Steadygain's Account Talk

BTW, Steady

South Korea countdown = 30 days!!!!!

Sing this song:

Big Ole Jet Airliner, Don't carry me too far away!

That's wonderful Frixxxx and all of us really appreciate everything you do for the good ole U.S. of A.

I will fly Sarah home in the summer and back again this December.

sorry, I've been living under a rock for the last couple of weeks.
What's going on in S. Korea?

My daughter - Sarah - has been in S. Korea since 8/08.

It's her first job out of school - and she's teaching English as a Second Language at one of the highest ranked (and most sought after schools in their country).

It's her service for the Lord - and she earns $2 dollars a day. She is learning Korean as rapidly as possible but it's not easy when a language is essentially brand new. But she has done well and has really come to love their culture. She's already let us know she's ready to spend another year there - to accomplish what she set out to do. So she is settling in and feeling way more prepared to do an even better work in the following year.

The school is awesome - it's designed to help the children build character and work in ways few schools do - especially when you think of only acedemics.

Anyway - Eric and I go back a ways - and he knows one the the biggest aspects of my heart and life is in S. Korea

It's time for a new start.

When I first arrived things were different - and for some reason I decided to portray a free spirit - without inhibitions - and just let everything go...

I chose Jimi - because he was by far the biggest source of inspiration for me - in many ways - so the endeavor to carry on 'his dream' and do as he would do" became a major motivation... and it had more than it's share of incredibly fun times.

With that my imagination grew... and many adventures took place and I dare say some were even inspired to love music more - to let music evolve - and to let relationships develop with greater freedom and less inhibitions. Perhaps a 'discovering' became more natural.


So for me Jimi is a thing of the past - and I'm ready to be REAL in a different way - and hopefully a much more genuine way.
Lady (The one teacher I understand)
  • Does a down moving VIX always mean that the market will move up?

    As you are well aware, the market is often in conflict with opposing conditions. Take the VIX and the S&P's Relative Strength for instance.

    If you look at yesterday's VIX (Volatility Index), you would see that it appeared to be moving down with a nice lower tick. Then, if you looked at the S&P, it had a nice up tick that gave the appearance of a new short term move to the upside. So, is this a nice, clean condition for a short term upside move?

    One important indicator to consider is the Relative Strength ... especially when it appears to be in opposition. The combination mix of movements with the VIX vs. the C-RSI is what is important ... not the VIX by itself.

  • So, let's look at today's VIX and C-RSI reading. At the close yesterday, the VIX was moving down, and the C-RSI was NEGATIVE. If we look at the chart above, the affect on the market is traditionally neutral which gives the market a "sideways, trading range" condition. What that means ... is that the market can go higher on the short term, but within the extremes of the trading range.

    As long as the VIX is moving down, and the C-RSI is moving up while in Negative Territory, then the S&P will move up on an intra-day basis ... and do so within its trading range. If the VIX is moving down, and the C-RSI starts moving down, then this opposing force neutralizes intra-day up movement attempts.

    "Trading Range" conditions are volatile and unstable conditions because there is no upside or downside trend in place. Instead, there are up an down moves within the upper and lower boundaries of the trading range.

    FYI: What's a C-RSI? It is a version of the standard Relative Strength Index. On the C-RSI, a value of 50 is subtracted from the RSI so that the Relative Strength will "show a zero reading when neutral".

    This allows one to easily see when the Relative Strength is positive or negative due to its position above or below the horizontal line.
This makes sense to me (and a keeper) THANK YOU
News that matters:

We have just broken 2 new records!

Home prices FALL at Record Pace

Consumer Index SINKS to ALL TIME LOW

Unemployment is sweeping across the Nation

Well that's all for today folks - nothing more I can add (or subtract)

I did notice in my Earnings/Leave Statement a very generous increase in OUR annual income. To those to have much - much is given PTL.
It's time for a new start.

When I first arrived things were different - and for some reason I decided to portray a free spirit - without inhibitions - and just let everything go...

I chose Jimi - because he was by far the biggest source of inspiration for me - in many ways - so the endeavor to carry on 'his dream' and do as he would do" became a major motivation... and it had more than it's share of incredibly fun times.

With that my imagination grew... and many adventures took place and I dare say some were even inspired to love music more - to let music evolve - and to let relationships develop with greater freedom and less inhibitions. Perhaps a 'discovering' became more natural.


