It's been one hell-of-ah bloody time since you left us. I would have pulled out by now but can't even get a decent bounce. Besides I'm trying to set myself up for next month. I'd rather start the next month in stocks so I feel like I get an extra IFT.
The end of the month will prove one of us right or wrong. At least you managed to stem the bleeding... :blink:
JTH, some of your thoughts concern me. The TSP Funds combined are
down 1.10% since I ran to the (G). I've heard close friends say that you
don't lose until you sell. I see it differently. If I finish down -5% at the
end of the year, but the C,S,I are down 10%, then I beat the funds. A
small victory considering I lost money, but whats the alternative? To
stay in the (G) ? I think not ! To leave it in a losing Fund ? I think not.
Markets go down, sometimes they go down alot ! To play a Bear (IMHO)
one must hit and run with small gains or know when to fold and accept
a loss. Otherwise, you open yourself to greater losses. When the Bull
was in full effect, the opposite held true. Now I'm no market guru, but
I am close enough to retirement to accept a bad decision and boogey
to the (G) when things turn to crap. Proving me wrong or right is like
doing battle between "Buy&Holders" and "FrequentTraders". I hope it
all turns around and you kick my butt in June (but not too badly). :nuts:
If your goal is to be in stocks come July and it means taking on
additional loses in the mean time, that might not be the best strategy.
But if this weeks Economic News, Earnings and Mother Nature give hope
to the faithful, then I'm all for it. I just don't feel its gonna happen.