Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

Jason and Steady immediately entered a large round room with lava lamps and colored fiber globes that circled with a variety of colors. It had the appearance of India decor - oriential rugs and silk curtain hangings. A wide variety of gold ornaments were throughout the room and beautiful pieces of inlaid wood furniture. The air was fresh and the sound of a waterfall gave it a very peaceful feeling.

"This place is beautiful. Where are we Steady"?

"It's my favorite get away. A friend told me how many buildings in China are designed to fully utilize the elements of nature and work to compliment the nature that's around us. So I hired a guy highly regarded in that field to design this place and that's how it was built. I love it - it honestly seems in perfect balance."

"Man, that's unbelievable. I never heard of that but it really does have an astmosphere that feels wonderful".

After Jason and Steady sat in a few chairs at the center of the room, Steady looked over and said he wanted to go after the Pharmaceutical Industry next. He told Jason that the FDA has a policy where by a drug can fail over and over but if they can get it to work on just a few seperate trials - then they don't have to worry about the overwhelming failures and the drug gets approved. Also despite all the huge advancements in identifying the safety and actions of the various chemicals - it continues to operate in an outdated system that costs the companies $500 Million for every drug that goes on the Market. Lastly, and most importantly, there are many chemicals and foods that are even better than the drugs and simple life style changes in combination with these more wholesome methods would be far superior to the drugs these companies are pushing. His plan was to turn the entire system upside down - shake it out - and start with a fresh design. "The health care industry needs the biggest change - so that the public are the ones to benefit the most and the system itself compliments affordable and excellent care."
"The health care industry needs the biggest change - so that the public are the ones to benefit the most and the system itself compliments affordable and excellent care."

Within a few weeks Jason and Steady set out to turn things around. Jason was the Chief Medical Operator - a position Bush put in place to have authority over all Health Care Systems - including Hospitals and Pharmaceutical Companies. His presentation caused a division between those in power and those without. Hospital Administors, the Pharmaceuticals, and Health Insurance Companies stood together and demanded Jason's immediate resignation. Lawyers and Talking Heads were on the air around the clock and nothing but anger and turmoil filled the atmosphere.

Bush did little to help the cause when he addressed the Nation and the rich and powerful made him appear ill fit to be President and demanded he be impeached. Most politicians were afraid to come out in public and did not want to be involved. But the general population hugely supported the plan to make the Health Care System exactly as they proposed and the politicians were so flooded with calls and letters of support they were forced to come out of hiding and stand behind the President. What started out as looking hopeless soon became the most promising aspect of American Life. All Senators, Governors, Mayors, and local officials pledged their full support to improve the Health Care System and sweeping changes followed. It was the first time that many ever had the feeling that "IT WAS A NATION BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE" - that belief was long forgotten as more and more government control and coruption took over. But now a change was apparent and people seemed to live with more confidence and pride. The country was changing and the changes were so outstanding that confidence and support of the President and all those in Political Power reached the highest levels in the history of the United States. The Industries made changes and fell silent and the lawyers disappeared.

Now the country was anticapating what Bush's next move would be.
Jason and Steady dealt with the Financial Situation at length. The deeper they looked the worse it got. All Federal and State Government Programs were structured in such a way that "The more you spend the more you get" - and everyone was determined to get as much as possible and so spending was encouraged to the greatest extent simply for the sake of spending. Many State Centers downsized, yet kept all the positions even though there was nothing for them to do. Many of the higher paid employees did little but sit around. In the end they had to come to grips with the fact that the example State and Federal Programs set - placed a needless burden on the overall country.

The next issue was even more troubling: Disability and Workman's Compensation. The Disability Program became one that rewarded those unwilling to work - yet were perfectly capable both mentally and physically of doing a wide variety of jobs. This population either refused to work because they were convinced it would ruin their chances to get Disability dollars - or if they were already receiving Disability then they refused to work because it could lessen or stop the Disability pay they were getting and ruin the opportunity to get more. This was so widespread - and known throughout the country - that it became like a spreading cancer. In the end the working population, who did their best to excell and worked very hard, struggled more and more as there dollars had to fuel a system that essentially robbed the Nation.

