Squalebear's Account Talk

Bond Fund (F) appears to be flat the last couple days. Interesting, since
the CS&I aren't doing so well today. No escape to quality. Does this call
for a bounce for Wed ? Maybe? (S) Fund is handling the down day better
then the (C). The (I) is getting hammered if ur looking at the EFA. I don't
think the (I) will do as bad as the EFA, but a lose non-the-less.

Of coarse, it could all change during the "magical 30 minutes" before the
USM closes for the day. Resist the loses, jump on the gains (sounds good)
RESTRICTED PORTFOLIO: +4.73% YTD 55%(F)20%(C)15%(S)10%(I)

(I) Fund gets hammered, worst of the bunch -1.14%
(S)Fund faired better then all stock funds -.05%
(C)Fund has found a comfort zone, but for how long -.51%
(F)Fund was left unchanged, sits between the 20 & 50 SMA +0.00%

As my unrestricted differential grows, so does my disappointment. Alas,
no time for tears. The Fed.Registry Comment Stage comes to an end on
4/9/2008 (Wednesday). There are 3942 signature on the Petition and
the goal was for 4000. http://tspshareholder.org/ Can it be done? Is the
motivation still there? New members (TSPtalk) - are your connections to
the outside world enough to make the difference ? Can oooou - raaaah
and booo-yaaah save the day (yet again) ? Here's hoping so !
Squalebear, I just noted my letter to Enswiler was dated 4/1. TSP's IFT reply, lifting the sanction, letter was dated 4/2/08.
I sent this out to all my contacts last week:

There are many (including myself) who appreciate the effort you've
made to get the word out.;)

My faxed letter and 2 emails may carry no weight. I refuse to lie to them by
saying I never got the letter. Even if it was the wife who signed (~smack~)
the darn thing! My communications were a simple "Humble Request" . Please
Take Me Off Of Snail Mail. This must be pay-back time, as there has been
no response what so ever.
With Gas prices heading for $4.00 per gallon, does anyone know if
Jack Daniels puts out a high octane version. If it won't work in my
car, then at least I can self-medicate while thumbing for a ride.
Jack Daniels still more than $4/gal. Might have to brew our own. (No taxes that way).

Huuuummmm, I got It !
I'll bring home all the hooch I confiscate each day!
If it don't work in the car, then it will certainly kill me!
"Death before Taxes",,,,,NO,,,,,"Drunk Before $3.75 per gallon"

Heck, I've been wasting all this time worrying about retirement.
I should have been concentrating on affording to get to work!
I'm doomed !:blink:
Friends dont let friends drink Jack...

Do your taste buds a flavor and get a bottle of Makers Mark or better yet Knob Creek.

Well...I don't like Jack myself, I prefer Dickel, though I'm no judge as those are the only two I've tried, since I can only handle one shot (and I'm not even fun if I do two cause I just slide right under the table and sleep - I'm a small bird).:toung:

I just don't think Jack is bad enough to pour into the gas tank, or worth trying to brew yourself since it does have to age like any other whiskey.

I'll have to try those two you got there though - since I only can drink one shot it's gotta be good.
Well...I don't like Jack myself, I prefer Dickel, though I'm no judge as those are the only two I've tried, since I can only handle one shot (and I'm not even fun if I do two cause I just slide right under the table and sleep - I'm a small bird).:toung:

I just don't think Jack is bad enough to pour into the gas tank, or worth trying to brew yourself since it does have to age like any other whiskey.

I'll have to try those two you got there though - since I only can drink one shot it's gotta be good.

Both Maker's Mark and Knob Creek are priced about the same as Jack Daniels.
Wow, It took an alcohol reference to start the ball rolling.
How funny is that ! Some of you put me on the floor with
belly laughs ! It's always welcome ! All work and no play
bites ! Thanks for making my morning !
It would appear that the USM Futures and the OSM
needs a "cattle-list" for them to move into the green.
Maybe this will help; or maybe not;

MaryJane Moo
Billy Cow Bell
Jersey John
Ms. Utersley
Mr. HowNow

Early morning humor isn't cutting it ! I'll Stop !
I'll be updating my Restricted / Unrestricted
results later this morning. Have a great day and
make some money for goodness sakes.
UNRESTRICTED DIFFERENTIAL: -$1149.83 (They owe me)

-RESTRICTED PORTFOLIO: +4.48% YTD 55%(F)20%(C)15%(S)10%(I)

As you can see, the money I'm losing continues to grow and it's only been
10 days. I have not received an answer from Mr. Gregory Long concerning
my humble request to be taken off the mail restriction. I even promised to
keep within guidelines that he thrusted upon us. Alas, woe is me. :(
I wonder how the Federal Registry Review is coming?

I added 25% to the Bond Fund yesterday (unrestricted) which brought
my allocation up to 50%. This will be extremely short term as I see the
AGG resistance is holding just above 103.00. If that hits before noon, I
plan to bail ! Not to stocks, but to the G-Fund. I can't believe the mixed
signals out there now. Volatility, Chart Readers, etc....

I'm not a Bull and I'm not a Bear. I just sit on the fence with my pair of dice in hand, hoping I don't roll snake eyes when the feeling seems good.
One last thing, I'm No Long A Market Timer ! I'm Now A Postal Timer !
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I have this on my thread but being a newbie it is not read that often.
I noticed that some of the long time users are on your thread quite a bit. Just an idea I had. If I am out of line flame me. Thanks

"OK, Now I probably should do some research but being a newbie maybe one of you old timers have the answers. Are the members of the of the TSP board picked by Congress? Does Congress have to approve any changes to the rules that cover our TSP? How many Congessmen and Senators are day traders? :rolleyes: Really do not expect an answer to that one. :rolleyes: My guess is that the board members are government employees or contractors to for the Government. If so why can't we ask the IG's office to investigate any wrong doing. That is what they are for. I am no lawyer but what the board has done does not pass the commen sense rule. If it looks like dog s*** and smells like dog s*** it must be dog s***. And instead of petitioning the board (they don't care) it is an election year and 4,000+ unhappy government employees = many votes for a presidental hopeful. Just some ideas." "Force field up again."
Nasa1974, No flame necessary. I read your questions earlier this morning
on a different thread. Although I didn't have an answer at the time, the
questions were extremely valid. So, to answer your questions I can only
point you to the best location I could find for ya. Click on the link below;


Oh yes, one more thing. Stop calling yourself a newbie and stop calling
us the old timers. Hell, I could be younger then you, say, 22 years old.
(Well, I can make believe, can't I) :nuts:
Your respect is appreciated, we're all hear to learn and help one another
make some well deserved $Cha-Ching$ (Not Yen, Only USdollars allowed).
Stick around and don't bail out on us and "they will come".
The Futures looked really good all night and early morning. However,
what hope will bring up, GE will bring down. The futures look like a
steaming pile of Bear pooh ! Boy do they stink ! :mad:


-RESTRICTED PORTFOLIO: +4.47% YTD 55%(F)20%(C)15%(S)10%(I)
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Here's my final thoughts for the day and I hope
by the time I wake up, the Bull Came Charging in
to salvage this day.

In my Unrestricted Tracking Acct.
I've decided to hit the Stock Funds and Bail
out of Bonds. Specifically, 45%(C) 35%(S) 25%(I)
If Monday's USM comes in nicely, Tuesday will see
an increase in my (I) Fund for a rebound. In the
mean time, I'm happy to accept the "make believe"
gains that the bond fund is giving. :cheesy:

In my Restricted Tracking Acct.
The Bond Fund is not helping to off setting the
amount of downward action being seen by the
Stock Funds. Looks like I'm taking a hit today
in this "real money" situation. Pooh ! :mad: