Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

On the return trip the path was covered by a white cloud which rose about a foot from the ground. They walked back without saying a word, both of them absorbed in their thoughts. Immediately after entering the circle the sticker bushes filled the void and the circle was complete. They couldn't see any angels on the way back but heard the sound of the swirling swords which vanished when they came upon them. They went to the center and layed on their backs, looking up in the sky. Cornellia asked why Steady asked for the center and why that location. Steady explained that throughout his life his heart longed to help restore the Native American Indians but that too much had transpired over the centuries and he saw little to no hope of ever being able to restore there original culture. He then told her about the Vietnamese/Cambodian situation and felt with the right intervention their lives could be greatly restored. In a peroid of 4 years 1/4 of the Cambodians were wiped out and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder along with other Anxiety Disorders are highly seen throughout this region. Their belief systems all the more aggravate these conditions and Steady was convinced that the right center could reinforce their beliefs, fully restore their culture, and eliminate Anxiety Disorders. He was convinced it could equally serve the Vietnamese and in large part made that his ultimate goal while there was still time to really make a difference. Cornellia didn't realize that buy granting Steady's request the center would be fully operational by the time they arrived, so they spent several hours honing all the details until the center was exactly as they wanted it. Once their plans were complete they bowed on their knees, closed their eyes and prayed while visualizing the entire center in their minds. They agreed to finish their visualization with Steady's office and squeeze hands when each arrived. Within a fraction of a second both were there fully visualizing the office as they had decided and when they opened there eyes they saw the desk, the plants, and everything else exactly as they planned.
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This is a story I never expected. Not only is it full of messages we can all learn from but it is so rich and colorful that we will have to read it over and over as I am sure we may have missed a thing or two the first time.

also, a couple of coincidences as far as I am concerned, I like lavender to help relax, and I believe I mentioned earlier about practicing yoga and tai chi, so that really fit quite well in the story. The real thing that got to me is the stressing how much we can use our inner strength and take control, without self-imposed limitations, which I intend to do more of from now on.

The Marilins and the Norvatai chapters were awesome, I still feel very honored, so much love displayed towards someone they had never met, it's something we all should learn from. Finally, using visualization to create the center for the Cambodians and Vietnamese suffering from Post War Traumatic Syndrome was one of the things that really got to me, as I used visualization a long time ago and recently started practicing it again.

No comments about the love story - all stories mostly have a happy ending:)

Thank you again for reminding me of so many beautiful things, I am sure we will all benefit from your story (or is it already a novel??)

This is a story I never expected.
The Marilins and the Norvatai chapters were awesome.
Finally the center for the Cambodians and Vietnamese suffering from Post War Traumatic Syndrome was one of the things that really got to me.
No comments about the love story :)
Of course in real life I know little to nothing about you but it's certainly been a pleasure getting to know you (and the many others on this site). The story is nothing that I expected either, it is totally completely random thoughts flowing out as I type off the top of my head in between patients and as I find the time. All of it completely inspired from realizing that in the near future we will undoubtedly be able hold meetings (and meet one another) in Virtual Worlds that are as real to life as the one we presently reside in. You were the first to ask to take a trip by using STEADY - and therefore I felt the easiest way to accomplish this was by simply taking you into my world all together and letting everything happen spontaneously. I have often been concerned that the Marilins/Norvatai and all the other things may in reality be driving you and the others on the MB Crazy so I am very relieved it has truely been entertaining. The story reflects my heart and soul - longing for God to give me the strength/faith/courage/drive to do everything for His Honor and Glory by gaining His Strength to serve His People. In my story you are my PERFECT COMPANION - helping me achieve my dreams. The Center is sincerely my GREATEST LONGING and wholly based on facts and truth. If I could do anything right now in real life, it would be this CENTER as I describe it. Anyway, I am really glad my story has not offended you or bothered you - especially since you are completely in my world and therefore subject to anything and everything I want you to be. In this story you are ultimately THE LOVE that fills my life - THE HOPE of everything I've ever longed for - and THE REWARD for all I've endured and strived to become.
Within a fraction of a second both were there fully visualizing the office as they had decided and when they opened there eyes they saw the desk, the plants, and everything else exactly as they planned.

They looked around the room in total amazement. The angels let them know that God would fully grant them whatever they desired for making it to the 3rd Ring; and encouraged them to obtain an ever greater faith so their worship woud grow even greater. Steady and Cornellia will always remember the angel's parting words when they dropped them off on the path. "Anyone who grows to worship God on the 3rd Ring will undoubtedly get to the 1st or 2nd on their next encounter - as this is the way of faith - in fact we believe you'll make it to THE INNER CIRCLE itself." With that encouragement Steady thought about the various programs that needed to be implemented and how to maximize every form of treatment. Cornellia thought of the business perspective and how to maximize all the details neccessary to build a strong foundation and have it florish.

darn - just getting into it and need to run
Cornellia thought of the business perspective and how to maximize all the details neccessary to build a strong foundation and have it florish.

