In order to become a Planetary Society science would need to rise to biomolecular, computer, and quantum revelolutions. THE GOOD NEWS is the most fundamental building blocks needed to achieve this is already underway. The biomolecular revelolution will give us a complete genetic description of all living things. From this knowledge we will be able to cure almost every known disease and easily feed the expanding population. The computer revelolution will link the peoples with a powerful global telecommunications system and form a unified economic network. Artificial Intelligence, that will far surpass all human intelligence combined, will insure stability and growth throughout the underlying fundamental sectors. The quantum revelolution will provide the power and the materials needed to build a planetary society and will transform the 3rd World regions to advanced centers.
...The BAD NEWS is our civilization is largely in a state of infancy. We are hopelessly fractured into bickering, jealous nations and deeply split along racial, religious, and national lines.
...Our present population is like a spoiled child, unable to control its self-destructive temper tantrums and outbursts. Our immature history is deeply seated in the brutal sectarian, fundamentalist, nationalist, and racial hatreds over the thousands of years.
...We are just now beginning to really see a tendency towards a planetary civilization on several fronts: the rise of a global economy, the decline of nations, the rise of an international middle class, the development of a common global language, and the rise of a planetary culture. UNFORTUNATELY - THIS CAN NOT HAPPEN UNTIL THE END OF OUR CENTURY. And since this century is just getting started it means none of us will live to see it.