TSP Elite
Always glad to have the company 
As crazy as it sounds -- I call it voo doo mentality and it seems to be something that almost everyone 'playing the Markets' has.
My FEAR - is that if I go 100% in -- it will scare the BULL :embarrest:
and I will ruin it for everyone else.
That is the God's honest truth -- and equal to that if I go 100% in and I do scare the BULL -- then I lose 100%.
So -- if 20% keeps things going .... I'll add more later on.
For all who have been IN -- You're dong GREAT !!!

As crazy as it sounds -- I call it voo doo mentality and it seems to be something that almost everyone 'playing the Markets' has.
My FEAR - is that if I go 100% in -- it will scare the BULL :embarrest:

That is the God's honest truth -- and equal to that if I go 100% in and I do scare the BULL -- then I lose 100%.
So -- if 20% keeps things going .... I'll add more later on.
For all who have been IN -- You're dong GREAT !!!