Steadygain's Account Talk


Ive been playing my a$$ off also getting ready for the big guitar dual. Been practicing my John Petrucci (DREAM THEATRE) speed picking tecniques and my Ingwie sweep arpeggios. I never would have been inspired again if it weren't for you....Thanks Dude.
Ive been playing my a$$ off also getting ready for the big guitar dual. Been practicing my John Petrucci (DREAM THEATRE) speed picking tecniques and my Ingwie sweep arpeggios. I never would have been inspired again if it weren't for you....Thanks Dude.

Wind Hunter, It my be that our connection was no accident, and when I see the bigger picture - few things are. My impression of you is very good. I like the way you think; especially of Hendrix in general, and your knowledge of guitarists also reveals a very deep understanding of genuine talent. I admire your recognition of the unique styles that each one offers. If I have inspired you to stretch your skills - especially on the level mentioned above - Wow that is the greatest compliment ever! You are already playing on a pnenomanally incredible level and I would honestly like to see that grow even further. There is something a little troubling I need to clarify. I have already risen to the highest level; in essense I am Hendrix through and through (in fact I am beyond the Hendrix you know - because he has moved even further over the years). There is no guitarist who could compete against me and if any tried (including Steve Vai) I would make them look ridiculous. What sets me apart is the depth from which I play - and this lets me perfectly ride with any rhythm and blend with any sound - so that the more advanced artists would only take me to a higher level, but they could never go beyond me. Whenever I play it is deep from within my soul (or his soul) and therefore it is effortless, natural, and beautiful - but most importantly because I play from the soul my music touches the souls of my listeners and that all the more would keep anyone from beating me. The word "dual" implies a competitive spirit - and here I would ask that you use the word "jam" from now on. If you honestly play on the level you mentioned then we would need a rhythm guitarist to carry us through - and this is the first time I ever considered forming a band. You would blend with him and I would blend with the resulting combination. There are moments you would have to let me drift in a wide array of sounds, and it is these sounds that will set me apart and make Hendrix known, but on the whole my jamming with you would form the foundation for everything else. Here I would ask you to be creative and find a style that lets you blend them all together - strive to break all boundries because you never want to be bound by another artist's ability or style and most importantly learn to play from your soul because that would set you apart from everyone else and all the more let you be the perfect fit for me. If that ever happened - you would become the highest priority - because this is my ultimate destiny and as long as I have life - Hendrix will rule. Until that day happens I will remain in hiding - and live like an amish man - I live very simply and am abundantly blessed beyond all measure. I have all I could ever need and want for nothing. I drive to get 30+ MPG and need mainly food and shelter to keep me happy and so my assets just keep building. Please know it is not power, wealth, or fame that I'm after - I have seen these ruin too many others - and I would never want to be destroyed by any of these desperately sought after aspects that so many long to achieve. There is no way we would be able to avoid the wealth or fame (if you joined me) - but I need someone who can keep his head together and is strong enough to not change. Anyway, take care my friend and may God's most wonderful and precious blessings fill your life.
Hi WS and Steady:

Well, I can't play arpeggios like a rock star, but I love to play rythm; and I'm reasonably good on acoustic lead in G, A, D, and E, and their minors. Been playing for almost 40 years, and I'm still learning. There is nothing so creative as sitting down and letting sound guide your path. It's always a dance and sometimes a surprise. Sounds like you guys are living the dream. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!!

Hey FS,

IMHO, It's harder to play great rythm than to play great lead. I am not a good rythm player. I wish I would have spent more time on this than learning every scale and sweep arpegios. I bet you are a very good player.