The Veteran's Administration largely fueled the Disability Mindset by attaching "Service Connected" to a vast array of conditions that had little or nothing to do with the veteran's military service. In addition they provided non-service connected Pension plans to basically anyone in need of money. The population of veterans most frequently using the Veteran's Administration System were not the soldiers who served their country in an honorable manner - but those who failed to preform in an acceptable manner and left the service on what was labeled as "General Discharge". The Honorable or Dishonorable system meant to distinguish the individuals worthy of utilizing the Veteran's Administration System had erroded into the worst of conditions. "Dishonorable Discharge" meant extra paperwork that no one was willing to deal with and subsequently the "General Discharge" was granted to everyone who joined the Service but refused to be a soldier, yet it was these individuals who became experts at tapping into the Veteran's Administration services.


Over the years the Trillions of dollars that were saved were published on a monthly basis and aired over the networks. The population could see the government was taking every action possible to improve the overall system for the better of the whole. The unseen coruption and fruad that cut away at the underlying structures of our society increasingly disappeared and new avenues for improvements began to stand out.
The unseen coruption and fruad that cut away at the underlying structures of our society increasingly disappeared and new avenues for improvements began to stand out.

Many private meetings were equally conducted but could never be published - as no one knew the details. It was obvious that the President and Congress held many of the huge systems responsible for the hardships most of the population experienced and soon the most fundamental changes took place.

The Credit Card companies began airing commericals and used other Media sources to disclose their collective plan. All Credit Card companies began working in co-operation with one another to limit the number of cards an individual could use. It was determined that no individual needed more than two major Credit Cards and every citizen determined which two they wanted to keep. Balances from all other Credit Card Companies were subsequently transferred over to those two accounts and the others were closed. The interest on all Credit Cards could not exceed 10% and that amount could only be obtained if the individual could not pay their balance within two months of the purchase. The interest after the first month was 5% across the board - and 0% remained for those who had their balance paid within the first month. Credit Limits became a major focus and they were substantially reduced. The overwhelming goal was to get out of debt and keep debt low. The Media was highly involved throughout the whole process by every means available and soon the ways to avoid debt and live within your means became the American Way of Life.

Over the years the Credit Card Companies were viewed as the real heros - the stablizing force of society. "We know you need money and unexpected situations occur - therefore we are here to help but we can't help you if we become a source of overwhelming debt; therefore with every bill we will explain the various ways to reduce that debt as quickly as possible."

The Banks were now held accountable for all future loans and had to supply an aid to work with those in need. This person was paid, whether the loan was approved or not. A thorough assessment of the loan was conducted and only what was considered a "reasonable amount" would be given. No one could get a loan for $300,000 if the item was only worth $160,000 by the aid's assessment.

Jason and Steady discussed other conditions that had long deteriorated throughout the country. The Educational System was considered at lengths and they both came up with a wide variety of plans to help improve it.

It was felt the Educational System was left on its own - with huge goals that largely reduced the quality for the better students. Also there was essentially no support. Teachers were underpaid and expected to follow the "No Child Will Be Left Behind Policy" - yet the schools were increasingly filled with students having enormous restraints in their mental capacities and the population in general were majorly challenged to strive for the bare essentials. Home schools became increasingly popular and it was proven over and over that a few hours of home schooling was equal to (or superior to) a full day at public schools.

The United States was challenged to take the lead in quality education - much as the Space Program dominated life in the 50s and 60s. The public school system was entirely restructured in a manner to increasinly stimulate and challenge the better students and equally place a major emphasis on the areas where students excelled. Extra classes were arranged and COMPETITION was elimated as much as possible. There were 3 sets of classes for each grade and each class functioned on essentially the same level. Classes were designed with a great sense of creativity that the students and parents were encouraged to particapate in - and regular meetings with the entire school facility were held on a quarterly basis. The media was equally active in the Educational Process. Billboards throughout the country said, "Our Education is Evolving to the Highest Standards". Every magazine and newspaper reflected similar ads - along with the growing statistics of how the new improved system rose above the outdated one. Commercials regularly showed students and schools throughout the country that barely functioned and had excessively high drop out rates - and now the schools were prospering and only rarely did anyone drop out.

Education began at an earlier age - when the brain can most easily learn another language. The goal was simple - "We have to set the standard - and others will follow". The global community had largely been acknowledged but somehow the general view conveyed by the United States was "Why should we bother learning another language, we know English and that's the best". This view was completely changed over the years as children readily learned other languages - in a flawless, fluent manner by learning them when the brain was most developed to excell in that skill.

Over time teachers took on a status as high as any political leader or equivalent to the higher executives. The educational system evolved over the years with gradual changes designed to hone in on the most quality education known worldwide and the world took notice. American pride prospered - but it was a much different pride than what dominated the previous population; there was no longer the "I'm better than you mentality" - rather it was simply a pride in being part of a country that made a point of doing the right thing and providing the best for everyone.
Despite the widespread progressive changes there remained a huge portion of the population who refused to take advantage of the available opportunities. They largely existed day to day with little thought about the future. They lacked motivation, discipline, and determination. For them the goal was "getting by" and they were hugely dependent on others for their survival.

Jason and Steady spent many hours comming up with various plans to address this population and decided to call in the Military. The Military itself was identical to the civilian population with many varried jobs and provided an excellent opportunity to get the training, experience, and honed skills all at the government's expense. To achieve this goal the Military had to change it's image from a barbaric mindless group that set out to destroy anyone labeled as "the enemy" to a group more dedicated strictly to Serving and Protecting the USA.

Over the course of the young country's history wars were waged throughout the world - despite openly global opposition. The opposition was ignored and they did as they pleased, which resulted in increased global tensions and subsequently "an alert system" was established to let the American Population know the probability of being attacked. A costly war lasted many years at a huge strain to the country but some grew very rich from it - most notably the Vice President of the USA - who established his personal company as part of repair and restoration. The longer it lasted the richer he got.

The project Jason and Steady had worked on from the very beginning was grounded in the belief: We need to get our own house in order before we interfere with someone esle's house. Thus the Military was called back from distant lands and functioned more to protect and serve the country - most notably by keeping the borders safe. For almost a full year the US tried to entice the "difficult population" with frequent advertisements that showed how many started with nothing but now had the training, degrees, and experience to carry them in the civilian world as productive citizens. But only a fraction of this population took advantage.

Therefore a draft was established to target this population despite an initial widespred opposition throughout the country. The USA remained determined in this endeavor and were able to show that 81% of that population immensely benefitted from enlistment. Most of that population simply lacked the motivation and discipline the Military provided and the overwhelming majority did very well and remainded productive citizens with a good sense of pride.

The Military was restructured to deal with the remaining 19% and they were brought into jobs much more adaptable to their capabilites. Only 1% of the entire "difficult population" proved to be unfit for Military Service and they were discharged to the care of the community.
Over the years the United States remainded the country with the most notable educational achievements, the world leaders of technology, the strongest in terms of industry and economic growth, and had the lowest unemployment worldwide at only 2%.

As American Pride and Patriotism grew the crime rate dropped to it's lowest levels ever. The country was strong and getting stronger.

Now at last, the house was in order, and it was time to strengthen relationships with the rest of the Earth. To achieve this the United States strived keep an open mind and reflect the utmost respect for the various countries throughout the world. Iran had the greatest oil reserves in the world and for many years there were marked strains between them - but the root behind these strains were based on political endeavors - and thus politics fell in the background and the underlying goal became one of mutual respect and co-operation. Future meetings were not based on a political challenge from one leader to another regarding nuclear energy and uranium enrichment - with one demanding that the other abide by their wishes. Instead the meetings revealed a true understanding of the entire population - their overwhelming strengths and the whole array of unique conditions that made them believe as they believed and that gave them true honor. The focus became more and more one of admiration and respect for having such a rich heritage and a true admiration for what they represented. It was in this manner that the Unitied States openly revealed the desire to share the world's resources - so that all could mutually benefit - and this marked the most fundamental shift in global interactions. Iran gave large supplies of Oil to the United States and in turn the United States supplied Iran with large amounts of food and other materials which strengthened the Iranian society. A spirit of true co-operation built on mutual respect and admiration completely replaced the long standing spirit of distrust and friction. In time this improved method began to spread throughout the world and all came to realize that the mistakes of the past were based on leaders who narrow mindedly sought to dominate others and take what they wanted without the slightest thought to the population at large. As time progressed it was clear that the Spirit of co-operation and mutual respect brought far better results. The respect and admiration between the various countries increased and the need for Nuclear Bombs and its global threat vanished. All nuclear bombs were distroyed and a global effort to improve enviromental conditions remained a key endeavor - with everyone committed to the greatest extent. For many years record storms continued to ravage the globe - but the world responded in a unified effort with each disaster. In time the statistics revealed the Earth was in a stage of healing and the threat of global warming was finally overcome. Fossil fuels were replaced with more efficient and Earth friendly energy sources and a global respect for the Earth and all life upon the Earth was increasingly obtained. In time the world learned how deeply the forests and the oceans - the marsh lands and the deserts - the mountains and the valleys WORKED IN UNISON with one another and the practices that largely destroyed the environment were replaced with practices that preserved them.

