


Stoplight did you mention that you were remarried? I know this is getting a little personal but it might be good to have this documented so that there is no possible calim agains your Life Insurance (if you have any government kind), your TSP if you keep it there or your pension. HR just might want a copy of the agreement or a statement from your Ex saying she will claim nothing. Got to protect what is yours.

I don't remember if my previous Agencies had the estimate service or not...frankly, details about "retirement" hadn't gotten much of my attention until later in my Fed career ! That's why I brought it up...perhaps many of these youngsters might want to request an estimate, although I don't know how accurate it would be. Obviously, the closer you are to retirement, the more accurate the estimate will be...

In my case, we could request 1 every 12 months...I last had one done in 2010, but got a current one done in Feb.

Another bit of advice to everyone would be to take advantage of any retirement seminar/training that might be offered. I did take one of those several years ago, and the info was outstanding...I'm still using the course handouts as I plot my strategy !

Regarding marriage licenses and, that's not too raise an excellent point ! I didn't think of the government life insurance aspect, because I have never carried the FEGLI coverage...but that might explain why they asked me for the copy of my license ! FEGLI was more expensive than what was available on the open market...I've had a private term policy for many years, and one of the decisions I have to make now is whether or not it's even worth carrying any more. I have another policy that will pay enough to plant me in the ground when I croak, and choosing a survivor benefit, along with the TSP pot, and her pension, should keep my Wife from having to worry too much :)

Divorce, re-marriage, and dependents are a real tough issue that folks need to think my case, I was fortunate enough to not have any children by either marriage (by choice, but don't flame me for that decision !) Also, my divorce was "friendly", if one can use that term to describe a divorce...but you get my drift ! We did a legal separation agreement that laid out who got what, so if OPM wants me to prove I have no ex's claim on my pension or anything else, I can do that !

Good discussion...thanks to all who are jumping in with their questions and thoughts !

I'm spending more time on your retirement site than mine. But you are bringing up some very good points.


I don't remember if my previous Agencies had the estimate service or not...frankly, details about "retirement" hadn't gotten much of my attention until later in my Fed career ! That's why I brought it up...perhaps many of these youngsters might want to request an estimate, although I don't know how accurate it would be. Obviously, the closer you are to retirement, the more accurate the estimate will be...

In my case, we could request 1 every 12 months...I last had one done in 2010, but got a current one done in Feb.

I guess not all agencies offer the estimate or not. But I would suggest that everyone check to see if it is offered. I think it is a great service. It really shows if you can afford to retire now instead of later.

Another bit of advice to everyone would be to take advantage of any retirement seminar/training that might be offered. I did take one of those several years ago, and the info was outstanding...I'm still using the course handouts as I plot my strategy !

We were told that you really should attend your first retirement seminar about 10 years away from your retirement date and then attend one 5 years out. It really does get you thinking about what you should be doing before retirement. I would suggest that everyone look at this website for retirement information. From CSRS to FERS - Retirement Planning - Pay & Benefits - Tammy Flanagan is really good. She also talks about the best dates to retire, CSRS vs. FERS.

Regarding marriage licenses and, that's not too raise an excellent point ! I didn't think of the government life insurance aspect, because I have never carried the FEGLI coverage...but that might explain why they asked me for the copy of my license ! FEGLI was more expensive than what was available on the open market...I've had a private term policy for many years, and one of the decisions I have to make now is whether or not it's even worth carrying any more. I have another policy that will pay enough to plant me in the ground when I croak, and choosing a survivor benefit, along with the TSP pot, and her pension, should keep my Wife from having to worry too much :)

This covers the paragraph above and below. When you retire and if you plan to keep your money in your TSP account make sure you read "Form TSP-3, Designation of Beneficiary". If you do not designate a beneficiary then your money will be distributed following your states statutory order of precedence when you pass away. You also want to have a beneficiary for you federal pension. If you don't your hard earned money may go to someone you don't want it to go to.

