Squalebear's Account Talk

I'm not exactly sure why some don't work. I have one I'd like to use, but it doesn't animate either. I'm guessing Tom hates cats or something............:laugh:
It is just as important to miss something "Bad" as it is to not miss something "Good" ! :worried: .......Squalebear..........

I bailed out and went 100% (G)Fund. Ok, Ok, call me chicken. I Don't Care ! ;)
(I) Funder's might expect a 0.87% - 0.94% gain today. IF THE MARKET CLOSED RIGHT NOW !

HOLD ON THERE ! {Quickdraw McGraw Reference}

The TSP will be shorting the (I) Fund gains today. If they short every penny that the
(I) Fund owes, It'll be shorted $0.12 TSP Cents. Ouch ! That would bring todays gain
down to 0.38%
Shorted us yesterday I saw 1.20% on yahoo we got 98%

still beat the S fund - so neener! :toung:

Here's how I saw yesterday:

$EFDY +0.44%
(I)Fund +0.98%

The Tuesday overpayment equaled $0.052 TSP Cents
The Wednesday overpayment drove upward to $0.172 TSP Cents
Thats a $0.115 TSP payback "IF" Barclays decides to do so.

I estimate the (I) Fund Share Price to be close to $21.2106 per share
should Barclays stay consistant. I'm about to check the Share Prices
now (7:44pm),,,,,,I'll post my finding within this post as a correction.

$21.2132 was the Actual Closing Price Per Share for the (I) FUND :-)

Difference = 0.0026 TSP Cents,,,,,,close enough for a Good Estimate !
FAB, Do you use EFA on yahoo.com because I've found that $EFDY on MSN reflects the actual MSCI EAFE Index. I use it for accuracy. ;)
It is just as important to miss something "Bad" as it is to not miss something "Good" ! :worried: .......Squalebear.

Ok, Ok, That didn't work ! How about this;

"It is better to have loved and lost, then to never have loved at all"

In other words, I lost out on possible gains because I bailed out of the Market, however, I still love playing the game ! ;)
SB, My Jedi Master I felt the Force shift a little so I had to stop in to say HI!!!.

I felt the same shift (my young padawon) and it was a disturbance easily missed.
The Good Side of the force has controlled our destiny's for quite some time. The
Evil Empire has tried to take control on several occassions, only to find their efforts
crushed by the stronger powers. Alas, the tremor we're feeling is a normal element of
what is to come. I have foreseen this to be true, a 5% - 7% change in the Force
is inevitable, but only on a temporary basis. The Evil Empire is no match for the Good
Side and we will regain what was lost. Be weary of those who forget the past and
dance the Charleston. Only then will you truely become a Jedi !

Oh, by the way, HI !!!!!!!!!!! :nuts:
I felt the same shift (my young padawon) and it was a disturbance easily missed.
The Good Side of the force has controlled our destiny's for quite some time. The
Evil Empire has tried to take control on several occassions, only to find their efforts
crushed by the stronger powers. Alas, the tremor we're feeling is a normal element of
what is to come. I have foreseen this to be true, a 5% - 7% change in the Force
is inevitable, but only on a temporary basis. The Evil Empire is no match for the Good
Side and we will regain what was lost. Be weary of those who forget the past and
dance the Charleston. Only then will you truely become a Jedi !

Oh, by the way, HI !!!!!!!!!!! :nuts:

Master, I have been able to set aside my fears for the last few months and the Force has been good to me. But lately the fear of the unknown has crept back into my weary bones. I stand ready with my lightsaber and will be at your side when the time comes.

Say hi to WOO for me. :D
Master, I have been able to set aside my fears for the last few months and the Force has been good to me. But lately the fear of the unknown has crept back into my weary bones. I stand ready with my lightsaber and will be at your side when the time comes.

Say hi to WOO for me. :D

With 6 more trading days left before I can re-enter the Market, I'm hoping
the downward spiral (due to geo political concerns, Lybia-MoMo Cadaffy)
will continue and satisfy those who are looking for a Correction. From there,
I'm hoping to see a prosperous March with this Monumental Bull charging upward once
again. I don't wish anyone at risk harm, I just think, if its going to happen anyway,
why not be right once in a Blue Moon ? With my luck, today will be a glitch and we'll
see a rebound tomorrow. These are my thoughts while the US Market stand at
-1.00% and the International Fund sits at -1.800%.

WOO says; Hi !
"The Bull doesn't like company". This is a phrase I've come to know and respect
here at TSPTalk. This is what I meant when I said; "Its just as important to miss
a loss, as it is to not miss a gain". Now I'm no fortune teller AND the month is
not over yet ! However, with 4 Trading Days left before I can jump back into the
Market, I'm feeling pretty good about my decision to bail out of risk on 2/17/11.
Since then (up to current market figures) the (S) Fund dropped -4.45% at a very
fast pace. Maybe too fast ? I expected a 5% - 7% drop over the coarse of 10
trading days, not this quick. By tomorrow, my Automated Tracking position should be
much improved. Again, the month isn't over yet. My ideal scenario would be for the
Market to slowly stablize by March 1st and for it to have dropped enough to meet
my definition of a correction. Even if its GEO Politically based. The results would be
the same and March could surprise many.
With two Trading Days left in the month of February, I'm still better off
because I bailed to the (G)arage. The (S)Fund dropped as low as -4.04%
and I had hoped it would go alittle lower. Then came a 2 day move up
and it recovered most of its losses. Currently, the (S)Fund is still down
by -1.65% since I bailed out of risk. I base the 2 trading days on the
fact that my money will not be affected by the market until March 2nd
and that is "IF" I make a IFT on the first of March. Only then, will I know
if moving to the (G)arage was of any benefit or a big waste of time. ;)

I bailed the same time as you with the intent of missing the drop I was expecting the markets to do on two Fridays ago. I had the intent of hopping back in for 100% S on last Monday but, fortunately, I got too busy at work to do the trade. Also, I was looking for a 5-7% drop at some point but I did not think it would happen till sometime in March. My reaction last week was that the downward action was a prelude to that drop and now I am looking at a run back up to around 1358 on the S&P. Have to see what happens over the next week with all the economic data coming in.

Anyway, I liked how the markets stabilized over the middle of the last week so I did my trade Thursday morning and caught the 2+% the S fund gave on Friday. LUCKY!!! Now I am in the markets for the start of the month and am nervous as H#!! that I am way off on the 1358 run up and that the 5-7% (about 4% from where we closed Friday) is going to come early this week. I know BT would call me foolish and cite that 1558 will happen soon enough but I am feeling jumpy after doing my weekend research.

Just posting my thoughts on your thread since I value your opinion (hint hint) and as we both bailed at the same time before this last drop.
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