Jason knew that in order to make the world a better place - many changes had to be enacted. The greatest changes had to take place at home - and until our own house was in order there was little reason to worry about another. Once our country had it's house in order it was far better prepared to work with its neighbors around the globe in a true spirit of mutual respect and co-operation.

Populations around the Earth all long for the same thing - it is the leaders and the very few who hold the power and wealth that distort our view of one another. We are largely one and the same - all of us longing for good heath, respect, and mutual co-operation. To have dignity, safety, admiration, and genuine happiness - grounded in love and acceptance is something all people want.

Dedicated to (J) - in a true spirit of admiration and respect.
Reflective thoughts:

Took Ella out to go to the bathroom and she acted like there was something dreadful out there - despite the fact I had no clue what it was and I couldn't see it. As I walked out further on the deck, she went back to the door - wanting to get back inside.

Because of my limited senses; I responded like she was acting like a baby (or acting ridiculous) and insisted she join me. So she goes around the picnic table with her tail up and cautiously approaches a space that looks empty to me and is smelling it like she's investigating something. It's like she's checking out some huge animal (but again nothing was visible).

So I insensitively brought her to the top of the steps and told her to go out in the yard to "Go Potty". But she wasn't about to go out there; so I had to slingshot her out by pushing her out and she just stayed in the yard near the steps - sat down and waited for me to let her back up. It then dawned on me that something was pretty serious to her and she had no problems waiting until a latter time to go to the bathroom - so I let her up and we went inside.

As I reflect back on this event my Respect and Admiration for Ella is even greater; I know that she picks up on things way beyond my abilities - and I'm all the more convinced that a very huge part of our relationship should be honoring her instincts and reinforcing them.

So the next time this happens (and it's only happened once); I'd say, "OK, Ella - No problem we'll go inside and wait for later." Then do my usual praise for her picking up on 'these things' and give her some loving to reassure her I'm proud of her.
God is Love, perfect, and pure. The life that was brought into being was very wonderful and I would never want to be in anyone else's place. So even though I experienced many major traumas and difficult times, in the end I more than accomplished everything I hoped to achieve. By far my greatest accomplishment was coming out of the darkness and into the light: by grasping the realization that we are Spiritual Beings living in a Universe that is light years from what we see with our eyes; that the Power and Grace and Glory of our Lord is something meant for the here and now and only in this can we know the Truth.

A huge void or emptiness became the most dominant part of my existence after I was helplessly put in a situation where I was left to die. And you know that story - along with many others - but I say this now only to stress why protecting the younger child was always my highest and most central priority as a parent. You are the apple of my eye. The magnet of both the very young and the elderly and everyone in between. Nothing could ever make me happier than to experience the depth of your character, your loving, caring manner; the generosity by which you give to others; and the high aspirations that set the tone for everything you do.

In the event Tom's death and Bill's accident and subsequent complications are a sign for me - then this will undoubtedly be my last story. So I'm taking you into my my world Carrie, with real people and personalities. This is like 'Face Book' and though this experience many bonds are created and many incredibly fascinating and wonderful worlds were discovered. So I want you to realize how richly blessed my life has been over the years; especially this past year and always know that what I have now and where I am is billions and billions of times beyond anything we could hope for, dream, or imagine. (In the event of my passing).

