Steadygain's Account Talk

Everytime we've had an inexperienced president just look at the mess that has been created. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton should make anyone shy of a possible repeat. The risk is just to great to elect Obama. From a racial standpoint 8% of whites like Obama primarily for his race while African-Americans are at the 20% level. I think it all boils down to character, values and experience. I mean, as a member of the Illinois legislature Obama voted present how many times - something like 223 times. Can't he make a decision. Is Barack Obama safe?

Chill out Birch - go out on the patio and smoke a joint, but don't let any of that garbage crap smell up my place.

When we come down to the final moment - I mean the crowds really start going to the polls to vote I would say "race" phobia will pretty much guarantee McCain - so relax - you've probably got nothing to worry about. As much as I hate to admit it - I honestly believe our society would be more concerned about a "black man" than an inexperienced one. But time will tell.
Everytime we've had an inexperienced president just look at the mess that has been created. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton should make anyone shy of a possible repeat. The risk is just to great to elect Obama. From a racial standpoint 8% of whites like Obama primarily for his race while African-Americans are at the 20% level. I think it all boils down to character, values and experience. I mean, as a member of the Illinois legislature Obama voted present how many times - something like 223 times. Can't he make a decision. Is Barack Obama safe?

What was Bush #2 experienced in? Oil? War? Bailing out Wall Street? He sure made a bunch of $$$$ for his buddies.

Messes from previous presidents
Nixon----Watergate- oil embargo
Ford----Rampant Inflation
Cater---Hostage Crises - rampant Inflation
Reagan--Savings and Loan Scandal....Reaganomics (steal from the poor and give to the rich and it will trickle back down)...Black Monday
Bush #1 --Desert Storm

The more I think about it......Does the president matter that much at all? Point the finger at Congress and find the real culprit:blink:
I wish I could relax but there are too many of the at risk reduced lunch bunch that will be bused to the polls and vote strictly on color. Perhaps the debates will provide guidance like they did with Carter and Reagan. I don't mean to agitate but I put my life on the line for my country along with hundreds of thousands of others and I'm concerned with the way the liberal press is pandering and obstructing the issues. I do think Jesse Jackson had it right - Obama would be a good gelding. I won't smell up your place anymore. I'm gonna go see sugarandspite.

Bush #2 was a governor of Texas and a member of the Texas National Guard as a pilot. You are right though - most of the problems we face today were originated from the Donkey Congress. They were the ones that pressured Countrywide Financial to lower their standards to allow more at risk neighborhoods to prosper - and we are now all paying for that mistake in policy. There are so many naive people who voted for Carter, Clinton, Kerry and Gore that will fall right into line again - it's just to great a risk. I mean I'd even vote for an experienced black woman if Condaleeza Rice were to ever run. But Barack is Jimmy incognito - all for appeasement and increasing taxes for redistribution. It makes me nervous to contemplate what could happen with his irresponsible and naive thoughts for change - he will create disaster.
Please brothers and sisters - this is the house of eternal bliss

A place meant for the free of heart - and minds willing to explore the avenues of peace and tranquility.

If you are to carry on arguments then I would ask that you do so in a manner that reflects the utmost harmony - respect - admiration - and understanding for each other's views and that you embrace an opposing view in a loving and acceptable manner.

Friends - we are all one family - let us carry on in this manner until the perfect harmony is achieved.

If you find yourself unable to accomplish this - then please carry your battle somewhere else. But take these hugs (OOOO) and kisses (XXXXX) with you before you leave.

And know the door is always open and we joyously anticapate your return.

