TSP Elite
Just checked and it is gone. It was a study that the WS journal was reporting on about mri's showing when people newly fall in love. It measured the level of activity in the brain as compared to people not in love. And they showed that it can last for years. Anyway, I thought this kind of research would be of interest to you. Dang it that it is gone from the site.
Be careful Debbie, the way to my heart is way more through things like this than through a tasty meal (although I love that too). The first presentation I gave based on extensive research was on this very subject and the part of the Brain with all the activity is the Caudate Nucleus. New Love - or what we typically think of as falling in love - is usually a wave of chemicals/hormones that dominate everything for the "cresting period" but then subsides and usually "reality sets in". It can definately last for years and years - but not without effort and the determination to make it last. I think I'd mentioned in my Thread - way back - that this same region has a lot of activity with "Feelings of Trust" and therefore I was convinced this is the area most closely associated with our "Born Again Experience" - where by we really find ourselves connected with God.