So for me Jimi is a thing of the past - and I'm ready to be REAL in a different way - and hopefully a much more genuine way.

Steady my friend you truly are a gem among many. An avitar that will serve your new wealth (friends) well. But maybe once in awhile bring Jimi back to remind all of us of our humble beginnings. "Peace, Love and Rock-n-Roll"
Steady my friend you truly are a gem among many. An avitar that will serve your new wealth (friends) well. But maybe once in awhile bring Jimi back to remind all of us of our humble beginnings. "Peace, Love and Rock-n-Roll"

My heartfelt thanks !!

Also THANK YOU so much for this :)

After you use your 2 IFT's you actually have four options: 1) Do nothing and keep your current percetages for the rest of the month, 2) Slowly (or quickly) move back to the G fund, 3) IF as an example you have even percentages in your funds (G20% F20% C20% S20% I20%) you can do an IFT and keep the same %'s (this move will actually increase or decrease your total shares but maintain your percentages), and 4) Do a <1% move (to perform this move your accounts must have a .01 to a .99%) Example G20.01% F19.99% C20.25% S20.25% I19.50%. Now you can round up the FCSI funds to 20% 21% 21% 20% and the G fund will be 18%.

I'm striving to store the MAJOR IMPORTANT PIECES that will build tremendous wealth over time.

Here I had always thought unless you started off with < 1% (which I had not done) and made your 2nd IFT (as I'd done) you were HELPLESS until the following month.
What does this mean "Shine and Sparkel - or be Tarnished - it's one or the other"?

The answer to this PM is so all encompassing I decided to post on the Open Board.

First and most importantly I believe our lives are meant to Sparkle.
  • We should strive to be as real and genuine as possible
  • Live life openly with integrity, honor, and dignity
  • Strive to be humble and respectful
  • Strive to be loving and kind
  • Accept others for who they are and what they represent
  • Make a point of being a positive source of energy
I saw I was failing to Sparkle in various ways and was convinced that it was time to change – to be the real me – and hopefully a better me. I especially noted this in many of my interactions on this site.

Then we are meant to Shine.
  • If we live pretentiously, secretively, or falsely – our light will dim.
  • By lacking integrity, honor, and dignity – our light will dim.
  • Being arrogant and disrespectful will make our light dim.
  • Acting in anger, resentment, jealousy, or too competitively …
  • Disregarding others or doing anything to disgrace them …
  • Stirring up trouble – or being a negative source of energy …
So I was hugely humbled during my ultra wakeful state while reflecting on much of my interactions. To SPARKLE AND SHINE is a constant endeavor and if we fail at this we will TARNISH.

Being perfect is an impossible goal – but I'm ready to improve.

Thanks for asking and I corrected the misspelling and rearranged it.
What does this mean "Shine and Sparkel - or be Tarnished - it's one or the other"? Taken from a PM wondering what my signiture meant.

I changed it to: Sparkle and Shine - or be Tarnished - it's one or the other.

In the early morning when my thoughts are the clearest I'm able to explain a lot better:

It is taking a HARD LOOK at yourself and a SOFT LOOK at others.
It's being willing to deeply examine your life, your beliefs, your attitutes, the relationships you have, and all the various aspects that define your existence and a willlingness to change for the better.

It's FULLY BELIEVEING that the ones who have hurt you the most are the very ones who point out the Tarnish you overlook or what you refuse to accept or identify. In this sense it's letting others make you better

It is the DEEPEST BELIEF that inwardly you are beautiful.
It is knowing regardless of how overlooked you may be, or misunderstood, or ostracized that if you hold true to deepest and most priceless aspects of life - you have a happiness that no one can damage.

It is striving for greater understanding and longing for the truth.
In our economic conditions I now totally understand how and why we got to where we are and I realize the individuals most responsible. A greater understanding and longing for the truth brings a REAL SATISFACTION AND FREEDOM that otherwise is missed.

Yet this greater understanding and longing for the truth - makes us Sparkle and Shine - for this is what helps us appreciate the universe and it's intricate designs, allows us to grasp electro-magnetic waves and how they shape and control the stars and planets, brings us to really knowing how the brain is arranged and functions on a molecular level, and allows us to acknowledge life itself with a deeper appreciation.

It is a willingness to be broken.
To hurt for those who are hurting - and being willing to give what you can, and do what you can regardless of the cost or time.

