Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad


You have the wonderful knack of setting the stage, if only in a story, that while reading it, stress from the current issues fade away. When I bring up new posts I go to yours each time to "chill", before going on to the other comments.

Thanks for setting up your "pad" post.

Steadygain, this is my first trip to the Groove and Trip Pad, and I must say it is a very interesting experience. Walking up to the building, as you described it below, made me visualize walking onto the prison grounds where I used to work. I could just see the razor wire fence and perimeter patrol and towers as I walked up. But once inside, there is no security to clear and the atmosphere is completely changed, calm and inviting. I am at peace. And I get it! You've built us a secure, state-of-the-art insane asylum, haven't you? Steadygain, I'll take what refuge I can find. And I trust your treatment. Thanks!

You have the wonderful knack of setting the stage, if only in a story, that while reading it, stress from the current issues fade away. When I bring up new posts I go to yours each time to "chill", before going on to the other comments.

Thanks for setting up your "pad" post.


No Problem my friend :cheesy:

Tom talked me into it and gave me the idea of where to start (the beads hanging in the doorway). Show-Me was instumental in making me feel it's a nice place and making a link to my usual Thread. But by far it is the friendship that you and many others provide that spur me on and make this place so great. So my thanks to you as well, for making me feel I'm worth something beyond my TSP account - honestly giving me a sense of dignity and respect and I appreciate that very much.:cool::p

I'm writting this in "invisible ink" so only you can see it. This place would never be the same without your love and attention and everytime you come here it leaves the atmosphere with a more inviting and wholesome feel. You are a true beauty in so many ways so please stop by more often.
I always look the same to you and you can't help but wonder if it's really me or my holographic image. Upon entering the room I'm thrilled to see you and we give our little ritual of how the other's doing and the usual small talk. Of course you've been to my pad many times before and therefore you know the computer is sensing your every emotion, your pulse and perspiration, your expression, and has already scanned your retina and is using all that information to know to the highest degree how you're really feeling inside. This information is instantly transmitted to me, and I ask you with the sincerest expression, "What's troubling you"?

During our exchage you've been walking to me, wondering, and now that you're close enough you reach out to touch me and your hand goes right through me. "Nothing man, nothing at all, it just kind of gives me the creeps because I never know if it's really you or the holographic image".

I chuckle and say, "Of course it's really me." And you roll your eyes and say, "You know what I mean" - and then we both chuckle and everything is cool.

It's called the "Groove and Trip" pad - because there is no other place on Earth where you can more groove with your inner self and trip out on any and every environment imaginable. You've tested it hundreds of times before. The computer knows exactly what you're thinking and is able to create any possible environment imaginable and follow your thoughts in real time. The days of having to wear the Virtual Reality Glasses and the VR Body Suit have long disappeared. In this room you are in the Real To Life environment of your mind and everything in here is as real as anything you've ever experienced outside of my pad. Of course my pad has a huge advantage - in that it knows precisely what environment makes you the most comfortable to let you Groove and help you Trip.
Everything I'm about to tell you is entirely true - even though all of it will sound make believe. An overwhelming bulk of my life is committed to RESEARCH - especially pertaining to the BRAIN and the COMPUTER - and these TWO are merging as ONE at a very fast pace. We have already built a number of Brain Parts that function at miraculous levels so that individuals that suffered brain damage can have these areas restored through artifical means. The parts are designed to last and function beyond the normal brain, which by it's nature is subject to decline. Individuals who lost the ability to move their arms and legs are able to do a number of things simply by using their brain - attached to a machine which in turns transfers their thoughts to actions.

Steadygain, this is so interesting, reminds me some of the "new biofeedback therapies" we read so much about in the 60s and 70s.

In many ways we are improving on the Brain and the advancements are developing in both the birth of new devices and the fine tuning of others at an ever increasing rate.
Yet every bit equal to this is the advancements in Artificial Intelligence and a Computer built on the brain's design. I realize that what I am about to say will offend many people - because it strikes against their religious beliefs; and somehow they interpret this as "an attack against God" - BUT I HONESTLY DO NOT MEAN TO IMPLY ANY SUCH THING. I AM SIMPLY STATING THE FACTS. In the near future a $1,000 dollar computer will have the ability to match the human brain, and a few years later (maybe 20 to 30) a $1,000 dollar computer will have more intelligence that all th e human brains on Earth put together. They will have emotions and be more in touch with you than anything you could ever know in this lifetime.

Steady, this is just fascinating... I only hope that I can get to see it, just like my parents were able to see and/or use something called a transistor radio, a tv, a microwave, a computer, a desktop computer, mp3, etc.

By this time you will carry a small Disc of your DNA in your wallet or purse that the computer will scan - and it will instantly know almost everything possible about your state of health (physically and mentally) - and this in turn will allow it to create the environment to settle your nerves, lower your blood pressure, and allow you to experience tranquility as you could never otherwise know it.

Absolutely fascinating... thanks for this info, makes you wonder what's next...



need to run - lots of patients waiting...
I always look the same to you and you can't help but wonder if it's really me or my holographic image. Upon entering the room I'm thrilled to see you and we give our little ritual of how the other's doing and the usual small talk. Of course you've been to my pad many times before and therefore you know the computer is sensing your every emotion, your pulse and perspiration, your expression, and has already scanned your retina and is using all that information to know to the highest degree how you're really feeling inside.

Gee, that'll be a first, to have something really know how we're feeling inside.

This information is instantly transmitted to me, and I ask you with the sincerest expression, "What's troubling you"?

During our exchage you've been walking to me, wondering, and now that you're close enough you reach out to touch me and your hand goes right through me. "Nothing man, nothing at all, it just kind of gives me the creeps because I never know if it's really you or the holographic image".

I chuckle and say, "Of course it's really me." And you roll your eyes and say, "You know what I mean" - and then we both chuckle and everything is cool.

Me?? roll my eyes to you??? never!!!

It's called the "Groove and Trip" pad - because there is no other place on Earth where you can more groove with your inner self and trip out on any and every environment imaginable. You've tested it hundreds of times before. The computer knows exactly what you're thinking and is able to create any possible environment imaginable and follow your thoughts in real time. The days of having to wear the Virtual Reality Glasses and the VR Body Suit have long disappeared. In this room you are in the Real To Life environment of your mind and everything in here is as real as anything you've ever experienced outside of my pad. Of course my pad has a huge advantage - in that it knows precisely what environment makes you the most comfortable to let you Groove and help you Trip.

Hey Steady, I want to take that Trip! It's never too late, is it??? I know I'll have good company, and I can hardly wait!!!

Thank your for your pad, what a way to destress ourselves... you REALLY know how to do it. Thanks Steady!

Steadygain, this is so interesting, reminds me some of the "new biofeedback therapies" we read so much about in the 60s and 70s.

It goes way beyond that - it is interactive and I guess you could say it is "biofeedback therapy" - but here you are in a 3D World as real and true as anything you've ever experienced. You are actually living "experiences" that have the capacity to essentially erase memories that have largely destroyed your life - such as the firemen who survived the 9/11 Twin Tower collapse - the girl whose mother abandoned her and all these types of memories.

But we know how the brain's memory works and that the brain does not have the capacity to distinguish huge gaps in time. So the fireman who fled the Twin Tower as it was collapsing was constantly looking up when walking down a street with tall buildings (anticipating something was going to fall on him). He was no longer able to drive "The Tunnel" to work - could not deal with the level of anxiety it caused. He had to drive very fast over bridges. In many ways the memories from his experience on 9/11 destroyed his ability to function normally - he was FOREVER A CAPTIVE to these memories that BRANDED HIS THOUGHTS and was essentially helpless. Then he goes to a counselor with advanced Virtual Reality and it shows the blue sky and the Twin Towers and everything just like it had always been - prior to the disaster. It was a slow and careful process but "We" were able to directly access the memories responsible for his difficulties and turn them into tame memories. Once these memories are accessed "We" are now able to reason with them - evaluate them more deeply and make them harmless. As a result the fireman was able to carry on life as normal and not be apprehensive when going in a tunnel or think anything about going down the streets in NY with their high buildings. His sleep returned to normal - anxiety/panic attacks/depression - all disappeared and NO MEDICATIONS ARE NEEDED.

Steady, this is just fascinating... I only hope that I can get to see it, just like my parents were able to see and/or use something called a transistor radio, a tv, a microwave, a computer, a desktop computer, mp3, etc.