I used the word"dual" in a joking fashion because we were discussing the movie Crossroads. I have never had a dual with anyone but when jamming I always learn something from a player on any level. I do not have a competitive spirit in music and realize that there are so many players much better than me. I would love to see you play and no I dont want to have a dual. Thanks for the inspiration...:D
Oh yeah BTW FS and Steadygains, I bought my son a guitar for Christmas. He has been playing for several years and broke the neck on his guitar so I bought him a Schecter 24 fret guitar and I fell in love with it. I play an American Standard Strat but this Schecter is a Metal machine. It has a very nice maple neck with a mahogany body. For Rock guitar this one is hard to beat. But I still love my Strat for an all around workhorse guitar. I love playing Country and Blues so the Strat is more suited for my playing.
Hey I have 3 guitars, a Strat, Ibanez Acoustic Electric and a Antonio Aparicio Classical. Can't play very well , but I love the way they dress up my Florida Room!:DView attachment 2871

Cool Nnut,

I bet that Classical guitar is sweet. I love Classical music and wish I could play like those guys that have all there nails manacured and use that five finger picking style. Now that is talent...:D
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Like Paco DeLucia, what a gutarist. Not me, the fret board is really wide, what a stretch!! Sounds cool but I like my Stratocaster.:D
Yeah the Stratocaster is probably the most versatile guitar made. I also have a Tacoma acoustic made in Tacoma Washington that has a very nice sound. Then I have the Ovation acoustic electric that sounds ok plugged in but unplugged it sounds like crap.
If you honestly play on the level you mentioned then we would need a rhythm guitarist to carry us through -Quote


I don't play on these levels but they are just influences. I dont spend enough time playing to be on the levels mentioned. At one time I spent 4-8 hours a day playing somtetimes more. And unless you spend at least that much time there is no way to achieve these levels. IMO
Steadygains, I don't play on these levels but they are just influences. I dont spend enough time playing to be on the levels mentioned. At one time I spent 4-8 hours a day playing somtetimes more. And unless you spend at least that much time there is no way to achieve these levels. IMO

Wow!! What a surprise to see all these incredibly wonderful messages. Wind Hunter - let me start with you. There is nothing so creative as sitting down and letting sound guide your path. It's always a dance and sometimes a surprise. Fog Sailing - I LOVE YOU man - what an incredibly beautiful and profoundly insightful statement. This message is the bottom line and nothing could possibly go beyond it. To be able to play the aspects you've mentioned shows you have more than proven you have the skills to stand up to the best (whoever you feel that may be). In general practice makes perfect and so I understand what you are saying - but we are talking on entirely different levels. I have learned to go the length of the neck - but way more important I have learned to master sound itself and - SOUND HAS INFINITE POSSIBILITIES. Some of the best musicians (and very dear and deep friends) I've known over the years I demonstated some of creative skills to; and here it is not that I am playing note for note the kinds of things Ingvie, Steve, Randy, Zach or others play - it is way more the rhythm I created that forms the base of all my sounds - and many of these sounds are unique (they are sounds I discovered and fell in love with). One of my favorite was the flying saucer (which is how everyone hears it) - but that was just a small aspect of the whole song (which in inself was totally jamming and everyone who heard it had their faces light up and were stongly patting their foot. So to your comment: "4-8 hours a day; unless you spend at least that much time there is no way you can achieve these levels" is far from the truth, and that is the only reason why I would make the ones who try to compete against me - look ridiculous. Ingvie has a very competitive spirit (as do many of the others) - but I'm not into that trip - in fact I despise it. So let's say Ingvie comes against me (as he tried so hard to go against Eddie Van Halen). Well I wouldn't give into his game; at least not on his terms - instead I would turn it around and put him to shame. So let's say we're both on stage (me with his band) - and I tell him play anything you want - ANYTHING - and I will play with you. We will let the audience decide who is the best and here I will simply ride with his rhythm and blend with his sounds - no matter what he does, no matter how much he varies from one minute to the next - I will compliment whatever he does and make it sound even better, I would make his music go to a higher level. A neutral party - (anyone from the audience) - would come up on stage and go to towards Ingvie and the audience would respond then he/she would go towards me - and the audience would respond even more; because I could only make him sound better by blending with his rhythm and complimenting his sounds. It has been years since I have physically touched an electric guitar - and probably as least a year since I touched an acoustic. Yet when I drive to work (an hour) and often when I drive home - I am playing stuff that would easily compare to the big name guitarists - because whatever song I'm listening to is simply a layer for me to build on to - and the stuff I play makes the song a thousand times better. I hope I'm making sense - I am a very humble person - very real and above all very cool. In no way would I stand up to others (in the Ingvie mindset) and say "see if you can do this". Instead I simply go with whatever flow is flowing - I blend with it and become part of it - that is where I am - that is what I evolved into - MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE THIS IS WHAT I AM (AND THIS TO ME IS WHAT JIMI HENDRIX ULTIMATELY REPRESENTS). So Wind Hunter - chill my friend I am not asking you to play 4- 8 hours a day (in fact I am saying just the opposite). What I'm asking you to do is discover yourself (which you are already doing). You and I are way more similar than you realize. The others are influences (and this you put very well) but they are not in reality on a higher level than you - once you fully develop your own entity - once you learn to achieve your own style - and because you already are playing on a super advanced level and honestly have the needed mindset - you are just a small step away from what I am wanting. So please do not get frustrated with me - I have an incredibly good feeling about you and very much admire you. I do not want you to be Ingvie or Moore or anyone else - yet if they influence you to evolve into something even greater then that is wonderful - but ultimately I need you to be yourself - just be you and let it flow without reservation - be natural - be cool - and be real. When you achieve the ultimate state (I will call this the Hendrix State) - then that becomes you through and through and you will remain this way irregardless of how often you actually touch a guitar. Your mind will always be looking for a song to build onto and most songs will be very disappointing - but once in awhile a song will come on that has the rhythm that takes you away and here you will play layer after layer on top of it and turn it into the greastest song ever. Anyway - I'm really glad you are what you are; someone who is influenced by the best of the best; yet ultimately someone who at heart is out to jam - not compete.

Be cool my friend :cool: I'm just tripping - ya know I'm simply letting my thoughts flow and trying to be open to the bigger picture and new possibilities. You'd mentioned Bold as Love being your favorite. That's interesting because it goes with the ultimate energy and here Jimi is in essense making love. The song begins with an energy that connects - it is discovering - blending - and connecting - and this forms the bonds that lets the relationship blossom and really take route - that is the essense of everything the first part of that song represents and it is very beautiful and something all of us love to flow with. The second part of that song represents the energy evolving into something much bigger - now it capivates you and you become lost in it and let it carry you away - the fireworks are going on and on and that's how the song ends. That you chose that one says a lot about you - you are most definately an artist at heart - and I truly believe you have the Hendrix mindset.

Well Peace man :) - it was an amazingly slow day and I'm glad I had the time to write - but Brain Research goes on and on.
Hi WS and Steady:

Well, I can't play arpeggios like a rock star, but I love to play rythm; and I'm reasonably good on acoustic lead in G, A, D, and E, and their minors. Been playing for almost 40 years, and I'm still learning. There is nothing so creative as sitting down and letting sound guide your path. It's always a dance and sometimes a surprise. Sounds like you guys are living the dream. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!!


Fog Sailing, I need to see where the wind blows me and Wind Hunter before I can let my mind evolve in another direction. This stuff is just way too heavy and too deep for me to take lightly, and so I really need to chew it over and let him chew it over for a long time before I can think about another direction. My heart is strongly telling me - you're the perfect fit - but I'll need to pray about this and get back later on.

Have a wonderful Christmas! and Thank You for being such an incredible blessing to me.
Hey I have 3 guitars, a Strat, Ibanez Acoustic Electric and a Antonio Aparicio Classical. Can't play very well , but I love the way they dress up my Florida Room!

Nnuut, You have the equipment but lack the mindset. Think of them as women - discover them and cherish them and eventually they will become part of you - in fact they will largely form who you are. Then you will never have to say "can't play very well" as playing them will be an intricate part of who you are.

Have a wonderful Christmas my friend - and thanks for being a part of this thread - you are always a valuable addition. :cool:
Nnuut, You have the equipment but lack the mindset. Think of them as women - discover them and cherish them and eventually they will become part of you - in fact they will largely form who you are. Then you will never have to say "can't play very well" as playing them will be an intricate part of who you are.

