Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

Thanks for the levity. Now that was funny. I needed that. I laughed so hard, I nearly spit my tea all over the table.
Thanks for the levity. Now that was funny. I needed that. I laughed so hard, I nearly spit my tea all over the table.

I couldn't agree with you more Debbie. When I saw that last night I was really impressed - a very excellent visualization that will make me all the more try to come up with something worthwhile.

"We have to start in DC and shake up some things, but that's the only way we can make it happen."
"Then let's get going Steady, I'm ready", Jason said as if accepting a major assignment from a Pentagon Official.
As Steady was getting Jason his first glass he said, "Steady my life is tied to a lot of military service and dedication to this country and I've typically been a very strong Republician - but now it doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is trying to bring in a breath of fresh air and letting the whole country feel it."
After his third glass he could drink no more. Steady gave it several minutes to take its full effect, walked him to the center of the room and told him to close his eyes.

Hey that's cool my friend - but I know who Jason is and this story remains dedicated to "you know who" - so it's time to kick ass.
When Jason opened his eyes he was instantly consumed with alarm. He felt the blood rushing to his head, his heart pounding, his breathing labored and he felt trapped. How in the hell did he get here? He stood at the desk and looked across to see President Bush on the phone. Bush was visibly upset, his face a little flushed and his voice very stern, "I expect this speech to be delievered tomorrow at Capitol Hill and every network to cover it. Understood"?...then he paused for a moment and said, "Good"! and hung up the phone.

Steady then looked up at Jason and realized he had no clue what was going on. "Jason, what the hell is that stuff on your face? Use the mirror over there", he said, as he pointed at the wall.

Jason, in a semi-state of shock, walked over to the mirror without saying a word. "Holy s***", Jason said with great surprise and looked over at President Bush. Then he looked back at his reflection. He was a 4 Star General with metals and ribbons covering his chest. His uniform was crisp and he looked great. In a state of disbelief he looked back at President Bush.

"Jason, I'm the Commander in Chief and you're next in line. You are the real powerhouse - the one that wears the uniform and the one that everyone looks up to. We are here to shake things up and this is where we're starting."

"Wow Steady, man you scared me to death. Is this really the Oval Office? Are you really Bush and am I really a General"? Jason asked these questions as if he was talking out loud; he was still trying to determine if he was dreaming.

"Jason, this is most definately the real thing. For now I am the President and you are highest ranking officier alive next to me. But when you talk others see you as someone who lives it and knows what the military is all about. If we are going to clear the air we have to start with the Vietnam War and the Vietnam Veterans."
All networks were on Capitol Hill. It was the first time President Bush arranged a National Conference on the Steps of the Capitol - but it was stressed this was a Message for the Entire Unitied States.

Steady went before the podium and addressed the Nation without any notes or ques. "This message is for all the men and women; boys and girls in the United States of America. It is a message that is long overdue and one this Country desperately needs. As your residing President, I am here to clear the air. My endeavor is to help this country strive for a better start as the new President takes over. The only way we can move forward is by aggressively dealing with some huge mistakes we've made in the past."

President Bush then looked over and announced General 48843

The General stood before the podium representing everything the Military could hope for.
"I'm General 48843. I know that may sound strange but that represents 48 thousand 8 hundred and 43 unique Missions this Country called on me to accomplish. Never at any point did I fail a Mission and for every Mission accomplished this Country was strengthed in some manner."

The General paused for a moment and clinched his fists.
"But I am not here to talk about me and I am not here to explain the Combat Infantry Badge, The Bronze Metal; The Congressional Metal of Honor, the Purple Heart" and as he spoke he pointed to different badges and ribbons. "I am here to explain what is means to be a soldier and why they deserve all the honor and dignity we could possibly bestow on them. But most of all I am here to show where we as a country went wrong and where we need to start."

The General looked more determined than ever. He looked over at President Bush - who gave an approving nod.
"The Vietnam soldiers were far more than men and women who wore the uniform. Anyone can wear a uniform and not everyone who wears the uniform is a soldier. They are a class of Veterans like no other class - like no other group. These men and women wore the uniform to stand behind the cause of the United States of America. They stood in the ranks of the mightest soldiers this country has ever known. They did their training at a time when burning the American Flag was a popular thing - at a time that fleeing this country gave the appearance of real heros, and at a time that the population as a whole turned their backs against the American Government".

