Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

...Mamikin could sense their connection was getting greater and felt the warmth it provided. Carrie was deep, very analytical, and very much longed for a solid relationship built on mutual trust and understanding.
...She stood and motioned for me to follow. "I'll show you why I call this the Mountain of God". About 20 yards from the cliff the ground was covered with a rippling mossy texture. We walked to a clearing about 50 yards by 50 yards that was surrounded by young 4 inch birch trees with white bark. The trees were thick enough to give a forest like appearance and thinned out enough to be open and airy. ...We walked to the center of the clearing. She said, "Now you'll see why this is called the Mountain of God. We all have baggage that weighs us down. The clearing is able to sense all the baggage a person has and measure it precisely. The more that's measured the further down the clearing will go - like a set of large scales. Then it searches for the root behind the baggage and takes it all away. As the baggage from your life disappears you feel lighter and freer until the ground is once again even and no baggage remains".
...She encouraged me to lay down on my back and spread my arms and legs apart. It felt like a firm matress - very comfortable. Then I felt the sinking sensation as we went lower and lower. I didn't care how low we went; the deeper the better because I wanted all of it gone, knowing in the end I'd finally be free. The whole clearing began to sink down about an inch every few seconds until it stopped about 3 feet down. Then it began to inch its way back up until the ground was even. As this happened the purest and freest sensations overwhelmed me; for the first time I could imagine how God must feel and how rich and pure His love would have to be.
We then walked back to the edge of the cliff and she said she could now show me her favorite part. Once the baggage was removed and you experienced the ultimate freedom, when you jumped over the cliff you instantly turned into a hawk.
...From the moment the ground began to rise back up I felt the chains breaking away and the joy of life and true freedom became increasingly meaningful. I was now smiling, almost laughing and looked over at Mamikin excitedly. "Oh Mamikin, this is unbelieveable. I mean this is the best I've ever felt in my entire life". I sprang in the air, full of energy and stamina - feeling like I could float and dance and not touch the ground.
...Mamikin was spellbound by my expression and enthusiasm. I was so full of life and happiness; a genuine happiness that radiated from my entire being.
..."Carrie, it gets even better - wait until you see what's next". She started laughing, she was so taken by my expression of surprize. I didn't have to say a word, but my expression clearly indicated, "No way! There is nothing that could top this"! .
...Mamikin was delighted with my expression and said my eyes were full of life and wreaked of happiness; it was wonderful. "Come over here and I'll show you what I mean", Mamikin said as we walked to the edge of the cliff. "When you look out from the cliff does a part of you wish you could just fly out like a bird and go through the trees, land on the rocks in the river, and take in all the sights"?
..."That's exactly how I feel. Wouldn't that be the greatest experience possible? I mean can you just imagine how wonderful that would be"?
..."Well Carrie that's exactly what happens once all the baggage has been removed and nothing is weighing you down anymore. You now have the freedom to reach heights that could never be possible otherwise."
...I watched intently as she spoke and understood what she was saying but had a very hard time really "understanding". I just stood quietly, trying to let it all sink in.
...Mamikin said, "Watch let me show you" and sprang over the edge of the cliff.
...I felt the blood draining from my head and a huge sense of doom and panic overcame me. It felt like knots in my throat and stomach - all of these feelings were instanteous - and the next moment I saw the hawk fly up and land in front of me - and Mamikin was standing in front of me like nothing had ever happened. It was all so fast I didn't know what to think. I was speechless, trying to make sense out of what just happened.
...Mamikin reached out and held my hand and cupped it with the other. "Carrie, what you just saw was real. As soon as you go off the edge you turn into a hawk and you remain a hawk until you land on the rocks or the ground. But if you land on a branch or a post or ledge or anything a bird would land on then you remain a hawk". She waited a few seconds for that to sink in. "It's true Carrie, it really is - and now is your chance to live out your dreams. Watch I'll show you again". She let go of my hand, sprang over the edge, flew back up as a hawk and was once again standing next to me. She just stood there watching my expression.
...At first I stood there in total disbelief, bewildered and dazed; then the lights came on and the life returned and overflowed. I looked at Mamikin for a moment and said, "Wow I can't believe it" and began to walk away. Then paced back and forth saying over and over "This is just amazing" each time saying it louder and louder. Then I looked over at Mamikin, ran past her, and jumped over the cliff.
...Mamikin wasn't expecting that. She thought I would probably want to hold hands and go over at the same time. For a moment she just frooze and then realized the experience of being a hawk may be too new for me to really enjoy. So she ran and sprang over the edge.
...Mamikin was use to a diving technique of plunging to the ground at the highest possible speed and realized within a few seconds that I was no where below her. She looked up and saw me soaring above - barely moving my wings. I was content to just let the wind glide me far above the trees and enjoy the pleasure of flying. She had forgotten her first experience and realized within a few moments that she did the exact same thing. So she slowed her decent and flew back up to me.
...I had the biggest smile and was lost in a world of joy. My wings were stretched out wide and my chest pushed out with a triumphal pride.
..."Oh Mamikin, this is the most amazing experience I could ever imagine".