Rejoicing in the good times - WINDHUNTER'S music room and being a part of his accomplishment's - and his son's accomplishment's; Show-me's good reports; Frixxxx's cruise, Lady's days of pain not exceeding 2, Captain Buzz's wedding, CB's daughter job in Cincinatti, OH, Mamikin's 4.5% loan going through and all the rest....

Yet it's equally and honestly being in agony in the bad times - when Luv2read is having to board up her home in a hurricane, KarCrazy's daughter, Poolman's job, the uncertainties of how long you will have your home, or how long your sister and family will have to suffer.... and all the other things.

Perhaps most importantly it's knowing in both the good and the bad that you have stretched your heart and given of your life - because that more than anything else is what makes you a gem and allows that gem to display the ultimate character.
It's probably the Stimulus Package - and BHO (as we call him) and his cabinet spurring the beautiful rally.

For all in high risk - CONGRATUALTIONS

Will it last?? Very doubtful..:(
For a Stimulus Package to work - it would need to be a lot bigger, more like 4% of GDP and this doesn't come close.

Yet the underlying priciples of the Stimulus Package - along with increased spending and building of the infastructure is RIGHT ON TARGET.

I believe Recession Realities - will dominate and take over and even though it's disappointing I'm missing significant gains - in the long run I doubt I regret the decision to lean towards safety.

Have a great day everyone. :nuts::)
International Monetary Fund gives global assessment
  • 2009 will be the most challenging year for economies across the globe since World War II
  • Growth across the world will fall to just 0.5% in 2009 - the lowest rate in more than 60 years. Down from 3.4% in 2008
  • 4th Q - GDP expects biggest plunge in 26 years
  • In advanced countries, including the United States, the euro-zone nations, Japan, Canada and the United Kingdom, GPD is expected to shrink by 2%.
  • This is the first contraction of total advanced economies' GDP in the post-World War II era

Ain't nothing like the G Fund baby.... Ain't nothing like the real thing....

  • IMF said stimulus packages may not be enough. Countries around the globe should consider strong and complementary policy actions that help to fix the financial sector meltdown.
This could be scarey - it's one thing to Nationalize the US Banks briefly and then privatize them when everything is fine tuned. Doing this on a global basis will like change FOREX and other investment strageties.

  • Global downturn won't last too much longer, as 2010 should be much better. An anticipated recovery of the U.S. housing market in late 2009 should help support a recovery in the United States
Nice to end on a good note.

Our site has overwhelmingly moved to Safety today - or you could say 'Great minds think alike'
Report Card

Today's IFT of the Day reveals 99.9% Outstanding Gains

Move to Safety keeps them secured


A++ :D:D

For all who are new to this site - these results ARE TYPICAL and history has a way of showing they know their stuff. :cool:

Wanting to WIN - then follow the Trend
Ah, it wasn't really all that bad providing an investor had a reason....

Successful investing requires
  • positive fundamentals
  • and positive technicals.
I hate to throw cold water on today's latest hope parade, but as I have my morning coffee, the technicals remain negative with long-term downtrends present in almost all asset markets. Obviously, the fundamentals are not good and will get worse before they get better. Therefore, as we enter this morning's trade, we have the least favorable conditions for investors consisting of a negative alignment of the technical trends and fundamental trends.

Thank you so much for sending this Birch

I have to admit - sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one feeling the way I do and this guy has the same mindset

So even though I really celebrate the super great gains others have made - I all the more am very content to be in safety over the short term.

Down the line however - when all of us are tip toeing in and out - you will prevail by staying in :)
I hate to throw cold water on today's latest hope parade, but as I have my morning coffee, the technicals remain negative with long-term downtrends present in almost all asset markets. Obviously, the fundamentals are not good and will get worse before they get better. Therefore, as we enter this morning's trade, we have the least favorable conditions for investors consisting of a negative alignment of the technical trends and fundamental trends.

Thank you so much for sending this Birch

I have to admit - sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one feeling the way I do and this guy has the same mindset

So even though I really celebrate the super great gains others have made - I all the more am very content to be in safety over the short term. :)
eh'hem, eh'hem....
My dear family and wonderful friends,
Several things have been weighing heavily on my heart. PLEASE KNOW what I'm about to say IS NOT an attack on anyone - it is totally the opposite. The ones using the <1% system of 'unlimited IFTs' are the very ones I've grown to love the most - the ones that have most influenced me - the ones my heart and life are hugely attached to.

