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Wow! Talking about a doomsday prophesy! TAKE A PILL!

My dear family and wonderful friends,
Several things have been weighing heavily on my heart. PLEASE KNOW what I'm about to say IS NOT an attack on anyone - it is totally the opposite. The ones using the <1% system of 'unlimited IFTs' are the very ones I've grown to love the most - the ones that have most influenced me - the ones my heart and life are hugely attached to.
With that it is difficult to think of the likely outcome of what will happen.
Every move you make in the TSP is monitored and recorded; there is no way you can hide anything 'you have done'.
Last year, it became clear that a few thousand of the 3.9 million Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) participants were making frequent interfund transfer (IFT) requests. Because this activity was clearly accelerating, and in light of the detrimental effect on fund performance and transaction costs, the Agency is implementing limits on interfund transfers effective May 1, 2008.
We represent A VERY SMALL NUMBER - that has already drawn a huge amount of attention - by the 'DETRIMENTAL EFFECT' on transaction costs.
the Agency decided upon the limits that provide for a broader, system-wide solution.
The Agency - is over everyone of us (and all of us put together) - and they deliberately put something in place to be 'system wide'.
The final regulation limits the number of unrestricted interfund transfer requests to two per calendar month.
In light of the same 'small number' enacting a method that sabotages the 'restricted transfers' - and in essence creating a virus that attacks the system - and greatly increases transaction costs - it is highly likely this will exposed and dealth with.
That this is happening during the worst global economic disaster and especially during a time with the Financial Sector was especially damaged - along with a New President strongly determined to right the wrongs...
Here's what I see happening...
All involved (who are employed) will be fired and never be able to have a 'Federal Job' again. Your TSP Account will be shut down and after taxes and fines you will receive one lump sum.
All retired - Your TSP Account will be shut down and after taxes and fines you will receive one lump sum.
I say all this out of LOVE - I hope you all the best and it would be terribly disappointing to see any of you get hurt - especially in this day and age.