As he spoke his voice got louder and he was becoming visibly upset. He paused for a moment and continued.

"These soldiers were good ole American Boys and Girls - who at a very young age determined that they would rather wear the uniform and prove themselves as Men and Women - worthy of dignity and honor - than live a life of shame. They did not ask for war and they did not request to be placed in a foreign land to endure suffering and death. But they trained together and they became a family that is tighter than any other group that has ever lived. These men and women knew what it was to be soldiers down to their bone marrow; they knew what is was to the eyes and ears for their fellow soldiers; and they knew the ultimate sacrifice and what is was to do to all things possible to insure their unit survived."
These men and women knew what it was to be soldiers down to their bone marrow; they knew what is was to the eyes and ears for their fellow soldiers; and they knew the ultimate sacrifice and what is was to do to all things possible to insure their unit survived."

General48843 stood straight,paused one last time and leaned into the microphone

"This is not about whether the Vietnam War was right or wrong. It is about the soldiers who stood their ground and made a commitment to serve their country. They did everything to fulfill their obligation with dignity, respect, and honor and proved themselves to the highest possible degree. They were the real heros and if anyone ever deserved the honor and dignity this country could bestow on them it was the Vietnam Vets".

"But they received no honor upon their return - there was no celebration - no parade - no slaps on the back - no freindly faces showing their approval for a job well done. Instead they were taken into hiding and given civilian clothes so they wouldn't be as easily targeted by the crowds that spat at them and booed them. They returned to a country that forced them into hiding - that showed no appreciation for their endless dedication - and showed no respect what so ever for what they endured. So if there was ever a foul air in this Country - this is where it started and this is where we as a Country need to start".

General48843 then stepped back and President Bush took over.

"Thank you General. He could not have expressed that any better and if we as a country want to clear the air this is exactly where we need to start and I am here to make sure we get it done right."

Then majority leader presented Bush with several documents.

Bush signed the first one and held it up. "This officially brings the first of several National Parades that will go from coast to coast honoring all the Vietnam Veterans and their families. As one starts from the Northern part of the Eastern Coast - another will start from the Southern part of the Western Coast and they will travel all the way across to the other side. Any Vietnam Veteran will be given official vacation from their work and will be encouraged to remain with this parade throughout the duration. We will cover all expenses for lodging, meals, and their essential needs. Networks will cover the parade and updates will be given throughout. This is a National Parade and we as a Nation all need to take part in this honor and celebration".

A thunderous appaluse broke out throughout the crowd. When it died down Bush leaned down and signed the second document.

Holding the second document high for everyone to see, Bush said, "This officially enacts a new holiday that will be honored by all Americans and all American Businesses. It will always be celebrated on the second Friday of June - as June's Holiday (3 day weekend). From this day forward the callender's will list this as "Vietnam Day". I do not want this to be just another day off of work - this is a time that Vietnam Veterans will be given the best rooms at no charge, sit at the best tables and get whatever they want at no charge. This Holiday is long overdue and this is how this country is going to move forward with their head held high and with a breath of fresh air."
Bush signed the first one and held it up. "This officially brings the first of several National Parades that will go from coast to coast honoring all the Vietnam Veterans and their families. As one starts from the Northern part of the Eastern Coast - another will start from the Southern part of the Western Coast and they will travel all the way across to the other side. Any Vietnam Veteran will be given official vacation from their work and will be encouraged to remain with this parade throughout the duration. We will cover all expenses for lodging, meals, and their essential needs. Networks will cover the parade and updates will be given throughout. This is a National Parade and we as a Nation all need to take part in this honor and celebration".

Shortly after President Bush finished the Ceremony the largest Parade in the history of the United States began on each coast and traveled across the country. Vietnam Veterans by the thousands came out of the woodwork and joined in on the Celebration. Essentially every city and town that the Parade passed through was lined with people waving flags - fireworks going off - and confetti flying all over the place. News coverage was around the clock and many from nearby towns came to show their respect for these long forgotten soldiers.

The destination for each evening was planned out ahead and all rooms were left open in every available hotel. The very best rooms went to the POWs and all who were once MIA. The Parade became increasingly larger as the Veterans who started the Parade continued with it - and all the other Veterans followed this tradition. Soon hundreds of families from the nicest neighborhoods took in a Veteran and his/her family and provided the very best of accommodations. The overall Spirit of America grew increasing Patriotic and Sweet and the wonderful news of the Celebration dominated the networks and newspapers. Soon the Economy began to explode and consumer spending remained at record heights. Over and over the onlookers stated, "These Veterans are finally getting the recognition they deserve".

As the Parade continued it was easy to tell the Veterans from the on lookers. These aged Soldiers displayed an honor and pride that was impossible to miss. Each town had its own atmosphere and as the Parade passed through one there were nothing but tears; while another was filled with happiness and smiles. Older Legionaires stood at attention along with the National Guard and Scout Troops saluting the Veterans as they passed by. Everyone waved and acknowledged them in the most sincerest and respectable manner.
Holding the second document high for everyone to see, Bush said, "This officially enacts a new holiday that will be honored by all Americans and all American Businesses. It will always be celebrated on the second Friday of June - as June's Holiday (3 day weekend). From this day forward the callender's will list this as "Vietnam Day". I do not want this to be just another day off of work - this is a time that Vietnam Veterans will be given the best rooms at no charge, sit at the best tables and get whatever they want at no charge. This Holiday is long overdue and this is how this country is going to move forward with their head held high and with a breath of fresh air."

The Parade went perfectly, but the Holiday was a different story altogether. Soon hotels and resturants were flooded with those who pretended to be Vietnam Veterans (many of whom even burned their draft cards and fled the country, and many others who never served in the Service). It became an increasinly diffiult situation.

General 48843 made President Bush aware of the situation as soon as the problem became apparent. For the Hotels, Resturants, and general public it was especially difficult because all those who pretended to be Vietnam Veterans were given the best of the best and treated so warmly and honorably by all they encountered. Soon those on Welfare, those in poverty, and the homeless tried to get in on the action but they were more easily identified - because they lacked the honor and pride that glowed from the real veterans.

Jason asked Steady how they should deal with the situation. Steady was furious and in a state of rage demanded an immediate message be sent across all networks. Several minutes later every show was interrupted for an emergency nationwide message.

President Bush stood before the podium and announced: "It is bad enough that we have those outside this country who think they can come over here to bomb our buildings and make every effort to ruin our society." His expression was identical to his message when 9/11 occured. "As the Commander in Chief, I will deal with the present situation as a direct attack against our government and more specifically as an attack against the Veterans who boldly endured the worst of conditions to represent our country. There are many who are now flooding the hotels, resturants, and the nicest homes of our communities that are pretending to be Vietnam Veterans and as a result some of the real Veterans (even some who were a POW/MIA) are now having to stay in shelters and community buildings while the underserving are in the best suites. This will end and it will end right now. As the President and Commander in Chief I am calling on all Veterans who served this country to deal with this situation accordingly. I want to make it clear THERE WILL BE NO CHARGES BROUGHT AGAINST YOU FOR ANY ACTION YOU TAKE. YOU MAY DO AS YOU WILL - BUT DO NOT MAIM OR KILL. If these low lifes want to play games then let the games begin, but they will deal with the consequences."
The Press went wild and many began shouting loudly, "Mr President how will you deal with the injuries...the lawyers...the..."

President Bush had stepped away from the podium and was in the process of leaving the room. He stopped, turned around, and went back to the podium. "I will not answer any Pansy Assed questions and this is not a matter to be debated or questioned. The games have already started and we will respond accordingly." With that he left the room and within a few hours all the hotels, resturants, and nicer homes were cleared of the undeserving and the real heros received even more than they had encounterd in the past. Law enforcement officiers across the country left the work to the Veterans and did not interfere. By mid-afternoon word had spread across the country and those who intended on pretending to be Vietnam Veterans changed their minds and the Holiday was taken to new heights.

Congress later enacted a Bill whereby Vietnam Veterans were given an identification that establshed their right to partake in a Holiday meant in their honor and Bush Passed it. Over the years however it was Bush's plan that will always be remembered as the greatest single move a President ever did to show his support for both the Vietnam Veterans and equally his confidence in present and past veterans to get the job done.
Velvety clouds lined the stage floor and the humming of amplifiers resonnated throughout the stadium. Jason stood by the edge of the curtain - wondering where he was - trying to make sense out of everything. Then Steady walked past, guitar in hand with the strap around his neck. He walked as naturally and easily across the stage and plugged the guitar in - and IMMEDIATELY the strings came to life and grew in sound until a feedback distortion began repeating itself...

Whaaa uuu oooh whhaa wwaahhhhhhhhhh

Steady started off with the coolest riff Jason had ever heard and then kicked in to the most rock beat he could imagine. As Steady played he moved around the stage swaying and dancing to the rhythm and looking like he was having the time of his life. Jason began patting his foot and didn't even realize it but he was shaking and dancing - somehow the music just capitivated him. Then - as with the beginning Steady played a series of rifts at the end that seemed impossible to come from just one guitar and ended the song with Jason standing wide eyed and amazed.

"So what did you think Jason - pretty cool the way we got the ball rolling on turning this country aroud. "

"Steady it was fantastic. But where are we and why are we here"?

"I often come here to play and practice. It's my private stadium." Then Steady walked a few feet in front of Jason and said, "I figured we'd come here to plan out the next phase."

Jason said, "I'd like to deal with the prison systems next. Do you mind if I take charge of this next one".

"Brother man, this is your gig and I'm just showing you how easy it cane be. I'll made you Chief over all prisons and you call all the shots. Just let me know when you're ready."

"Wow man, let's do it. I'm ready"
Hbo generation kill and comments

I am Vietnam era but I can see not much has changed, if this HBO docu drama is anywhere close to events as they existed.
Re: Hbo generation kill and comments

I am Vietnam era but I can see not much has changed, if this HBO docu drama is anywhere close to events as they existed.

I am Vietnam era as well - and much has changed since that time in that more and more government has taken control and the air has become increasingly static and perplexing. Most importantly the real heros - the Vietnam Vets - have largely been forgotten.

So the basis of this story is to try to clear the air and help the next president be able to start with a clean slate - and not have to build on the increasing BS that's accumulated over the years.

Steady is Jimi Hendrix - so when a Mission is complete he returns to the stage (either his own - or a concert) to get recharged and prepare for the next Mission. Jason is one of the top members of the MB that I deeply respect and this story is in his honor. I think we share a lot in common so all of this is simply a dream I'm creating as I write off the top of my head.

To me the most important thing is getting our country back on track; and I feel that would have to start by giving the Vietnam Vets their due - really giving them everything possible with all the bells and whistles - which I feel I've largely accomplished. Now it's time to move on to specifics - the things of our present day and age that could be tweaked for the better overall good.

Your comments are much appreciated and there are a ton of stories before this one on this thread and was back on my main thread.

Jason said, "I'd like to deal with the prison systems next. Do you mind if I take charge of this next one".

"Brother man, this is your gig and I'm just showing you how easy it cane be. I'll made you Chief over all prisons and you call all the shots. Just let me know when you're ready."

"Wow man, let's do it. I'm ready"

Walking into the Lobby, Jason asked Steady where they were.

"We're heading to a meeting with the top Prison Officials throughout the country. You are the very top Jason and have the full support of the President and Congress. So when we arrive, take a serious business approach and tell them exactly how you feel and what changes need to take place"

"Wow, this is amazing Steady. I really like this a lot."

"Well that's cool, just say it right and make it count."

The room was fairly noisy with everyone visiting with one another. When Jason and Steady walked in the room everyone stood and a silence fell over the room. Jason was deeply respected and it showed in all their faces.

Steady went to the first available chair, as Jason went to the head of the table.

"Please everyone have a seat", Jason said as he approached his chair and everyone sat down at essentially the same time.

All eyes were on Jason, and he collected his thoughts for a moment. "There are many jobs that no one wants to do, yet these jobs are essential. The pattern our country has used to resolve this situation is unacceptable. We call on the Migrant Workers - many of which are illegal - and have them do the work, but then get in further trouble down the line. From this point on we are going to utilize the prisoners to do a wide variety of jobs to turn this country around. On the whole the prisoners will no longer spend their days taking up idle time within the prison walls. We are going to put them out in the fields and use them in a wide variety of ways to keep this country going, to generate income, and to make these guys pay for their crimes. So that's how it's going to be and if they are incapable of working in the fields then they will work in a different capicity - even if it's just delivering water to the ones that are working. The only ones left in the prison will be those who under no circumstances are qualified to work, and they are very few in number. Am I making since to everyone".

The expressions were undeniable - smiles and nods of assurance throughout the room.

"Let me add something. Many of you already have your prisoners picking up trash from the highways and doing other things - so you are way ahead of the game. Many others have wished they could put their guys to work and were waiting for this moment. Some of you may not want to participate in this endeavor and to you alone I would say, be prepared to vacate your position. These changes will be across the board and there will be no exceptions. Are there any questions"?

Steady was a little amused. Jason delivered his speech outstandingly and had excellent repore and expression. As he came to the end his voice got more serious and when he asked if there were any questions it sounded more like a challenge. No one rasied their hand and no one made a comment. The message was very clear and there was no mistake about it.

"Well that's what this meeting was all about. I appreciate all of you taking the time to attend and more notably appreciate the hard work and excellent job everyone of you does. By the end of the month I will need a plan from every prison faxed to my office detailing the jobs the prisoners will be involved with and a list of all prisoners remaining within the walls and why they're staying. The President will be delivering a message to the nation addressing this situation and the need to get our prisoners involved. I'll also need to know how many extra guards you'll need and the government has already given me their assurance that they will supply as many as you need."

Jason then stood and said, "Folks, this plan is long over due. We need to send a strong message throughout this country letting people know that if they get sent to prison they will put to work and they will work hard. This will do far more to reform our prisoners and equally be a huge benefit for our country. Again - Thank you for your comming and if there are no further questions the meeting is adjourned."
The President will be delivering a message to the nation addressing this situation and the need to get our prisoners involved.

A week after their meeting President Bush addressed the Nation regarding the change in the Prison system and the way to move forward. He showed how labor intensive work programs resulted in far better therapy to change the offender, how this would provide the avenue for them to pay for the costs of their sentence, and how they could be utilized for the benefit of the entire country by remaining productive citizens. He ended the speech by making it clear that we are dealing with criminals who violated the rights of the general public by breaking the law and are in prison because they are paying the consequences of their behavior. He knew anything he said would be countered by many others - irrregardless of what he proposed. "Let me make something very clear: Under no circumstances am I advocating abusing these prisoners or violating their rights; but the general public has a right to demand payment for their crimes and all the more a right to expect an improvement in their behavior. If we have to be "tough" on some prisoners to motivate them then that's what we're doing. This will be largely conducted like Boot Camp in the distant past - and we will not fail".

Within a few months of the prison changes - news reports flooded the media about the improvements noted on multiple levels. The prisoners worked well together - they worked as a team and kept account of each other. The ones providing the jobs were amazed at their stamina and the excellent job they did. Extra guards were always on hand and not one escape was identified.


Immediately after Jason and Steady left the building where the meeting was held they stepped out on a stage. There was a huge crowd waiting behind the curtain - thousands and thousands. Jason was amazed and looked excited.

"Wow, where are we Steady?"

"We're in Brazil, at one of the biggest stadiums on Earth."

Just as Steady was explaining to Jason what was going on a man walked up and Steady said, "Dennis, the whole concert hinges on you. You know what to do - just go out there and do your thing."

Dennis looked a little apprehensive - but it may have been excitement. He gave Steady a pat on the shoulder and said, "Thanks man, this is very cool and we're finally there." Then he walked out on the stage.

Jason asked who Dennis was. "He handles all the money. He's known by his friends as PermaBull #1. He assured me that I could get my money for nothing and just live off the interest and he's right. So I wanted him to start the show - kind of honor him."

Dennis stood before the microphone and the noise died down. He grabbed the mic with his hand and softly said, "I want my...I want my MTV....I want my......I want my MTV..."

Steady strutted out on stage and the crowd went wild. Dennis repeated his line a few more times and as he was walking away Steady flung his guitar overhead like a baton and the guitar came to life. Somehow he caught it in just the right way and played the song in a style that went beyond anything the others had heard.

Occasionally Steady would look back stage - point to Dennis and sing "You get your money for nothing...."

After that he played "The Wind Cries Mary" in an updated version with acoustic finger picking blended with heavy metal.

Then he joined Jason and they walked out a back door.