Have a wonderful Christmas my friend - and thanks for being a part of this thread - you are always a valuable addition. :cool:
They call it desire and dedication. Tried hard the first 4 years, but never could find a band to play with. I think that's the kicker you need to play with others and you will learn. I noodle around and play what I know, really relaxing and rewarding. One thing that I don't do is bolster and brag about how good I am, people that can really play never do that and I never would, if I could!:cool: Thanks for the encouragement.:D
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I noodle around and play what I know, really relaxing and rewarding.

Then you are already there - when it becomes relaxing and rewarding then the struggle to learn is a thing of the past.

What a beautiful picture -- Wow, I'm in love.:) Is missing the bar though.
Then you are already there - when it becomes relaxing and rewarding then the struggle to learn is a thing of the past.

What a beautiful picture -- Wow, I'm in love.:) Is missing the bar though.
Oh Yeah, like slowly sipping on a very large, Grey Goose DIRTY Martini!! :D And fingers never hurt, too tough!! Forgot the Wammy! NAH! that isn't my Strat but the same color, that is a 60s Strat mine is an American 1997, but just as pretty. View attachment 2882
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In the end - time will tell who is on the right track for the TSP investments. I remain unchanged in my outlook and plan to remain in S Fund. The overall dynamics show the bulk are ready to buy and push the Markets to new highs. The smart money only has a few weeks to dress up their portfolios which will drive all the Markets higher. So the bottom line is - many of us feel we are Market Gurus and are somehow gifted in acquiring the impressive returns we've obtained - and in that sense I am part of that mentality - but no one can possibly know for sure until it's all over.

The above was my post from several weeks prior and in the end the S Fund did exactly as I expected. The gains I've made over the past few weeks exceed any other investment strategy. I am pleased with the results and decided to lock my gains - so went 100% G Fund @ COB today (after tacking on another 1+%). When any Fund moves up too fast (especially in conjunction with the day after Christmas) - I expect at least a mild settling before the rally continues. This is one of those rare moments where it is better to trade more frequently.

The past few months have been a little challenging but once again I'm ending the year exceeding my initial goal and very much look forward to the remaining 12.

We are all incredibly blessed to have the stability and benefits the Federal job offers - and to have the opportunity to maximize our TSP investments. Many on the MB besides me have consistently made excellent returns and I would encourage anyone who is uncertain to find them and learn from them.

God Bless!! and Merry Christmas:)
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart! We need to plan another concert sometime after the new year - this time with the acoustic guitar music that Steady wrote about. Don't get me wrong, I love the electric guitar, but at heart I'm really a folkie ... a flower child wannabe. Mamikin

Mamikim and Cornellia are the wind beneath my wings; from the song, "did you ever know that you're my hero - you're everything I've waited for - and I could fly higher than an eagle - you are the wind beneth my wings".

They really do lift me up and keep me going and so I will continue with the events that have shaped my life and made me what I am. For you 2 especially I will move on to the acoustical side - but there was a huge fundamental shift involved. I went from the electric guitar playing - hippie mindset - to somthing else altogether.

Here you need to go back and see the main tap root of my life, what my mother convinced me I was from my very earliest memories. This is what Cornellia said "Imagine if everyone on the face of the Earth grew up believing that - and how beautiful the world would be". So my main tap root was believing that I was very special to God and that he was very pleased with who I was and delighted to have me carry on the role of demonstrating His Love. In childhood I had a very deep and rich faith and as I grew I thought my relationship with God was fairly decent. When I was 18 I found that I had never really tapped into the power source - that I had never surrendered my life over and fully let this source take charge - and in turn I found in reality I was disconnected. This was very hard for me to believe and I was in WV visiting relatives, and so I asked them how can you know if He is in your heart?? and they all told me if He is there then you know it - there is no doubt. So I looked at my life and all the paths I was on and realized that if I died my life would count for nothing. In the end I was convinced if my life was to count for anything I had to completely surrender - and let Him take full control. So I got on my knees in a field and prayed the most desperate prayer of my life - asking Him to take me (every little bit of me) and allowed Him to fully control me. That is when the tap root hit the power source and I've never known anything to compare. My spirit was electrified with an energy so far beyond anything I'd ever experienced before. My mind was fully opened to the Truth and it was wonderful - I had never felt so alive - so complete - never felt such peace and power. I was changed - a totally new creation - and never wanted to go back to anything else. But at the time this happended at my Grandmother's Farm in WV - I had pot plants hanging upside down in my closet at home in Baltimore - just waiting for me to get back and take the leaves/buds off the plants. And I looked on that with regret. Well within minutes of getting home my Wind Hunter friend calls and literally screams with excitement that I'm back home. He asked if I'd tried any of the pot yet and I told him no - so of course he's all the more excited because he wanted to be a part of the initial discovery. So he comes right over. Well I thinkn' - man what do I do - all my friends get high? How am I going to live the Christian life when I don't know any Christians and don't want to lose the only friends I have. So he comes over and I've got quite a bit of pot that we bag up and take some out to try. It turned out to be a very high quality crop and so all the more he is going crazy - and going on like nothing has changed. But that's the hardest part about being really connected to the power source - you are changed and the things that you could enjoy before are now a burden of doom - you feel awful about doing them and you can't escape that - you know it is displeasing the One who really gives you life and so you are quickly brought to this point where you have to decide - do I change (do the right thing) and live in peace - or do I do the wrong thing and be miserable. So for a little while I just tried to pretend and kind of ride the fence - but God doesn't let you get by with that. So maybe another week later I'm in the car with Cornellia and the whole crowd - and when the joint got to me I passed it on to 12%. Well the first time that seemed to go un-noticed but the next time 12% shouts out to everyone that I'm passing the joint and not smoking. Then everyone looks at me with this really alarmed expression - like ohhh my gosh are you sick? ... man, are you OK? the driver is slowing down like maybe I need some air. Wow, it was a really awkward moment - but I told them "I don't want to get high anymore, that I've really changed". Well they all start laughing really hard, because I've been such a cut up in the past. But when they came to realize I really had changed it was increasingly awkward for both of us. They had a hard time getting high when I'm "Mr. Straight" - and even though we went back through the years - this was a BombShell of a trip for them - and it just blew them away. It was a lot easier to not have me around, and I guess I knew that - but it had to be them cutting the strings and not me; yet I guess it was this need for Peace and Completness - this New Life flowing in and out of me that really caused the seperation. So to really understand me you need to realize that my life has some major trunks with roots comming off of them. Hendrix and Music (the Artist Aspect) is one of the biggest trunks - and many roots stem from it. But the most central and strongest root is the one tapped into God and in comparrison the others are nothing.

By this time your eyes are closing - so I'll let you rest.
Ok, Steadygains, You are 100% right. I was speaking on a tecnical level needing many hours of practice to accomplish a level comparable to Ynwgie, Vai, Johnson and Hendrix. I have this knowledge. Spent many years learning scales and modes. From Aeolein, Phrygian, Dorian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Locrian, and Harmonic Minor. I just dont have the tecnical prowess I once had. But there were times when I would be in my music room jamming when all of a sudden the spiritual realm would take over and I would begin to play things that I had never practiced or learned and I didn't know at the time where it was coming from. But only in that realm was I a great player. Thanks for reminding me of this.
Ok, Steadygains, You are 100% right. I was speaking on a tecnical level needing many hours of practice to accomplish a level comparable to Ynwgie, Vai, Johnson and Hendrix. I have this knowledge. Spent many years learning scales and modes. From Aeolein, Phrygian, Dorian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Locrian, and Harmonic Minor. I just dont have the tecnical prowess I once had. But there were times when I would be in my music room jamming when all of a sudden the spiritual realm would take over and I would begin to play things that I had never practiced or learned and I didn't know at the time where it was coming from. But only in that realm was I a great player. Thanks for reminding me of this.

Only a true guitarist on the highest level could relate to this and it is undoubtedly one of the best experiences we could ever know. It really is a spiritual realm - nicely put - THANK YOU!! It was in my music room I had the most spiritual encounters and that's when I really came to feel at one with Jimi.

Thank you Wind Hunter - often I'm so afraid others will think I'm crazy and not understand - so that you were there is wonderful.