10%(I.)-----> 100%
Hi Nasa ! A med increase has kicked my booty. The more I take, the
better for ye ole ticker. But the bod needs to adjust and increases come
in small doses. In fact, this was the first time since 2006 that I failed to
update my spreadsheets (which I've done daily). Its been a week since
I even looked at it. Being in the (G)arage didn't help either.
The Woo is doing Great and she sure is getting big. I'll post another picture
of her after this post. Her Pop-Pop fills up with joy when ever he gets
a chance to see her. Wait until you see the pic I selected. Its not her
best one, but, her EYES ! Its her beautiful, innocent EYES !
The Market rebounded after going into the (G)arage mid March. I was sure
we'd see a 10%-15% correction by now. Looks like the 5%-7% drop was
the right call and I missed out on a 4% turn around. NOTE: To all the young
investors at TSPTalk, Make a mistake -----> Move forward and move on !
I'll try to come back more often !