Steadygain's Account Talk

SG, (Big Brother)

My vibes change with the wind. Thank God the wind tend to blow at my
back. (ie....usually positive). But from time to time, you may be exposed
to my overwelming need to speak my mind or make fun of a memory.

Good, Bad or Indifferent; its honest. If my "anvil" and "postal" humor took
away any positive vibes, I promise to be more careful in the future. But
believe me when I say, it was written more as a light hearted spoof. :)

I love music, but the lack of understanding concerning the reasons behind
them, is on purpose. Thats why I never complained about Don Mclean's
American Pie being too long and never once stopped to ask myself why it
was. Thats never been a part of my appreciation of the art. ;)

I simply yank pieces of my youth from music (lead guiter) and try to relive
moments in my life, when it was less complicated. From laughter to tears,
the Barbershop Quartet to Rob Zombie, music brings me to many different

One last thing, I graduated high school in 1976 and still have nightmares
over Stairway To Heaven, but that doesn't mean I don't want to walk up
them when the time comes ..... :nuts:
I simply yank pieces of my youth from music (lead guiter) and try to relive moments in my life, when it was less complicated.:nuts:

That is super cool !! :cool::cool:

Life at it's best my friend :cheesy:

Well for me it's stiving to be free - free in many ways. Free to enjoy life and hope for the best. Free to believe that I can ignore the "blimp" where the overall picture has a brief chaotic moment - because I know the over all show is going to be good (S Fund). Free to find those "vibrations" that are in sync with my life and let them become a part of me - because I know they are good and wonderful.

Thanks my friend - that was a beautiful message. Just what I needed.
Well, Steady, you should run for something, a political post or whatever you want! You can really make people show up from nowhere to show their support and love for you!

Gail, so good to hear from you again, drop us a line every once in a while, don't be a stranger. I missed you too, really.


Well, hi there. I retired and I'm damn good at it. I moved tsp funds to a Vanguard fund. Just checking things out, but I'm leaning toward an emerging market energy fund. When are you retiring? I always thought you were just the coolest lady.

Well, hi there. I retired and I'm damn good at it. I moved tsp funds to a Vanguard fund. Just checking things out, but I'm leaning toward an emerging market energy fund. When are you retiring? I always thought you were just the coolest lady.


Forgive me for jumping in on Cornellia's chat with you. She has been extremely BUSY - I mean really super busy around the clock (probaby should let her PM you on the details).

But anyway she retired in 12/07 - and not a day goes by where she hasn't been stretched to the limits.


I'm really happy for you Gail - in fact I'm thrilled for you, as I'm sure Cornellia will be.

BTW - she is the coolest lady!! ;) You have amazing insights

Thanks for stopping by Gail - and do it more often,
The previous leader of Iraq wholeheartedly welcomed the US to a game of war with the assurance "they would be slow bled to death" and I know that sounds gruesome but that how I feel about the S Fund.

It's this "slow bleed" day after day that gets on my nerves the most. I would love nothing more than to "let it pop" - go DOWN another 20 or 30% and HIT BOTTOM - so I could go in and buy a ton of shares. But this endless SLOOOOOWWW LEAAAAKKKKK is ridiculous.

Well there is nothing I can really add to the MB. I'm in to stay and I'm in all the way. I will not sell at a loss and I will undoubtedly turn a profit over the long run. So it's just a waiting game for me.

Never realized that 2 ITFs a month would force some of us into this position - but from my perspective if you hold and wait long enough and DCA wisely - you can't lose.

It's weird because it takes you out of the game - which gets more comfortable over time.

Well GL to all.

I still think we'll have a short rally sometime between 6/26 and 7/11 followed by a nice drop. Of course, that assumes we don't have a major negative piece of news (like a war, etc.) hit the wire services..

I hope the market gives you a positive bounce so you can get out of there and take a breather.:D

I hope the market gives you a positive bounce so you can get out of there and take a breather.:D


You are are dear and wonderful friend and I appreciate that.

Please know I am already in VACATION MODE and really - please know I honestly don't care how low it goes. I am in no hurry to get out. The lower it gets is all the more promising for me in the long run.

For the general MB it looks like there is no end and things are only going to get worse and it's going to keep getting lower and lower WITH LITTLE TO NO HOPE OF RECOVERY - But folks that is simply unrealistic and we have been long overdue for a MAJOR CORRECTION and it's all part of how the overall picture has to work. In the long run I will make a killing - I will do very well and not lose a penny.
Where is the End??

