UNRESTRICTED DIFFERENTIAL: -$2078.92 (They owe me)
-RESTRICTED PORTFOLIO: +3.72% YTD 55%(F)20%(C)15%(S)10%(I)
I remember reading somewhere that when the VIX (Volitility Index)
dropped below 20 (A Few Days Ago) that the US Market had substantial
gains thereafter. The "buy" on any good news/sell on any bad news, has
left some of us holding the bag in still a very volitile market. Many of the
charts showed promise, but they didn't account for GE having such a
profound impact on trading Friday. The bottom is still a matter of deep
discussion on both sides of the isle. Risk vs. Reward is swaying back and
forth (more then Elvis Presley's hips) and I'm still getting dizzy.
I took my Unrestricted Account into stock funds for Monday and it's hard
not to believe that I was a little early in doing so. Being in the Bond Fund
this past week allowed for some modest gains. I couldn't be more happier.
Well, yes I could ! This fund is for "make believe" and it would have been
nice if my restrictions didn't drive my restricted account to a 12 day
-$2078.92 shortfall. Small Claims Court will not in my future. If this should
continue, they'll be calling the TSP the "Squalebear Savings Plan" (SSP).
Kind of like a Sustained Superior Performance (SSP). Anyway, you can't
win if you don't play ! Here's to having a "Bounce Of A Lifetime" come
Monday for each and every one of us !

-RESTRICTED PORTFOLIO: +3.72% YTD 55%(F)20%(C)15%(S)10%(I)
I remember reading somewhere that when the VIX (Volitility Index)
dropped below 20 (A Few Days Ago) that the US Market had substantial
gains thereafter. The "buy" on any good news/sell on any bad news, has
left some of us holding the bag in still a very volitile market. Many of the
charts showed promise, but they didn't account for GE having such a
profound impact on trading Friday. The bottom is still a matter of deep
discussion on both sides of the isle. Risk vs. Reward is swaying back and
forth (more then Elvis Presley's hips) and I'm still getting dizzy.
I took my Unrestricted Account into stock funds for Monday and it's hard
not to believe that I was a little early in doing so. Being in the Bond Fund
this past week allowed for some modest gains. I couldn't be more happier.
Well, yes I could ! This fund is for "make believe" and it would have been
nice if my restrictions didn't drive my restricted account to a 12 day
-$2078.92 shortfall. Small Claims Court will not in my future. If this should
continue, they'll be calling the TSP the "Squalebear Savings Plan" (SSP).
Kind of like a Sustained Superior Performance (SSP). Anyway, you can't
win if you don't play ! Here's to having a "Bounce Of A Lifetime" come
Monday for each and every one of us !