This is the greatest gift I could be asked to give a 16 year old for her birthday. Nothing could tale you deeper into my world of happiness and help you discover more fully what I have discovered.
...It was an event that changed my life forever and though it seemed to stretch out for years, according to everyone at New Salem it only lasted an hour.
...Some things simply can not be learned without experiencing it. Faith in God for instance is a foreign mental concept without any meaning or substance if it hasn't been experienced. For there is a big difference between saying I believe in God in the absense of Faith and believing in God as a result of having everything about your existence being immersed in God's Presense and knowing God in the richest possible manner when Faith is fully realized. On the one hand nothing has changed other than the brief thought that God may be real and you accept that; yet everything about your existence remains the same. On the other hand everything about your existence totally changes: The hope of finding God is changed to being consumed with His Glory and experiencing the Power and Pureness of His Spirit - and so a belief in God is much more an acknowledgement of what it means to be transformed into the Living Presense of His Spirit; to know His Love as never before, and be utterly filled with the certainty that you are fully His. It is only in this manner that anyone could understand what happened to me that warm Summer's night in New Salem, IL and only with this mindset can we proceed.
...It was a cloudless night and the moon was close to being full. The log cabins and buildings looked a thousand times more real in the moonlight than during the day. Everyone was dressed exactly as it was in Abraham Lincoln's time; for this was an exact replica of what he knew and experienced. One cabin remained locked and no one knew what it was for, or what was inside, but everything else was used to maximum capacity. Everyday hundreds of tourists came to get a taste of pioneer life and learn from our activities and talks.
...It was always one of my favorite times of the year; a time when my cousins and I would dress and live as pioneers - as though we popped through a bubble and stepped back in time.
...Alan and Amy ran up excitedly, "Carrie, come on we're going to play hide and seek".
...I'm sure my face must have lit up. "Wow, cool" I said, "That sounds great"!
...In another moment about 20 of us gathered around and one boy said, "I'll be it. I'll count to 100 out loud and then come and find you. Whoever I find has to help me find the others until we find the last one together." We all fled in various directions as he began to count.
...My parents and sisters were not atheletic, in fact they are all pretty much the opposite. I was born with a heart condition that the Pediatric Heart Specialist was convinced would never get better and would likely get worse as I got older. He warned my parents that atheletics and cardio-vascular events would be somthing I'd have to be careful with as I grew to be a child and later in life. I was just a baby back then and don't remember any of it.
...It is not that God will let some suffer without any chance of healing and randomly pick others to bring to good health; but I do believe God yearns for people to call on Him and nothing is beyond Him. That's probably the biggest difference between me and many who simply believe there is a God. My God is everything and everywhere and nothing within the entire Universe could possibly be without Him. Despite His infinate Power and Greatness, He is a God that longs for and cherishes relationships. For that is the ultimate lesson in Life and the ultimate expression of His Glory can only be found in being totally open and accepting of one another. When God is in the center of these relationships then the ultimate bonds of love and trust become the basis of our existence and these bonds become direct channels to God's Spirit. As the bonds grow stronger the person is transformed into God's Spirit and only in this manner can anyone honestly understand the reason why we live and why we are here. This is what I learned that day in New Salem and the journey I took changed my life forever.
...It is hard for me not to jump ahead and try to tell you everything at once, but it wouldn't make any sense and so I have to walk you through it. So let's get back to the very beginning.
...Apparently there was either a hole in the massive walls that devide the heart's chambers or one of the valves meant to keep it working right was messed up. The Pediatric Cardiologist, who was considered the highest authority, was convinced that nothing could correct my condition and so I simply would need to avoid certain activities later in life. He confidently assured my parents that at a mimimum my condition would not get worse, but in all liklihood as my heart got bigger and my activities increased it could easily get worse.
...For both of my parents God was beyond the entire Universe and therefore nothing was too complicated or too big for Him to fix. Here I don't want to mislead anybody but I'm trying to emphasize a huge central truth: YOUR FAITH IS LARGELY DEPENDENT ON HOW BIG AND HOW GREAT YOUR GOD IS PERCEIVED. For my parents Jesus was the Word that brought everything into being. He is the light that broke through the darkness and overcame it. He is the logic within the Universe and by Him and through Him everything is held together. He is the rhythm by which everything operates. When He became a human He was the visible representation of the invisible God. He embodied the message of God and demonstrated His character. All that He did was in total honor and devotion to God and with every breath He sought to join with God, to be in tune, to hear His voice and live as God directed. So for Jesus God was everything and His life wholly reflected this. It is only with this understanding that anyone can appreciate the manner in which my parents came to God on my behalf.
...It is not that God will let some suffer without any chance of healing and randomly pick others to bring to good health; but I do believe God yearns for people to call on Him and nothing is beyond Him. That's probably the biggest difference between me and many who simply believe there is a God. My God is everything and everywhere and nothing within the entire Universe could possibly be without Him. Despite His infinate Power and Greatness, He is a God that longs for and cherishes relationships.