..."I know exactly how you feel. The first time I became a hawk I stayed up here for hours and then spent most of the day flying throughout the terrain staying way up in the sky. It wasn't until my 2nd or 3rd time that I found the very best flying was closer to the ground." Mamikin gave that several seconds to sink in and then asked, "Have you ever been white water rafting"?
...I looked over, surprised by his question.
..."When white water rafting in a kayak once you've done it a little while and get use to it you start looking for more challenging rapids. Soon you're basically challenging the river to throw out whatever it can - to prove you're up to the challenge".
..."Mamikin, I have been white water rafting but have never had the chance to do it by myself. Why are you bringing this up"?
..."Well, the redwoods are enormous and spread fairly wide so you can really go fast through them. As you get closer to the river however it gets a lot more challenging and I always feel like I've set a new world record each time I fly through them. But I'm mainly telling you this to let you know that flying down there is a thousand times better than flying up here."
...Then I cocked my head slightly and looked at Mamikin. She could see the lights come on and I was fully charged and dove down towards the trees.
...Mamikin passed me a few seconds later and told me to follow her. "I know the best place to go in", she shouted and flew as fast as she could.
...I noticed how she held her wings close to her body to decrease wind resistence and fall at increasingly faster speeds. I followed her moves and was amazed at our speed. As we approached the trees Mamikin spread out her wings - which acted like parachutes - then took off like an airplane going in for the landing. She passed through an opening in the treetops and flapped her wings to keep her speed as fast as possible and ended by letting the momentum guide her as she calmly soared between the branches and went between the trees with her wings spread out.
...I was right behind her, totally amazed at the speed by which we passed through the trees. I was equally amazed at the clarity of my vision, how I was able to zoom in on objects with binocular vision and instantly go back to a wide angle view. For a human everything would have been a blurr - but despite the speed everything was crystal clear. Mamikin was right, this was way beyond the sky. The trees, ground, rocks, stumps, large roots and everything were more beautiful than anything I had ever seen before.
...Mamikin flapped her wings strongly and landed on a branch. I was watching her so intently I flapped my wings with all my strength and landed right next to her.
...Mamikin looked over with a big grin. "Carrie you really did a super job! I could never have done that on my first flight."
..."Wow, thank you Mamikin", I felt on top of the world.
..."Do you see the deer down there"? Mamikin asked as I glanced in the direction of the deer.
...I looked over in amazement; a look of awe consumed me. "Oh Mamikin, that is so beautiful".
..."Every animal speaks a certain language and humans have the capacity to communicate on very high levels - in a language the animal understands. Have you ever heard of Monty Roberts"?, Mamikin asked; expecting me to say no and ready to keep going.
..."Do you mean the horse whisperer"?, I asked.
..."Wow Carrie, you really amaze me. That's exactly who I mean".
..."I read several of his books. I think he is such an amazing man. I just love him and everything he represents".
..."That's exactly how I feel Carrie. He was able to prove horses long to have a relationship built on trust and love. He showed how they will go out of their way to befriend you and submit to you without any of the brutal acts of forced submission."
..."Very true Mamikin. His methods should be enforced laws for every horse with human contact".
..."You have a very good heart Carrie and your deepness and ability to analyze everything makes you really special. I'm really thrilled to have you in my world."
..."Thank you Mamikin, I feel the same about you".
..."Carrie, stay up here and watch me. The deer has the exact same language as the horse, so I can use Monty's methods to break this wild deer". Then Mamikin flew down and landed as a woman.
...The deer looked up in shock, all the muscles tight and ready to spring. Mamikin slowly moved to show herself - to befriend the deer - then turned back to distance herself. The deer's muscles relaxed and the deer now seemed intrigued. Again Mamikin moved in such a way that her body language told the deer, "I really want to be your friend, but I'm not certain I can trust you or if you're friendship is worth it." For a horse (or deer) this was a challenge they couldn't resist and they were fully determined to prove their friendship was worthwhile.
...I watched as the deer began to approach Mamikin and she turned slightly - her body language saying, "Hum, now what do I want to do - have a friend or just leave". All the more the deer was drawn closer. Mamikin gave the deer a few minutes to make its friendship known, then approached the deer in a manner that said, "I'd really like to be your friend but you're going to have to prove you really mean it". With this the deer showed its submissiveness. It stood still as Mamikin rubbed her hand over its head, neck, and body. She conveyed she was very impressed and asked the deer for one last favor, for it to lay down for her. The deer complied and layed down and Mamikin in turn knelt down and gently stroked her; showing her sincere appreciation and deep honor. She then walked a few feet away, jumped in the air, and flew back to me.

