Steadygain's Account Talk

Wow! Talking about a doomsday prophesy! TAKE A PILL!:D

My dear family and wonderful friends,
Several things have been weighing heavily on my heart. PLEASE KNOW what I'm about to say IS NOT an attack on anyone - it is totally the opposite. The ones using the <1% system of 'unlimited IFTs' are the very ones I've grown to love the most - the ones that have most influenced me - the ones my heart and life are hugely attached to.

With that it is difficult to think of the likely outcome of what will happen.

Every move you make in the TSP is monitored and recorded; there is no way you can hide anything 'you have done'.

Last year, it became clear that a few thousand of the 3.9 million Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) participants were making frequent interfund transfer (IFT) requests. Because this activity was clearly accelerating, and in light of the detrimental effect on fund performance and transaction costs, the Agency is implementing limits on interfund transfers effective May 1, 2008.

We represent A VERY SMALL NUMBER - that has already drawn a huge amount of attention - by the 'DETRIMENTAL EFFECT' on transaction costs.

the Agency decided upon the limits that provide for a broader, system-wide solution.

The Agency - is over everyone of us (and all of us put together) - and they deliberately put something in place to be 'system wide'.

The final regulation limits the number of unrestricted interfund transfer requests to two per calendar month.

In light of the same 'small number' enacting a method that sabotages the 'restricted transfers' - and in essence creating a virus that attacks the system - and greatly increases transaction costs - it is highly likely this will exposed and dealth with.

That this is happening during the worst global economic disaster and especially during a time with the Financial Sector was especially damaged - along with a New President strongly determined to right the wrongs...

Here's what I see happening...
All involved (who are employed) will be fired and never be able to have a 'Federal Job' again. Your TSP Account will be shut down and after taxes and fines you will receive one lump sum.

All retired - Your TSP Account will be shut down and after taxes and fines you will receive one lump sum.

I say all this out of LOVE - I hope you all the best and it would be terribly disappointing to see any of you get hurt - especially in this day and age.

Here's what I see happening...
All involved (who are employed) will be fired and never be able to have a 'Federal Job' again. Your TSP Account will be shut down and after taxes and fines you will receive one lump sum.

All retired - Your TSP Account will be shut down and after taxes and fines you will receive one lump sum.
That is misinformation of the worst degree. Any HR person can tell you it won't happen. I would almost call it irresponsible scare tactics. And I say that with as much respect as I can muster.
I was under the impression that it was ok to rebalance within 1% because that is what the L funds do? I never even considered anything like someone being fired. You really think we've sunk that low?
I don't see the 1% transfer as a "unrestricted transfer" because you can only rebalance within 1%.


What I shared is strictly from the Agency's Perspective and NOT MY OWN.


I wondered how I would explain to my wife and children that 'we came up with a plan...' and it looked safe.... and everyone else was doing it...'


I am simply realizing how an Agency that was forced to change a system wide program for 3.9 million people 'because of a few thousand indivuals'....

and now the Agency over time comes to realize that 'the very same small number'...has been engaged in an operation that 'foiled the system' and implemented even more ITFs 'in retaliation'

that Agency will likely respond very strongly.

Mojo - you're one of the many that has me so distressed... with the housing situation and everything...

I'm not saying any of this 'to come down on anyone' I'm saying it because the worse thing I could imagine are the family and friends on the MB losing everything...if the Agency sees this as an act of retaliation - or as a deliberate fight against their decision -

especially when they find the small number found a way of winning

I've lived long enough to know how life is in REAL LIFE and in real life when this comes to light the Agency will win - and all those who thought they could beat the Agency will pay the cost.

My whole point is simply expressing my concern - usually acts of difiance have unavoidable consequences...(food for thought)
I'm sorry everyone !!!


If something gets in my mind - I have a tendency to go VERY DEEP and weigh through a bunch of senarios........

I honestly MEANT NO HARM -- but I have no one to talk to about something I care so much about


THEN NEVERMIND - I'm just a worry wart.


