Squalebear's Account Talk


Ok, com'on,
Lets get the bounce
we all deserve !
Pictures of bouncing objects (wink) are acceptable


Squalebear, I did a not-so-quick google image search for bouncing objects. All I have to say is, "Come on down! You're the next contestant on the Price is Right!"
(6/23/08)- 0.166% +0.1704 tsp cents
(6/24/08)+0.543% +0.0503 tsp cents
(6/25/08)+1.938% -0.3834 tsp cents
(6/26/08)+0.214% -0.4212 tsp cents
(6/27/08)+0.147% -0.4552 tsp cents
(6/30/08) -0.110% -0.4354 tsp cents
(7/01/08) -0.360% -0.3083 tsp cents
(7/02/08)+0.150% -0.3404 tsp cents
(7/03/08) -0.040% -0.3332 tsp cents
(7/07/08) +0.802% -0.5058 tsp cents :mad:

- .51 thru- .28 Holy Cow ! :mad:
- .27 thru -.16 High Overpayment, (I) Fund (Giveback Imminent)
- .15 thru -.10 Meduim Overpayment to the I-Fund (Flip A Coin)
- .09 thru -.00 Low Overpayment (I) Fund Owed Minor (Goal is Met)
+.00 thru+.09 Low Deficit, (I) Fund Owed Minor (Goal is Met)
+.10 thru+.15 Medium Deficit, (I) Fund Owed (Flip A Coin)
+.16 thru+.27 High Deficit, (I) Fund Payback Imminent
Sticking in the (C) Fund, praying for a bounce.
I gotta look at the bright side of being down -2.62%
since I jumped into the S&P arena. And here it goes;

I am +.54% YTD which translates into losing all my
profit thus far, BUT, not my contributions YTD. I've
been playing with their money for the last 7 months.
But its coming close to tapping my investment pesos.

The Market is jumping around like a frog in a pond and
that long awaited bounce, better be around the corner.
I wish you all the best of luck with this supposed bounce everyone and their mother has been waiting for. :cool:

As for myself, I've decided to head to the sidelines for now. I just don't have any love left for this market. Even with oils's recent drop I havn't seen anything worth sitcking around for.

At least I'll still have one IFT left, so if things do turn around, I can get back in.

Best of luck... JTH
SB, changed allocation to S, based on I overpayment; S dropping 10.66% vs I dropping 5.83% since 6/19/08; and a little bounce from oil tomorrow.
SB, changed allocation to S, based on I overpayment; S dropping 10.66% vs I dropping 5.83% since 6/19/08; and a little bounce from oil tomorrow.

Its good to know that you find the tracking of the Overpayment/Deficit,
yet another tool, to make an informed decision when comsidering a IFT.
That was my purpose. That is what I've used it for, over the last 3 years.

Just so everyone knows, when the Deficit turned into a Overpayment,
I was wondering if it was temporary or a long term sustained change that
the Fund Managers decided upon. As it stands now, it certainly looks to
be long term. I'll give it another week. If the Overpayment persists at this
level, I will adjust the Key and the figures based on their averages since
the change. Again, this changeover has never been seen since I started my tracking. I'll know by friday in any case.
I wish you all the best of luck with this supposed bounce everyone and their mother has been waiting for.As for myself, I've decided to head to the sidelines for now. I just don't have any love left for this market. Even with oils's recent drop I havn't seen anything worth sitcking around for. At least I'll still have one IFT left, so if things do turn around, I can get back in. Best of luck... JTH

Better to have loved and lost, then to never have loved at all. (NOT).
I totaly understand how your feeling about this market. You went into the
month in stocks, jumped out with another opportunity to pick and choose
a re-entry. Sounds like a game plan. Good Luck with that ! Good luck to
us all. At this moment, (C) is up +.45% today. God only knows if that holds.
I know this is a longshot, but could Barclays be buying futures in currency (dollars) and this is causing the difference in exchange rates? Or possibly because their base currency is Pounds and not Euros?
I know this is a longshot, but could Barclays be buying futures in currency (dollars) and this is causing the difference in exchange rates? Or possibly because their base currency is Pounds and not Euros?

OMG, Silverbird, You tell me ? I'm nowhere near knowledgable enough
to know that answer. If what you wrote is what happend, I only know
they have never done it in the three years of comparing the EFA and
the (I) Fund. :worried:
OMG, Silverbird, You tell me ? I'm nowhere near knowledgable enough
to know that answer. If what you wrote is what happend, I only know
they have never done it in the three years of comparing the EFA and
the (I) Fund. :worried:
Never mind me then...just trying to figure "I"t out. :blink: "I"t's gotten so mysterious of late I'm grasping at straws.
Never mind me then...just trying to figure "I"t out. :blink: "I"t's gotten so mysterious of late I'm grasping at straws.

(LoL) We'll help each other figure it out !
Mysterious is an understatement, heck, I thought if they got a capital
infussion, maybe they needed to store the extra cash somewhere. So
maybe they picked the I-Fund in case of another FV blunder. Strange !
Take joy in today, but continue to pray for tomarrow.
We need a little more, to get confirmation, that today
was the beginning of a short term Bear Move Upward ! :worried:

Be cautious, but be ready, this might be the beginning
of what we've been hoping for over the last couple of
days. If not, tomarrow might take back what it gave
us today. I'll be waiting for the final share prices and
update the "O/D tracking". (new nickname, I like it) ;)
That would be me and my graceful exit to G.

Your welcome... :D

BOY, do I owe you or what ! Tell ya what JTH, I'm gonna give you
one of my IFT for the month of July, I only have one left, but you
deserve it after today ! U Da Man ! ;)
BOY, do I owe you or what ! Tell ya what JTH, I'm gonna give you
one of my IFT for the month of July, I only have one left, but you
deserve it after today ! U Da Man ! ;)

Yea I don't feel too bad about stepping aside today. I'll have to do some thinking about tomorrow. :cool:

At least everyone made some gains today we sure needed it. :)
On a more serious note. We had 2 good news stories with Oil and the Financials. Still I would have hoped for a stonger rally then what we got.

Tomorrow should be interesting to see. I wonder if this latest catilist is enough to push us up past and keep us above the 1275ish resistence from the two bottoms in March?

This is exciting, especially from the sidelines... :blink: