A Thought Or Two Concerning TSP Strategies;
One will quickly find a variety of different strategies being played out
within this marvelous website. Some would even call them philosophies.
But what ever you call them, each have very unique difference. Some of
those differences can be the difference between success and failure. All
in all, its your individual circumstances which must be defined before
making the decision to follow a concept, philosophy or strategy.
What sense does it make to buy and hold if your retiring in 12 months ?
Whats the best Long Term Strategy with having 25 years ahead of you ?
What are your goals ? What is your risk tolerance ? Can you afford to
absorb a 15% loss, knowing that you'll have enough time to recover the
loss and benefit over time ? Do Charts give you the edge ? Do the various
Technical Indictators tell you the whole story ? Do pay-services benefit
you enough to justify the cost ?
So many individual factors are vital before making such a decision. New
members should never follow the leader unless they've strongly considered
all the factors that come into play. Once that has happend, an informed
decision can be made. I became a member not knowing this. At least, not
thinking about it. I've come to realize that; what works for one, may not
work for all or work for me. Please keep this in mind when you ultimately
decide to lean towards a particular strategy or game plan. If you do,
there will be fewer surprises and maybe,,,if your lucky,,,you'll be more
right then wrong. And that my friends is everyones goal, no matter who
you are or what strategy you follow.