As a result of Cornellia's tireless and unending connections, businesses donated the materials used for the building, medical compaines donated a wide variety of supplies, and after arrangeing contracts with a wide variety of sources a generous steady income was established to keep everything updated and allow for the needed staffing. It was amazing how eager companies around the world wanted to be part of The Center for Anxiety Disorders, and many countries pledged huge donations. Media Sources from around the globe featured the center in commericals, specials, magazines, newspapers, internet, billboards and more. The more the press got wind of the incredible results the more the business grew and Cornellia used the extra income for establishing similar centers around the world. But the moment they first arrived in Steady's office and realized every little detail was fully realized, both of them just looked around the room in amazement. Steady was the first to speak when he said, "Wow look at this place it's beautiful"! Cornellia looked at Steady with the most shocked expression - dazed at what he just said and cuped her hand behind her ear in conjunction with a puzzled look that said "What was that", but she didn't say a word. Again Steady said, "Cornellia isn't this place beautiful. It's exactly like we wanted it to be." This time Cornellia responded with, "You're speaking in Cambodian." She was shocked with how fluent Steady spoke the language. Steady chuckled and held her warmly, "Oh Cornellia, you precious beauty, you are speaking in Vietnamese." Neither one realized they were speaking a language other than English until the other pointed it out. As they laid in the circle making plans for the center both of them agreed it would be best if they spoke only Cambodian or Vietnamese and they vowed to each other as long as they were part of the center that is the only language they would use with each other. Cornellia was as shocked as Steady and because the language was now their official language everything they said naturally and effortlessly came out in one language or the other and they could interchange without the slightest thought. This abiltiy filled them with an inexpressible joy and they both started laughing, it was just so wonderful - it was absolutely amazing. They stood and walked around the room. Their faces glowed and the approving smiles were so evident in their expressions.
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"Steady, you should play the Wind Song for everyone", Cornellia said excitedly. "The Wind Song", Steady said with a puzzled expression, "No idea what you're talking about". "You know, the one you played for Mamikin for her concert." Steady shook his head slightly and let out a little chuckle, "That song is Born of the Spirit". He went on to explain it was taken directly from the Book of John when Nicodemus asked Jesus about being born again. He took those passages and put them to music to make that song. Cornellia reminded him of how Mamikin described it so beautifully and how it meant so much to her. "Wow Mamikiin, I hadn't thought of her in quite awhile. I wonder how she's doing"? "She doing great Steady, things have really turned out well for her". "How would you know?", Steady asked with a flustered expression - his tone sounding more cool - almost angry. Cornellia could have responded with something like, "What's your problem"?, but she knew better as it would just lead into a heated discussion. "Steady, does it bother you that I keep up with Mamikin"?, Cornellia asked with what sounded like the truest sincereity. Steady was quiet for a few moments and looked over and told her, "Of course not". "Steady, you need to realize that Mamikin and I have a whole lot in common and have been very good friends over the years - so we make a point of keeping in touch with each other. Why would that bother you sweetheart"? Cornellia always knew exactly what to say and Steady now felt like a little child. "I don't know what's wrong with me Cornellia, I honestly don't. I guess I'm jealous that you know how Mamikin's doing and I didn't have a clue. It somehow made me feel like wow, you are so far ahead of me - so I guess it was just some jealousy that just came out before I could stop it." Steady looked at Cornellia remorsefully and she walked up and held him in her arms and with the sweetest and most tender expression said, "You are the sweetest man in the whole world and I love you dearly." Steady looked at her, at how beautiful she was and how deeply he felt for her and held her lovingly as he leaned down to kiss her.

CORMAGA34 - I will PM you the rest. Please don't take offense - but I need to let my thoughts continue to flow. Will entitle it DELETE THIS - AND DON'T LET IT BOTHER YOU.
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Their love was more alive than ever and as Steady lowered her to the floor he thought about what she said. "That would be a perfert song for the Vietnamese. What a wonderful idea. I'm really amazed you remember so much of what I told you." The Vietnamese were particulary suspectible to Anxiety Attacks in either the form of Panic Attacks or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder when they felt the wind. They believed the wind can go through the skin pores, which made them susceptible to it's power, and felt extremely vulnerable under windy conditions.
This nothing more than a little story I'm making up to help everyone understand the importance of this center. A very strong and powerful group came up with a plan which was considered the largest psychological test ever conducted. The idea was see what would happen if, out of the blue, you brought in a large army that wiped out at least a quarter of the population, elimated all the green vegatation, and totally disrupted essentially all aspects of a country's lives for a 4 year peroid and then left them alone. In reality this is what happened in Vietnam and Cambodia in the 60's and to this day Anxiety Disorders in these populations have been thoroughly researched and documented. I'm using information revealing the Transcultural Aspects of PTSD and other Anxiety Disorders - particularly as noted in the Vietnamese and Cambodians as presented towards the end of 2007.
In order to adequately address the Anxiety Disorders we need to thoroughly understand the belief systems by which this culture is formed. For the Vietnamese wind and temperture shifts are just a small part of the problem. Anxiety is highly triggered when they get light-headed from standing too quickly. They are headache focused and feel that stress is causing fibers in their head to get too tight and subsequently snap. So when they get lightheaded, or a headache, they do not see this as a temporary lowering of the blood pressure or a mild and natural phenomenom - they see it as an experience that is out of their control - which causes them to have marked anxiety. The same thing happens when they feel gastro-intestinal problems or experience some shortness of breath (especially if it's out of the blue). A simple and natural process such as unination can trigger panic attacks or anxiety problems because they fear it may show a weakness. The only way the Anxiety Disorders can be eliminated is if their belief systems are fully understood and appreciated. The ultimate goal is leaving their culture intact and unchanged, while at the same time allowing them to incorporate additional information that will help them understand that many of the aspects which trigger or complicate their anxiety are in reality very benign and innocent processes. This is how the Center operates and everyone is aware that the ultimate goal is to restore their lives as fully as possible to preserve their culture and elimate Anxiety Disorders completely.
The Anxiety Disorders for the Cambodian and Vietnamese people became so deep rooted that both Panic Disorders and PTSD became an inherited trait where by future generations developed the same symptoms. It all began with the sudden appearance of thousands of soldiers from the other side of the world bringing with them the most advanced weapons of warfare. After a quarter of the population were killed off and the areas were exposed to frequent bombings and warfare, the soldiers left the native population to rebuild their lives and returned to the other side of the world. Four years of placing a population in this type of setting proved to be very challenging in regards to the Anxiety Disorders which resulted and persisted over the years. Due to the severity of symptoms a great majority were held captive to overwhelming fear. The only way to block the cycle from going to the next generation was by establishing a Therapeutic Program that could effectively cure the underlying anxiety. As a huge part of their belief system we had to somehow perserve the beliefs that made their culture unique and at the same time resolve the underlying triggers. It was towards this endeavor that Steady established the program which virtually elimated all anxiety disorders from these populations without the use of any medications.
The Center was a huge complex of many buildings and houses, with the largest and most central building housing STEADY, and here the ultimate healing was realized through the worlds of Virtual Reality designed specially for each one seeking treatment. Once the operation was in full swing Cornellia turned the business management over to some local natives and became fully involved with administering treatment. She was warmly received by everyone who came to the Center and her love and devotion was evident to all. Steady underestimated Cornellia's ability to not only understand the Brain, the Cardiovascular System, the GastroIntestinal System, the Skin, and all the other Organ Systems which make up our lives - BUT HE HUGELY UNDERESTIMATED HER ABILITY TO TRANSMIT THIS INFORMATION - in a meaningful way to everyone comming to the Center for help. Over time Cornellia was every bit as effective in instilling the information all these people needed in order to fully understand how and why the body is made the way it is and why many of the aspects of life are truly a blessing meant to bring us peace - and in no way meant to cause us fear. Steady gave her total control of the Gastro-Intestinal aspects because she was able to explain in such incredible detail how the centers for hunger and thrist operated, how the entire tract was made to function and why we feel the different things we feel. Lastly she made them fully aware of the elimination process and why this was so important. Both Steady and Cornellia made the highest effort to leave their beliefs intact and kept reminding each one they met that they loved and admired what makes them so special and deeply valued their culture; "We are not here to change you at all, only to take the anxiety that tries to rob your life." That was the underlying belief and promise that every person had when they arrived at the Center and ultimately that is why it was so successful.
Each person advanced to a higher level of housing until they were completlely cured. The first level began with pleasant and comfortable accomodations. Steady felt the people would all the more be drawn to encourage each other as they advanced to the higher levels - and that in fact was hugely the greatest motivation they had. When the beginners had trouble dealing with hunger pains, urinating, becoming light-headed...and the many other things that highly triggered Anxiety - it was so much more effective to hear their brothers and sisters telling them how those things no longer bother them. It was primarily the natives themselves who so strongly reinforced the information Steady and Cornellia taught them - and thus their culture was totally and completely their culture and everyone knew that "to be free of anxiety was the ultimate acceptance". Steady exposed each one to various levels of Virtual Reality to make them stronger. It may start with the slightest hunger pain, or maybe gas in the stomach, but overtime it became stronger until it was no longer an issue regardless of what was happening. As the people were able to ignore the higher and more intense cues - so to did they advance to the nicer houses. This continued until the final ceremony where by the communities would join each graduate in celebration. Over time the Anxiety Disorders which plagued at least half the populations, and became inheritied traits became completely cured and ceased to exist. They had fulfilled everything they set out to do and felt a great sense of accomplishment. Steady told Cornellia, "It's time for us to go." Cornellia knew this day would come and dreaded this moment, she was so much a part of their lives and everyone loved her so deeply. Her knees buckled and she fell to the floor with her hands in her face crying harder than Steady had ever seen. Her shoulders shook and she a total mess. Steady sat down on the floor and held her into his chest and waited for the crying to die down.
"Sweetheart, do you remember how we even got here"? "Of course I do, Steady". He held her a little tighter with one arm and ran his fingers down her hair with the other as he continued talking. "The angels of the 3rd Ring asked where we would like to go and you let me decide. I saw this region and these people as being the most deserving because the people who largely live here are completely innocent - they had nothing to do with spreading hatred or in any way trying to cause trouble - they were simply born and raised in this absolutely beautiful and sacred part of the globe and out of the blue comes thousands and thousands of soldiers who did what they did." Steady let out a frustrated grown and Cornellia said with concern, "What's the matter Steady"? "Oh it's nothing sweetheart, it's just I can't blame the soldiers either because they were being good soldiers and honestly doing what they were meant to do. And it's one of those situations where you look at the obvious and blame them - and I've treated hundreds and hundreds of Vietnam combat soldiers over the years and they have such a huge burden for what they lived and experienced. I just wish the small group at the top who came up with this whole ridiculous plan could be exposed so everyone would know who was really at fault. But we both know that would never happen." Steady stood and walked around the room. "What's the matter Steady"? "It's nothing. You know I was a soldier too and I did a lot of things I fully believed would benefit many; but what if what they told me wasn't true, how can I know if I really did the right thing?" Cornellia got up and walked over to Steady, "You did the right thing Steady, I have no doubts about that." He looked over feeling a little bewildered and said, "Well for now the important thing is that everything we set out to do has been accomplished and the natives know to the full extent how to keep the Center running. It is time for us to return to THE INNER CIRCLE, and this time I hope to fulfill my dream of dreams." They looked at each other warmly and walked hand in hand to be with STEADY.
They walked slowly into the building, both of them reflecting on the millions of beautiful people they came to know and love and the miraculous change that occured in all of them. They had come to love everything about this part of the world and felt very at home. Neither one said much, both were too busy reflecting. After stepping through the beaded doorway they walked towards the center of the room. Cornellia saw the beverage waiting on an elaborate inlaid wood stand and started to get it. Steady said, "You won't need it Cornellia, you are every bit as strong as me." Cornellia stopped and looked around at Steady with a surpized expression that quickly turned into sheer delight. For a moment she felt so honored the beverage was no longer required. Then she began to reflect on how she had come to that level; how much she had to give of herself in so many ways; how many tears she cried with the ones who were hurting and the patience she needed with so many who took so long to understand what she was teaching them. But in the end it all worked out and she was very thrilled that God allowed her to be such a central part of the whole operation. She walked over to Steady,put her arms around his waist and kissed him between the shoulder blades, then placed her face against his back and said, "OK Steady, I'm ready". She kept her eyes tightly closed and let her mind drift on all the many people they met, the places they visited and the endless beautiful sights they had seen - and when she opened her eyes they were in the circle.
CorMaGa34, We don't know each other even remotely other than through this MB and I am afraid things are going to get a little awkward now; so please allow me to explain before I go any further. You have been taking a journey into my own Virtural Worlds - totally and completely going everywhere my heart and mind have flowed and we have been to amazingly incredible places and lived through the most unique and rewarding experiences. As a result of this our lives are completely intertwined - you are wrapped up and absorped with every shread of my being - and I am equally wrapped up and absorbed with your being - so that over the years we have lived, breathed, and functioned AS ONE. It is only with this understanding you can know what follows is just a natural and enevitable course of how the story would continue - SO PLEASE KNOW IN REAL LIFE I AM NOT INSULTING YOU OR DOING ANYTHING THAT WOULD REMOTELY OFFEND YOU.

