Stoplight's Account Talk

Amazing !!!

Don't know why you bikers put yourself through that stuff, but if you can find room to include some frozen Susquehanna Inn pit beef in your 2-day pack, I'll be much obliged !!! :D

Let me know...late August better than early August for us !!!

Take care, Friend !!!

I'm getting ready to put my 5.23 acreage up for sale. You can find it on NW 93rd avenue if interested. You must be familiar with the student traffic jams by now. It's a great location with plenty of wildlife coming and going. There are 7 homesites at Barrington Park.

Haven't looked at a map yet...that must be WAY out beyond the Devil's Millhopper, maybe ??? Depending on when you bought it, you're gonna make a killing ! :)

The land is located at the end of the 43rd street extension - take a left on NW 93rd avenue and it's 1.7 miles on the left. Absoluteyl no traffic It'll be a purrfect parcel for a retiree. Lots of deer. Located just in front of the Turkey Creek Preservation area of 376 acres. It's no where near the Devil's Millhopper.
...Depending on when you bought it, you're gonna make a killing ! :)

...But not on me !!! :D Although I LOVE Gainesville, it's changed a LOT (DUH !) since I lived there in the mid-70's ! Right now, we're happy on our acre out in "Lower Alabama", with very little traffic !!! Hard to believe I used to commute into downtown Baltimore, and put up with that crap...retirement is a good thing !

Thanks for the posts, though !!!

My mistake, I thought you were still in the Gainseville area. I suspect it will go to someone from Wisconsin.
Okay, so this has absolutely NOTHING to do with "TSP" or "Investment Decisions" or "Money Stuff", but hey...this is MY home, and I can post what I want, right ???

Soooo...over in The Lounge, I posted a pic of my mug along with my Best Friend, Book ("Big Dog"), in JPCalvin's thread about "Put on your happy face". Book is a large, happy German Shepherd Dog (GSD)... Well, Sunday night, he started showing symptoms of "bloat". Bloat can kill a dog within hours, and GSD's are susceptible to it...fortunately, we recognized the symptoms immediately, because we lost a dog to it, once before. Rushed him over to the Emergency Vet in Pensacola, where he underwent surgery...Vet called us after midnight, and said he came through the surgery just fine, but wasn't out of the woods yet...heart problems are common, post-op.

Anyway, he was "discharged" early Tuesday morning, with no further problems...and the follow-up visit to our "normal" Vet Wednesday went well...she said she "can't believe how WELL he's doing !" In fact, she prescribed some "doggy downers", because he was getting frisky, wanting to play with "Little Dog" :nuts: The LAST thing they want him doing is running and jumping, until both the internal and external stitches heal...stitches come out in a week...

Here's a pic of what he looks like now...KILLS me to see the bruising, and the beautiful Shepherd coat shaved off in so many places ! "Conehead" is terrorizing the cats with his new headgear, and knocking stuff off anything low-lying in the house, but he's getting used to it :D We're so thankful he survived...


OUCH v2.jpg
It's like my Mom used to say, when I complained about a bad haircut : "It'll grow back..." :)


2thumbs.gif my "buy-and-hold" portfolio treaded water today...BUT the Wife got KILLED on her BPT and CAG holdings ! What's up with THAT ??? :confused:

Well, we still have ~ 23% ROI on them both...keep those dividends coming !!!

BTW..."Big Dog" is doing great ! Stitches out ; cone off ; hair growing back ; frisky ; losing weight ! Vet is amazed ! :D

Trying another "experiment"...

So, I'm going through my quarterly statement on my USAA brokerage IRA...I'm retired, and very conservative with my investment decisions. dawned on me that I needed an alternative, "safe" investment for my significant cash balance. I was holding 20% cash, which is in the USAA "sweep" account, which in my case is a FDIC insured money market account, earning a whopping 0.1% yield !!! :nuts:

I thought about laddering some CD's, but I just don't like the "commitment"...maybe it's a "guy" thing. I wanted something like the G, liquid, dismal return, but at least better than this money market balance !

I decided to split a portion of my cash balance between 2 "buy and hold" mutual funds, with any payouts reinvested :

USAA Government Securities Fund - USGNX
T. Rowe Price U.S. Treasury Long-Term Fund - PRULX

We'll see how this goes ! I'm still holding ~8 months of living expenses, in the sweep account, as "emergency" money and as my "trading money" for those NUGT opportunities.

Good Trading to all !

Good luck. It's got to be better than .01%.

Hey, Nasa ! Thanks for stopping by...Hope you and your Family are doing well !

Yeah, I guess I probably should've done this much sooner...but I'm getting more confident in my decisions, as I learn more. I've picked some stinkers, but overall, my portfolio is growing faster than my 4% withdrawal rate + those dividends !!!

The TRUE test will come when we get the next good correction...hope I'll be positioned to ride out the storm for a few years !!!

...I decided to split a portion of my cash balance between 2 "buy and hold" mutual funds, with any payouts reinvested :

USAA Government Securities Fund - USGNX
T. Rowe Price U.S. Treasury Long-Term Fund - PRULX

We'll see how this goes ! I'm still holding ~8 months of living expenses, in the sweep account, as "emergency" money and as my "trading money" for those NUGT opportunities.


So, my previous strategy holding 20% cash in the sweep FDIC-insured Money Market fund paid me ~$1/month, that's not a typo ! Specifically, I made $7.73 YTD (through end of July).

I bought into the 2 Funds on 15 Jul. So how did the "new" strategy work ?

Well, a/o the end of July :

USGNX posted a dividend of $36.13 for the month
PRULX posted a dividend of $44.17 for the month

That's $80.30, vs $1 :nuts:

Why, oh why, didn't I do this sooner ??? :)

Yes, I'm not FDIC insured any more...need to look into what coverage now applies to these funds...
Yes, I'm assuming more "risk" than I was before...
Yes, I'm probably not keeping ahead of inflation, or making as much as I COULD be, with this "cash" holding...

...HOWEVER...with a conservative investor like me, this is a much better move ! With Companies like T. Rowe Price and USAA, I don't lose sleep that they are going under any time soon, either !


So, my previous strategy holding 20% cash in the sweep FDIC-insured Money Market fund paid me ~$1/month, that's not a typo ! Specifically, I made $7.73 YTD (through end of July).

I bought into the 2 Funds on 15 Jul. So how did the "new" strategy work ?

Well, a/o the end of July :

USGNX posted a dividend of $36.13 for the month
PRULX posted a dividend of $44.17 for the month

That's $80.30, vs $1 :nuts:

Why, oh why, didn't I do this sooner ??? :)

Yes, I'm not FDIC insured any more...need to look into what coverage now applies to these funds...
Yes, I'm assuming more "risk" than I was before...
Yes, I'm probably not keeping ahead of inflation, or making as much as I COULD be, with this "cash" holding...

...HOWEVER...with a conservative investor like me, this is a much better move ! With Companies like T. Rowe Price and USAA, I don't lose sleep that they are going under any time soon, either !


Ahhh Kenny Rogers would have been proud!:D Congratulations my illuminated friend!
Just another totally non-investment related post !

So today we had to do what all responsible pet owners do...we put down our Crabby Gray Cat of 10 years, Jack...this part of being responsible for a pet SUCKS !!! He told us "it was time" late Friday...

Here's a pic of him with our young GSD, Book, on the bed...I had to laugh when I went looking for pix of Jack in my files...this one of a young Book on the bed with him cracked me up ! I think, shortly after I took the pic, was the moment where he learned : "You don't screw around with the Cat !" (at least, not the gray Crabby Cat !)

Rest in peace, Jack...


Book and Jack.jpg