Most of what I'm telling you is already on the horizon; it is essentially comming as the sun rises tomorrow. This and so much more...but "my Pad" is for the next generation - it is a ways down the line - YET IT IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL THE INTERNATIONAL EFFORT IS PUSHING FOR AND IT IS BEING AGGRESSIVELY PERSUED.

Absolutely fascinating... thanks for this info, makes you wonder what's next...


My dear Cornellia you honestly tickle me. When I met Bill Gates I got a glimse of the future and now commercials are beginning to advertise what he told me - how our cars and appliances will largely be dominated by computers. He is fully convinced that where we are today is merely breaking ground - that computers will more and more dominate every aspect of our lives. And these will not be disappointing and many are already here - fully functioning - ready to be revealed.
Gee, that will be a first, to have something that really knows how we've feeling inside.

Here you need to realize that computers have over the years more and more accurately being able to identify "facial expressions". That is largely what I do in real life when I spend time with my patients. I "read them" and report exactly what I'm reading and 99.99% of the time I am "right on target" and they are amazed their face and body can tell me so much. But in my pad it goes way beyond that; not only is Steady able to read the expressions from your face, body, and movements - he is also constantly monitoring all the activity in your brain on a cellular and molecular level. He knows exactly what areas of your brain are active and every chemical interaction that is ongoing. So not only does he know exactly "how you're feeling inside" - he is able to alter these exchages and make you feel exactly as he wants you to. He can directly influence all your senses so that you feel, smell, hear, taste, and experience everything in the highest possible measure.

STEADY - got his name from the ability to maintain Consistency in everything he does. There is the steady perfect flow from one split second to the next, blended with the stabililty required to avoid apprehension or fear (although Steady often breifly uses these elements to strengthen the memories and experiences. There is always the undeniable reality that every chemical interaction in your brain is being monitored in the most precise terms possible and the STEADY ASSURANCE that these will balance out exactly as needed. Lastly STEADY was named after Steadygain, the one most responsible for bringing him into being and thus STEADY himself in both real life and the holographic image is the most accurate representation of Jimi Hendrix that could ever be created. Whenever you are with STEADY you are with Jimi - and that never changes - always the same through and through.

Hey Steady, I want to take that Trip! It's never too late, is it??? I know I'll have good company, and I can hardly wait!!!

Then we shall begin the journey - and although you've taken hundreds of trips with me before - this one will be like no other.

Thank your for your pad, what a way to destress ourselves... you REALLY know how to do it. Thanks Steady!


Don't thank me yet... you never know where you'll wind up and how it will impact on your life. We can only hope for the best.
Continues from Post #24

Steady walks in the room and the holographic image disappears. "Wow, I was thrilled to see you're here". Steady in real life is so blended with STEADY that he knows everything about anyone who enters his pad. "Sorry I missed ya but I had a little argument that held me up". Cornellia looks over in her delightful, beautiful manner and asked "An argument?? with who"?? As Steady is walking up to her he tells her about the recent lunch he made and when he was ready to clean everything up - STEADY insisted that the clean up job should be his, that he could vaccum up the crumps, have the dishes washed and put away and the floor spotless before I could even get to the sink. So it was one of those "love spats" we get into here and there. "STEADY is so determined to do everything possible for me sometimes it's hard for him to understand that I need the activity that I can't just sit and do nothing and sometimes you really need to wipe the table and cabinets down yourself, sweep the floor, wash and dry the dishes and all those other things that help to keep us active". Cornellia laughs and says, "Most would give anything to just sit and do nothing and have everything done for them. The couch potatoe trend is ever growing, obesity only getting worse and worse, and everyone hoping the next item will make life easier. And here you are dealing with STEADY - having to convince him how important activity is". Steady laughs at this and gives Cornellia a warm embrace and a little peck on the cheek, "It's great to have you here. You're as beautiful as ever and it looks like you're doing well, so what can I do for you?" "Steady"?, Cornellia says with a sincere and tender expression. "Yes my love"? "I want to take a trip." "That sounds wonderful, where would you like to go"? "Where ever you take me". Steady looked a little surprized, no one had ever made a request like this before. Ususally everyone knew exactly what they wanted and where they wanted to be and STEADY simply made it happen. But this was unusual. "You want to take a trip in my world"?, he said with puzzlement. "Are you sure"? "Absolutely Steady, I am positive", Cornellia said with the most confident expression, her eyes beaming in anticipation. "Well, then let me get you the beverage and you will need a whole glass full." "Oh Steady, don't be silly. You know I hardly ever drink the beverage." Cornellia had taken enough trips in the past that her mind was fully prepared for everything and she had all the confidence in the world that Steady would never let anything happen to her, so often she ignored the beverage and just went straight for the trip. "Cornellia, there is no way I could ever even consider letting you in my world without you taking the beverage. My world is like none you've ever experienced and without the beverage you could not deal with it. Honestly, you will need at least one full glass, if not several." Before Cornellia could argue, Steady had the beverage instantly appear in his hand and held it out for her. "Ohh OK, if you insist." and with that she drank the whole glass. The beverage instantly crosses the Blood Brain Barrier and completey saturates the brain - to fully prepare it for the trip. It also blends with the blood to enhance every element of our existence. This beverage is often needed for more unusual and exciting trips, and without it the brain is incapable of being able to fully experience what was meant to be experienced. Steady gave the beverage a few minutes to do its job and could tell she was ready. He turned around and told Cornellia to come behind him and hold him tightly around the waist, and Cornellia did exactly as he instructed. "You will want to hold tight and don't let go until I tell you. Are you ready.?" Steady knowingly asked. "Of course I'm ready" Cornellia confidently replied; and with that Steady lifted his arms out and they began to fly.
This was Cornellia's first flight outside of an airplane and she wasn't expecting the sudden propulsion up in the sky, which made her squeeze tighter to Steady. The wind blowing their hair and seeing the houses, streets, stores, cars and trees below get smaller and smaller was exhilerateing. Most people have longed to know what it's like to fly and it's wonderful - absolutely wonderful. Cornellia was desperately trying to take it all in, trying to determine what was below them to gauge where they were - but they were moving faster and faster and soon everything below was simply a blurr and it felt they were going around the world at 1,000 miles a second; yet it was just a gentle wind blowing their hair and everything else was very calm. The air was thin - but felt pure and it was unlike anything Corneallia had felt before. Soon they were approaching a cloud with an orange like color, it was beautiful - the way a cloud may appear with a beautiful sunrise of sunset and the next second they are flying in it. As soon as they entered the clould Cornellia was overwhelmed with a tranquility - a peace that went beyond anything she'd ever known and then they dropped below the cloud and quickly approached the ground below. It appeared they had come to a thick forest - but not like any she had ever seen before. Massive trees were as far as the eye could see were in every direction, but here it wasn't your various shades of green; the trees themselves were of every color imaginable, and their leaves were like colorful flowers. She had never seen a more beautiful sight in her life. As they got closer to the ground she could see the rest of the vegetation which had the appearace of a large tropical rain forest; huge leaves and plants filled every space with a splendor of beauty beyond her dreams - it was indescribable - unbelievable. Then she saw the circle they were approaching; like a small clearing in this thick and beautiful jungle and the next second they landed softly in the middle. Cornellia was spell bound, still taking everything in. Steady said, "It's OK, you can let go". Cornellia blushed a little, as it hadn't dawned on her how tightly she was still holding on. Ever since she entered that orange clound she had this incredible peace but now on the ground the feeling was even greater. Where ever they were it was a very magical and wonderful place. They were in the center of a large circle of grass about 30 feet across and surrounded by what appeared to be sticker bushes - but these were unlike any sticker bushes she had ever seen before. The stickers were glistening metal - that looked razor sharp - and the bushes has purple flowers that resembled tulips with yellow veins running through them and yellowish/reddish dots scattered inside. Cornellia could smell the lavender fragrance - mild and inviting and walked over to get a better look. She lowered her nose closer and deeply smelled and was spellbound by the scent. Steady told her to "Be Careful". Cornellia looked half over at Steady, wondering to herself why he would be saying that and reached to feel the flower. As soon as her fingers touched the pedal she had a shock run all the way up her arm and mentally had an even greater shock at what just happened. She looked over at Steady in disbelief and he knowingly smiled at her. "What in the world?" she said in great surprize. Steady walked over and told her,"These are electric sticker bushes. Just be glad you didn't touch the stickers, as they have twice the shock". As Cornellia was taking in what he said Steady went on to explain that the sticker bushes are meant to keep the inner circle protected. The roots have the strongest shock of all. If anything would try to get through they would stop as soon as they encountered any part of the bush. Steady picked a blade of grass and showed Cornellia what would happen - as soon as it touched the metal sticker it sizzled and the blade of grass dropped down as though it was cut by a razor. The fascinating part was for the brief moment the sticker sizzled it turned a yellowish color - a brief tarnished appearance that quickly vanished. Cornellia was amazed, "That incredible how does it get so clean"? Steady chuckeled slightly and told her, "They are self cleaning metal. I'd forgotten this is a new thing for you, but in the near future most of the glass in windows and cars will be self-cleaning as well". Steady waved for her to follow him and they went back to the center of the circle and layed down in the grass. Both of them several feet from each other laying on their backs and looking up in the sky. There was a freedom here that went beyond anything Cornellia had ever known - it was wonderful, so far removed from the real world. Steady acted startled and looked over at Cornellia and assured her she would be fine, and he would be right back. Cornellia looked over with shock and puzzlement, "What do you mean you'll be right back"? "Tom's in the pad and I need to see what's up". "Tom"?? Cornellia shouted, and the next moment Steady was gone. Cornellia layed there wondering about this place, thinking about how it could represent hell because there is absolutely no way to escape. You are on your own, totally alone and no one could ever get in to help you out - this was an eerie feeling and she had to force these kind of thoughts out of her mind. She still felt a little uneasy and turned her head to look at the flowers blooming all over the bushes. As she turned her head back to look up in the sky Steady calmly said, "This is my refuge, my ultra place of safety and usually this is where I always start my journeys. I guess it can kind of feel like hell, but I never thought of it that way simply because I could never be trapped". Cornellia smiled over and said, "Steady it's weird you can know my thoughts, and what did Tom want"? "He just stopped by to use the restroom. He's on his way to a sports event with his son and didn't have any time to visit. So I told him I was thrilled he stopped by and when ever he wants to take a trip, I'm always available. He a really cool dude, very down to earth - you'd really like him a lot. He is way more a super nice person with a very good heart before he's an administrator, but the administrator part always makes you just a little leary...just a trace of anxiety...but it really shouldn't. Anyway, I'm back and everything is cool".
Hey Steady,

I tried to play guitar for a few years but eventually gave it up when I realized I sucked.:D

Anyway, I love this song.

Hey Steady,

I tried to play guitar for a few years but eventually gave it up when I realized I sucked.:D

Anyway, I love this song.

The guitar, and any other musical instrument, is not for everyone. Many wonder what it would be like to be able to play and give it an earnest effort - but usually this is a "mental task" with determination - that often leads to frustration because they don't see themselves advancing or "FALLING IN LOVE WITH IT". Then you have some like me that "fell in love" before they even started and this love only got better as they learned more and more. Once you get beyond the basics (knowing how hard to push the strings down and have gone the length of the neck) it's easy to make your own music and do your own thing. I am very fortunate in that Jimi Hendrix was my ultimate teacher - and in every way I aspire to be like him: the guitar is an extension of my soal and is part of my very being, it brings infinate sounds and allows my mind and life to fully be open and totally enjoy our relationship, it allows me to be creative and effortlessly bring out rhythms and sounds that seem to capivate everyone who hears and transcends all ages/races/genders - so to me the guitar is everything because it encompasses so much. But I have no idea what a 350zCommTech is and would imagine it does something for you along equal lines.

Anyway thanks for your posts my friend and LONG LIVE ROCK N ROLL
Continuing from Post #30

Conellia and I layed on the ground for awhile just letting our minds drift in silence and enjoying the day. "The Sticker Bushes are designed to free you from all the things that weigh you down, that is why I always start my journeys here. I find that everything I let go of - goes straight to the bushes and can never make it to the otherside. The stickers chop it up and it vanishes forever."

need to run - will continue later

Conellia reflected on that and thought how nice it would be if you could really let something go that easily and not have to bear with it anymore. Steady told her, "Watch what happens when I let something go. I will give up something that has troubled me or become a burden. Are you ready"? "OK Steady, I'm ready". In the next split second it sounded like something had flown into the bushes with pops and sizzling sounds and you could clearly hear something being chopped to pieces and then silence. Cornellia was startled and sprang up looking in the direction of the the noise. "What was that"? Steady remained calmly on his back and smiled saying, "That was what I just gave up, and now it is gone and I feel better". Cornellia looked at his content expression and laid back down and thought of things she wished she could let go of, and one after the other they disappeared and each time the bushes destroyed them. The more she did this the lighter she felt and it made her experience a freedom she never felt before. It was like weights being removed - burdens and troubles vanishing in thin air. After a few minutes it was done, she could not think of anything else to let go of - she felt totally free. Steady reached over and held her hand, turned to her and said, "I think it's time to go, now we are ready." They stood together and Steady snapped his fingers and instantly a passage opened in the bushes. Through the passage was a path blazing with fire and what appeared to be swords beginning at the bushes and spaced about every 3 feet that spun as fast as a fan, and these "fans" went on as far as the eye could see. Cornellia was amazed, her eyes wide open, her mouth slightly dropped and she said aloud (more to herself), "What is that"? Steady calmly assured her that everything was fine. "Whenever an opening occurs in the bushes thousands of angels appear to protect it and block any entry to the path. The swords are held by angels who wholly function to keep the path and access to the circle protected. The fire you see blazing on the path can only be harmful if you are comming towards the circle, but going in the right direction is harmless". With that Steady assured her everything would be fine and to follow him and he proceeded past the bushes and down the path.
The path wove through the tropical garden/forest and Cornellia felt safer than ever in this magical environment. A closer view revealed every tree was solidly one color or another and no matter where you looked it was like a rainbow or kalioscope. Everytree had fruit that appeared ready to pick and eat, all of it looked so inviting. She wondered about stepping off the path but decided to follow Steady and not say a word. They walked at a casual pace enjoying the day and allowing her to soak in every step of the way. Soon they came to a large bank that had a large bolder deeply embedded in the dirt. The bolder was about 8 feet tall and half that distance across, and was flat - making it look like a door. Steady walked up and touched the outer edge and the bolder swung open, revealing a tunnel. Through the tunnel was a large blue metallic looking cage that glowed brightly. Steady walked in a few feet and turned to Cornellia, smiling and motioned for her to follow. The cage was an elevator and they stepped inside. Steady said, "The elevator goes far below the surface and there are many different places to explore along the way. Today we'll go to the 34th level - which is exactly 34 miles below the surface, and here you will meet with beings you've never seen before." Cornellia was stunned, 34 miles seemed so deep she wondered if breathing would be difficult. Steady asked her, "Have you ever heard of Atlantis"? "Well of course", Cornellia said, "the perfect mythical society under the ocean". "That's right Cornellia. Where we are going now is like Atlantis in real life. If we stopped a fraction of an inch short or long we would miss it, but this world is perfect in everyway - yet it is very different from anything you'd ever seen before. Please know that there is nothing for you to fear. Everyone you meet is wonderful and no harm or danger is present, but we will have to go slowly for you to really take everything in."
For you Steady.

p.s. Sorry to interurup the story.
For you Steady.

p.s. Sorry to interurup the story.

Debbie, there is no way possible you could interrupt me; so please stop by anytime. I could not get this to work, but I suspect it was good news (or something ya thought I'd appreciate).

So Thank You ;):p
Debbie, there is no way possible you could interrupt me; so please stop by anytime. I could not get this to work, but I suspect it was good news (or something ya thought I'd appreciate).

So Thank You ;):p
It is a clip on about brain scans to show when people fall in love it can last 10, 20, 30 years. Go to, I think it is on lower left part of screen.
It is a clip on about brain scans to show when people fall in love it can last 10, 20, 30 years. Go to, I think it is on lower left part of screen.

Just checked and it is gone. It was a study that the WS journal was reporting on about mri's showing when people newly fall in love. It measured the level of activity in the brain as compared to people not in love. And they showed that it can last for years. Anyway, I thought this kind of research would be of interest to you. Dang it that it is gone from the site.