Did you ever read The Shack? I only just started it, but it mainly comprises a dialog with God. One of the things brought up was the Trinity. How can God be three and one at the same time? It was said that God could not be love if God was one and only one. By being three in one and all three the same, God loves God, yet at the same time loves another, while still loving God.

Looks like the best lesson that Jesus tried to give us about how to understand this nature was by telling us to love others as yourself. I like to look at it like loving others as though they are myself. And that probably touches on a deeper truth that Jesus taught, when He said the we must be one just as He and the Father are One.
...It may not have been my parents' prayers, but rather the prayers of others along with them. Maybe God just wanted to show the heart specialist that if He had the power to bring all life into being, He more than had the power to make any changes with that life.
...However it happened - my heart was healed and I became the most atheletic one in my family. With this knowledge you can understand why I ran so fast when the boy began counting to 100. I ran as fast as I could to get far away from everyone else and find my own secret hiding place.
...Although the trees were in exactly the same location and the same size, the moonlight gave the leaves a magical silvery appearance and the pioneer village looked a thousand times more real. I felt my speed picking up and soon left the others behind, but the more I ran the further I wanted to go and so I kept running faster and faster. I'd run to the other end of the village and quickly looked for a place to hide. The door was ajar at the last building and without a second thought I sprang inside.
...His head and face were like a racoon's - otherwise he had all the features of a human. He was tall and wore a white karate suit with a black belt. The black belt had many decals and ornaments attached to it and each one yeilded incredible power. He was able to move so fast that he was virtually invisible, except for the brief moments he would stop to do something. His name is Steady; but again in my excitement I'm getting ahead of myself.
...As soon as I stepped inside Steady shined a light on me and immediately time froze. I felt light as a feather and the most amazing peace filled me and surrounded me. It was by far the most beautiful moment I had up to that point in my life. Although Steady was unlike anything I'd ever seen before - somehow his racoon face was delightful and comforting. He whispered in my left ear that the door just closed and the lock snapped shut, then he disappeared to work on things. In another second he whispered in my right ear that I would not be able to move or make a sound but not to worry - that my health was even better than I felt. I didn't worry. It was like a magical dream, it was wonderful. Then his face was right in front of mine; his eyes were beautiful and it felt like he could look right into the depths of my soul. With a delightful twinkle in his eyes and a sweet smile he told me we were ready to go. "There are 77 dimensions. The first 70 are the doorways to the last 7, which are the various stages of heaven. We have to travel all 70 before we can right the wrongs and bring the New Earth into being".
...Steady said, "The elevator goes far below the surface and there are many different places to explore along the way. Now we'll go to the 34th dimension - which is exactly 34 miles below the surface, and here you will meet with beings you've never seen before."
...I was stunned and thought he must be crazy. First of all we were in an old fashioned log cabin... or were we. Then I thought if we really were in some kind of elevator that 34 miles would be so deep I wondered if breathing would be difficult.
...Steady asked, "Have you ever heard of Atlantis"?
..."Well of course", I said, "the perfect mythical society under the ocean".
..."That's right Carrie. Where we are going now is like Atlantis in real life. If we stopped a fraction of an inch too short or long we would miss it, but this world is perfect in everyway - yet it is very different from anything you'd ever seen before. Please know that there is nothing for you to fear. Everyone you meet is wonderful and no harm or danger is present, but we will have to go slowly for you to really take everything in."
