Steadygain's Account Talk

Thank you - my dear wonderful friend.

I hope that precious girl is doing better and that the First Place trophy could fit in the house along with all the other awards.

I need to unpack, mow, wash and groom my baby Ella, work in the garden, and help get the house all cleaned up.

Rock on my friends - see ya next week.
Our frame of mind has everything to do with the Market Outlook and for frequent traders this is more day to day.

Over time my frequent adjustments were very advantageous and subsequently I was highly conditioned to fluctuations.

Now that I've been 100% S Fund (for what seems like years) my frame of mind is entirely different and the brief fluctuations have little to no bearing on my overall Outlook.

Now my entire plan is devoted to long term gains without short term losses.

If history has any bearing on what to expect then "the bottom" should roll awhile before a sustained bull market takes place. That being said - I am inclined to believe last week and this week are simply continued volitility and therefore I'm no longer allowing the "ups or downs" to affect my emotions.

Somehow this long range plan is more comfortable and my confidence in the overall strength and stability of the Markets is now as great as it's ever been.

For anyone in G Fund/F Fund - I would recommend getting fully invested in the higher risk. The Markets will likely go lower in the short term but at this point your odds of winning "if you hold" far outweigh your odds of losing. You are better off with a combination of C/S/I then 100% any Fund.

Being 100% S Fund - l have to maintain that position until the wave rises to the crest. Technology will likely take the lead and overall I expect the S Fund to pay off. If it would rise as high as my entry point then I will shift my positions. For now I'll simply enjoy the ride.

Well, it's good to be back home. I expect the next few weeks to be extremely busy - but I'm thrilled for that and very grateful to be a Federal employee.

GL to all and God bless.
Welcome back. We missed you.

Thank you - my precious insightful beauty. It's good to be back and this was my longest time away from the MB since I began interacting. So I went through withdrawals and looked for a computer every place I went. :sick::( It will take a week to catch up on things here at work (including hundreds of emails to look through) - and then need to write a few thank you notes and reconnect with some friends. But - I haven't forgotten and I'll finish up the story about (you know who) going to Washington to turn this country around in the very near future.
Steady, Good to see you back on the boards from vacation. We seem to be on a "kind-a" market threshold as as you return. Been beaten-up because of the straight-jacket on the IFT's but still kick-n.
Steady, Good to see you back on the boards from vacation. We seem to be on a "kind-a" market threshold as as you return. Been beaten-up because of the straight-jacket on the IFT's but still kick-n.

I've noted the 2008 TSP King of Kings held on despite the huge decline and I admire you for that. We're in the same boat my friend. Do we focus more on our TSP Standing "and sell short" or do we hold on and come out winning later down the line.

The straight-jacket is an excellent way to put it and that had everything to do with my position.

When the I Fund takes off (for you) and the S Fund takes off for me we'll still end with an outstanding reward.

BTW - you deserve that title - as you alone had basically a 20% Gain at (or by) the half way point.

Thankyou for your wonderful visit to my home. It had drama, laughter, smiles, and stimulating conversation - everything needed to make an enjoyable party:laugh: We should do it again real soon:)

Life is good.:D
Ummm Thank you my Sweet,

It feels great having you here as well :laugh::D

Lots to catch up on :embarrest: but should be back in a few hours.

Thanks for stopping by - and help yourself to anything - regard my place as yours.
Emergency Broadcast System

beeppppp beepppp beeppp beeeppppppp

We interrupt this program for an emergency bullitin

The 7th Law of Thermal Dynamics appears to be taking place

When F Fund goes up - C/S/I go down

There is no need to panic at this point...repeat there is no need to panic

Had this been a real emergency we would have advised immediate evacuation

For now stay calm as things are presently stable.

Be right and sit right and sit tight
Gaining Speed Steady ! Keep pushing that Bear Away !
We need to ask Tom to introduce sound on the MB. I
can only imagine what your Broadcast Alarm would
sound like. Loved It !:)
Steady, you have such a way with words! ;)

Wow Patti, I'm honored.

WELCOME and thank you :D

SqualeBear - Looking at the charts: NASDAQ is up .95% and Volume in S Fund was highest towards the end of the day.

The reason I way perfer a BEAR MARKET over a CORRECTION is because a BULL MARKET is guaranteed once we roll on the bottom.

The past few weeks show little sign of reversing at this point. It was in the recent past we had over a 2 month upward stretch in the Markets and our present rise is going faster - so consolidation is a neccessary condition for advancing growth.

Ignore the BEAR BS - and look at what is actually happening by objective data. Markets are rising and short term gainers are not enough to interfere.

So we end the day with wonderful news and this is one of the few times that all can walk away in a tranquil state of mind as even the F Fund came out ahead. So fluff your pillows and gentley sink back - close your eyes - and picture the unicorns on the Montana fields with the little colts taking their first flight.

Good night to all - sweet dreams
Well I'm finally back home.

Right now I'm ready to lay on the floating carpet after I dim the lights and turn on the lava lamps and the fiber globes.

I'll start with a song by the Rolling Stones...hmmm...the winner is Lady Jane.

My sweet Lady Jane...when I see you again...

and here I drift off in a world without regrets...without concerns...without struggles..anxieties..or any type of confusion..

In order to become a Planetary Society science would need to rise to biomolecular, computer, and quantum revelolutions. THE GOOD NEWS is the most fundamental building blocks needed to achieve this is already underway. The biomolecular revelolution will give us a complete genetic description of all living things. From this knowledge we will be able to cure almost every known disease and easily feed the expanding population. The computer revelolution will link the peoples with a powerful global telecommunications system and form a unified economic network. Artificial Intelligence, that will far surpass all human intelligence combined, will insure stability and growth throughout the underlying fundamental sectors. The quantum revelolution will provide the power and the materials needed to build a planetary society and will transform the 3rd World regions to advanced centers.
...The BAD NEWS is our civilization is largely in a state of infancy. We are hopelessly fractured into bickering, jealous nations and deeply split along racial, religious, and national lines.
...Our present population is like a spoiled child, unable to control its self-destructive temper tantrums and outbursts. Our immature history is deeply seated in the brutal sectarian, fundamentalist, nationalist, and racial hatreds over the thousands of years.
...We are just now beginning to really see a tendency towards a planetary civilization on several fronts: the rise of a global economy, the decline of nations, the rise of an international middle class, the development of a common global language, and the rise of a planetary culture. UNFORTUNATELY - THIS CAN NOT HAPPEN UNTIL THE END OF OUR CENTURY. And since this century is just getting started it means none of us will live to see it.

My wonderful friends,
Much of the earlier communication today reminded me of this previous post. It is unfortunate - but only a huge crisis will force these revolutions to occur and the society going through that crisis will face the most difficult time. In comparision what we are going through now is a wonderful bed of roses and fortunately our present Economic difficulties will pass and get better before it gets worse. Global Energy in conjunction with Global Warming will likely be the most major crisis to deal with initially and I whole heartedly support Al Gore's urgent challenge to fix it within 10 years. I expect the Global powers to largely ignore it until it becomes a far more significant problem. But I say all these things simply as a reassurance that the next 20 to 30 years should still remain relatively good ones. Social Security at this point is guaranteed through that time frame. So enjoy what life you have and make the most out of each day.
Al Gore already has established his legacy with the 1.6 gal. toilet. He needs to go be productive and help buddy Jimmy Carter build habitat homes.
Everytime we've had an inexperienced president just look at the mess that has been created. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton should make anyone shy of a possible repeat. The risk is just to great to elect Obama. From a racial standpoint 8% of whites like Obama primarily for his race while African-Americans are at the 20% level. I think it all boils down to character, values and experience. I mean, as a member of the Illinois legislature Obama voted present how many times - something like 223 times. Can't he make a decision. Is Barack Obama safe?