Steadygain's Account Talk

Steady, I'm 50 and long for those days to return, don't you ! ;)

Wow - I started this awhile back - but kept getting interrupted
What I really miss the most are the changes that occured in the 50s and 60s

Martin L. King Jr. to me was like Jesus Christ in the flesh. I'm white and grew up in an all white neighborhood and so I never had to deal with discrimination - But he said such undeniable TRUTHS - no matter who you were. He made you realize that all people needed to be judged by their inward character and everyone deserved an equal chance to prove themselves regardless of skin color. I WAS JUST FLOORED WITH HIS WISDOM and the way he Flooded our Country with a LIGHT that showed the Truth (and that lead to very big changes).

Then you had the music of the 50s with a guy who sang like 8 octaves (Walk Like A Man) - Elvis, the Beach Boys, and many other really great groups and songs like "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"

Then the 60s brought Bob Dylan - who seemed like a great prophet and pretty much convinced me that's how life should be lived - Play the Guitar and share your life; The Beatles brought enormous changes at a time we were all finding our own identity and thus I grew my hair longer and it was like SUPER FREEDOM - a little later on I'm getting fairly good at guitar and Jimi Hendrix comes along and I'm just totally spell bound - and back then we're all like on this giant peace cloud and all of us in the same spirit of harmony and just being cool. At that time the bigger thing was simply proving you could be accepting - spread good vibes - and let love prevail.

...make sure you see Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D on the BIG SCREEN this summer.

Oh No !!!! I had nightmares for weeks after seeing the original...kept dreaming about being chased by giant, (made-up) iguanas :D

Glad you liked the movie, too....who WOULDN'T want Gwyneth Paltrow as a personal assistant ? :rolleyes:

...and, for the record, it's "The Dark Knight" rather than "...Night" Nobody busted on me for the mistake....Thanks !!

....and thanks, too, to all for the stroll down Memory Lane !

Oh No !!!! I had nightmares for weeks after seeing the original...kept dreaming about being chased by giant, (made-up) iguanas :D

Glad you liked the movie, too....who WOULDN'T want Gwyneth Paltrow as a personal assistant ? :rolleyes:

...and, for the record, it's "The Dark Knight" rather than "...Night" Nobody busted on me for the mistake....Thanks !!

....and thanks, too, to all for the stroll down Memory Lane !

You got it right.:D
My home state of New Hampshire still does recognize MLK day as a hoiliday and there is a reason for that and I'll say no more.
Luv2read - thank you!! - very cool link I enjoyed a lot

Birch - as a Vietnam Vet you know it's not what you lived through - it is who you are. If anyone could relate to my Groove and Trip Pad it's you. So you know what it's like to return to a country that can't deal with you because of who you are.

MLK was not perfect by any means - everyone of us is flawed - it is a part of our human condition (except for Christ alone). But however you felt in terms of rejection and misunderstandings - however you may have felt out of place - that is how all the Blacks felt back in the early 50s and MLK is the only one with enough balls and smarts to challenge the entire system. He alone forced us to realize that how we regarded Blacks was wrong and that skin tone said nothing about a person's character, abilities, or attributes. His message plain and simple is treat everyone as an equal and give everyone a fair chance - then you can judge them fairly.

My message on the Groove and Trip Pad is the same message. The Vietnam Vets have been very badly neglected and now they're essentially forgotten. I read my message to a Vietnam Vet today (I see them everyday) and you should have seen his reaction. So all I'm trying to do is give all these guys what they deserve. That was the entire message of MLK - let these people have what they deserve.
You are right - I stayed in the closet for 15 years before Ronald Reagan brought me out. And now that I'm out I'm never going back in.
At the Race Tracks
Alright folks the race is underway... C Fund is way in the lead...almost twice the distance of S Fund and I Fund which are running neck to neck. F Fund had trouble at the start and hasn't even made it out the gate.

For those 100% C Fund - this looks like a great race.
this last hour will tell us , going down who pulled the plug:blink:

Kar Crazy - man, I thought about you last night. You should see the cars this IRONMAN dude has - immediately thought wow KC would like this.

I'll probably buy one of my semi annual lottery tickets tonight since the jackpot is $196 million. But if they let me stay in that guy's house for a month with whoever I want - I would take that over the money.
I did The Golden Compass this past weekend..Not sure if I want to see the sequel as I'm sure the bear (Sean Connery) and the girl are off to find her father at the North pole as the story ended...Alice in Wonderland keep flashing through my mind...:suspicious:
Kar Crazy - man, I thought about you last night. You should see the cars this IRONMAN dude has - immediately thought wow KC would like this.

I'll probably buy one of my semi annual lottery tickets tonight since the jackpot is $196 million. But if they let me stay in that guy's house for a month with whoever I want - I would take that over the money.
i might have to go and see that we have a new theater in next town supose to be nice
Stocks poised for Higher Gains

The day to day news doesn't make much difference to me. You'll find the news always matches how the Markets appear. If the Markets are down the news will reflect negative reports and vice versa.

Here I would say - IGNORE THE NEWS - look at the Market and guage for yourself if it is gaining strength and is that strength sustained.

I'm still 100% C Fund with no regrets.
Stocks poised for Higher Gains

The day to day news doesn't make much difference to me. You'll find the news always matches how the Markets appear. If the Markets are down the news will reflect negative reports and vice versa.

Here I would say - IGNORE THE NEWS - look at the Market and guage for yourself if it is gaining strength and is that strength sustained.

I'm still 100% C Fund with no regrets.
This is true when it comes to market news and government reports, since they are all bogus anyway. However, it's hard to ignore the REAL figures, like tax receipts into the treasury, which are DOWN, which means fewer people working. Fewer people working means less spending, more foreclosures, etc. Real figures like the price of gasoline and food. Wait until the price of oil hits everything else - the majority of synthetics come from oil. The market has been able to ignore the economy simply because the fed has proven via the BSC buyout and it's various rescue measures that it will not allow it's financial friends to fail. As long as this is the case the market will chug along. Oh, and buy railroad stocks. Trucking firms will be the next casualty, and goods still have to be shipped...rail and water will be the alternatives for bulk cargo. Refineries are already gearing up to produce more diesel than gasoline. Does this make sense if there are fewer trucks on the road? What are they making all that diesel for? Sure, some will be exported to Europe where there is high demand.
This is true when it comes to market news and
government reports, since they are all bogus anyway.

My point exactly!!

However, it's hard to ignore the REAL figures, like tax receipts into the treasury, which are DOWN, which means fewer people working. Fewer people working means less spending, more foreclosures, etc.

I believe most of this reflects the Financial Sector (Housing Sector/Credit Crunch) which has pretty much hit bottom. It will take some time to turn around but things should improve as we move forward. PLEASE KNOW I DON'T THINK THE HARDTIMES FOR MANY ARE OVER - BUT FOR THE GENERAL ECONOMY - I PERSONALLY BELIEVE MOST OF THIS WILL PASS.

Real figures like the price of gasoline and food. Wait until the price of oil hits everything else - the majority of synthetics come from oil.

"CHEAP OIL" - is another subject altogether - as I noted in 12%'s Thread today. Here I hate to say anything because I DO NOT want to sound like a "know it all" - I don't know it all. BUT I can guarantee you that our Economy across the board has largely been based on "cheap oil" and when this is replaced by "expensive oil" it will affect every aspect of our economy.

From my perspective the Markets and "Cheap Oil" are totally different entities and over time the Markets will prevail and everyone will realize they are SOLID INVESTMENTS. But in the short run the pinch on peoples pockets will probably drive the Markets down.

The market has been able to ignore the economy simply because the fed has proven via the BSC buyout and it's various rescue measures that it will not allow it's financial friends to fail. THAT IS PARTLY TRUE - But failure and weakness were still there (the Fed simply tried to cover it up). As long as this is the case the market will chug along. Oh, and buy railroad stocks. Trucking firms will be the next casualty, and goods still have to be shipped...rail and water will be the alternatives for bulk cargo. Refineries are already gearing up to produce more diesel than gasoline. Does this make sense if there are fewer trucks on the road? What are they making all that diesel for? Sure, some will be exported to Europe where there is high demand.

Again most of this relates to "cheap oil" no longer being cheap. Major adjustments will take place over the years - and we are simply in the begging stages - BUT WE WILL ADJUST.

I really appreciate your view points - THANKS - good discussion

I wonder how long it will take before luv2read throws in the towel and gets on the train? We certainly need that doubtful attitude during this first leg up - that makes the bull happy. On a train run from LA to NY we are now at Las Vegas - luv2read my jump on at Chicago or Scranton. Anyway I think luv2read has moderator potential in the future.
I sincerely appreciate Luv2read's concerns - and for that matter 12% and all the others who are citing very legitimate concerns.

For me it's the BOTTON LINE - plain and simple.

We were both well under 10% this year - TODAY you're only about 2% and that is wholly because you stayed the course.

Where as I'm about 6.5% because I bailed when the Markets were gaining.

So with only 2 ITFs a month - it's time to play a different game.

No matter what anyone says the STRENGTH in the S&P 500 (C Fund) is undeniable - and has only been getting progressively stronger for over 2 months - AND STILL GAINING. Since I went in I've made gains and am still gaining - so I have no reason to leave and every reason to stay. This is no longer a time to grab 1% and dive - it's a time capture a Market that is gaining strength and ride it out for the bigger payoff.