...There were 2 large lounge chairs with very thick cushions that resembled a nut split in half. You had to climb inside and lay down a foot below the top. But I still could not move, so Steady picked me up and set me inside. The outside of the chair looked like a shell of gold and silver swirlled together and polished bright. After laying me down he pushed a button from the inside and what appeared to be leaves cut about 4 inches wide sprang out from both sides, going over me until they joined together and then as one piece they retracted back in the shell holding me tight. As soon as I was snug, a top formed over the chair, identical to the outer shell and I was hidden inside. Steady knocked on the gold/silver swirl top and shouted, "As soon as I'm in my chair the elevator will take us down." After Steady put me in I sunk down about 8 inches. It was so comfortable, it felt like I was floating on a cloud. I was surprized at how it glistened inside. The gold and silver had a radiance that gave the inside a very comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. Then I felt the elevator going down - slowly at first (like the elevators I was use to) and then it took off. 34 miles was a long ways down and the moment I started to get scared Steady said, "Relax Carrie, for you are the Magnet and nothing can happen to you as long as you're with me". I heard his voice inside the enclosed chair and it was very comforting; as though he was right there. "Steady"?, I said in disbelief; feeling like I might be going crazy. "Yes Carrie, everything is fine I promise - just relax and visualize the trees of WV on a beautiful Fall day - let those views consume you and feel the sun's rays. Steady had me captivated and I saw, smelled, and felt everything like I was at the Farm. But how did he know?...and especially about a place that was so sacred. But somehow it didn't matter because as he talked it worked a magic unlike anything that anyone had ever been able to do before.
...The elevator slowed to a stop and immediately the top of the enclosure disappeared and the straps retracted back from where they came. Steady reached over and gently helped me out. The room had the same appearance as the inside of the buildings back in New Salem and it was hard to grasp what was going on. Stepping out the door I saw the vast ocean of calm clear water stretching out as far as the eye could see. In the far distance, right on the edge of the horizon was a silverish/blue light that sparkled above the water. I was trying to understand how I could see a clear sky of blue with faint scattered puffs of white clouds 34 miles below the Earth's surface, but I hadn't said a word.
...Steady told me, "There are worlds you could never even begin to imagine beyond this one. Humanity has limited their thinking from the earliest days and these "limited thoughts" ( Steady said using his fingers as quotations) became in essense a widespread belief by which all understanding was based. Of course the world was the center of everything - it was flat - and the rest of the universe pivoted around it. As each inground belief was challenged by increasing understanding so too were many tortured and killed for even suggesting a contrary thought. Over the centuries the thoughts have remained largely boxed in, despite the advancements. That is why is it so hard for you to grasp what you're seeing."
..."But we are under the ground so how do I see the sky?"
...Steady smiled and said, "You see it with your eyes, and your brain makes sure that everything you're seeing is for real. The problem is the belief system that's been grounded by information humanity on the whole was convinced is true. You had no other choice but to envision us being surrounded by dirt and probably expected more of a cave type of setting, but reality remains the same despite our beliefs."
...I found Steady's words words amazing and was stunned, but was all the more amazed by his understanding and depth of knowledge. A sense of peace and satisfaction replaced my doubts and termoil and somehow I knew he was telling the truth. Then I looked over the ocean in awe.
...We stood on a large flat rock that rose about a foot over the cean. On either side the sandy beech extended out as far as the eye could see and behind us the sandy dudes stretched out to the other horizon. Steady pointed at the silver/blue light in the distant horizon and said, "That's where we're going."
...I looked at him surprized, "You have to be kidding me, how on earth would we ever get over there"?
...Steady pointed to the water and said, "You see how calm the water is and how clearly you can see through it. This is like no body of water you've ever seen before because it is untouched by the moon's influence and has never in anyway been contaminated by the elements above. This is what we call "the Ultra Pure" (he stressed with hand quotes) and only through it's cleaning can we approach that light."
..."But Steady look how far it is, how would we ever make it"?
...Smiling gently, Steady said in his typical calm, assured demeanor, "You need to realize that your beliefs do not neccessarily match reality. You are convinced if we go under the water we will not be able to breathe, but this is far from the truth. It is only by going under the water that we can go anywhere worthwhile. This will be hard for you to really accept - so I will show you how easy it is and then you can know it is safe and everything is exactly as it needs to be. Once we are under the water the Meralins will come to help us."
...Steady chuckled slightly and me about the Meralins; how they resembled dolphins but had more of a seal's face, and spoke our language. They were needed for transportation through the water and have handles built into their sides to grab onto. It all sounded so strange that I wondered if he was just teasing. Yet I pondered on everything Steady said and looked out over the water.