The fragrance of lavender was warm and inviting and the sticker bushes had not changed in the slightest degree. Neither Steady or Cornellia understood why the circle had such an overwhelming peace, - a tranquility that very few places really posess, but this place felt so wonderful.
Thoughts of the Vietnamese and Cambodian people continued to flood their minds. They spent the past few years keeping the Center running at maximum efficiency and became deeply attached to everyone involved. It was hard not to think about the people, the beautiful scenery throughout these places, and the rich and lovely culture by which they existed. They sat across from each other with their knees just inches apart. Steady asked, "Do you know where THE PRESENSE is"? "Of course I know", Cornellia replied, "THE PRESENSE is everywhere and is a part of everything. It is in everything that could ever be known or seen, yet it is equally in the unseen. There is absolutely nothing that could ever be wihout the THE PRESENSE bringing it into existence and no life is possible without THE PRESENSE sustaining it". Steady smiled at her response. He was so amazed at how deeply and richly she had grown in her faith and understanding. "My love, what I mean is, if THE PRESENSE could have a central core to it's being - something that could be felt and seen - do you know where that would be"? Cornellia blushed slightly, but was so glad she gave the answer she did - because if fully showed her deepest convictions. "Steady, THE PRESENSE resides in THE INNER RING - that is why the glow is beyond anything ever known, why the electricity is so strong, and why the most blessed Meralins are constantly glowing and singing in worship and praise around this ring". Steady was crazy about Cornellia and moments like this all the more made it impossible for him not to hold her tenderly and lovingly display his affection. He held her hands, his eyes looking deep into the depths of her soul, his face a glow.
"You could not have put that any better than you did", Steady told Cornellia. "The reason why I'm bringing this up is because once we start on the path to THE INNER CIRCLE, there is no turning back and the closer we get - the more THE PRESENSE consumes every particle of our existence". Cornellia grew with anticipation, sprung to her feet, looked down at Steady and said, "Oh I know and I can't wait, let's get going"! Steady looked up and chuckled and said, "Please Cornellia, relax for a moment and sit down. We need to talk about some things". Cornellia sat down just like before with their knees a few inches apart. "I would like to stretch our time in the ocean before we go to THE INNER CIRCLE. This will be an even bigger experience than the 'tears of joy' ", Steady said, with his hand quotes. "This time when you enter the water you will instantly become a Meralin and can only change to what you are by using me. I think we would enjoy our time in the ocean a whole lot more if we allowed ourselves to be as we are now and as Meralins too. So before we arrive I want to make sure you and I have things somewhat planned out." Cornellia could hardly believe what Steady just told her. She loved being a Meralin. "Steady, are you kidding me?" "How do I now become a Meralin by simply going in the water?" This thought overjoyed her.
Hey Steady, you ever think about selling this stuff? Would make on heck of a Harlequin novel!:D
Hey Steady, you ever think about selling this stuff? Would make on heck of a Harlequin novel

Thanks; I guess:confused::rolleyes:

Not really sure how to respond to that as over time I'm thinking the only one who could possibly enjoy this story is the one who asked if she could "take a trip" - in my ultra Virtual Reality room. I'm finally comming to a end to this story fairly soon; but have thought about other potiential places (far out worlds) - in the event someone else wants to "take a trip".:nuts:

Honestly ready to go in a different direction - maybe Sci-Fi or something.

Anyway, I'd say if I had to make a living from my writtings I'd be broke and desperate. :o
"How do I now become a Meralin by simply going in the water?" This thought overjoyed her.

Steady reminded her that it was ultimately the depth of her giving (and subsequent receiving) that turned her into a Meralin. Her love was at it's highest peak - allowing this transformation to take place. Over the years (since her last visit) her life had continually grown as she gave more and more of herself to all she served; and this was done in the purest spirit of love and devotion. Her faith in THE PRESENSE grew progressively greater and her abilities to do wonders increased as a result. "The ocean itself knows who needs 'the cleaning' before they can become a Meralin - and all the Meralins within the ocean can sense the depth of a person's true worship. As you have grown in so many ways and have abided so faithfully in THE PRESENSE - then your journey back to THE INNER CIRCLE will be more glorious". Cornellia was delighted, yet she was also humbled. She was thrilled that her years of endless service did not go un-noticied; but humbled to think of getting recognition as she considered herself a servant striving to use her energy in a positive way; yet she saw herself as having so much weakness.