...I was speechless for awhile and just stood there on the branch watching the deer. Then I looked over and said, "Mamikin, that is the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life".
..."There is nothing like it Carrie. To break a wild deer is way beyond breaking a horse. I wish I could describe the feeling. There is no experience that I can think of that even compares to meeting a wild deer and having it befriend you on that level. The bonds that are formed and experienced are as pure as anything you could imagine. It is a pureness that would be similar to encountering God Himself; a miricle that can only be experienced and felt - but there is no way to describe what happens inside you". Mamikin talked on and on - her words just flowing without giving any thought to what she was saying - her expression was like nothing I had seen before; a tranquility and peace mixed with excitement and estacy. Then she was silent; reflecting.
...I was struck by what she shared and absorped everything like a sponge - weighing each word and pondering on everything. Then Mamikin looked over and asked, "Would you like to find another wild deer and give it a try"?
..."Oh Mamikin, I'd love to experience something like that but I doubt I could do it".
..."Carrie were you watching how I did it"?
..."Of course I was watching you and paying very close attention to your every move".
..."Listen, I'm not trying to give you a hard time but would you mind going through that with me? I mean can you describe what you saw"?
...I went over every detail and was able to describe the deer's muscle tension and even the expression in the deer's face. I described Mamikin's every move to the tee. When I finished I felt like an accomplished musician who just performed a flawless recital. ..."Carrie, you do understand. You know the whole procedure with your heart and life. You will do wonderful." Then she took off with me right behind her and a few minutes later we landed on another branch and she motioned towards another deer.
...I was more drawn to that deer than anything I had ever known. I knew it was mine and it was full of grace and beauty.
...Mamikin said, "Follow your heart Carrie and let your energy do miricles". That filled me to overflowing and the next second I was standing on the ground making contact and communicating in terms the deer fully understood and appreciated.
...Mamikin watched it all, just as I had done with her. After I got the deer to lay down and was standing and getting ready to fly -.. Mamikin flew down to join me.
...She had never seen me look like this before. Never had I had this degree of peace and triumph. Never had I felt so connected and full of love - such exhileration. This was an experience beyond my wildest dreams - way beyond anything I could ever have hoped for. There were no words to describe it - yet somehow it had to come out.
...Mamikin lightly carrassed my face. I felt more beautiful than I had ever been in my entire life. Then she leaned in and whispered, "This is how it feels to have the heart of a woman; there is nothing greater and nothing could be more beautiful."
...I just smiled dreamily. I felt so beautiful and nodded my head in agreement. To be a woman was such a sacred honor.
...A few minutes later we flew back up on the branch.
...Mamkin asked what it was like to tame the deer.
...I said, "It was the purest experience I've ever known. It's like I was one with the deer and she was so beautiful. She trusted me so fully, I couldn't help but express my love and admiration and I know she sensed it and I could sense her gratitude. It was like both of us were overwhelmed with the bonds we had and it gave the greatest enjoyment I could imagine." Then I paused for a moment and said, "Thank you for everything I really enjoyed it."
..."Me too Carrie, I thoroughly enjoyed it." She gave me a minute to soak it all in then said, "Carrie there is no better way for you to understand what it is to have the heart of a woman, and why that is the most important aspect of being 'The Magnet'. This is feeling with your entire being, throughout your whole body, and having the most sacred bonds imaginable. You become so absorped with the life you encounter that you sense their emotions and your life grows more and more as the lives you encounter become a part of your existence. With this comes the ultimate joy and happiness and you will find this is why God made you as He did. But until you complete the task at hand you need to realize that the layers of the universe are out of synch and very few understand the meaning and priceless nature of a woman's heart. With every insult a woman learns to build walls around her heart and that makes life very hard because trust is so important. We long to share everything, to give all we can possibly give because we know there is so much to offer and this is our ultimate goal. That is why trust is so essential; for that's what brings us to life and allows us to offer everything to the highest measure. So strive to keep your heart open Carrie; beware of others and be cautious but strive to let your life be a beacon of hope and love to all you meet. When you find the ones that have no regard or understanding for who and what you are - then avoid them Carrie but stive to keep the walls from getting built; for once formed they are hard to tear down. Nothing else more defines a woman and there is nothing that could more make you who and what you really are".
...I soaked up every word Mamikin said and I doubt she knew how deep I was and how much I understood. More than that I don't think she could ever know how much I appreciated her influence and the huge impact she had on my life. I felt totally complete, wholly like a woman who comes to understand the full essense of her nature and how powerful and wonderful her life is meant to be. Never did I feel more honored than that moment; more ready to face the world; and more determined to let my life be everything it was meant to be.
...Mamikin said a huge part of her world was having fun and finding happiness in every situation. She suggested we find our own way through the trees so we won't be following each other. "It will be way more fun for you to weave between the trees and branches blazing your own trail than following me. We need to go this way and just keep flying more to the right as you gain your confidence. Don't be in a hurry to get out however because the playground is still a good ways from here."
..."The playground! What do you mean"?, I said with great surprise.
..."That's what I call the area we're going to. There are lots of stone structures and natural arches to fly through and it's like a big playground for a hawk. Bryce Canyon is especially fun. Anyway I'll stay fairly close so we don't lose each other. Go as fast or slow as you want."
...Mamikin didn't know that independant (kind of rebellious) streak I had. The way that sounded was like a challenge and I thought I'll show her. "OK, well I'm ready - so let's get started" and took off through the redwoods.
...Mamikin did her best to keep up but it was really hard. I didn't stay in the redwoods nearly as long as she thought I would. Instead I quickly went to the next set of trees and flew in between them as fast as lightening. She was amazed at how well I did, especially it being my first time throught the trees, but I kept going like I'd done it all my life. She stayed about 10 feet to my left and had to keep looking hard for a spot to fly through to keep up. I quickly went to the most challenging section and just kept going. Mamikin brushed her wings against some branches and finally decided it would be way easier to just follow me. For some reason it became a challenging game and I tried to make it hard by changing directions so fast and flying through spaces with only a fraction of an inch to spare. It got harder and harder to see where we were going and maintain the speed to keep up. But Mamikin had done this many times before and she stayed right behind me until we finally flew out into the open and I got my first glimpse of the playground.
...Mamikin pointed to a natural arch and said, "That arch is the gateway to the playground. We should treat it like a huge obstacle course and fly around as fast as we can."
..."That sounds great to me. Do you want me to take the lead to keep you going faster or do you want to take it"? I felt more and more at ease with Mamikin and enjoyed teasing her a little.

...She just grinned and shook her head a little, then looked at me for a moment and said, "OK now it's time to fly" and both of us flapped our wings as strongly as we could and flew under the natural bridge at what seemed like the speed of a bullet. Once the fast flying got started it was hard to let up and both of us zig zagged between the hundreds of structures at the fastest possible speed. It really was like an obstacle course - a giant maze that went on for miles. What made it so beautiful were the layers of color that formed the whole canyon. Light brown, dark brown, white, yellow, a reddish brown all with their own distinct layers and they blended so perfectly together. Then we flew to the top of a large monument 8 stories high with a rock the size of a bus on the top.
...We landed in the center and Mamikin suggested we sit in the middle and not take a chance of making the rock fall or getting too close to the edge. "Don't be silly Mamikin", I said and walked over to the edge and sat down. "This place is very solid. There's nothing to worry about."
...Mamikin walked over and sat next to me. "You're something else. Here I was trying to look out for your safety and wanted to make sure I didn't take you out of your comfort zone - and you're just like me. The views from here are definately the best." For the next 10 minutes we pointed out various formations and what they appeared to represent. There were the 3 wise men, the queen, camels, soldiers and all kinds of things that seemed to magically turn to stone. Mamikin then suggested we fly a little higher and do some comfortable sight seeing.
..."That's a great idea" and within half a minute the were flying above the maze taking everything in. When we saw something we really liked we either used our binocular vision or flew closer - or both.
...Mamikin pointed out a large pool of water and said, "That is the best swimming place I've ever found. Would you like to take a dip in the water and have a little fun"? She looked over and could tell from my expression that I was more than ready. Within a minute we stood at the edge of the clear water looking down to the smooh stone bottom.
...Mamikin said, "I'll show you the best place to go in" and walked on another 20 yards. "The water is cool and refreshing and feels wonderful. This is the deepest spot so you can dive off the edge and not have to worry. I'll let you go first and I'll join you in just a few minutes, I promise."
...I dove in the water and swam all over. It felt wonder and most of the places I could touch with my feet and have my face over the water. It was amazing how clear the water was and you could easily see to the bottom.
...Mamikin stood at the edge and told me when she enters the water it will turn a lime green color and I will experience how life is for her when she is in the walled circle. "Carrie, no one but me could ever enter the walled circle but this will be almost exactly what it's like" and she gently sprang her knees and dove in the water.
...The water instantly became lime green and Mamikin became the most beautiful peridot. I was immediately filled with a cleansing electricity that flowed within me and surrounded me. It was like I took on the nature of God and was pure and Holy. With this enormous power came the most humble acknowledgement of who I was and to whom I belonged. I was God's vessel of Love and destined to show His Glory. Mamikin swam towards me and I couldn't talk, I couldn't do anything but stand there and soak in the moment.
...Mamikin gently grapped my arm and pulled me to the edge of the water, where a stairway took us out of the water. From the moment she entered the water and as long as both of us were in I could not move or do anything. It was the most powerful experience imaginable. As soon as she was out of the water she was the same woman I'd known before and the water was once again clear. Everything returned to normal and I could move and talk. But what could I say, how could I possibly express what I'd just experienced.
...I stood bewildered and Mamikin gave me a little hug and said, "It's okay Carrie, I understand. We need to go back to the cliff so just follow me and we'll be back in a few minutes". Then we took off and after landing on the cliff she said, "Now it's time for the song".
..."The song, what are you talking about"? I asked; half surprised and half confused.
..."Carrie, remember how great it felt when you turned into a hawk; how you just wanted to stay up here and soar for hours and hours"?
..."Of course I remember , and that's exactly how I felt. But what does that have to do with a song"?
..."I'm getting to that. Well you know how I told you the flying was so much better down there and how much more fun you had"?
...I refleced on the moment I first turned into a hawk and everything that followed. I tried to convey this to Mamikin but was so overwhelmed with emotions that I started crying and couldn't stop. She took me in her arms with one hand behind my head and the other arm held my back with gentle compassion. It was a wonderful feeling that went so perfectly with the memories of turning into a hawk and everything that happened afterwards. Tears streamed down my face; they were the most wonderful tears I ever had in my life. I soaked in the moment and loved the way she made me feel so free and wonderful. She seemed to sense exactly what I needed and loved with such a rich love and was so tender and gentle. Never had I felt more wonderful, more loved, or more complete.
...When the tears stopped I said, "Mamikin everything that happened from the moment I jumped off the cliff to this moment right now has been the most wonderful part of my life. There is just no way possible that anything could ever go beyond this".
..."Carrie there is one more experience you may enjoy even more."
..."I don't see how I could take anymore. I'm afraid I'll burst"!
..."Carrie, you have to trust me on this; and you're about to find out that everything I'm saying is true. There are angels everywhere. They are all around us and they have the most beautiful voices you could imagine. The first time you hear them you can't help but stand and look around because the voices are comming from everywhere and it totally capitates you. When you hear them sing it lifts you to a higher plane so you feel like you're floating in space".
...Mamikin then layed down on her back and said, "The best way to enjoy the angels is laying on your back and closing your eyes. This is the ultimate, to just lay back and totally give yourself up to the music. By shutting your eyes you shut out any distraction. Oh and please don't talk because we only get one song".
...I looked down at Mamikin; her expression was unbelievable in the extent of joy and anticipation that filled her. Then the singing started with women's voices (and possibly men's in higher ranges). The voices were crystal clear - from all directions and filled the sky.

