Steadygain's Account Talk

Birch kindly informed me that he hasn't been 100% C for awhile...he "branched out" into I fund in November 2007. :D

True - But it's very hard to get heavily into C Fund without thinking of Birch.

I could easily be wrong - but the C Fund looks like it will give the most profit if the upward trend continues - so I'm striving to jump in while the wave is rising.

Will go tonight
They fill the big bowl you bring with Buttered Popcorn -25 Cents

Surprise Free Lunch today
2 all beef MAN SIZED Hotdogs
(onions, mustard, pickle relish)

Markets :confused: ???
Who cares - one of those days it doesn't matter
Hey, SG !

Pretty good movie....lots of things blowing up, but even the wife liked it :)
Several scenes that made us both LOL.....I think he has a prototype of "Steady"

We saw it at the Senator in Baltimore....old-fashioned, big 1 screen place...ever go there when you lived in this area ???

Enjoy !

Several scenes that made us both LOL.....I think he has a prototype of "Steady"

We saw it at the Senator in Baltimore....old-fashioned, big 1 screen place...ever go there when you lived in this area ???

Enjoy !


Wow Thanks my friend.

I have been to the Senator numerous times and the rate for a movie was only 25 cents. So I guess you can tell it was quite a while back.:p:nuts::cheesy:

I am really thrilled about the new Holiday Bush just signed as June's official Holiday.

I feel like we are finally making some progress in getting this country right and thrilled with the "Clear the Air" campaign.

"....25 cents" !!!! Man, I guess you're older than I thought :)

We paid $9 each...and it was well worth it ! Seeing the new stuff on the huge screen, with the sound around us.....awesome !

I'm an old fart....can't stand to sit in those little box things they call a "theater" nowadays.....more willing to wait for the DVD <g>

The Senator showed trailers for the next "Batman" movie (The Dark Night), and the next "Raiders" movie (Harrison Ford)....these will be the wife and I's next "date" night <g>

"....25 cents" !!!! Man, I guess you're older than I thought :)

It was the early 60s - in the days you could walk the streets for miles - with no worries.
Movies were 25 cents
Candy bars 5 cents (or 10 cents max)
Cokes were 10 cents (of course bottled with the real taste)
Gas would have been no higher than 25 cents a gallon
Cigarettes in the 7th grade were 27 cents a pack
(when they went to 30 cents everyone was outraged like How can they do that??
then it went on up to 35 cents and when it hit 50 cents we realized the world is comming to an end and there is no stopping it.

Marijuana was 4 huges ounces for $45 dollars or $15 an Oz.

I'm 53 - and I sure don't feel old at all - in fact I feel young and full of life; I guess in a big way I feel like I'm at the top.

IRONMAN - was wonderful - one of the best movies ever and if anyone has not seen it DO NOT WAIT - This is a must see ON THE BIG SCREEN

In addition to Stoplight's Excellent Picks make sure you see Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D on the BIG SCREEN this summer.
I'm hoping that all the youngsters reading your last entry come to the
realization that it never ends and they are about to be exposed to the
very same experience.

This is Prime Time reality and their returns MUST do battle with the Dark
Lord of Inflation. Break out your swords kids, otherwise, when you get to
retirement age, you'll be saying "gee, I remember when filling my tires with
air only cost .50 cents".

Heck, I remember when air was free and they filled your tires for you. To
top it all off, they gave you a little striped tigers tail to stick out of your
trunk. Thats right, the company was named Esso (now exxon) and they
wanted to "Put a Tiger in your Tank" (slogan).

Steady, I'm 50 and long for those days to return, don't you ! And we
thought if was rough then, our younger members will do the same !
OMG I still have my tiger tail! :laugh:

Remember when...the attendant filled up your car, checked your tires and fluids and washed your windows while that was working...all included in the price? (yes kids, ATTENDANTS - like on Andy Griffith).

"You can trust your the man who wears the star..."

Where I live, they charge for air AND water...:rolleyes:
OMG I still have my tiger tail! :laugh:

Remember when...the attendant filled up your car, checked your tires and fluids and washed your windows while that was working...all included in the price? (yes kids, ATTENDANTS - like on Andy Griffith).

"You can trust your the man who wears the star..."

Where I live, they charge for air AND water...:rolleyes:
They still have them in New Jersey...Public is not allowed to pump their own gas...
Yes, but here in New Jersey, we don't have the patience for it. So we
illegally pump our own gas, pay .50 cents to fill our own tires and water
is not available for filling up the windshield washer fluid when needed.
They don't call them Service Stations anymore. They are called Gas
Stations and for obvious reasons. Sure, they'll check your oil for free.
But then you find out they "short sticked" you, just to sell you a $3.00
quart of oil.

Of coarse there are exceptions to everything, I'm sure there's a Texaco
Man out there somewhere with a towel in his overalls, a pleasant smile to
greet you and a surprise gift of steak knives to get you to come back.
what about dino the dinasour @ sinclair :D
I still have my inflatable dino given free with a fillup from a childhood trip to Pensacola, FL. The Sinclair station was halfway between New Orleans and Pensacola. We filled up there every time.

Thanks Mom, for keeping all that wonderful "junk" all these years!:)
I still have my inflatable dino given free with a fillup from a childhood trip to Pensacola, FL. The Sinclair station was halfway between New Orleans and Pensacola. We filled up there every time.

Thanks Mom, for keeping all that wonderful "junk" all these years!:)

Bet you could sell it on Ebay for a pretty penny.
But alas, that sentimental attachment wouldn't allow you to part ways.
I love my dinosaur too ,,,, ooops ,,,,, coming dear !