Divorce, re-marriage, and dependents are a real tough issue that folks need to think my case, I was fortunate enough to not have any children by either marriage (by choice, but don't flame me for that decision !) Also, my divorce was "friendly", if one can use that term to describe a divorce...but you get my drift ! We did a legal separation agreement that laid out who got what, so if OPM wants me to prove I have no ex's claim on my pension or anything else, I can do that !

Good discussion...thanks to all who are jumping in with their questions and thoughts !

Pretty funny, Nasa ! Hopefully, we're learning from each other, AND passing along some advice for others, too...

I'm going to go check out my beneficiaries on file. just because that's not something I thought too much about. I KNOW I don't have one on file with TSP :worried:

Stoplight, first of all congratulations on your retirement. Now you can put away that alarm clock and it's a great feeling. I'm going to enjoy reading about your retirement experiences since your are FERS.

I retired FERS about the same time as my brother-in-law retired CSRS and it was interesting to me to see the differences. Seems like the main differences since our retirements are that I curse the Diet COLA and I pay a lot more attention to my TSP (now IRA) funds than he does.

Good luck and I hope your paperwork goes without a hitch.
Stoplight, first of all congratulations on your retirement. Now you can put away that alarm clock and it's a great feeling. I'm going to enjoy reading about your retirement experiences since your are FERS.

I retired FERS about the same time as my brother-in-law retired CSRS and it was interesting to me to see the differences. Seems like the main differences since our retirements are that I curse the Diet COLA and I pay a lot more attention to my TSP (now IRA) funds than he does.

Good luck and I hope your paperwork goes without a hitch.

Thanks, Miss Magnolia ! I appreciate you stopping by, and posting your note ! I'm SO looking forward to that day I can retire the alarm clock ! I told myself I wouldn't be like others that I've worked with, and slack off, and start counting down days, but I can't help it ! "The light at the end of the tunnel" is just too appealing !

This thread has been interesting, and eye-opening for me! I expected it to be pretty much me spouting off on my experiences, but the questions and comments have made me stop and think, more than once...a good thing !

My "benchmark", and one of my "Advisors" for FERS retirement, is my Big Brother...he retired from the Navy, too, effective the end of December, 2011. I'm comparing my FERS experience with far, we've both dealt with many of the same people in the pipeline !

My "benchmark" to compare against a CSRS retirement is Nasa1974...since we're going out at similar times, it's fascinating to me to see what HIS experience is, and how the systems differ !

Thanks for stopping by !

Wife’s Contribution

Perhaps this isn’t the right place to discuss my Wife’s contribution to our retirement plans, since it’s a web site for us TSP owners, and she was not a Fed. However, it doesn’t seem right to discuss MY retirement plans without including the “Big Picture” of her contribution...we’re a Team ! It may not be relevant to you all, but it is important to us and our decision-making ! I suspect, like many others, your Spouse also has a “career”, and has contributions to the finances, so any “retirement” discussion should include ALL the factors ! Anyway, my Wife has no interest in managing the investment portion of her retirement $$$, so she’s left that up to me, anyway. :)

Since we both come from modest backgrounds, and we don’t have expensive tastes, our only retirement goal has always been : “We don’t want to retire like our Parents did, living from Social Security paycheck to paycheck.” That has lead us to stash money in our retirement accounts at a decent rate, but, perhaps unfortunately, made us VERY conservative in our investments to date. We HATE to lose a nickel ! At this point, with both of us about to be retired (me, age 57; her, age 60; in 2012), we’ll both have an old-fashioned pension check, and a combined retirement pot in the mid-six figure range. Once SS kicks in for her in 2 years (but that's a whole 'nother discussion, isn't it ?), we should be more than able to meet our current life style expenses, and do some traveling and other stuff we want to do !

As I’ve noted before, my Wife retired after 34 years teaching with 3 different school districts, in 2 different States. Her first 10 years teaching (BM...”Before Me” !) got her vested in that State’s retirement system. Her remaining years were in a different State, but we didn’t “buy back” the 10 years...too expensive ! Thus, she gets a small pension from her 24 years, and an even smaller one from the 10 years...between the 2, it’s enough to pay the mortgage and the electric bill !