With that it is difficult to think of the likely outcome of what will happen.

Every move you make in the TSP is monitored and recorded; there is no way you can hide anything 'you have done'.

Last year, it became clear that a few thousand of the 3.9 million Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) participants were making frequent interfund transfer (IFT) requests. Because this activity was clearly accelerating, and in light of the detrimental effect on fund performance and transaction costs, the Agency is implementing limits on interfund transfers effective May 1, 2008.

We represent A VERY SMALL NUMBER - that has already drawn a huge amount of attention - by the 'DETRIMENTAL EFFECT' on transaction costs.

the Agency decided upon the limits that provide for a broader, system-wide solution.

The Agency - is over everyone of us (and all of us put together) - and they deliberately put something in place to be 'system wide'.

The final regulation limits the number of unrestricted interfund transfer requests to two per calendar month.

In light of the same 'small number' enacting a method that sabotages the 'restricted transfers' - and in essence creating a virus that attacks the system - and greatly increases transaction costs - it is highly likely this will exposed and dealth with.

That this is happening during the worst global economic disaster and especially during a time with the Financial Sector was especially damaged - along with a New President strongly determined to right the wrongs...

Here's what I see happening...
All involved (who are employed) will be fired and never be able to have a 'Federal Job' again. Your TSP Account will be shut down and after taxes and fines you will receive one lump sum.

All retired - Your TSP Account will be shut down and after taxes and fines you will receive one lump sum.

I say all this out of LOVE - I hope you all the best and it would be terribly disappointing to see any of you get hurt - especially in this day and age.
I was under the impression that it was ok to rebalance within 1% because that is what the L funds do? I never even considered anything like someone being fired. You really think we've sunk that low?
I don't see the 1% transfer as a "unrestricted transfer" because you can only rebalance within 1%. Where unrestricted means I'm moving as much as I please where I please?

My dear family and wonderful friends,
Several things have been weighing heavily on my heart. PLEASE KNOW what I'm about to say IS NOT an attack on anyone - it is totally the opposite. The ones using the <1% system of 'unlimited IFTs' are the very ones I've grown to love the most - the ones that have most influenced me - the ones my heart and life are hugely attached to.

With that it is difficult to think of the likely outcome of what will happen.

Every move you make in the TSP is monitored and recorded; there is no way you can hide anything 'you have done'.

Last year, it became clear that a few thousand of the 3.9 million Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) participants were making frequent interfund transfer (IFT) requests. Because this activity was clearly accelerating, and in light of the detrimental effect on fund performance and transaction costs, the Agency is implementing limits on interfund transfers effective May 1, 2008.

We represent A VERY SMALL NUMBER - that has already drawn a huge amount of attention - by the 'DETRIMENTAL EFFECT' on transaction costs.

the Agency decided upon the limits that provide for a broader, system-wide solution.

The Agency - is over everyone of us (and all of us put together) - and they deliberately put something in place to be 'system wide'.

The final regulation limits the number of unrestricted interfund transfer requests to two per calendar month.

In light of the same 'small number' enacting a method that sabotages the 'restricted transfers' - and in essence creating a virus that attacks the system - and greatly increases transaction costs - it is highly likely this will exposed and dealth with.

That this is happening during the worst global economic disaster and especially during a time with the Financial Sector was especially damaged - along with a New President strongly determined to right the wrongs...

Here's what I see happening...
All involved (who are employed) will be fired and never be able to have a 'Federal Job' again. Your TSP Account will be shut down and after taxes and fines you will receive one lump sum.

All retired - Your TSP Account will be shut down and after taxes and fines you will receive one lump sum.

I say all this out of LOVE - I hope you all the best and it would be terribly disappointing to see any of you get hurt - especially in this day and age.
I was under the impression that it was ok to rebalance within 1% because that is what the L funds do? I never even considered anything like someone being fired. You really think we've sunk that low?
I don't see the 1% transfer as a "unrestricted transfer" because you can only rebalance within 1%. Where unrestricted means I'm moving as much as I please where I please?

This is only one persons opinion.

How could they do this when that is exactly what they do to the L funds?

Do you have too much time on your hands? Cured all of your patients, I see. :nuts: