If my eyes aren't tricking me again, you have already accomplished such a
worthy goal by being Number#27
(However you failed to point out that I fell from #26) 
while I'm stuck at Number#30. My friend,
before I start having fun at your expense, let me say "Congratulations" are
in order! And I'm truly happy to see you in the "Green". Its never easy !
Now that the important stuff is out of the way, lets have some fun !
If I'm not mistaken, your tracking began the day before Independence
Day (7/3/08). In the month of July there were 11 opportunities to gain a
total of +11.39% and 9 opportunities to lose -10.73% and by (7/31/08)
you managed to build a resounding +0.24% MTD and YTD (Bravo)! So far
in August your taking it to the house ! You've gained +1.13% and have
yet another day to add to your stellar performance.
(Thank you) Who knows, maybe
today will get you over my +1.65% MTD (etched in stone) return.
(Master I am but a Jedi apprentice) By the
way, if a rookie joins the tracker on September 2nd and experiences a
+3.50% gain the very next day, I hope he writes you to let you know
that he's beating you in the tracker ! Now that would be justice !
(Yes, it would be a humbling experience.)
I couldn't help but chuckle while I wrote this little sarcastic spoof and
I hope you got a chuckle or two out of it yourself. That was my intent.
So come January 1st, 2009 it would appear that a challenge is in the
offing. I can see it now, one Hamburger from Wendy's Management
Institute, located in Dublin, Ohio (been there, done that)
(actually had a meal at the very first Wendy's in Columbus, Ohio many years ago) vs. one
Pats Cheese Steak from South Philadelphia, PA. (wid or widout). Oh
yes, been there done that too! Didn't everyone start their careers in
Fast Food Restaurant?
(Nope never had to say "would you like fries with that". Through high school I worked at the neighborhood library and at the local drug store). Anyway, hope you had as much fun reading this
as I did writing it. Good Luck tomorrow ! It better be a positive day or
you can expect me to gloat alittle. The force will be with you, always!