The Treasury Secetary, Tim Geither, is to elaborate on the plans addressing the root of our problems - the foreclosure crisis.
Gleam out the good things:
He was the Head of New York's Federal Reserve Bank; and he is the one who pointed out to everyone the dangers (and reality) of the shadow banking system taking over. Very few would be more qualified to come up with a better PLAN - than the very one who recognized the the dangers everyone else dismissed.
Ignore the trivial things:
Well he omitted to pay his Social Security Taxes -- booo hooo -- so what (GET OVER IT). He paid them all back before Congress grilled him.
Gleam out the good things:
The President of the United States of America - our Commander in Chief was very upfront with the Nation. He said 'This would be a tough year' and when it came to using Steroids he said 'I hope everyone learns from this THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS and you lose all your integrity'. He explained the vicious cycle we as a Nation are falling into and why it is so important to do all things possible to nip it in the bud and turn it around.
Ignore the trivial things:
Strip away the labels that fuel prejudism and discrimination and that reinforce adversity, anger, and hatred. These things will blind you to the good and never allow you to acknowledge the truth. Try to be open minded and honestly try to believe they collectively want our best.
Have a wonderful day everyone !!