Squalebear's Account Talk


The deficit swing to 0.27 tsp cents from its single digit goal is dramatic.
Barclays must have needed some extra bucks or something. Anyway, this
too will eventually get paid back, as all deficits must. But the payback
could come on a down or up day. Lets hope a Up Day. ie... Greater Gain
or Lower Lose then the EFA. Nice time to be in the (I) Fund (IMHO). The
deficit isn't likely to be paid back in one day and tended to payback 50%
at a time in 2007. We'll see soon enough.

(6/09/08) - .420% +0.12 tsp cents
(6/10/08) + .152% +0.08 tsp cents
(6/11/08) - .121% +0.11 tsp cents
(6/12/08) + .126% +0.08 tsp cents
(6/13/08) - .121% +0.11 tsp cents
(6/16/08) - .203% +0.16 tsp cents
(6/17/08) + .355% +0.07 tsp cents
(6/18/08) + .081% +0.06 tsp cents
(6/19/08) - .947% +0.27 tsp cents :D

- .05 thru -.01 Overpayment to the I-Fund (Giveback Due)
+.00 thru+.09 Low Deficit, (I) Fund Owed Minor (goal is met)
+.10 thru+.15 Medium Deficit, (I) Fund Owed (Flip A Coin)
+.16 thru+.27 High Deficit, (I) Fund Payback Imminent :D

BelgiumBel 20-60.80-1.77%3,380.626/20 1:46pm-EuropeDJ Stoxx-42.18-1.42%2,934.176/20 1:46pmEuropeEuronext 100-11.08-1.36%806.466/20 1:46pm-EuropeEuronext 150-20.55-1.33%1,519.736/20 1:46pm-FranceCAC-60.89-1.33%4,530.506/20 1:46pm-FranceSBF 80-37.79-0.71%5,317.946/20 1:46pm-FranceSBF 120-41.42-1.24%3,292.996/20 1:46pm-GermanyDAX-98.03-1.46%6,623.146/20 1:46pm-GermanyMDAX-17.80-0.19%9,492.396/20 1:46pm-GermanyTECDAX-6.23-0.76%818.376/20 1:46pm-NetherlandsAEX-6.79-1.52%439.896/20 1:46pm-NorwayBRIX-21.19-0.55%3,816.496/19 12:00am-NorwayOSE Industry-4.04-0.24%335.226/20 1:46pm-SwedenOMX-8.80-0.93%932.826/19 12:00am-SwedenOMSX All Share-2.23-0.73%301.376/19 12:00am-UKFTSE 100-64.80-1.14%5,643.606/20 12:46pm-UKFTSE All Shares-30.63-1.05%2,875.346/20 12:46pm-UKFTSE Eurotop36.38-1.40%2,563.216/20 12:46pm-UKFTSE Techmark-6.89-0.45%1,517.446/20 12:46pm

Another hit against the (i) Fund =
The Dollar is up +.70% against the Euro Today.
If everything ends up bad, the deficit will only
help to make for a lower loss. (maybe).

The deficit swing to 0.27 tsp cents from its single digit goal is dramatic.
Barclays must have needed some extra bucks or something. Anyway, this too will eventually get paid back, as all deficits must. But the payback could come on a down or up day. Lets hope a Up Day. ie... Greater Gain or Lower Lose then the EFA. Nice time to be in the (I) Fund (IMHO). The deficit isn't likely to be paid back in one day and tended to payback 50% at a time in 2007. We'll see soon enough.
Interesting that it comes during OPEX week too....:suspicious:
The next fed meeting is approaching and I think the market will be down next week. But I think the market today will be up to set up a trap for the next week.
Boy is it getting ugly out there. !
I can smell the pooh in Europe, all
the way here in N.J. I'm gonna take
a guess and say that Barclays might
hold the deficit in the High Range until
Tuesday. Even Monday could be a spill
over from today. Thats Right, one stinky
Pooh Spill Over. YUK !

with the bottom falling out ...I fund low today, and if it's low again on Monday - I find the high deficit last night VERY suspicious...like Barclays knew something in advance....

Just saw this over on Corepunchers...thanks CP!
Here's what's going on with Barclays. Why was this not front page news???

From karl denninger blog:

MBIA and Ambac lost their last AAA ratings yesterday when Moody's stripped them. That's that. The ugly here is that this is likely to trigger somewhere between 70 and 200 billion more in writedowns and/or forced asset sales. This, of course, has not been reserved for by the banks:
"The downgrades end more than seven months of speculation about whether the bond insurers would keep their top ratings at all three firms. Five of seven companies lost their top ratings as projections for losses on securities backed by home loans surged and confidence in the companies collapsed, causing municipalities to shun their insurance. The downgrades span more than $2 trillion of debt sold by issuers ranging from school districts and sewer authorities to Wall Street firms."
That's gonna leave a mark (on your balance sheet!)
The true ugly hits if these downgrades continue and sends the insurers below investment grade. Such a downgrade threatens to bankrupt virtually any bank that holds covered assets, as the impact would be a reserve requirement that jumps to more than 100 times what it is for AAA paper. This, obviously, isn't going to be allowed to happen - banks will unload this paper now rather than take the risk of instantaneous insolvency.
I believe that continued downgrades to below investment grade (if these firms survive at all) are inevitable - as such, it is my view that this is a storm that cannot be avoided, and those who have made investment decisions believing that the "credit crunch" was in the 7th or 8th inning are going to be destroyed.
I was recently told; "don't believe everything you read by a well respected member".

What I truly believe is, "its what you don't read, should scare the crap out of you".

The Bank of Scotland made some very serious comments the other day.
Although the mention of a World Wide Market Crash was described as a
irresponsible and inaccurate statement by some advisors, I for one, must
wonder; how much they know that we're not suppose to know, why would
they put themselves out there like that,,,,And,,,,where was the massive
effort to downplay the inaccuracy of the staements they made. There
was some effort, but no where near as much as I would expect. Can you
imagine if Bank of America made those comments.
I've been in the (G) since the 12th of June and was down on myself for
bailing too soon. Since then, as of 1:00pm today, the (C,S,I) have lost
a average of -.45%. Hind sight is 20/20 but I can't help feel alittle better
about my decision. :worried:
i didnt expect the market to be down so early. I guessed wrong. If the market downward trend continues and the housing foreclosure numbers increase and the oil price skyrockets, what will the fed do to fix all?
IMHO, They've done all that they can. Not much more that they can do.
It's been said by those more knowledgable then I;

"their gonna have to let the chips fall where they may. Maybe a failed
Bank or two will send a message to Wall Street, that they will not be
there to bail out everyone. Not mortgage holders, not Bear Stearns,
they've exhausted their options." What that tells me is, Washington
will come in next and screw it up more. :cool:
Payback of half the deficit is what was expected. Payback of half is what
we got. What a waste of a perfectly good deficit ! But for those in the (I)
Fund today, better to lose -1.6% then to lose -2.18% as the EFA did. It
was an ugly day all around. A lower loss will have to do now. Lets hope
Monday will give a payback of 0.13 tsp cents on a rebound. :confused:

(6/09/08) - .420% +0.12 tsp cents
(6/10/08) + .152% +0.08 tsp cents
(6/11/08) - .121% +0.11 tsp cents
(6/12/08) + .126% +0.08 tsp cents
(6/13/08) - .121% +0.11 tsp cents
(6/16/08) - .203% +0.16 tsp cents
(6/17/08) + .355% +0.07 tsp cents
(6/18/08) + .081% +0.06 tsp cents
(6/19/08) - .947% +0.27 tsp cents
(6/20/08) + .587% +0.13 tsp cents :confused:

- .05 thru -.01 Overpayment to the I-Fund (Giveback Due)
+.00 thru+.09 Low Deficit, (I) Fund Owed Minor (goal is met)
+.10 thru+.15 Medium Deficit, (I) Fund Owed (Flip A Coin) :confused:
+.16 thru+.27 High Deficit, (I) Fund Payback Imminent
Its sad that I must let everyone know that we lost another Federal Corrections Officer on Evening Watch Yesterday. While in Jose Rivera's probationary year (10 months young), the 23 year old Officer was doing his job when he was attacked and murdered, in F.C.I. Atwater, by an inmate. The entire Bureau is in mourning and our prayers for him and his mother are being heard far beyond our borders. God Bless Jose !
Please forgive me, I must vent. Other then A&E which brings America into
many State Prisons, I can't help but remember how the rest of the media
seems to always portray Correctional Officers (we hate the word Guards)
as on the take, corrupt and without morals. Well, I'm here to tell you
differently. You have young men (like Jose) and old heads (like me) who
get little to no recognition for putting it on the line every time we walk
through those doors and get locked up with the worst of humanity. We
have babies and loved ones at home waiting for our return. Sometimes
we don't make it back. Thats the reality of what we do. Jose never got
the opportunity to get married, have children or experience all that life
had to offer. Yes, we applied for the job and accepted the risks that are
associated with such an environment. And we're damn Proud of it. So if
you ever get the chance to meet someone who works at a prison, I ask
two things of every living, breathing person that reads this. Please, call
him an "OFFICER" and remember what I just wrote. It only touches on
few of my thoughts during this very sad day, but its all I could muster.
God Bless Jose and May He Rest In Peace.

As Lady so eloquently put it, we mourn with you. Vent away, we are here for the bad times as well as the good, to grieve with you and to rejoice. "Had I tears, I would not weep, for my grief is too deep for tears."
Please forgive me, I must vent. Other then A&E which brings America into
many State Prisons, I can't help but remember how the rest of the media
seems to always portray Correctional Officers (we hate the word Guards)
as on the take, corrupt and without morals. Well, I'm here to tell you
differently. You have young men (like Jose) and old heads (like me) who
get little to no recognition for putting it on the line every time we walk
through those doors and get locked up with the worst of humanity. We
have babies and loved ones at home waiting for our return. Sometimes
we don't make it back. Thats the reality of what we do. Jose never got
the opportunity to get married, have children or experience all that life
had to offer. Yes, we applied for the job and accepted the risks that are
associated with such an environment. And we're damn Proud of it. So if
you ever get the chance to meet someone who works at a prison, I ask
two things of every living, breathing person that reads this. Please, call
him an "OFFICER" and remember what I just wrote. It only touches on
few of my thoughts during this very sad day, but its all I could muster.
God Bless Jose and May He Rest In Peace.


I for one, have a lot of respect for Correctional Officers. I do agree with the bad rap they get on the media, but so do the so-called minorities: the criminals and or suspects always used to be African Americans, but now they are called Hispanics. Well, here you have Jose Rivera, a Hispanic who was trying to contribute with such a tremendous responsibility to society and to this country. My heart and prayers go to him and his family, as well as to all his peers who put their lives on the line every day they go to work.

I used to work for THE BEST OF THE BEST DOD AGENCIES, sorry but it's true -our commander's "supervisor" is the President of the US. Almost monthly we attended funeral services for service members killed in the line of duty, or by friendly fire, accidents while on "enemy territory", but most of them were blown to pieces by "the enemy". (And yes, BLACK HAWK DOWN is the most accurate account of what we dealt with every day, for those of you who care). It really hurts to see young men who did not make it to adulthood, who belonged to ALL ETHNIC GROUPS, and to have to see the pain in their families receiving all kinds of honors bestowed on their children, medals of honor, flags and letters of condolence and appreciation for their valor, signed from the President on down to the Governor, to the "commands" they served under.

Excuse me if this sounds like I am venting also, but this is something that really hit home and I never had a chance (for lack of time or for honoring "the quiet professionals" code that I never had the opportunity to mention anything about it. But believe me Squalebear, I know what you mean and my heart and respect go out to you and all of your peers. Some people just don't know how lucky (or unlucky ?) they are to not have any idea of what goes on in some areas of work. I say unlucky also, because having full knowledge and understanding of what happens out there "in the real world" makes us appreciate even more all the blessings we receive day after day.

Thank you Squalebear, your feelings were heard, and we are here for you.

Those prison attacks on guards anger me beyond belief! A slow death sentence for the inmate would be justice served. Any way to get a rattlesnake into his cell? :mad: :mad: :mad: