I've been following the P&F Chart recently. According to that we have a little further to go before we see some more upward movement. Of course, the chart doesn't say how long it will take to get there. Or we could see the floor drop out below us...Or maybe I'm
all wrong and we'll keep pushing higher in spite of all the gloom and doom.
An old saying comes to mind, in fact, two (just to spice up my response);
"Wall street climbs on a wall of worry" "Without no risk, there is no gain"
With that said, I've heard we are about to drop another shoe and fall into
the depths of Depression. I've heard that we've hit the bottom of the Bear
Market and sideline monies are gonna start pouring in. So where's a TSP'er
suppose to turn when so many mixed opinions hit you like an M16 on burst
As you so eliquently wrote above; "maybe" ! The search for answers puts
us on a quest, a thirst for knowledge from those more experienced. When
it's all said and done, the word "maybe" should have powerful meaning !
Indecision should equal "safety" for thats not good enough to assume
Partial Agreement (leaning) allows us to avail ourselves to some risk.
In Total Agreement (convinced) opens the door to both good and bad.
So if "maybe" is strong enough, I'd be overweight in safety and take a
risk at being wrong with a very small portion of my portfolio. Until the
Markets, Charts, Puntificators and Prognosticators come into alignment
with the Third Moon of Jupiter or until my wife stops asking me to take
out the trash, mixed signals should have us air on the side of caution.
As far as my risk vs. reward decision for tomarrow. I took my retirement
and testicles to Atlantic City and I'm rolling them dice, yet again. As we
look forward to Wednesdays opening; Hong Kong, Germany, DJstoxx and
the American Futures Market are nicely in the "green". Good Luck Bro !