Squalebear's Account Talk

Yep that was some straight up 80s. :D

I even got the bear's dancing in sync with the video. The 80s nostasia makes me want to dust off my old boom box, add 16 D Cell batteries, put on some ACDC, and go walking down the street with no purpose in mind. :p

Youth is wasted on the young ! I pulled a muscle watching the video ! :nuts:
SB, Careful I am ready to pass you in the tracker. May the force be with us.

If my eyes aren't tricking me again, you have already accomplished such a
worthy goal by being Number#27 while I'm stuck at Number#30. My friend,
before I start having fun at your expense, let me say "Congratulations" are
in order! And I'm truly happy to see you in the "Green". Its never easy ! :)

Now that the important stuff is out of the way, lets have some fun !

If I'm not mistaken, your tracking began the day before Independence
Day (7/3/08). In the month of July there were 11 opportunities to gain a
total of +11.39% and 9 opportunities to lose -10.73% and by (7/31/08)
you managed to build a resounding +0.24% MTD and YTD (Bravo)! So far
in August your taking it to the house ! You've gained +1.13% and have
yet another day to add to your stellar performance. Who knows, maybe
today will get you over my +1.65% MTD (etched in stone) return. By the
way, if a rookie joins the tracker on September 2nd and experiences a
+3.50% gain the very next day, I hope he writes you to let you know
that he's beating you in the tracker ! Now that would be justice ! :toung:

I couldn't help but chuckle while I wrote this little sarcastic spoof and
I hope you got a chuckle or two out of it yourself. That was my intent.
So come January 1st, 2009 it would appear that a challenge is in the
offing. I can see it now, one Hamburger from Wendy's Management
Institute, located in Dublin, Ohio (been there, done that) vs. one
Pats Cheese Steak from South Philadelphia, PA. (wid or widout). Oh
yes, been there done that too! Didn't everyone start their careers in
Fast Food Restaurant? Anyway, hope you had as much fun reading this
as I did writing it. Good Luck tomorrow ! It better be a positive day or
you can expect me to gloat alittle. The force will be with you, always! :laugh:
LOL, SB you are one of the best.

If my eyes aren't tricking me again, you have already accomplished such a
worthy goal by being Number#27 (However you failed to point out that I fell from #26) :D while I'm stuck at Number#30. My friend,
before I start having fun at your expense, let me say "Congratulations" are
in order! And I'm truly happy to see you in the "Green". Its never easy !

Now that the important stuff is out of the way, lets have some fun !

If I'm not mistaken, your tracking began the day before Independence
Day (7/3/08). In the month of July there were 11 opportunities to gain a
total of +11.39% and 9 opportunities to lose -10.73% and by (7/31/08)
you managed to build a resounding +0.24% MTD and YTD (Bravo)! So far
in August your taking it to the house ! You've gained +1.13% and have
yet another day to add to your stellar performance. (Thank you) Who knows, maybe
today will get you over my +1.65% MTD (etched in stone) return. (Master I am but a Jedi apprentice) By the
way, if a rookie joins the tracker on September 2nd and experiences a
+3.50% gain the very next day, I hope he writes you to let you know
that he's beating you in the tracker ! Now that would be justice ! (Yes, it would be a humbling experience.)

I couldn't help but chuckle while I wrote this little sarcastic spoof and
I hope you got a chuckle or two out of it yourself. That was my intent.
So come January 1st, 2009 it would appear that a challenge is in the
offing. I can see it now, one Hamburger from Wendy's Management
Institute, located in Dublin, Ohio (been there, done that) (actually had a meal at the very first Wendy's in Columbus, Ohio many years ago) vs. one
Pats Cheese Steak from South Philadelphia, PA. (wid or widout). Oh
yes, been there done that too! Didn't everyone start their careers in
Fast Food Restaurant? (Nope never had to say "would you like fries with that". Through high school I worked at the neighborhood library and at the local drug store). Anyway, hope you had as much fun reading this
as I did writing it. Good Luck tomorrow ! It better be a positive day or
you can expect me to gloat alittle. The force will be with you, always!

May the force be with us.:cool:
nasa1974 said:
(However you failed to point out that I fell from #26)
I wasn't trying to make you cry for goodness sakes, that is sad though ! :toung:

(Thank You)
Don't thank me, Thank the FRTIB for drowning our profits !

(Master I am but a Jedi apprentice)
Arise my young apprentice, from this day forward you will be known as;
Darth-Bear ! If the Market turns around, we'll call you Darth-Bull ! :)

(Yes, it would be a humbling experience.)
Darth ! I don't want humble, I want blood in the streets !

