Steady then stepped into the water onto what appeared to be a rock stairway going deep into the ocean, turned around and told Cornellia, "This water is much different from anything you've known on the surface up above. It goes right through you so you never feel wet and because of that it always stays exactly where it is, in otherwords, no matter what you do you can't splash it or disturb it." Cornellia watched as Steady walked down deeper in the water and swung his hand just under the surface and watched it rise back up without the slightest disturbance. Not a ripple or anything. It was like Steady was invisable or a spirit. Steady went on to explain because of it's quality it could never impair your breathing, yet when you're under you're as light as if it's the water you're use to. He went on down until his forehead was over the surface and stood there watching Cornellia, who stood on the platform completely amazed. It was hard to believe what she had just seen and Steady just stayed there with his eyes above the water as cozy as could be as if his mouth and nose were above the water. Steady motioned for her to join him. She stepped in the water and it was the strangest thing because she didn't feel wet. The water went right through her as if she were a special screen but the sensation of pureness was overwhelming - like her feet and ankles were washed with something that made her feel pure in everyway, she didn't know how else to describe it. As she walked deeper the same sensation went right through her - every little cell within her. She was now up to her shoulders and took one more step which put her eyes barely above the water. She instinctively took in a breath just before her last step but let it out as soon as her face was under because it felt just like air. She was amazed no bubbles appeared, not the slightest disturbance of the water - just this incredible pure feeling. So they walked down several more steps and smiled at each other. It was such a cool feeling - just no way to describe it. Steady asked how she felt and Cornellia was so excited, "Steady, I've never felt better in my life - it's like the purest sensation I could ever imagine. It that how you feel?" Steady smiled at her and said, "Please know I hate it when people answer a question with a question, but did you realize we're having a conversation under water?" At that thought Cornellia's eyes opened wide, her expression was priceless, and she let out a little scream. "Wow Steady, that is amazing, that is absolutely the coolest thing I could imagine." "Yeal, I agree, and that feeling of pureness is something that's impossible to miss if you're not from this world." He covered his mouth as if shouting out to someone and screamed as loud as he could, lowered his hands and looked at Cornellia. "What was that all about? I've never seen you scream before." "I'm calling the Meralins."