Gents, If I were as upset as some members appear to be I would do one of two things; either pick up my marbles and go play somewhere else or pull up my pants and find another House of the Rising Sun. You cannot fight these people - please realize that there is still ample opportunity to make capital appreciation in your TSP account. Search for the forest away from the individual trees.
Birchtree, Its not so easy to give up the comfort level that the TSP has
always provided. In fact, it could be too costly for me at this stage of the
game. My marbles will not yield. Although the Board has my pants around
my knees, they'll eventualy withdraw and I'll still be out there playing with
my marbles in public. (LoL). I don't agree with your statement when you
said; "You can't fight these people". I would agree with you more if you
said, "You can't win". I lean towards that belief myself. But this is not
a fight that I wanted, nor started. Based on the letter (below), One can
almost conclude that this has turned personal for some on the Board. I'll
just have to wait and see how it all turns out.

As far as Capital Appreciation, I love reading your comments and respect
your opinion. You are extremely wise in things I aspire to learn. Now, lets
hope "Smokey The Bear" doesn't start burning down our money trees.
After all, there can be no forest without them.