I couldn't get the S&P - 4 Year Chart to upload.

The top is 1,555

A 30% Reduction takes us below 1,100
which is way too low and unrealistic

A 20% Reduction takes us to about 1,250
which looks PERFECT and still a healthy correction

GAME PLAN: Stay in G a little longer
If S&P gets close to 1,250 will shift to 100% Stocks

Then purchase Cuban Cigars (I don't smoke - but if I did for some reason they sound like the best) go to FL and sit on the backporch with Birch and get real comfortable with riding it out for the rest of the year. Occasionally Birch and I would toast each other and say something like, "Nothing like a BULL Market" take another puff and just enjoy the day.

OK - This is my post of 4/23/08

A 30% Reduction is what I'd been wanting from the start - only because it sounded like a better correction.

Had I stuck with my "original plan" and stayed in G and not moved to S - would now be hoping for 30% then shift and stay put.
I like your 1250 target as well, at least for the intermediate term. Being a bear, I was pleased to see the rally fade during the last hour of trading. The Nasdaq seemed to be a leader but now with RIMM missing earnings (down big after hours), it should take down the Nasdaq tomorrow, and maybe into Friday as well. American Express warned of increasing credit defaults, more than they anticipated...and they are supposedly "low risk" compared to other companies.

We tried to throw a pin up toward 1340 intraday today and that reversed quickly. I almost bought last Friday and I could have sold it again today, but it would have been C and only a 0.58% gain so I'm not too sad about that. I just felt today was too dangerous. Now that we're frolicking around 1320 (and in the 1310's after hours), I suppose there is a good chance we'll dip into the 1200's again. Once it looks like a for sure close below 1300, I'll think about buying. Would like to get to at least 1280, that will win me about 5% in shares since I sold around 1340 way back when!!

I do believe that the oil bubble needs to be popped before the market can rally. Even if that happens, and say oil drops 20-30 will be STILL be expensive and it will STILL erode earnings and make for slow growth. Did you see new home sales numbers? Y/Y the median price fell like 5.6% but the INVENTORY went UP almost a MONTH! So despite falling prices, they still can't get rid of homes. Meaning we'll have to let prices fall further, ESPECIALLY since interest rates are now rising! It's all a negative feedback loop, it seems.

Some decent ED out Thur and Fri.
I suspect Existing home sales numbers will disappoint. The way I see it, more people would be buying new homes rather than old homes, why not with prices falling and builder incentives? The final GDP numbers are out too, probably not much surprise there. The longer we have these <1% growth numbers, the longer it will just slowly erode the market, IMO.

Flying to FL tomorrow with my wife for some much needed leisure time! :) Might have to bring my laptop so I can make a transfer though!!!
I like your 1250 target as well.

Flying to FL tomorrow with my wife for some much needed leisure time! :) Might have to bring my laptop so I can make a transfer though!!!

Thanks man, much appreciated.

It's kind of strange because the general MB has been so p.o'd about the ITFs - and now I'm learning first hand the new mentality needed to adapt - and experiencing why everyone was in such an uproar.

But IMHO - if the MARKETS had not been so POLITICALLY MANIPULATED and allowed to run their "healthy course" - instead of prolonging the agony with endless rate cuts and bail outs - all of us would be way better off and the limited ITFs would not be nearly as troublesome.

THE ABSOLUTE BULLS*** VOLATILITY - especially since the "credit crunch" was annonced last Summer could have mostly been avoided without the FED's pressured intervention.

Have a great time in FL my friend. BTW - in case you see Birch you might want to warn your wife that his bark is louder than his bite. I'm sure if you got to know him you'd have a good time.

Well later man, and thanks for stopping by. :cool:

Steady, on my way to work and wanted to send you a hello before logging
off my Big Brother. Keep it safe and keep it real. I'll take a break for lunch
and check back later. Ciao ;)
Steady, on my way to work and wanted to send you a hello before logging
off my Big Brother. Keep it safe and keep it real. I'll take a break for lunch
and check back later. Ciao ;)

Thanks man,
I really appreciate that - I love you man - you're a very cool dude.

See ya next week.
This endless SLOOOOOWWW LEAAAAKKKKK is ridiculous.

Major Financial Centers and Institutions from around the world have just concluded that the above comment was the basis of today's rapid fall.

Hope I didn't offend anyone - but it's way better than the slow leak. :o:p

I'm still riding "the Rocket" - but I think it's heading to Earth :sick::notrust: