TSP Elite
Steady, If you're POSITIVE there's no abuse going on in your absence that would make her "hand shy"
Recently I thought about Lady during one of my random reflections and semi conversations with God and thought how wonderful it would be if God could let her be Ella for one week and then go back to exactly what she is now. The reason why Lady would be first is because of her condition - then because there are so many things I admire about her - but anyway Ella is the happiest being I know. She is 100% or more a part of our family and all regard her highly and treat her wonderfully. She especially gets the top treatment possible by me. But I thought how wonderful it would be if someone could step into Ella's place and know life as she knows it. Then of course I thought of Mamikin and the list went on and on.
then IMO that is normal submissive canine behavior exhibited when the pack "alpha" (you) returns to the pack after an absence. That's why she doesn't do it early in the morning, or again later after you've been home awhile. As long as she seems happy and waggy and there's no "cringing" - if you know what I mean - just the head lowering, it's ok.
Luv2read - you just don't know how much I appreciate that. I was more concerned she may have a quirk - an idiosyncrisity - or whatever and even though it's always just me and her "My biggest fear was what would someone think if they saw her act this way when I'm leaning down to touch her". What you say here makes a whole lot of sense - I am definately the Alpha. And right after I greet her then she holds her head high and walks around totally normal and like "yeal this is my place too and that's cool".
Many submissive dogs go further - belly crawling or even with the complete "down and roll" submission, exposing the belly, their most vulnerable part (also good to get belly rubs).
Wow - I wished I'd said something before. Once in a blue moon I have to raise my voice and talk harshly - when we're outside taking a walk and I'm letting her run wild. Well sometimes if I'm concerned she may be getting into something that will hurt her I'll yeal and she knows "Ut Ohh - I'm in trouble". Then she lays down on her stomach and won't move and when I get closer and see everything is fine and reassure her everything is fine - to come on - she'll stay there and make me come to her and love her up in person before she gets up.
She follows me wherever I go - when I go to my recliner she's right there. A lot of times I start rubbing behind both of her ears and it feels so good she just plobs down. When she laying next to me and I start stroking her body - she always puts her leg up and exposes her belly - so she gets lots of belly rubs.
Some others "go for the face" jumping and trying to get in lots of licking on the neck and chin.
After the initial greeting she is way more prone to do this - but now I'm telling her "No Ella - Down".
These are all normal submissive welcoming behaviors. Ella is a medium-to-large dog so it wouldn't surprise me if she jumped up to "kiss you hello" instead of "bowing" to you. The fact that she bows instead tells me that you're doing a good job with the positive discipline we discussed. Let me know how things are going. I know you've been busy.
Here I blow you a wonderful kiss - X - Thank You!!
The only other reason I can think of is that when you bend over you cast a shadow on her, and that might bother her. However, the fact that she only does it when you first get home rules this possibility out IMO. And if she NEVER acts like this with anyone else would make it a certainty that she's just welcoming her alpha home.![]()
You know them way better than me - I know her but not dogs in general.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.