…”Well we’d better get back to business. Would you like this one”, Steady asked while pointing towards the soldier?
…”What’s his name”?
…”His name is Birchtree but most call him Birch”.
…I studied him one last time. His neck, head, and face were that of a Grizzly Bear and he had a large chest and arms to match. His expression was power and strength, no playing games, and no weakness. “Yes Steady, I want this one”.
…Steady shined a light on him and immediately he bent down and looked directly in my eyes and said, “You won’t be disappointed with me and whatever happens they will have to take me out before anything could happen to you”.
…Birch and Steady gave each other a brief hug and pats on the back and then Steady said, “We’ll need two more”. Then we walked up to another large man dressed like a cowboy. His neck, head, and face were that of a Polar Bear. His expression was challenging and highly appeared he was rarely (if ever) defeated.
…”What’s his name”, I asked?
…Steady was just getting ready to say something when Birch chimed in with, “That’s Cowboy but we all call him CB. If you want to get the job done then he’s the man. Plus he’d be a good team player”.
…”Sounds good”, I said; then Steady shined the light and CB said, “I’m honored mam; consider your mission accomplished”.
…We then walked over to the last warrior who had the face, head, and neck of a Kodiak Bear. He was dressed up like a street fighter with a black leather jacket, chains dangling, and boots with metal tips. His expression was ferocious but his eyes gave a hint of playfulness. “What’s his name”, I asked?
…”That’s Buster”, Steady said. “He a character that’s both entertaining and highly deadly to his enemies.”
…”Okay, then let’s get him” I said as Steady shined the light in his direction. Immediately he kind of strutted over spun in a circle bowed and said, Pleased to make your acquaintance my dear. I’d say we’re in for a good adventure”.