I just needed some reassurance
That is misinformation of the worst degree. Any HR person can tell you it won't happen. I would almost call it irresponsible scare tactics. And I say that with as much respect as I can muster.

It was you and SB - Nasa and Frixxx, Nnutt and others that caused me to go in such dispair.

It makes no difference what so ever how you view me - or if you have no respect at all - it's how I view you (and how I view everyone else).
Sorry Steady I didn't mean we as in us on the mb. I meant we as in a country,government, agency, etc.

No - I am the one who is sorry. I just could not bear the thought of something happening...and when I considered the possibility it hurt too much to keep to myself.

Forgive me - I think I made a huge mistake mentioning this.

I see those 'in control' having way more power than they probably have...

I just know in other agencies... and I've seen it happen in the agency I'm in right now .... If the ones in charge get mad - or feel they have cause to deal with someone - THEY ARE GONE (poof)

But fear not - because the ones I honestly was worried about the very most - are convinced it's all just a nightmare I'm having.

soo..... I'll let it go :o:embarrest::embarrest:

Just got a chance to read your post that generated so many responses.

1. I am humbled by your concern for those here. You extend your caring through the bit and byte unconditionally.

2. I think your assessment may have ruffled feathers that didn't understand your position. I read your link and couldn't find what you might have been referring to in your post.

3. What a day!

With respect,


Just got a chance to read your post that generated so many responses.

1. I am humbled by your concern for those here. You extend your caring through the bit and byte unconditionally.

2. I think your assessment may have ruffled feathers that didn't understand your position. I read your link and couldn't find what you might have been referring to in your post.

3. What a day!

With respect,


Thank you - my dear wonderful friend

Open mouth - insert foot :sick:

I care too much - way too much - especially in circumstances going on throughout the country and around the globe.

It's nothing at all - not worth elaborating

Let's just say what turned out to be the smallest bump - I saw as a huge mountain and totally lost perspective...:o
Shine On You Crazy Dimond...... there will be better days!

Thank you !!!

Now that I've set off the bombs and caused all the damage..:(

I actually feel TOTALLY BETTER :):D

It's called 'Worrying about Nothing' -
once you find there's nothing to worry about - EVERYTHING IS COOL !!
I think Steadygain made some rather valid points. If the fiduciary authorities, who are monitoring, are not pleased with the <1% rebalancing they can always promulgate new rules such as requiring the member to utilize snail mail or even better require that any rebalancing be used as an IFT. For every action there could be an opposite and equal reaction. Steady just wants members to be prepared when the notice to desist arrives in the mail.

I can divert some of the heat to me by bringing up the latest non stimulus earmarks that the house Dems passed yesterday, that won't do anything to help the economy. Just give the word and I'll get out my soapbox. :D

Be well, we all know you had our best interests at heart.

I think Steadygain made some rather valid points. If the fiduciary authorities, who are monitoring, are not pleased with the <1% rebalancing they can always promulgate new rules such as requiring the member to utilize snail mail or even better require that any rebalancing be used as an IFT. For every action there could be an opposite and equal reaction. Steady just wants members to be prepared when the notice to desist arrives in the mail.

Most of it comes down to our kid brother Birch. I know he's in bad shape and has so much to deal with as it is...

and I thought 'Wow - how will the Agency respond when....

then I thought about everyone else...

Anyway - thank you - but I way over reacted.

I can divert some of the heat to me by bringing up the latest non stimulus earmarks that the house Dems passed yesterday, that won't do anything to help the economy. Just give the word and I'll get out my soapbox. :D

Be well, we all know you had our best interests at heart.


Thanks CB !!

I picture a wire fence running around our site ... has been there for awhile and never bothered anybody...:)

and I wander upon a big box with a handle..:confused:

...think 'what the heck' and pull it down...then all hell breaks loose :mad:


Well moving on....

It looks like the Markets got 'steamed up' yesterday

and decided to take a dip in the pool.

According to the Laws of Probability - it would appear that there's a 98.2% chance the economy will take 'traction' this year.

Looked into the 'BAD BANK' a little more and think it sounds like a good idea. At this point I believe the overall moves are good and the parties are trying to make a strong effort to get things right.

Nationalizing the banks won't be neccessary if 'they' can get the non regulated shadow banks under control. That will have to be a major focus.

The stimulus package is a nice guesture - and I believe the underlying intentions are right - but I think they'll have to throw out a whole lot more to make things happen.

On a weird (kind of spaced out way) it's pretty cool I'm a federal employee during a huge historic event like this recession - and I wind up getting step increases, bonuses, and an across the board substantial increase to kick the year off.

The down side is I'm putting at least $200 more every 2 weeks over what I did last year - and afraid I'll go over the limit (which means the matching would end).
Thanks CB !!

I picture a wire fence running around our site ... has been there for awhile and never bothered anybody...:)

and I wander upon a big box with a handle..:confused:

...think 'what the heck' and pull it down...then all hell breaks loose :mad:


Well moving on....

It looks like the Markets got 'steamed up' yesterday

and decided to take a dip in the pool.

According to the Laws of Probability - it would appear that there's a 98.2% chance the economy will take 'traction' this year.

Looked into the 'BAD BANK' a little more and think it sounds like a good idea. At this point I believe the overall moves are good and the parties are trying to make a strong effort to get things right.

Nationalizing the banks won't be neccessary if 'they' can get the non regulated shadow banks under control. That will have to be a major focus.

The stimulus package is a nice guesture - and I believe the underlying intentions are right - but I think they'll have to throw out a whole lot more to make things happen.

On a weird (kind of spaced out way) it's pretty cool I'm a federal employee during a huge historic event like this recession - and I wind up getting step increases, bonuses, and an across the board substantial increase to kick the year off.

The down side is I'm putting at least $200 more every 2 weeks over what I did last year - and afraid I'll go over the limit (which means the matching would end).


I'm by no means a financial expert and thought the idea sounded good, but if Meredith Whitney is opposed to the bad banks, I sure would give here opinion a lot of weight and have to rethink my stance on this option. She has called this subprime /bank mess correct from the beginning.

I know how ya feel about the fed increase et. al., but I'm not looking forward to getting one next year, because it'll be to hard to justify to the public. So lets enjoy this years. :D

Looked into the 'BAD BANK' a little more and think it sounds like a good idea. At this point I believe the overall moves are good and the parties are trying to make a strong effort to get things right.

The "BAD BANK" would be great for the bankers and a disaster for the taxpayers. This is the "No Banker left behind" bill #2. I think the Senate will have trouble passing this pork bill in it's present least not until they add their own version of pork to it.
Meredith Whitney is opposed to the bad banks. She has called this subprime /bank mess correct from the beginning.


She knows 'WAY MORE' than me.

I thought of it as 'nuclear waste' - being put away - where it won't get in the way and continue to cause problems.

In that way it sounded like a great idea to me.

The "BAD BANK" would be great for the bankers and a disaster for the taxpayers.

Gumby - the biggest difference between you and me is:

You engage your brain before you say something...;)

Me - I just fly off the handle and things spill out...

You weigh your words with thoughtful consideration :)

If somethings sounds good to me - I just say 'Hey this sounds great'...

BUT AS ALWAYS - It is the taxpayers who get stuck with the shovels and have to dig out the **** - I mean look at 11,000,0000 jobs lost, the cut backs everywhere, and all the other things...:mad:

The easiest thing by far would be to take all the money that was wrongfully gained - and throw back into the economy (which now and forever will have far better regulations - various over sights - and runs with balanced effeciency. But I have no idea how to get it back or where it went and apparently nor does anyone else.
Maybe we should have the IRS or DOJ go into each bank and fo a FULL audit, If they look clean issue them a certificate of good health, if not start procicuting the board.