"In the jungle, the might jungle, the lion sleeps tonight"

...Mamikin was right; hearing the voices sent a jolt of electricity running through me and made me feel like I was being lifted off the ground. I quickly layed on my back next to her, closed my eyes and gave everything over with the same wonderful expression.


...The voices echoed each other; picking up where the other left off and then repeated:

"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight"

...Then all the angels joined in together and it was so full and beautiful. The voices must have doubled when the men joined in with:

"Hey hey, a wing a wet, a wing a wet, a wing a wet..."

...And all the woman angels sang:

"Weee Ohh Weee Ohhh OH Weee Ohh Bum Ba Way..."

...The most beautiful music tied it altogether and it was perfect.

...The song repeated this sequence over and over with: "In the villiage the peaceful village the lion sleeps tonight"; and "Hush my darling don't cry my darling the lion sleeps tonight". There may have been other phases but I don't remember. Part of the beauty of the song was it's simplicity - but it was sung so beautifully that I couldn't imagine a better song - especially for that moment. Then it all ended as quickly as it began.
...I looked over at Mamikin and said, "Oh that was the most beautiful song ever. How did you come up with that"?
..."That was the first time when life felt perfect. When I realized I was very special to God and that He rejoiced in my existence and felt Him in the very core of my being."
...Mamikin and I then walked back near the walled circle and where the others were. "Carrie, there is a big difference between God and people. God sees the good in all of us and longs to fill our lives with true Peace and a Joy that reaches to our deepest inner being so that it radiates throughout the rest of us. God has nothing but the purest Love and more than anything else wants us to know that Love , to be filled with it, and let it spread amoung one another in a humble and respectful mannner. Honestly there is no one who could long for you to have these things more than God because God made you and everything in the universe was brought forth through God's power. So even before you could long to have it - God longs to give it to you; in fact God has given all these things and so much more. The only way obtain these things is through the cross. The cross is God's offering for you and everyone else - and it signifies the most complete and greatest possible sacrifice ever. For it is through this that God's Gift of Genuine Life is offered and by which we come to be incorporated into His Being. The cross is the ultimate standard by which God measures everything. If we come to God through the offering that was so freely given on our behalf then we become part of that cross and this is what ultimately transforms us into a new being altogether - a being that is now fully a part of God and whenever God measures us the cross is evident. We can not escape our human condition Carrie, and therefore we frequently wear one mask or another depending on where we are. But underneath that mask is the cross - for those who have come to accept it."
...I just stood there soaking in everything she said and she assured me that she knew I knew these things deep in my heart but just wanted to remind me before I left. Then she went to the walled circle and turned into the beautiful gem. She called out to Steady with the wave of her hand and as he joined her he was transformed into the vibrant colors of the white blue diamond which blended with the lime green clouds which Mamikin created and their energies blended beautifully. As I drifted off I remembered how wonderful it felt when she was in the water and had an idea of how wonderful both of them felt. Again the brilliance of their glow was greatly magnified and though none of us could see or hear; we felt the glow that filled the world and it was wonderful.
...As we came from the frozen state Steady was once again glowing and said, "It's time to get the Life that God longs to give, to find the Peace that only He provides and be filled and empowered with the Truest, Purest, and most Complete Love and Life". With that he raised his hands in praise to God and we drifted through the bubble and into the next dimension.
...As usual the four surrounded me before I could see or do anything. It's strange when all you can see are the backs of these huge men, but this time something was different. They were more hunched over and each one looked like they were ready to start a wrestling match. Then Birch let out a roar that made my hair stand straight up and I was covered with goosebumps. Immediately after his roar he spang out and jumped up on what appeared to be a large gorilla that was easily 5 times his size. ...Birch grabbed at his chest, climbing up towards his head and took a huge bit out of his throat. The beast was barely dazed and was extremely angered by the attack. He was just about to grab Birch and rip him off when CB used his bullwhip to catch his wrist and hold him back. Buster had his chains moving like helicopters that tore into the beast and knocked him on the ground. Birch kept going for the throat, while CB and Buster kept him pinned to the ground and within a minute the beast was motionless on the ground.
...Steady stayed with me the whole time, constantly on guard for anything else, and moving here and there to make sure he was able to ward off whatever was there. As soon as the beast was killed the others returned and surrounded me again. All I could see was their backs but each looked at least twice as big as usual and these guys were ready; you could really feel their energy. A few moments later they gave the 'all clear' signal and were somehow able to totally relax. Birch washed himself clean and the others simply raised their hands in praise and let the cleaning breeze cleanse them.
...We were in a clearing surronded by huge oak trees with a little spring nearby. It had a dark gloomy feel. There was only one path and Birch and CB insisted on going first with Steady and Buster walking behind me and we went through to the next clearing, which had a wonderful feel to it. There were a variety of trees surrounding the the large clearing with another walled circle in the middle. The leaves were beautiful and displayed the rich beauty of Fall colors. Red maple leaves, bright yellow leaves, and a wide variety of other colors all gave the area an enchanted appearance.
...Bright clouds of turquoise began to swirl in the circle and rose to the form and shape of a woman with the head and neck of a bird. The beauty of this turquoise gem was spellbinding and breathtaking. She projected a warmth that caused the entire area to have a serene quality. She stepped out of the circle and immediately Steady fell on one knee and bowed to worship her. CB and Buster immediately followed his lead and Birch was so moved by her beauty and the quality of the character she projected that he also fell on one knee in reverent respect. I was to caught up in rapture to move and so I just stood there and watched in amazement as she approached us and said, "I am Silverbird, welcome to my world".
,,, The others stood as Silverbird elaborated on the purpose for their encounter. She wore a red dress that looked like it was meant for a queen. It was long and had a puffy white cottony fabric around the sleeves and along the bottom near the ground. Brightly polished gold buttons matched the glistening gold belt buckle and strands of pearls hung from her neck. Although she had the face of a bird her expression was beautiful and you immediately sensed she saw things with enormous clarity. "Carrie, in order to prepare you to fulfill the most important role in bringing harmony to our universe you need to hone in on the aspects that wholly define a woman. Mamikin showed you what it is to have a woman's heart and I sense you have learned that very well. Here you are destined to learn to see things more clearly, to weigh all the factors, and know the underlying conditions behind what is seen; so that you don't just see the end result and the obvious picture but instead you see the underlying factors causing the picture to appear as it does. For a woman having clarity is a major part of her makeup and she is driven to discover as many details as possible and all the information she can before she takes a stand or forms a solid opinion. A woman has great pride, but not like the pride of a man. Her pride is not arrogant and haughty but is a vital part of her character and makes her richly genuine and wholly sincere. She has to be attuned to her surroundings, to the vibes that others emit, and weigh these against the deeper qualities of her inner spirit and the deeper consistent truths on which she is grounded. That is what we will strive to undertake and I have no doubt that you will more than excel in this endeavor."
Silverbird motioned for me to follow her and only then did I realize the others were in a frozen state. As we walked to another clearing she asked me what I knew about Adam and Eve.
"Adam was the first person ever on Earth and was created from the soil. After he was created God saw he was lonely and needed someone so He took one of his ribs and made Eve to be his helper. They were forbidden to eat a certain fruit but Satan tempted her while presenting himself as a snake and she yielded to the temptation and ate it. This is how sin entered the world and she got Adam to eat it as well. That's when everything changed and the pure Earth was tarnished."
"You seem to know this story very well Carrie. Now of course this is how the story is written in your world and what you have been taught from the very beginning. Now you are in a different dimension and I want you to see how we view what happened. Knowing what you know about men and women and how God designed them, do you believe that Adam knew what Eve had to offer"?
"No, I believe he saw her as inferior 'Flesh of my flesh, and bone of my bone, I will call her Eve'. At the very maximum he would have seen her as an equal. I believe women are only now honestly being recognized for the richness of their traits and abilities. Had Adam been able to know how a woman is made and brought her to life, Eve would never have wondered off and been tempted as easily as she was. If she had really been able to give herself as a complete woman, and been able to reveal the vast depth of her insights and attributes, the story would likely have ended differently".
"Carrie, how do you possess the insights and depth of a full grown woman in her more advanced years? I am amazed by your intellect. So then you see the underlying problem was the inability of Adam to realize that Eve was way beyond as she appeared. Had he taken the time to honestly discover the wealth of what she offered and the remarkable manner by which God designed her then do you think the story would be different"?
"I believe if Adam had come to know the breadth and depth of all Eve had to offer and honestly brought her to life and complimented her attributes that Eve would have filled him with such abundant life and happiness that neither one of them would be looking for something else".
Whoever gave me the TERRIBLE RATING:

I'm not bashing men - nor am I making any attempt to tear apart the Bible or God.

I was sharing this with the MB in general because many on this board have had a profound influence on my life and when my soon to be 16 year old daugher asked me to write her a story for her birthday I decided to include many of you.