(actually had a meal at the very first Wendy's in Columbus, Ohio many years ago)
Before getting my Diploma, I was required to work Lunch in Columbus.
I couldn't wait to get out of there, so I could get me a Arby's Roast Beef.

(Nope never had to say "would you like fries with that".)
Suggestive Selling added at least 1% to my profit sharing arrangement.
My people loved me so much, they tried to sell napkins. I had to put a
stop to it, but thats what I called "motivation" ! ;)

(Through high school I worked at the neighborhood library and at the local drug store).
I bet you picked up a lot of chics there ! I actually met my wife at the
Hot & Juicy Hangout! 28 years later, she still thinks I'm a Control Freak,
Obsessive Compulsive, Underpaid and Over Worked Cyborg ! So I ask her;
"isn't there anything negative you want to tell me?" :laugh:

Nasa, you've made my day ! Thanks !
SB, I posted some links to the FRTIB on my account. If you have some time this weekend there is some interesting information. One other link is for the monthly meeting minutes: http://www.frtib.gov/FOIA/minutes.html

Master BS. OOPS! Sorry! Master SB have a nice labor day weekend. :nuts:

May the force be with us.:cool:
SB, I posted some links to the FRTIB on my account. If you have some time this weekend there is some interesting information. One other link is for the monthly meeting minutes: http://www.frtib.gov/FOIA/minutes.html

Master BS. OOPS! Sorry! Master SB have a nice labor day weekend. :nuts:

May the force be with us.:cool:

Thanks Darth-Bear,

I downloaded them last night and plan to read them as time allows. I hope
L2R takes a moment and disects the information as she does so well. We
might even do a comparison of pre-limit expenses vs. the 2nd Qrt. I'd be
seriously interested in seeing how they differ and more importantly, Why !

I did notice one thing when I scanned over the thing. I posted this some
where, but I said they will use the Market Volitility as an excuse. I read
the very same thing in the minutes. The Hardship Loans and Withdraw
increase never addresses the possibility that members are bailing out of
the TSP for less restrictive accounts. There's lots to be found I'm sure.
I thought I'd throw this on my thread, it kinda got lost in another.

A few questions comes to mind when I think about taking my money out of the TSP and putting it into an IRA;

Q1- For a guy like me, who trades frequently, What kind of cost would I
incurr with,,,,,say,,,,,,4 transfers per month,,,,,and DCA'ing 4 more times
back into safety. (on a yearly basis). I know it will vary based on what
company I go with, but an average is what I'm looking for. :confused:

Q2- If I trandfer a large sum from my TSP into a Traditional IRA, then 3
years later (before 59-1/2) make a lump sum withdraw from the IRA, don't
I have 30days before I find myself in a tax situation. :confused:

Q#3- Can't I take that Lump sum and deposit into my Checking Acct and
then Tranfer it back to my TSP if desired. Or even get a Cashiers Check
and send it to the TSP without problems.:confused:
I thought I'd throw this on my thread, it kinda got lost in another.

A few questions comes to mind when I think about taking my money out of the TSP and putting it into an IRA;

Q1- For a guy like me, who trades frequently, What kind of cost would I
incurr with,,,,,say,,,,,,4 transfers per month,,,,,and DCA'ing 4 more times
back into safety. (on a yearly basis). I know it will vary based on what
company I go with, but an average is what I'm looking for. :confused:

Q2- If I trandfer a large sum from my TSP into a Traditional IRA, then 3
years later (before 59-1/2) make a lump sum withdraw from the IRA, don't
I have 30days before I find myself in a tax situation. :confused:

Q#3- Can't I take that Lump sum and deposit into my Checking Acct and
then Tranfer it back to my TSP if desired. Or even get a Cashiers Check
and send it to the TSP without problems.:confused:
Lady, your expertise is required..
A few questions comes to mind when I think about taking my money out of the TSP and putting it into an IRA;

Q1- For a guy like me, who trades frequently, What kind of cost would I
incurr with,,,,,say,,,,,,4 transfers per month,,,,,and DCA'ing 4 more times
back into safety. (on a yearly basis). I know it will vary based on what
company I go with, but an average is what I'm looking for.

Q2- If I trandfer a large sum from my TSP into a Traditional IRA, then 3
years later (before 59-1/2) make a lump sum withdraw from the IRA, don't
I have 30days before I find myself in a tax situation.

Q#3- Can't I take that Lump sum and deposit into my Checking Acct and
then Tranfer it back to my TSP if desired. Or even get a Cashiers Check
and send it to the TSP without problems.
SB, my fine bear, L2R has more faith in my knowledge base than I do, unfortunately! :o

The only small piece of your question that I can help with is to tell you that (regarding question #3), if you're talking about taking the lump sum before before you retire, then it would be handled like any other TSP loan and payback. And if you're talking about taking a lump sum out after you retire, then you can't put it back in your TSP account. :(

And I can't help at all with the other questions. Wish I could.

Who else can step in and help out our Bear Brother here? Anyone?

SB, I've got 6 admissions I need to urgently address so barely had time to look at your questions.

Let me just say briefly - as a friend and as a Brother - please don't get caught up in the "negative sentiment" with Barclays and the limited IFTs.

Seriously - the more frequently you trade - the more likely you are to lose it all. The odds are way more in favor of losing "not winning".

Talk with your wife and make sure she's 100% behind your decisions. Remember the TSP is meant for the golden years of retirement and not as "a lump sum" to cash in on for frequent trading.

Get your mind off the daily (and all the more - the weekly stuff) and try to really let your heart give you a sense of where the Markets are going over the rest of the year (the next 3 months). Then shift your account and hold tight.

Your questions and concerns kind of scare me - my friend - I'd hate to see you lose a good thing.
Your questions and concerns kind of scare me - my friend - I'd hate to see you lose a good thing.

I would have to respectfully flip the coin and point out that you can't win if you don't play and aren't' willing to accept some risk.

I'd rather take out a TSP loan and take an educated risk. Spreading your options around isn't a bad idea. Who knows what the TSP Board will do in the future? After all, they have already screwed me over by changing the IFT rules AFTER I made a commitment to invest in them.

As for me, I'm young (35) and still have plenty of time on my side. And when I do take out a TSP loan to open an IRA, I won't be taking out all of it.

Too many factors, age, time, money, taxes... SQ, as long as you weigh your risk and expel your ego in the process, you'll make the right choice.

I can give you precise answers but I need to know if we are talking about pre- or post-retirement withdrawals; and will you be working in retirement in private sector or as a rehired annuitant, etc. As Lady said, that does make a difference in how things are handled.
Wow, the (I) Fund actually managed to have a positive day AND gain a
additional +0.07 tsp cents by the fund mangers adding to the debt. Not
by alot, as the O/D Tracker remains in the "Green", but a gain non the
less. Congratulation are definately in order. This gives the Fund Mgrs.
more room to do the same thing tomarrow, add to the debt. In turn that
could result in greater gains (like today) or lesser losses. No crystal ball
here and we have alot to be thankful for as the month of August comes
to an end. Here's hoping we close it out with a bang.


(C) Fund vs. the SPX = 0.2152 TSP Cent Overpayment or +1.45%
(S) Fund vs.. DWCPF = 0.2940 TSP Cent Overpayment or +1.57%
(I) .Fund vs. the EFA = 0.2877 TSP Cent Overpayment or +1.41% :)
(F) Fund vs. the AGG = 0.3112 TSP Cent Overpayment or +2.55%


......DATE.....DLY % DIFF.....YTD TSP CENTS.....
(8/04/08) -0.0408% -0.4046 tsp cents
(8/05/08) -0.6135% -0.2821 tsp cents
(8/06/08) -0.1200% -0.2564 tsp cents
(8/07/08) +0.4625% -0.3490 tsp cents
(8/08/08) -0.1342% -0.3219 tsp cents
WEEKLY..-0.5811% -0.0953 tsp cents

......DATE.....DLY % DIFF.....YTD TSP CENTS.....
(8/11/08) +0.5724% -0.4440 tsp cents
(8/12/08) -0.0567% -0.4287 tsp cents
(8/13/08) -0.7199% -0.2719 tsp cents
(8/14/08) +0.6715% -0.4104 tsp cents
(8/15/08) -0.1735% -0.3715 tsp cents
WEEKLY..-0.0393%+0.0496 tsp cents

......DATE.....DLY % DIFF.....YTD TSP CENTS.....
(8/18/08) +0.0903% -0.3882 tsp cents
(8/19/08) -0.4733% -0.2878 tsp cents
(8/20/08) -0.1002% -0.2692 tsp cents
(8/21/08) -0.1488% -0.2401 tsp cents
(8/22/08) +0.0729% -0.2561 tsp cents
WEEKLY..-0.5591% -0.1154 tsp cents

......DATE.....DLY % DIFF.....YTD TSP CENTS.....
(8/25/08) +0.7622% -0.4063 tsp cents
(8/26/08) -0.4230% -0.3220 tsp cents
(8/27/08) -0.5610% -0.2106 tsp cents
(8/28/08) +0.3609% -0.2877 tsp cents :)

------------------------------------------------- WE OWE THEM ----
- .9999 thru -.4000 High Overpayment (Rarely Goes Higher)
- .4000 thru -.3000 Meduim Overpayment, (Flip A Coin)
- .3000 thru -.2000 Low Overpayment (Goal is Met) :)
- .2000 thru -.1000 (Not Seen Too Often)
- .1000 thru -.0000 (Not Seen For Over 2 Months)
-------------------------------------------------- THEY OWE US ----
+.0000 thru+.1000 Low Deficit (Goal is Met)
+.1000 thru+.1500 Medium Deficit (Flip A Coin)
+.1500 thru+.2500 High Deficit (Rarely Goes Lower)
+.2500 thru+.3000 Windfall Coming !

SB, I've been doing some thinking.
Someone in another thread mentioned the on Aug 16, 2007 we the evil 3000 (that's us), moved so much money that Barclays had a 452M dollar deficit. The reserves were invested in a hedge fund that defaulted and the balance was suppposed to be evened out on 8/17 but did not occur until 8/21. Could this possibly be why BGI is maintaining a "owed" status on all the funds so frequently, especially the I. If they already have the money owed, it doesn't become a cash flow problem for them. Kind of like the bank of TSP. When they owe us it is because they have cash flow issues and made a withdrawl. Just a thought. JB45
SB, I've been doing some thinking.
Someone in another thread mentioned the on Aug 16, 2007 we the evil 3000 (that's us), moved so much money that Barclays had a 452M dollar deficit. The reserves were invested in a hedge fund that defaulted and the balance was suppposed to be evened out on 8/17 but did not occur until 8/21. Could this possibly be why BGI is maintaining a "owed" status on all the funds so frequently, especially the I. If they already have the money owed, it doesn't become a cash flow problem for them. Kind of like the bank of TSP. When they owe us it is because they have cash flow issues and made a withdrawl. Just a thought. JB45
Kinda makes sense...if it's "owed" then it's just being carried on the books and they balance it every so often with a payment or withdrawal.
Kinda makes sense...if it's "owed" then it's just being carried on the books and they balance it every so often with a payment or withdrawal.

I took it a little farther. Based on the July FTRIB minutes there were 225.7 Billion dollars and 3.9M participants. In a spreadsheet they had the funds broken down by millions of dollars per fund. I took those dollar amounts and divided by the closing share price 6/30/08. That gives you the total number of shares in play if you add it up for all accounts. I dropped the decimals here but carried the over in calcs.
G 7,154,080,000
F 1,108,360,927
C 4,333,173,406
S 787,082,649
I 948,483,467
Inc 96,860,986
2010 353,320,053
2020 567,538,265
2030 322,462,871
2040 217,115,499

Total shares in play 15,888,478,499. If BGI overpaid by 1/2 cent $0.005 they would have $79,442,390 squirreled away for a rainy day.
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SB - I know you're sending a post here as I'm sending this one. But I'm finally ready to head home.

Listen my friend - do what you what to do and I hope everything really works out.

My fear of you disappearing could not be avoided. But taking that fear away - who knows life is short and lots of opportunities would far surpass the TSP.

GL - my brother - whatever you decide and have a great 3 day weekend.
And I can't help at all with the other
questions. Wish I could.Who else can step in and help out our Bear
Brother here? Anyone?Lady
Thanks Lady, Always there for me.

Your questions and concerns kind of
scare me my friend - I'd hate to see you lose a good thing.
Alway looking out for your little brother ! Thanks Steady !
This was simply investagatory and not a decision I made.
I read a lot about the topic on other threads and wanted
to truly understand the ramifications, if asked. I'm too close
to the rainbow to mess with something so important. By the
way, not to toot my horn too loudly, ever since I found that
I could manage my own money (pre-limits) I've beaten the
TSP Funds like a redheaded step-child. I have nothing against
redheaded children (I adopted one in 1986) but being a winner
is non negotiable and my goals to beat every fund are in tact.

IAs for me, I'm young (35) and still have plenty of time on my side.
And when I do take out a TSP loan to open an IRA, I won't be taking out all of it.
Nor should you. What good for you is not necessarily good for
others. Strong conviction and financial comfort are degrees
of personal choice. Do your homework, leave no stone unturned
and make a informed decision. After that, you will only know if
it was the right move once time rolls up your pant leg.

Could this possibly be why BGI is maintaining
a "owed" status on all the funds so frequently, especially the I.
I believe the thread that you read has great insight in the matter
and believe it to be true. Barclays have their reasons and I will
concentrate on the results of those decisions. I must leave the
"why" to those with greater knowledge then I. Your The Best !

Kinda makes sense...if it's "owed" then it's just
being carried on the books and they balance it every so often with a
payment or withdrawal.
Isn't that more likely the scenario. I would tend to agree. Thanks
just doesn't seem to be enough anymore. Your Great !

SB - I know you're sending a post here as I'm sending this one. But I'm finally ready to head home. Listen my friend - do what you what to do and I hope everything really works out. My fear of you disappearing could not be avoided. But taking that fear away - who knows life is short and lots of opportunities would far surpass the TSP.
GL - my brother - whatever you decide and have a great 3 day weekend.
By the time you read this, you'll be home! But I want to respond anyway;
Every time your fingers touch those keys on the keyboard, you demonstrate
great character, wizdom and a caring not easily found in this crazy world
of ours. Don't ever change ! You make walking away all but impossible. ! :)
How nice of the Fund Managers to give us (G) Funders the normal Monday
boost today (Friday before the Labor Day Weekend). The (I) Fund did
receive a little extra today (more debt added) which prevented the fund
from having more then a .02 tsp cent loss. Time is not on my side and I
must appologize and run. Maybe later, I'll look at the figures closer and
add some commentary if need be. Until them, Have A Great Holiday ! ;)


(C) Fund vs. the SPX = 0.2133 TSP Cent Overpayment or +1.45%
(S) Fund vs.. DWCPF = 0.2845 TSP Cent Overpayment or +1.54%
(I) .Fund vs. the EFA = 0.3291 TSP Cent Overpayment or +1.61% :confused:
(F) Fund vs. the AGG = 0.3105 TSP Cent Overpayment or +2.55%


......DATE.....DLY % DIFF.....YTD TSP CENTS.....
(8/04/08) -0.0408% -0.4046 tsp cents
(8/05/08) -0.6135% -0.2821 tsp cents
(8/06/08) -0.1200% -0.2564 tsp cents
(8/07/08) +0.4625% -0.3490 tsp cents
(8/08/08) -0.1342% -0.3219 tsp cents
WEEKLY..-0.5811% -0.0953 tsp cents

......DATE.....DLY % DIFF.....YTD TSP CENTS.....
(8/11/08) +0.5724% -0.4440 tsp cents
(8/12/08) -0.0567% -0.4287 tsp cents
(8/13/08) -0.7199% -0.2719 tsp cents
(8/14/08) +0.6715% -0.4104 tsp cents
(8/15/08) -0.1735% -0.3715 tsp cents
WEEKLY..+0.0393%+0.0496 tsp cents

......DATE.....DLY % DIFF.....YTD TSP CENTS.....
(8/18/08) +0.0903% -0.3882 tsp cents
(8/19/08) -0.4733% -0.2878 tsp cents
(8/20/08) -0.1002% -0.2692 tsp cents
(8/21/08) -0.1488% -0.2401 tsp cents
(8/22/08) +0.0729% -0.2561 tsp cents
WEEKLY..-0.5591% -0.1154 tsp cents

......DATE.....DLY % DIFF.....YTD TSP CENTS.....
(8/25/08) +0.7622% -0.4063 tsp cents
(8/26/08) -0.4230% -0.3220 tsp cents
(8/27/08) -0.5610% -0.2106 tsp cents
(8/28/08) +0.3609% -0.2877 tsp cents
(8/29/08) +0.2044% -0.3291 tsp cents :confused:
WEEKLY +0.3435% +0.0730 tsp cents

------------------------------------------------- WE OWE THEM ----
- .9999 thru -.4000 High Overpayment (Rarely Goes Higher)
- .4000 thru -.3000 Meduim Overpayment, (Flip A Coin) :confused:
- .3000 thru -.2000 Low Overpayment (Goal is Met)
- .2000 thru -.1000 (Not Seen Too Often)
- .1000 thru -.0000 (Not Seen For Over 2 Months)
-------------------------------------------------- THEY OWE US ----
+.0000 thru+.1000 Low Deficit (Goal is Met)
+.1000 thru+.1500 Medium Deficit (Flip A Coin)
+.1500 thru+.2500 High Deficit (Rarely Goes Lower)
+.2500 thru+.3000 Windfall Coming !
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