After we were married, we opened her 403(b) account. The School Board changed providers, so we ended up with 2 accounts with 2 vendors. We’ve rolled her 2 accounts into a self-directed IRA with USAA so that we could manage the investment, and draw on it as needed, with a minimal amount of hassle. Her last chunk just hit the USAA account, so we have to figure out what to do with it !

I suppose I should start a new topic in the “Investment Portfolio” thread to discuss the specifics of what we have done with her IRA so far, but right now, we have individual dividend-paying stocks and some mutual funds : SWK, MKC, BMY, PAYX, CMC, GE, MCD, IP, POM, and T. We have 3 USAA products, 2 bond and 1 stock funds : USISX, USAIX, and USIBX.

The beauty of our Plan is...she’s eligible to withdraw from the IRA , without penalty, now ! When I retire in April, I’ll roll my TSP over to my USAA self-directed IRA, but I won’t be eligible to touch it without penalty for a couple of the meantime, we can tap her IRA, as needed, to get us through the next 2 years !

Based on my calcs, this should work !

Stoplight at least you have put some thought into it and have a plan. Good luck and looking forward to sharing information.

I'm getting kind of've heard from your retirement folks a couple of times, but since I sent in my copy of my marriage license and military buy-back LES, I haven't heard a thing...not even an offer to join the long-term care program like you got from OPM ! I guess I don't have any overdue library books, either :D Oh well...I'm going with the "no news is good news" theory :)

For me, it's been "business as usual", stomping out the daily brush fires, fighting with my Contractors, and trying to get out a few contract time to clean up my paperwork, or organize my email...that's going to have to happen soon, or my successors will be hurting...

BTW...invested the last of the Wife's IRA balance today on individual stocks and 1 fund ...bought CAG, KO, STX, and shares of USAA's Gold and Precious Metals fund (USAGX). I'm not crazy about how the USAGX is performing lately, but I put a small chunk there in the name of "diversification".

Stoplight, if you don't hear something relatively soon, call your Senator's or Representative's Office and ask them to look into it. Believe me, a letter of Congressional Inquiry will get some forward momentum happening!
Stoplight, I haven't heard from my NSSC contact since she called and said I had to resend the FEGLI form. The latest E-mail was from our local HR contacts informing me on what steps I need to take here at Glenn. I would contact your local HR if you have one and contact the person you sent your retirement forms to just to make sure everything is in order. I know I'm not telling you something you don't plan to do. I know that we are all dedicated to our job but you need to take an hour or two every day for the next week and start going through your files and E-mails. I'm still going through my computer files and I've been at it on and off for the last 3 weeks. My hard copies I cleaned up right away. The other option is the delete button and the shredder on your last day or you could just forward all you computer files and E-mails to your supervisor and just leave your hard copies in the file cabinet. Someone will figure it out. Good luck and stay positive, we are retiring. ;)

First of all congrats on the retirement.

If you are retiring at the end of next month and your bosses haven't assigned someone to shadow you and/or take over your contracts, shame on them.

If you are not taking time to get your affairs in order, shame on you.

I realize none of us want to be thought of as a "ROADy" but sounds to me as if your managers are being a little short sited.

I like Nasa's suggestions but lean toward reminding the supervisor of what you are working on and when you are leaving and then forwarding all the stuff on the last day.

Just my opinion but we have all seen it happen over and over and I anticipate being in the same situation in about 1024 work days.

Best of luck.

When my previous High Voltage Systems Manager retired he forwarded almost 2,000 E-mails to my current Systems Manager. It wasn't as punishment but he felt they were important. It has been almost a year and he is still going through those E-mails.

Stoplight, just something to think about. :D
Thanks, Sky, PO, and Nasa for your observations and is much appreciated ! I tend to be a "glass-is-half-full" guy, but like you all, I've seen enough screw-ups during my career to realize I need to follow your advice, and check in with the HR Folks to confirm all is well...

As far as a shadow or replacement goes...although I work for DOD, I'm at a very small installation. Because I'm involved in construction oversight, "management" rightly looks at the long term "picture"...why hire a new person, only to have to RIF them or relocate them in the next year or two when my current construction contracts have wound down, and they can't justify the position anymore ? It appears the thought is to "borrow" support from a near-by installation, as needed, OR to possibly entice me to come back as a "contract employee", with no benefits or such. That's a non-starter in my mind...I don't want to be full-time, and if I'm going to hang around another year, I want the retirement credit and another year of TSP contributions ! DUH !

I AM frustrated, though, in my attempts to get management attention to the fact that I have 18 work days left...I suspect I'll keep plugging away to get what I can done, but then end up forwarding 2,000 emails, as per Nasa's story...I really don't want to go out that way... :embarrest:

I've been telling my supervisor for a year that I was going to retire in 2012. They have no one to take my place yet. Right now there is no one with high voltage experience from the government side so that leaves about 3 contractors that are interested but the cost is to high. My supervisor says that our Center Director is hesitant to take a contractor and make him a federally. So I will be leaving with out passing along any information. I will do my job up to a day or to before I leave. That's all I can do and the center will function without me. So be it.
I've been telling my supervisor for a year that I was going to retire in 2012. They have no one to take my place yet. Right now there is no one with high voltage experience from the government side so that leaves about 3 contractors that are interested but the cost is to high. My supervisor says that our Center Director is hesitant to take a contractor and make him a federally. So I will be leaving with out passing along any information. I will do my job up to a day or to before I leave. That's all I can do and the center will function without me. So be it.

Hear, Hear, Nasa !

Okay, I've got one that I've NEVER seen discussed's totally irrelevant to the boring stuff about retirement paperwork, but I'm curious to see what other people's thoughts and experiences are !

What Is Your Agency Doing/What Did They Do For Your Retirement Celebration ?

I have my thoughts/opinions on the subject, but I'd like to get some feedback before I put mine out there !

So what stories can you share ?

Okay, I've got one that I've NEVER seen discussed's totally irrelevant to the boring stuff about retirement paperwork, but I'm curious to see what other people's thoughts and experiences are !

What Is Your Agency Doing/What Did They Do For Your Retirement Celebration ?

I have my thoughts/opinions on the subject, but I'd like to get some feedback before I put mine out there !

So what stories can you share ?


Here at Glenn it depends on how high up the food chain you are on how big of a party you can have.
We have a on site newsletter (also gets mailed to retiree's) that if you give permission will post your picture with a short story about your retirement and how long you have worked for the government. On the intranet they post a retirement book that anyone on the lab can sign.
It is up to your supervisor and you if you want cake and coffee. Everyone in the Division is invited to attend. At the party you get a retirement book with the signatures and any pictures that may have been taken during your career. You also get a clock with the NASA meatball as the center of the clock. They will take you out to lunch if you want. At least that is what I'm familiar with.
Here at Glenn it depends on how high up the food chain you are on how big of a party you can have.
We have a on site newsletter (also gets mailed to retiree's) that if you give permission will post your picture with a short story about your retirement and how long you have worked for the government. On the intranet they post a retirement book that anyone on the lab can sign.
It is up to your supervisor and you if you want cake and coffee. Everyone in the Division is invited to attend. At the party you get a retirement book with the signatures and any pictures that may have been taken during your career. You also get a clock with the NASA meatball as the center of the clock. They will take you out to lunch if you want. At least that is what I'm familiar with.

Way to go, Nasa...getting this spin-off started !

Thanks for posting your Office's procedure...that sounds pretty cool ! NASA "meatball", eh ? :D So, for the options you have a choice about, what are YOU choosing to do ?

I'm curious to hear other stories before I post mine...anyone else ?
