I've actually still got 32% of my assets in C/S/I.
Not sure what you mean
Actually, let me rephrase that - yuk, yuk...
Oh thanks....now I understand. Excellent way of putting it.
Fortunately that means 68% (the Bulk) is somewhere else.
I am young enough (44) to survive a long dump.
That's an understatement....you will survive lesser dumps to come
And, I don't think President Obama will be dogmatic enough to damage my retirement (stock market) as a policy. That will make some of his voters rather mad, eh...
No need to worry there. He's got Paul as his main advisor. That's the beauty of the whole situation - HE DID NOT NEED YEARS OF EXPERIENCE - What he needs is a very good team of advisors who do have the experience and Financially things will have to turn around. The BULL is long overdue - expect an even greater landslide 2nd term election.
As far as the Feds raiding 401(k) accounts or other funds in the TSP (ie. F/C/S/I), I don't think they can. Those funds are in our name and they are not Social Security bonds.
THANK YOU !! I really appreciate you saying this. Once in awhile wild hairs take over and all you hear is how Barclays, the Board, and Others are about to take our TSP (and everything will vanish).
Don't get me wrong. I appreciate people getting upset about various events - BUT stirring up hysteria is wrong - especially when it reflects that those over us are itching to take our Retirement.
The 'G Fund' is a safe investment because it is invested in Social Security bonds. That makes it accessable to those who just feel the need to borrow against them.
You're absolutely RIGHT ON TARGET. The G Fund is the safest investment possible. It would be extremely difficult to have to recalulate all the TSPer's assets if they took the G Fund. In the wildest - remotest event that really did happen - my guess is they wouldn't say a thing and our accounts would remain exactly as they are. Only years and years from now would we find they skimmed into it.
The other funds are not invested in assets that are reachable by Congress or the Administration.
Hmm, well I can't help but believe if they wanted it - there is nothing we could do to stop it. But I feel we're talking strictly in terms of nightmarish fantasies - and coming up with incredibly wild senarios
The Feds can, however: stop matching, start firing, raid the G, or continue Treasury auctions. By the way, raiding the 'G Fund' is standard operating procedure. They have done so in 2004, and 2006 when Congress did not increase the debt ceiling.
Then you proved my point - NEVER was this reflected against my TSP Account and nor did you read about anyone saying 'Their money was taken'.
To stop Matching - is something that would be far more realistic and that would certainly be a MAJOR SIGN of TROUBLE.
EVERYONE NEEDS TO REALIZE - THE PRIMARY OBJECTIVE AT THIS POINT IS TO SPUR CONFIDENCE - SPUR SPENDING - SPUR THE ECONOMY. To take our G FUND or stop matching would be insane. Taking jobs would make a lot more sense because those jobs will essentially go unnoticed.
I am looking at this as a buying opportunity for up to 60% of my holdings. For me to buy, President Obama has to give me - and the market - confidence. I think that will occur.