So is Barclays making their adjustments? Let's hope today starts the bounce everyone has been talking about this week. Just wish I didn't have to make a move before noon. The market seems to really make dynamic changes right around the closing of the USO. GGGRRRRRRR!!!!!May the force be with you.
With a Deficit, I'd say Barclays is using our funds elsewhere. But with a
Overpayment, curiously after a cash infusion, they may be using the TSP
to stock pile paper until needed. This is all a guess on my part because
(frankly) I don't know what the heck is going on, nor do I have any clue
about how the system works. What I do know is; The (I) Fund is doing
better then the EFA by almost 1.50% and I can't help but think they will
underperform the (I) Fund to keep the difference closer.

The next 3 market days will certainly tell us to either open the champagne
or sit in the (F) Fund until the Cows come home. $Mooooooooooooooooo!$