If anything I say HONESTLY offends someone and you want me to stop posting the story - please just send me a PM and I will stop (or tell me here) - but I don't know how to interpret the TERRIBLE RATING other than to try making it different. What you see (minus the typing errors) is what she is getting.

Like I say - I'm not out to cause trouble, but simply trying to come up with a story I think she'd enjoy.
...As I was finishing my sentence a charming stone house came into view. It was a 2 story home with large sun rooms on either end that had windows from floor to ceiling. Smoke poured out from the chimney and the house looked incredibly warm and inviting. The beautiful Fall leaves from the forest in which it was framed all the more brought out it's beauty. "Wow that is so beautiful".
..."Thank you Carrie, I think you'll find it cozy and we can continue our talk with a hot cup of tea. Please know whenever I ask you something I am not trying to trick you or lead you to lean in a certain direction. So far you have expressed yourself incredibly well and I appreciate that. So do you think it was Adam's fault that Eve ate the forbidden fruit"?
..."Not at all. I think neither one of them really had a chance to fully discover each other; especially to the depth by which God designed them. So much of what we know about each other is relatively new information and though it may be common knowledge now, even a few years past it wasn't known how capable and valuable we really are. So I believe there was quite a bit about Adam that was equally unknown to Eve. In the end I believe it was a mutual decision and one that was largely a joint endeavor. Once they had each other, I believe the overwhelming bulk of what they did was in full acknowledgement of each other".
..."That's how we see it too Carrie. To us the story loses its meaning when we try to throw all the blame on Eve or Adam and the finger pointing becomes as issue overriding everything else. We believe God matched them up well, and in fact matches us up well today. The problem is not in our design and our ability to blend wonderfully together; the problem is our refusal to really let the bonds develop and find how perfectly suited we are. We see this in almost every way people can find differences between themselves: whether it be gender, race, nationality, religion, or views on every imaginable topic - wherever differences can be found - these often predominate the relationships that exist; so that devision wins out over unity. But surely the God who brought all things into being and designed us to be in harmony does not want the friction and divisions that overwhemingly prevail. That is why it is so important that you are prepared to fulfill the Universal Dream and tear down all the boundries that devide us. 'The Magnet' shall bring them together as one and a 'New Earth' will stand forever and ever".
...After entering a beautiful foyer we went to the sunroom on the left hand side of the house. It was spotless and spacious with comfortable chairs.
...Almost immediately after we sat down Silverbird said, "I'll be right back with our tea". She entered the room carrying a tray with 2 cups of tea along with an assortment of cookies. I was shocked by her beauty; as she returned with the face, head, and neck of a woman and not a bird. Her hair was naturally curly with long locks flowing to her shoulders. Her eyes were deep and intense, giving her an incredible display of intelligence yet her high cheek bones and beautiful face revealed tremendous compassion and a wholesome character.
..."Wow, you are so beautiful".
..."Thank you Carrie. It's much easier for me to drink tea like this but I'm still the same ole bird. Help yourself to the goodies. I think you'll find they go very well with the tea". Then she sat comfortably and asked if I had anything I wanted to talk about. "Carrie, I'm sure you're bound to wonder about different things and perhaps even wonder what this is all about; so now is your time to find out everything. Anything you want to talk about, now is the time."
...Something about her made me feel so at ease and all the questions and thoughts I had flowed out like a canal had been built to bridge us together. It was unbelievable because we barely knew each other yet it was undoubtedly the strongest connection I think I ever experienced and made my cousins and close friends seem like trivial acquaintences in comparision. "Why do I have this incredible feeling with you? How is it I sense such tremendous peace - this huge desire to be a part of you? How is it I am so consumed with admiration for the honor of being part of your life". My words just spilled out and in any other setting I probably would have felt like a bumbling idiot; but I didn't feel that way at all.
..."I display the most central and hidden aspect of what makes a woman a woman, what we call 'The Magnet'. We are amazingly complex beings that have a heart and mind like no other. We always have a sense of our surroundings and insights into many aspects of life that others miss. This is why relationships are so vital to our existence; for we crave for real connections and as these form we come to life and fulfill our ultimate goal - to nurture. Overtime we learn the mysteries by which we draw others, and if we learn this in the purest and richest manner then our ultimate purpose is fulfilled and others will be drawn by - and delight in what we offer. We give it all Carrie, it's who we are. Everything about us is meant to magnify this underlying aspect of our life." Silverbird paused for a moment and then continued: "This is why you brought the ultimate source of peace and comfort when the internationals first arrived in your home. They needed you Carrie - to belong - and to be as one with your family - and you somehow knew this and sat in their lap and let them dote on you. This brought them to life, which in turn brought you to life, and your home was filled with loving acceptance and a genuine admiration developed. So in time we ladies learn more and more how to walk and talk and live our lives in a manner that allows us to be true to our inner character and yet all the more remain a magnet.
..."While we are on this subject there is another who is your counterpart, who is in essense your identical twin. Now she is a Pearl, a gem of enormous wealth and beauty. She is the mirror image of you Carrie and all the many wonderful attributes that have made you shine with such amazing beauty - she also possesses. But whereas you have largely been protected to shield these priceless aspects, her shield was taken and she was tarnished. This is the worst thing that can happen to a girl - or a woman Carrie - for once she'd been tarnished she increasingly becomes more of an object for the pleasing desires of others who are uncaring, heartless, and cruel. This is the most underlying element of what takes from a woman's self worth and although your other half is still the priceless and most glorious pearl, her presense has been blackened and the pearly white luster was somehow masked over. You will have to confront her and help her to restore her total beauty and let her shine like never before".
..."But how, I don't even know her"?
..."Her name is ****** and she is a goddess of another world you have yet to encounter. You do know her Carrie for she is your mirrow image".
..."But how will I know what to say to her when she has never met me and we are total strangers? Even if I did say something, why would she listen to me or believe what I'm saying"?
..."This is a very good point Carrie and honestly this is the overwhelming basis for all the misunderstandings and hardships since the very beginning. So here your words need only convey that I love you and accept you for who and what you are. When she sees this is true she will long for this love and acceptance - for this is ultimately what she has hungered for throughout the years. When she finds it in its totality - on the level that you alone can give - she will open herself to your being and absorb your energy and come to life as never before. She will give all this glory back to you and the exchange of your energies - of your total beings - will cause the world to shine and radiate God's Glory as never before".
..."Is that what happens when Steady becomes the blue white diamond blending with everything and absorbing all that is offered"?
..."That's exactly what happens Carrie. He is one of the few that understands the true secret of life. It is the biggest secret in the universe. Many women have forgotten the secret because they have been reduced to mere animals and forced to fend for themselves and struggle to survive. Even the ones who marry a man that provides the essential needs of food, clothing, and shelter are often overlooked and taken for granted. Once in a great while someone like Steady will come along and his love is like no other, his energy is wonderful and it is one of the rare moments where you find the beauty and richness of a life fulfilled. He knows how to give without the slightest reservation and he gives with such abundance that we give everything back to the highest possible measure. When you give yourself in this manner and your entire being is absorbed with the highest most reverent respect and admiration - the blackness with dissipate and the pearl will radiate with the fullest and most beautiful glory, even if it's been hidden over the years. So it is not what you say with your mouth that will reach her and penetrate to the depths of her being, it's what you say with your life and the depth by which you give it. You will be fine Carrie, just be yourself, be as real as possible and make a point of letting your life shine".
..."Thank you Silverbird, you have shattered any doubt or fear". I paused for a moment to drink the tea and try a few cookies. They were delicious and just perfect for that moment.
...Silverbird could see the delight in my expression. "I'm so glad you enjoy everything Carrie. Is there anything you're courious about"?
...Why does everyone have the faces, heads, and necks of animals and birds and the bodies of humans"?
..."When God made the animals they were given characteristics that mankind was meant to benefit from and hugely enjoy. Their senses are way beyond what any human could achieve and they have bonds that far exceed what the average person ever comes to know; let alone their quality of unconditional love. In your world they were largely overlooked and lumped in with other objects. In our world their value was highly recognized and God granted us the priviledge of bringing the worlds together. As a result we know far more about life in general and have a deep respect for one another. As a bird my clarity is way beyond what it would have been otherwise".
..."What is this vial hanging from my necklace"?
..."It is known as the 'Universal Cure' and took hundreds of years to make. Elements from various galaxies were gathered and mixed until we finally got it right. The vial contains cells that are millions of times beyond the potiential of embryonic stem cells. When the vial is opened it becomes a syringe with a needle designed for healing. You need to inject an equal amount at the 6 sites. Here I'll show you", she said and then lowered the back of her dress and pointed to the 3 vertebraes. "The top is 1, then 2 and 3. You inject on each side" she said; pointing with her finger.
...The thought of pushing a needle into someone's back made me feel sick. I thought of Emily and the stress, pain, and misery needles caused for her and my eyes began welling with tears. I didn't see how I'd ever be able to do it.
...Silverbird straightened her dress and sat next to me, and held my hand. Her touch was so comforting it felt like a warm blanket that covered me from head to toe. "Carrie it will be easy for you to accomplish. I promise it won't be hard at all. Think of how Sugar is trapped in a prison; this beautiful girl who is still the ultimate blossom of God's Glory. Your injections will let her become what she was meant to be. Think of XL-entLady and how beautiful she is and then remember the pain in your vision and what she's had to endure over the years. There is no way you can miss Carrie, for you will be with Steady when their energies blend. Everything else will disappear and the only thing left will be the 3 vertebraes. They alone are what you will focus on. Steady will know the order to give the shots and call out each number as they are ready. What you give her will immediately fill any trace of injury and she will be restored to brand new. Then the Supreme Event will occur in her world. Since XL-entLady is right next to heaven the power of the Supreme Event will throw you right through the 7 stages of heaven and you will meet with God in person. As you are traveling though the 7 stages of heaven, the boundries of the 70 dimensions will be shattered and the divisions will cease to exist. Then God will form the New Earth and nothing but perfect harmony will exist from that point on".