Steel_Magnolia's Account Talk

Thanks for your visit, MaSTA, those cookies you made sound yummy!

I didn't post charts today because nothing much has changed. F Fund may be doing some topping action. If I was the really adventurous type I'd be in F Fund but since I'm a chicklet I'd probably be in the G Garage. No equities (C,S or I) because they look like they are still in a basing action, may have some more down side to them.

But the only thing I know for sure is that today's cookies are my very favorite - - oatmeal cookie bars with walnuts and cocoanut. Please try one while you're here. And y'all be careful out there!
Thanks for your visit, Handballer. It's always good to see you here.

I wish I was as happy about the markets. AGG is still the only one above its 18 day moving average. But it's having a down day. Its been a roller coaster week and I'm not sure I would want to be holding any big positions over the weekend.


But there is a glimmer of hope. Today's positive action in equities has put SPY up over its 50 day moving average, something that IWM and EFA can't say yet.

So y'all be careful out there and have a great weekend!
Hi Birch, good to see you back, my very good contrary friend!

When I got my weekly Chartwatchers Newsletter email it contained a nugget I'd like to share with you. By the way, Chartwatchers is a free offering of If you'd like to get the newsletter, just go to the home page and use the signup form at the bottom of the page.

Here is the part that really caught my eye:

"...Every month, the week before options expiration, I calculate "max pain" for the SPY, QQQ and IWM. I define max pain as the point at which in-the-money call premium EQUALS in-the-money put premium. It's the market makers' version of the "perfect storm". Once I calculate max pain, I do NOT look for the major indices to reach the level of max pain. Instead, I simply use max pain as a directional indicator as I would the MACD. It's a part of my overall strategy, not my entire strategy. Last week, for instance, the SPY and QQQ showed a max pain level very close to its then current price. The IWM, however, traded at $79.54 with a max pain level of $81.65. Tuesday's high on the IWM was $81.55. Check it out:

There was net in-the-money put interest, which suggested that IWM (small caps) would have a gravitational pull higher in the very near-term. In order to benefit from this potential move, you could trade the IWM or find individual stock alternatives with a similarly skewed net option interest on the put side. "

I thought that was interesting. If you have one trade left for the month and it's burning a hole in your pocket, S Fund may be worth a try. Or not. These markets are pretty volatile, aren't they. And will probably continue to be, as Spain follows the path blazed by Portugal and Greece, and Italy seems to be next in line.

Y'all be careful out there!

SPY has recaptured pride-of-place by moving back up to its 18 day moving average.


Has this AAPL spurred position action put in another short term bottom, or will this exuberance end with a thud? I'm about half invested. I guess that means I'm better at baking cookies than calling the market. [grin]
Here are the latest screen shots from my TC2000 software:



F Fund looks like the only alternative to the Garage. In my personal account I am in mostly cash, and am moving my funds from TradeKing (who uses Pension as a clearinghouse - - thanks again, Alevin) to Scottrade, who won't be caught up if Pension implodes itself. FWIW.
Here are the latest screen shots from my TC2000 software.



Still looks like F or G Funds are the places to be.

If I still had a TSP account I think I'd be right here:

G Garage.JPG

But here is where I'm really going to be now.

Rockin XL 018 (800x600).jpg

Won't see you again until the flip side. Until then, y'all be careful out there!
Lady, have a safe trip and relax and enjoy. Retirement is starting to treat me OK. ;)[/QUOTE}

Yes retirement is good but think of all the young folks joing the Gov work force working til they are 80 years old. But when they retire they will be running marathons and and winning major golf matches and stuff like that. I can't wait to see it!
I'm back down home in the heat for a couple of days so I thought I'd pop in to my online home to dust the furniture and refill the drinks in the refrigerator.

And looking at the TSP funds I suppose you could make a case for each one of them.

Capture (640x444).jpg


Systemic accumulation is being shown by the BOP (Balance of Power) reading for EFA, trend vs. market looks best on IWM. SPY? Well, I suppose you could point to volume and that crossover of the 18 day average over the 45 day average. But for me? I'd be AGG all the way! That chart picture kind of hits me over the head ... AGG just keeps going up while the other three dance all over the place.

And when I consider the AGG stochastic is highest, it has the only positive Money Stream, it has the highest CCI, the price is above all the averages on the chart, it's at 99% of it's yearly high. And then I look at all those little pink and green/blue checks that signify good daily and weekly items in AGG's Ichimoku Cloud indicator, well, I'd have a hard time putting my money in any of the other TSP funds.

Although my real world account is invested solely in nine different pharmaceutical stocks.

Y'all be careful out there!
Hey lady. So good to see you again.

I've been trying really hard not to drop into other's threads without being invited, it helps with my tourrette's syndrom triggers i think. But i just had to pop in and say hi. Keep kicking girl.
Hey lady. So good to see you again.

I've been trying really hard not to drop into other's threads without being invited, it helps with my tourrette's syndrom triggers i think. But i just had to pop in and say hi. Keep kicking girl.

And you know, BC, that you will always have an open invitation to Lady's house.
Ann, Nice to see your post. Welcome back. Haven't seen SB around and any pictures of boo, so I found his e-mail. Glad to hear he is doing fine. Glad to see you back as well.

Peace and health.

Good to see you back posting. Stay on for longer this time and hope those pharmaceuticals are earning their money! And Happy Birthday!!!!!