Bush #2 was a governor of Texas and a member of the Texas National Guard as a pilot. You are right though - most of the problems we face today were originated from the Donkey Congress. They were the ones that pressured Countrywide Financial to lower their standards to allow more at risk neighborhoods to prosper - and we are now all paying for that mistake in policy. There are so many naive people who voted for Carter, Clinton, Kerry and Gore that will fall right into line again - it's just to great a risk. I mean I'd even vote for an experienced black woman if Condaleeza Rice were to ever run. But Barack is Jimmy incognito - all for appeasement and increasing taxes for redistribution. It makes me nervous to contemplate what could happen with his irresponsible and naive thoughts for change - he will create disaster.
Bush #2 was one of the "favored sons" (know the song?) in the Texas National Guard and never served his country as far as I'm concerned. He was a rich man's frat party-boy son.

Mr. Birch, please stop slandering Jimmy Carter. He made some mistakes as President up against a GOP Congress but he's achieved a lot as a man. As a fellow veteran, you should respect him for his service to his country if nothing else. Enough politics in this place. Steady's house is for chillin. Gimme the music!;)
What was Bush #2 experienced in? Oil? War? Bailing out Wall Street? He sure made a bunch of $$$$ for his buddies.

Messes from previous presidents
Nixon----Watergate- oil embargo
Ford----Rampant Inflation
Cater---Hostage Crises - rampant Inflation
Reagan--Savings and Loan Scandal....Reaganomics (steal from the poor and give to the rich and it will trickle back down)...Black Monday
Bush #1 --Desert Storm

The more I think about it......Does the president matter that much at all? Point the finger at Congress and find the real culprit:blink:

You selectively forgot the Fall of Communism and the USSR..and also the tear down of the Berlin wall..the firing of the striking worthless prima donna ATCs....under Reagan
If the impressario had continued on into Iraq rather than stopping after 90 hours we wouldn't have been at war for the last five years. We killed most of the old Iraqi Army on the highway of death leaving Kuwait. Those poor impoverished fools looted the entire country and tried to take it all back to Iraq. Cost'em dearly.
What was Bush #2 experienced in? Oil? War? Bailing out Wall Street? He sure made a bunch of $$$$ for his buddies.

drinking and frat parties? It's been in the media.
Obviously luv2read is on to something. It's well known that Mr. Bush was a hard-drinking frat boy. See how Mr. Bush describes the credit crisis:
Bush: 'Wall Street got drunk'
Published: Thursday, 24 July 2008, 11:01AM

President George W Bush has explained the global credit crunch by saying "Wall Street got drunk".
When asked what led to the US housing market meltdown that threw the world's economy into turmoil, Mr Bush said: "There's no question about it. Wall Street got drunk. "It got drunk and now it's got a hangover. The question is, how long will it sober up and not try to do all these fancy financial instruments?"

I'm looking forward to you having your own thread. We got some conversation ahead of us. Welcome to the board. You apparently weren't impacted by the yellow brick road.
Bush #2 was one of the "favored sons" (know the song?) in the Texas National Guard and never served his country as far as I'm concerned. He was a rich man's frat party-boy son.

Mr. Birch, please stop slandering Jimmy Carter. He made some mistakes as President up against a GOP Congress but he's achieved a lot as a man. As a fellow veteran, you should respect him for his service to his country if nothing else. Enough politics in this place. Steady's house is for chillin. Gimme the music!;)

Welcome aboard my friend - and I honestly hope the next 5 years bring in wonderful rewards.

Listen (and here I mean everyone who reads my thread) please go back to post 1245 and let's keep this place more like that.

To me Politics in general and the whole circus that goes with it is pretty much a bunch of Horse**** and I'm really not into it. I am not at all a campaign supporter and really not involved. But I don't mind at all if we have a good discussion - but the last thing I want on this thread is slamming - or degrading someone - this just isn't the place for that and THAT IS THE MAIN REASON I'VE NEVER BEEN INVOLVED WITH POLITICS - yet I always vote and hope it counts.

I do want to touch on a few things you discussed here because it hits home with me. I went into the Army on my own accord and fully committed my life for the "Cause of our Country". We had to take an exam before enlistment and I thought it was simply to determine if we were capable of functioning as a soldier so I gave it my best. As a result of that test my recuiter guananteed me I could get any job I wanted and go anywhere I wanted. I wanted to be a Soldier - plain and simple - and go over seas. As soon as I arrived in Boot Camp they sent me to interview with a few soldiers - who did their best to get me in Intelligence - they said I got the second highest score and was "meant to be in Intelligence". So I ask if I'll be out in the Field or be in a building and they tell me I'll be behind the scenes in a building and not part of the war scene - so I told them that's not what I want - I joined to be a soldier - and walked away. Then they tried to make me an officier and send me to officier training school and elaborated on how "my test" makes me an officier. I tell them I'm going up the ranks and starting at the bottom just like everyone else - and once I rise in rank - I may then consider being an officier but that I'm a soldier before anything else and that's what I want. Immediately after Boot Camp - they made me Company Commander of the Company we did our job training in. The other 2 Companies had several real "Drill Sergents". We out did the others in every way that could be measured.

My boss just shouted - I've got a meeting ....

will continue later
Forgive me for dragging this out...but one of the most central issues to my life came up - and that is Being a Soldier and Conducting yourself as a Soldier. To me there is a big difference between wearing a uniform and being a soldier. So to continue my story - after I finish the Job Training Part - I go overseas. The Company is sent out to the Field as a "War Training Exercise" and the Company is split in half - we go one place and "our enemy" is somewhere else - but I know the direction they're located and they know where we are. No one has told us anything so we're just sitting around. So I head out in the direction of the enemy - a very wooded area trying to find a "good place". A higher ranking Sergent comes up and asks what I'm doing and I tell him I'm looking for a good spot to interogate the enemy. Well he looks at me SHOCKED and wants the details. So I tell him - I'm going out towards the enemy and I'll bury myself in the ground (or hide in such a way that they won't see me) and when they come I'll take them one by one and bring them to a spot where I can interrogate them. I go on to elaborate that we were told to conduct ourselves as if this was the real thing - so I'm getting information and it won't take me anytime to find out their plans and destroy them. Well first he laughs and acts like I won't be able to force the information - and I convinced him otherwise. So this idiot runs back and tells the enemy my plans and all the higher ups. So the whole OPERATION is aborted - and we never got a chance to engage in battle. It wasn't long after this that Special Forces began trying to recuit me...and I turned them down the first few times because they couldn't tell me anything...and I needed to know I'd be in on the action...doing some worthwhile Missions. So I was tested - and was chosen to represent my Company, Unit, Batallion; the Base where I was stationed, and the entire Division on various Missions before I upgraded to Special Forces. I forgot to mention that I was in a Combat Company - so I totally viewed myself in that light. Now I am not telling you any of this stuff to puff myself up - or in any manner try to convince anyone that I am better than anyone else - I am telling you this to let you know that someone like me "who has that frame of mind" is a soldier to their bone marrow and there is no relationship possible that goes beyond the fellow soldiers in your unit. When you are a soldier to your bone marrow - you are a soldier forever. Many military personal wear uniforms - but that in no way, shape, or form makes them a soldier.

ONLY WITH THE ABOVE IN MIND - You need to realize that I admire anyone who is willing to serve in the National Guard or any branch of the Service. That Bush came from a "rich family" gives us no basis to slam him - he had nothing to do with his family's Political or Financial Situation when he was brought into being - or when he was born. Without being in his company - and serving with him it's impossible to know if he simply wore a uniform - or was a soldier in the sense that I view a soldier.

Please know - and I really mean this 5 YEARS - I'm not attacking you and I honestly appreciate your input - but this is about the touchiest subject you could bring up - and I really don't want to drag politics into something as sacred as being a soldier.

In the same light - and here I don't mean to offend you Birchtree - but being a soldier to your bone marrow does not give us the right to expect the country to stand behind who we think should be president - and all the more to make outrageous slams.

I wholeheartedly believe we could discuss why we are favoring this person or that - without slamming or degrading the other - and I'm cool with that.
Market Update
We are in the "blending process" - where the Economy has undergone a decent Correction - but avoided a true Bear Market. So yesterday and today are evidence that the Recovery Process will be a mixing - or blending of "pain and healing" - before the final Uptrend continues.


It's Friday and the weekend is here.

Luv2read - There's something that kind of bothers me. When I get home Ella is always ready to greet me and looks up with these loving - anticapating eyes - excited and tail wagging. So I always start with "Oh there's my baby - my sweet..."

BUT - Whenever I lean down to start petting her - she lowers her head like in a bashful manner - or like she's "trying to avoid being hit" which really bothers me a lot - because that's how I interrupt it. She doesn't act that way in the morning when I get her up and take her out - and right after our initial little get home greeting she doesn't act that way. NOW I AM ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE SHE HAS NEVER BEEN HIT OR BEATEN - so is this a common dog trait?? Any idea why she would make me have to go out of my way to pet her head - in the sense that she lowers it?? When I first get home.
If dogs are like birds, it could be "Daddy you're so sweet. I'm happy to see you but I don't want a head pat now", OR it could be "Please scratch my neck (around the collar) since I can't reach there." Depends on the angle of the head.
Of course since my experience is with birds, could be wrong but most animals like their neck and heads scratched since it's hard to reach there, and sometimes they are in the mood and sometimes they aren't. :confused:
If dogs are like birds, it could be "Daddy you're so sweet. I'm happy to see you but I don't want a head pat now", OR it could be "Please scratch my neck (around the collar) since I can't reach there." Depends on the angle of the head.
Of course since my experience is with birds, could be wrong but most animals like their neck and heads scratched since it's hard to reach there, and sometimes they are in the mood and sometimes they aren't. :confused:

Thanks - that make a lot of sense - and I could easily see that if I patted her head - BUT I NEVER PAT HER HEAD. I always start my stroking her head and quickly move to her neck and body and end by patting her body.
There's something that kind of bothers me. When I get home Ella is always ready to greet me and looks up with these loving - anticapating eyes - excited and tail wagging. So I always start with "Oh there's my baby - my sweet..."

how do i get my Wife to greet, look at me and wag her tail like Ella ????? oh your dog !! could not resist LOL !!!

Luv2read - There's something that kind of bothers me. When I get home Ella is always ready to greet me and looks up with these loving - anticapating eyes - excited and tail wagging. So I always start with "Oh there's my baby - my sweet..."

BUT - Whenever I lean down to start petting her - she lowers her head like in a bashful manner - or like she's "trying to avoid being hit" which really bothers me a lot - because that's how I interrupt it. She doesn't act that way in the morning when I get her up and take her out - and right after our initial little get home greeting she doesn't act that way. NOW I AM ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE SHE HAS NEVER BEEN HIT OR BEATEN - so is this a common dog trait?? Any idea why she would make me have to go out of my way to pet her head - in the sense that she lowers it?? When I first get home.
Steady, If you're POSITIVE there's no abuse going on in your absence that would make her "hand shy", then IMO that is normal submissive canine behavior exhibited when the pack "alpha" (you) returns to the pack after an absence. That's why she doesn't do it early in the morning, or again later after you've been home awhile. As long as she seems happy and waggy and there's no "cringing" - if you know what I mean - just the head lowering, it's ok. Many submissive dogs go further - belly crawling or even with the complete "down and roll" submission, exposing the belly, their most vulnerable part (also good to get belly rubs). Some others "go for the face" jumping and trying to get in lots of licking on the neck and chin. These are all normal submissive welcoming behaviors. Ella is a medium-to-large dog so it wouldn't surprise me if she jumped up to "kiss you hello" instead of "bowing" to you. The fact that she bows instead tells me that you're doing a good job with the positive discipline we discussed. Let me know how things are going. I know you've been busy.

The only other reason I can think of is that when you bend over you cast a shadow on her, and that might bother her. However, the fact that she only does it when you first get home rules this possibility out IMO. And if she NEVER acts like this with anyone else would make it a certainty that she's just welcoming her alpha home.:D