Squalebear's Account Talk

UNRESTRICTED DIFFERENTIAL: -$2078.92 (They owe me)

-RESTRICTED PORTFOLIO: +3.72% YTD 55%(F)20%(C)15%(S)10%(I)

I remember reading somewhere that when the VIX (Volitility Index)
dropped below 20 (A Few Days Ago) that the US Market had substantial
gains thereafter. The "buy" on any good news/sell on any bad news, has
left some of us holding the bag in still a very volitile market. Many of the
charts showed promise, but they didn't account for GE having such a
profound impact on trading Friday. The bottom is still a matter of deep
discussion on both sides of the isle. Risk vs. Reward is swaying back and
forth (more then Elvis Presley's hips) and I'm still getting dizzy.

I took my Unrestricted Account into stock funds for Monday and it's hard
not to believe that I was a little early in doing so. Being in the Bond Fund
this past week allowed for some modest gains. I couldn't be more happier.
Well, yes I could ! This fund is for "make believe" and it would have been
nice if my restrictions didn't drive my restricted account to a 12 day
-$2078.92 shortfall. Small Claims Court will not in my future. If this should
continue, they'll be calling the TSP the "Squalebear Savings Plan" (SSP).
Kind of like a Sustained Superior Performance (SSP). Anyway, you can't
win if you don't play ! Here's to having a "Bounce Of A Lifetime" come
Monday for each and every one of us !
Nasa1974, No flame necessary. I read your questions earlier this morning
on a different thread. Although I didn't have an answer at the time, the
questions were extremely valid. So, to answer your questions I can only
point you to the best location I could find for ya. Click on the link below;


Oh yes, one more thing. Stop calling yourself a newbie and stop calling
us the old timers. Hell, I could be younger then you, say, 22 years old.
(Well, I can make believe, can't I) :nuts:
Your respect is appreciated, we're all hear to learn and help one another
make some well deserved $Cha-Ching$ (Not Yen, Only USdollars allowed).
Stick around and don't bail out on us and "they will come".

Thanks Squalebear, I have some reading to do. I just noticed I have upgraded from newbie to rookie. YES!!! :D
As far as you old timers I may very well be older than most. Let's just say 38 years of government service and that incliudes 4 years military.:cool:
May the market be with you.
I just received a FEDex Document Package delivery. I can't take anymore
bad news today. Has anyone received the same from the Federal Retire-
ment Thrift Inv out of Washington DC.? If so, what the hell is it now ? An
IV to take my blood more easily? SHOULD I OPEN IT ?
I just received a letter from Mr. Long concerning a fax I sent requesting that I be taken off the snail mail restriction and that I would adhere to all policies and guidelines. My fax was sent on April 8th, 2008. Their response came in a FedEx Standard Overnight Shipping Document holder. Here's a hint at what they said; They sent a TSP-50 along with a 2 page answer.

I'll go into more detail a little later, as I MUST run out and throw up now!
I just received a letter from Mr. Long concerning a fax I sent requesting that I be taken off the snail mail restriction and that I would adhere to all policies and guidelines. My fax was sent on April 8th, 2008. Their response came in a FedEx Standard Overnight Shipping Document holder. Here's a hint at what they said; They sent a TSP-50 along with a 2 page answer.

I'll go into more detail a little later, as I MUST run out and throw up now!

That totally sucks man!

I just received a letter from Mr. Long concerning a fax I sent requesting that I be taken off the snail mail restriction and that I would adhere to all policies and guidelines. My fax was sent on April 8th, 2008. Their response came in a FedEx Standard Overnight Shipping Document holder. Here's a hint at what they said; They sent a TSP-50 along with a 2 page answer.

I'll go into more detail a little later, as I MUST run out and throw up now!

Please scan in .pdf format and share with us, Thanks, EA.
I just received a FEDex Document Package delivery. I can't take anymore
bad news today. Has anyone received the same from the Federal Retire-
ment Thrift Inv out of Washington DC.? If so, what the hell is it now ? An
IV to take my blood more easily? SHOULD I OPEN IT ?

Got one too. Among other things Mr Long had this to say

You noted in your letter that 'approximately 3500 other members are, as I understand it, also either locked into the G fund unable to move into equity funds; or, stuck in the equities funds, afraid and/or unable to timely move to the G fund to safeguard their retirement.' Your understanding is wrong. As a result of the January mailing, mor than 85% of the recipients valuntarily changed their investment strategies and were therefore unaffected by the interim regulation.
Doesn't he realize he's contradicting himself in a single sentence?

If we "voluntarily" changed our investment strategies as a result of the January mailing...then we ARE affected by the interim regulation. We changed under duress of the restriction threatened by the interim regulation as stated in the january mailing. What an IDIOT.:nuts:

LOL, thought you'd get a kick out of that statement!

I wonder how much they're spending on these FedEx shipments.
Doesn't he realize he's contradicting himself in a single sentence?

If we "voluntarily" changed our investment strategies as a result of the January mailing...then we ARE affected by the interim regulation. We changed under duress of the restriction threatened by the interim regulation as stated in the january mailing. What an IDIOT.:nuts:

Good catch anidoc...what a contradiction indeed!! Tells you a little bit about the character behind such hoodwinking.
Sorry this took so long ! Here is a "typed" copy of the letter I previously eluded to;

Dear Mr....................................., PAGE #1

This in in response to your April 8, 2008, fax requesting an exception to the
decision conveyed in our March 13, 2008 letter, that effective noon eastern time on
March 13, 2008, you will be (and are) prohibited from making interfund transfers (IFT's)
electronically. You state that you believe that you can adhere to the guidelines and
appologize for not doing so when warned in January.

We reviewed your recent account history. According to our records, you made
ten IFT's during February. Further, in March, you made 13; nine of which were executed
after March 13. There is no indication that you called regarding the January 24, 2008,

The language in the January 24 letter is very clear. On page one, it states "unless
you reduce your trading activity to no more than three interfund transfers (IFT's) per
month, we may require you to request interfund transfers by mail only". On page two, it
states "Therefore, unless you reduce your IFT's to no more than three per month (starting
in February), we may notify you that you will be required to request your IFT's by mail
until the permanent restrictions have been impemented." We were hoping that all
participants would voluntarily comply with these restrictions because we did not wish to
penalize anyone. However, we clearly indicated that failure to comply might result in
restrictions, which we are now implementing.

Because you exceeded the stated limit for IFT's in February, we are denying your
request. We provided explicit notice regarding the requirements. You received the
warning and apparently decided to ignore it. A promise of future compliance does not
mitigate past behavior.


Accordingly, you will continue to be required to request your IFT's by paper.
Enclosed for your use is a copy of the Form TSP-50, Investment Allocation; you may
make copies of the form or contact the TSP at 1-877-968-3778 and request additional
copies. As indicated in the March 13 letter, the Investment Allocation form is not
available in the Forms & Publications section of the TSP web site. However, if you
attempt to request an IFT through Account Access, you will receive an error message
containing a special link to the Allocation form. You can then download the form.
Please note, that this "paper only" restriction will be lifted once the structural
changes, which will apply to all participants, are implemented. The comment period for
the proposed regulations closed April 9th. Therefore, depending upon the coments and
the final decisions on the restrictions, the earliest that these changes could be
implemented is May 1, 2008.

This is a final decision and may not be appealed.

Gregory T. Long
Executive Director

The statements made in the letter were typed "word for word".
It certainly did stand out as a penalty, Anidoc. It also comes
across as "this will teach you to mess with us". My respectful
request was not only denied, it was "a final decision and may
not be appealed". Boy, to be treated with such arrogance and
lack of respect and flexability is disheartening. But to think that
Long is being spiteful and retalitory, leaves me little choice but
to continue my tracking and show both financial and mental
hardship. Mr. Long better hope that my tracking leaves too little
of a difference in Account Balances to bother. If I wait much
beyond May 1st (16 days), my tolerance will shrink concerning
"ANY" account balance discrepancies. Soon thereafter, It won't
matter. I will show no compassion nor remorse by giving this to
a Pro Bono friend and let the chips fall where they may. Even if
it takes years, my son will eventually benefit from their lack of
respect and under estimating my resolve.
Was the letter you recieved on official letter head?

Yes, it was on FRTIB letterhead dated April 11th, 2008:mad:
His intent was not to penalize participants, but thats what
he ultimately did anyway. His good intentions "does not
mitigate past behavior"
One Last Thing, For I Have To Go Out For A Few Hours;

I'm aware that this Web Site is being monitored by some
who wish to remain unheard. Maybe by the Thrift Board.
Maybe by those who represent them in some sort of legal
capacity. I am fully aware that by typing my thoughts and
feelings, I am possibly sharing my thoughts with those who
do not have my best interest at heart. :mad:

It is for that reason, that I've decided not to publish my
comparisons between my Restricted/Unrestricted Acct's
any further. I will leave that information to those who do
have my best interest at heart. :cheesy:

Of coarse, I will continue to voice my opinion, even when
it's not wanted or not shared. I will continue to have fun
and enjoy the time I spend here at TSPtalk. For obvious
reasons, my Restrictions will no longer dominate the topic
of my conversations.

Thanks for all the advise and support !
This truely is, a unique website ! :)

If I were as upset as some members appear to be I would do one of two things; either pick up my marbles and go play somewhere else or pull up my pants and find another House of the Rising Sun. You cannot fight these people - please realize that there is still ample opportunity to make capital appreciation in your TSP account. Search for the forest away from the individual trees.